Hand’s In The Clay’s Guide to make it all work!

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Hand’s In The Clay’s Guide to make it all work!

Post by BlissTrix »

Hands In The Clay:
If you want to be more "hands-on" about your money vibration, I suggest spending more time working on your resistance to your now than fantasies about what you want, because you've already created what you want and don't really need to "work" on that. You need to reduce the resistance you HAVE that's preventing what you want from showing up. And that means feeling better about money in all shapes and forms, everywhere you have negative emotion tied to money (for me, that included my past).

All that "new process" is…is the same old process of "finding the feeling place." Really. There's "nothing new under the sun" with Abraham. They just keep finding new nuances to the same concepts so people will find something that rings their bells.


There's so much hype and jumping up and down and analysis of what Abe are saying and what it means, people grabbing onto the latest idea and thinking "Oh! This is new! This is different! I'll use this one!! THIS TIME, it will make my stuff come!!!" But it's exactly the same message, just phrased a different way. Like cough syrup that's cherry flavor instead of orange flavor. FEEL GENUINELY BETTER ABOUT EVERYTHING. BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL AND WHY, AND THEN CHANGE THAT TO A SLIGHTLY BETTER-FEELING PLACE, AND PRACTICE THAT.

But what people are NOT doing anywhere NEAR enough is HONEST, DEEP CONTEMPLATION OF THINGS, and HONEST, FEARLESS ASSESSMENT OF WHY THEY ARE DOING WHAT THEY ARE DOING, WHY THEY FEEL THE NEGATIVE EMOTION THAT THEY FEEL. They’re simply not practicing the Processes while keeping an ear to the ground about how they feel. Not asking themselves the real questions that come with contemplation, away from the hype of the world. They're in denial about their resistance. Migraines? You've got resistance. People being jerks to you? You've got resistance. Money problems? You've got resistance. Family crap? You've got resistance. Disease? You've got resistance. Car breakdowns? You've got resistance. Technological bugs all the time? You've got resistance. Lost luggage? You've got resistance.

Like Esther's "floor issues" that meant that every project she and Jerry started had a problem with the floor. He knew it, she knew it. "I care about floors," she said. It means she had RESISTANCE about something floor-related. You clean that kind of stuff up.

Yeah, everyone has resistance. We came here for that. But there's a fine line between "letting yourself off the hook" and "being lazy or fearful about addressing it." Let yourself off the hook for having resistance, and then DO something about it.

When you shift your vibration, you shift your point of attraction. When you shift your point of attraction, the manifestations MUST change. Period. And the buffer of time is not long. Personally, based on experience (both mine and others'), I take exception to PoE's cautionary "The money will come in time," because that sounds like you'll have to wait years before anything changes. Abraham say clearly, "It will come, and it will come FAST" and, if nothing's changing after a few months, your vibration hasn't truly changed - you've just taken your same vibration and painted it a different color of resistance. Yes, you might take years to tune your vibration to millionaire status because you've spent so many years in a minimum-wage vibration and it takes practice, but, in the meantime, as you change your point of attraction, you'll be experimenting with your new vibrational skills in a 30K or 50K vibrational world, or a "They just doubled my pay" vibrational world, or a "Wow, an $8,000 bonus!" vibrational world, or a "Now I'm an investor" vibrational world.

It's DEEPER than most people are willing to go. And that's why things don't change for so many. Abraham have given so many other instructions that people don’t follow. Because people are LAZY, people are ADDICTED TO or DEPENDENT UPON the ATTENTION or ADMIRATION or APPROVAL OF OTHERS, and people are TRAINED TO A VIBRATION THAT HAS BECOME THEIR COMFORT ZONE AND THEY’RE NOT WILLING TO STEP OUTSIDE THAT COMFORT ZONE (“What-Is-itis”). That’s it.

Here are a few pointers that Abraham have given us to do over the years. ARE YOU DOING THEM? CONSISTENTLY?

* Stop watching so much television. In fact, turn off your television for thirty days. Stop training your vibration by watching out-of-the-Vortex people doing out-of-the-Vortex things. Stop training your belief systems by watching movies and shows that are vibrationally inaccurate. Reading books and articles that simply depict people creating by default and then scrambling to try to fix the resulting unwanted outcomes. Ah, all the people who defend how this-or-that show is really high-vibing and makes them feel good, when more of the time it’s really just because it’s just practicing their vibrational comfort zone or distracting them from What-Is. Junkies arguing for why they need to keep their drug. OK, take the drug, and be more discriminating. Do you check your vibration/mood after you’ve watched an OOTV show, before going to bed or to work or to dinner? The same way you’d check your blood-alcohol level with a self-breathalyzer after having a few drinks before you get behind the wheel. No? WHY NOT???

* Mind your own business. That means stop sticking your nose in what everyone else is doing. What does that include? That includes reading about other people’s lives and problems in the news, on Facebook, in the comments sections of websites, on Forums (like this one). That means stop wondering how you can apply the Processes so someone else will behave differently. That means stop focusing on the problems of those around you. That means get selfish. How many threads did you read today? How many Facebook pages? How much Twitter feed? How much “news” did you ingest? Have you checked your vibration and beliefs and feelings before and after? Tuned them up to a better place, then and there?

* Drink more water.

* Meditate daily. Quiet your mind “with the simple intention of allowing your cork to float.” NOT to hear answers. NOT to get inspiration. NOT to make change happen. But just to learn how to recognize a busy-body brain and calm it deliberately. Learn how to work the accelerator and brake on the vehicle of your mind.

* Make the deliberate choice to let go of your “have-tos” for long enough to let yourself flow with the Stream. Stop giving your power to others. Stop doing things because you believe you must jump through those hoops. (And this causes MAJOR anxiety for most. Why? Addiction to approval from others. Belief that others define our worthiness or create our reality or have power over us. And this anxiety MUST BE SOOTHED WITH PROCESSES. This takes practice, this takes playing with the ideas first in your MIND until you feel comfortable with them, and then trying it out in real life, bit by bit, until it becomes habit. That means not replying to an email unless you feel inspired to, even if the other person might “get mad.” That means not answering the phone if you don’t believe that conversation will enhance your experience. That means using Segment Intending throughout your day to exercise your vibrational power).

* Make lists of positive aspects or things you appreciate or some other positive, WRITTEN exercise, every day, deliberately. Abraham say three, four, five PAGES of positive aspects. Every day. Five different subjects, one page each of positive aspects.

* When you have an “issue”, clean it up deliberately with Processes. Feel any negative emotion while reading a post? Get off the Forum and clean it up. Don’t ignore it, clean it up. Use an applicable Process to SHIFT how you think about something. And PRACTICE that new thought.

* Spend MUCH more time alone. More private time. When you can hear your own thoughts and learn how totally noisy your brain is, how all-over-the-map your emotions are, and learn to calm it, soothe it, without something “mechanical” to do it for you. Not relying on your favorite song. Not relying on a buddy to soothe you. Not relying on the distraction of TV. Not needing to ask others to come up with better-feeling thoughts for you that you can then read to feel better. Time ALONE to learn how your mind and emotions work. And time ALONE to learn how to allow, how to soothe your vibration. Because time with others is generally a Step One experience, and you do most of your allowing, Step Three, alone. Time alone means internet-free, book-free, TV-free, music-free, distraction-free. Just you and You. And there are plenty of people who find that idea terrifying. But that’s where “enlightenment” comes from. Every master in the world has demonstrated that. You have NO IDEA how noisy your mind is until you spend plenty of time alone. You will be ASTONISHED at what your vibration is doing once you find out what your brain does all the time, 24/7. That comes from being alone, quiet, no to-do list nagging at you. And you MAKE that time (the time will eventually “make itself,” but you must start somewhere). Some people take alone time in the form of journaling. If you do that HAVE IT BE A JOURNAL THAT NO ONE WILL EVER READ. Don't journal only on the Forum - you're not only aware that you're being watched (and probably hoping for that, which gets back to that addiction-to-others'-perspectives-about-you thing), but you're creating vibrational relationships about your personal life with a whole world of other humans, across the ethers. Do you really want that? If you make your personal time public, be AWARE of what that entails - in terms of your vibration, your feelings of vulnerability, your desire to have others' eyes on you. Be AWARE. Be HONEST. You don't have to change it if you don't want to, but at least be HONEST about why you're doing it.

* Pay attention to how you feel all day long, again and again and again. “Your vibration is what happens when you’re not looking.” What does that mean? That means you have to look!

* Stop comparing yourself to others (see “mind your own business”).

* EXPERIMENT with Processes again and again and PAY ATTENTION to how they cause your to emotions change.

* GO OUTSIDE, NO MATTER WHAT THE WEATHER, and MOVE AROUND IN IT (walking, running, strolling) in appreciation for this planet. That means don’t go outside to fret or ruminate. Don’t just stand on the doorstep and breathe deeply. Go outside, move your body, and ON PURPOSE look around you and find stuff to appreciate. Genuinely. TALK ABOUT THE BEAUTY YOU’RE SEEING, AND APPRECIATE IT OUT LOUD.

* Go outdoors, or stand at a window, look up and out into the Universe and OUT LOUD acknowledge and thank the Non-Physical love and support and guidance that is focused on you at all times, even if you can’t feel it yet.

So, are you doing all these things? Every day, or pretty nearly so? For long enough that it trains your vibration substantially?

Yeah, it feels like work in the beginning. Abe tell us that, too. For the past 20, 30, 40, 50 years, you’ve practiced living like a Muggle. It takes practice to live like a Deliberate Creator. Practice feels uncomfortable, it’s new, it takes reminding yourself, it takes Post-its on the mirror, it takes setting the alarm on your watch, it takes telling the family to stay out of your space for one hour, no exceptions. It takes cancelling your Breaking Bad time, your Forum time, your CNN time, your chat-with-friends time and taking a solo, contemplative walk instead. It’s gonna take about a month of consistent effort before it feels less like work. And it’s funny to me how so many people reach for “wait, but that’s efforting!” to wiggle out of this degree of commitment. Yeah, it’s efforting for a bit. But if you’re really doing ALL these things, that efforting quickly becomes transformational.

I must say it boggles my mind how many people have not read all the books. Or read one book, but a long time ago. Or rely only on videos because they don’t like to read. And then come on here and ask other students questions about how this works. ALL THE ANSWERS ARE IN THE BOOKS! Man, they were MAGIC BOOKS for me. The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And I couldn’t get my hands on them fast enough!!! Read them again and again! Underlined stuff. Kept them by my bed. Reread things slowly if they didn’t make sense the first time. Still peruse them regularly. THINK ABOUT WHAT I’VE READ. DIGEST IT. REFLECT ON HOW IT APPLIES TO THIS OR THAT PART OF MY LIFE. Read other books by similar teachers to get new angles, compare, find the parallels, revel in the privilege of having The Answers to Life Itself in my hands!!!!

You want change? Follow the instructions. Go deep. Do the work. Make it your quest to see what it’s like when you really FOLLOW Abraham’s Teachings rather than just chit-chat about them, rather than just make cutesy images with quippy Abe quotes and post them for group approval, rather than think of all the people you want to give the books to so they’ll change, so you can observe them being different and finally be happy.

Get real. Get disciplined. Unplug from the bewitching world of What-Is. In Matrix-speak, “Take the red pill.” But the REAL reality isn’t harsh. It’s magic. But it takes a leap of faith, and a willingness to truly go deep, and go it alone, see how powerful your thoughts really are, because you can really see what they’re doing….and then you’ll also find out just how huge your Non-Physical entourage is, and that you’ve never been alone at all.

Be one of the people who MAKE IT HAPPEN. Be one of the people who really KNOWS the magic. :dance:
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Re: Hand’s In The Clay’s Guide to make it all work!

Post by BlissTrix »

We miss you HitC and we thank you for all the great interpretations and sculpting tools you’ve given us!
Jenny Lee
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Re: Hand’s In The Clay’s Guide to make it all work!

Post by Jenny Lee »

BlissTrix wrote: Fri Oct 18, 2024 8:27 am We miss you HitC and we thank you for all the great interpretations and sculpting tools you’ve given us!

Thank you very much, did you copy it on your equipment or there are still hitc posts online--if there are, can you give me the link?
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Re: Hand’s In The Clay’s Guide to make it all work!

Post by BlissTrix »

I just had copied the text. I have some other printouts I'll try to track down and transcribe at some point too.
Jenny Lee
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Re: Hand’s In The Clay’s Guide to make it all work!

Post by Jenny Lee »

BlissTrix wrote: Sat Oct 19, 2024 7:39 am I just had copied the text. I have some other printouts I'll try to track down and transcribe at some point too.
Thank you very much. :angelic-flying:
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