Quotes on Allowing & Receiving

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Quotes on Allowing & Receiving

Post by spiritualcookie »

Life is being as good to you as you are letting it be.
And it wants to be INSANELY good to you.

Phoenix, AZ,3-11-06


The question that we are wanting to put to you is:
Are you really receiving all that you deserve?...
we’re really not asking you for the answer to that because we know the answer to that:

You’re not receiving anywhere near what you deserve.
Your deservability-level is beyond your wildest expanding ideas at this point…

-we want you to come into vibrational harmony with your potential.

Abe 8/2/01

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

[Allowing is] allowing the Source that is You to flow.
[And the Source that is you has clarity, guidance for where you're going, well-being, wellness, inspiration, happiness and all good things]

Excerpted from Ashland, OR on 7/20/02


When we say allowing We mean: "Allowing your connection with Source".

Portland Oregon June 24, 2017 from the clip
Abraham Hicks 2017 (No Ads during video) ~ To receive the answer, stop asking the question


Don't believe in the limitation.

Believe in the expansion of your own desire,
and trust that the Universe will give you
exactly the vibrational equivalent.

Trust that the Universe will yield to you
a never ending unfolding of perfection,
if you will allow it.
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

That’s what “Allowing” is.
Always having your Inner Being present.

If you take your Inner Being to the party, it’s going to be a good party!
If you take your Inner Being, the food that you eat will be received perfectly by the cells of your body.
Every word that comes out of your mouth will be beneficial to everyone who hears them with their ears—or with their vibration.

Don’t go anywhere without your Inner Being. [ie without connecting to your IB]

Excerpted from El Paso, TX on 2/17/01


Trust and Allowing are the same thing.


Every time you feel like you should make something happen...
just replace it with:
Oh, what I really want to do, is just ALLOW things to happen.
And then enhance it even further:
At their own pace.
In their own time.
Right on the schedule that has been laid out.
With nothing to do with me.
I don't have to force it.
Everything is working out.
All is well.
It's unfolding perfectly.
The path will light up.
I've done my work.
I've put it in there.

Now my work is to allow myself, at the right time,
in the right place, with the right people, to rendezvous.

Abraham-Hicks, 2011
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

Allowing is your alignment. Period.
That´s all!
Allowing isn't tolerating.
Allowing isn't putting up with something.

Allowing is:
I´m allowing my connection, even if you [or people around me] are having a fit.
I´m allowing my connection, even if money is tight.
I´m allowing myself to feel good-
even though there are conditions in the world, that if I would focus on them, I would feel bad.

I´m allowing myself to tune to the frequency of wellbeing,
even though there´s the potential of NOT tuning to the frequency of wellbeing is rampant around me.

Phoenix, Dez. 2014


[Getting up to speed with the desire is step 3]

[When you're in step 3, you have a] desire to feel good
that helps you getting up to speed with it!
And then, [when you get up to speed with it]
ohhhhhhhhh.... the pay off comes!

[When you allow, and are in Step 3]
CLARITY happens in your mind.
A good IDEA happens in your mind.
You feel exhilarated about something.
NOTHING IS CHANGED [yet physically]-
but you're feeling better anyway,
you are UNCONDITIONALLY feeling better-
and now, you are in charge of your world.

Now, you are the creator of your own reality.
Now, you are the conscious, DELIBERATE creator,
of your own reality.
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »


What does that mean?
The art of allowing you to be in the most concert with the most of you, most of the time!

The art of allowing
- your clarity,
- your connection,
- your alignment,
- your insight,
- your brilliance,
- your timing!

And so, if THAT´s what you care about, everything has to work out.

from the clip
New Abraham Hicks Law of Attraction -BUSTED!!! Fire Your Way...?!? (2018) Feb 17 San Rafael CA


We didn’t say: when you feel good you are allowing good,
and when you feel bad you are allowing bad
(although it may translate into your experience in that way).

There is only a Source of Well-being—
which you are allowing, or not.

Excerpted from Ashland, OR on 7/20/02


The art of allowing.
The art of allowing my personal alignment.
The art of allowing my connection to Source-energy.
The art of allowing my passageway to be open,
so that my clear thought can flow.

The art of allowing my abundance, and wellbeing.
The art of allowing myself to be in my physical body-
and really BE the extension of Source-energy, that I was born to be.
The art of allowing the Source, that flows to me, and through me-
to be RECOGNIZED by me!

The art of realizing all of the resources, that are abundantly
surrounding me.
The art of allowing.
Practicing the path of least resistance:

How can I most allow who I really am to flow, to be present,
to be DEMONSTRATED in this moment.

Denver, Aug. 2014

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

When you are in sync with your IB, who knows where the wonder is- and, most important, (...) knows,

HOW MUCH magic and wonder- it´s not magic, but it´s a good word, you like the word, it feels sweet to you. So, your IB KNOWS where the most magic is, that you can let in!

Your IB is completely aware of the capacity that you have in every moment in time, for the MAGIC.

So- imagine! If you are practising being satisfied, being satisfied, satisfied, satisfied satisfied,
less and less resistant that you are introducing to the equation,
so more and more momentum in that feeling of satisfaction,
can you imagine what you are cued up for your IB to point out, for you?

Don´t misunderstand this, we need to be very clear about this!
Your IB is NOT holding back on the magic!
Your capacity to acknowledge it, is what the holdup is.

from the clip
Abraham Hicks (2018) Walking By the Candy Store... New Law of Attraction Seattle WA June 16th


That's the thing that Esther quite often says:
"WHY don´t I do what I know how to do???"

And we say:
-Because you´re alive,
-and because you´re in a body,
-and you´re human,
-and there´s stuff around you,
-and there is some stuff, that when you look at, you don´t wanna see.

And when you look at stuff you don´t wanna see, you feel bad. And when you feel bad, you´re not in alignment with who you are, And when you´re not in alignment -
THAT´s the moment where you take "the picture!"

(-Abe tell the analogy, that we don´t take our pictures (normally ) when we are at our worst. We should take "the picture" when we are at our BEST!-)

You´re just too hard on yourself.
And you´re making too much (...) about this alignment.
(...) You just gotta ease up. You just gotta chill out.

San Diego 2013

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

Working on Prevention or Fighting against something has the focus on what you don't want.

Anything you do to overcome or prevent, causes a spotlight on the very thing you are wanting to overcome and prevent.

You cannot take enough action to compensate for the Energy that you’re flowing.

Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 4/14/98


When you “try” to make something happen,
what is your acknowledgement?
-That it hasn’t happened,
and so you can’t get there from there.

If you’re “trying” to make something happen,
your dominant vibration is “it hasn’t happened.”

When you’re ALLOWING it to happen,
your dominant vibration is:
“it’s already happened so I’ll just allow it to happen.”

It’s a subtle, subtle sounding difference
but it’s the difference between whether it’s the difference
in whether it happens soon or later, or soon, or never.

Pretty big difference: "allowing" and "making".

Abraham-Hicks, Boston 2010


It's not your work to MAKE anything happen.
It's your work to dream it and LET it happen.

Law of Attraction will make it happen.

In your joy, you create something, and then
you maintain your vibrational harmony with it,
and the Universe must find a way to bring it about.


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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

We would like you to release the word
“achieve” or “earn” from your vocabulary
and from your understanding, altogether;
and we would like you to replace those words with the word “allow”.

You’re wanting to allow your Well-being, not achieve it.
It’s not something that you need to earn.

All you have to do is decide what it is you would like to experience,
and then allow it in order to achieve it.

It isn’t something you have to struggle for or try for.
You are all worthy beings. You are deserving of this Well-being.

Excerpted from Detroit, MI on 7/8/00


Most people do not expect their path to great abundance to be one of ease and of joy.
They have been taught that struggle and hardship and sacrifice are requirements that must be met before the reward of great abundance can be realized.

Most do not understand that the very struggle they deliberately involve themselves in, in their quest for success and advantage, actually works against them.

There are so many things that you have been taught to believe that are counter to the powerful Laws of the Universe
that it is difficult for you to think your way out.

And that is the reason that we present this path of much less resistance.
We want you to breathe rather than try,
to relax rather than offer effort,
to smile rather than struggle,
to be rather than do.
For your true power is experienced only from inside the Vortex.

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

Using the power of the Universe vs hard work:

We are talking about the world of creating through action,
as compared to the world of creating through attraction.

We are talking about the world of creating through action,
as compared to the world of creating through deliberate vibration.

OF COURSE! You can create a lot, through action.
You can get a shovel, and dig dirt, and you can move things around,
and you can move things from place to place-
and nobody can deny that there´s a whole lot of action going on,
and that that activity is part of the phase of changing things.

There is no question about that.
But it´s minuscule, it´s paltry, mediocre creation-
in comparison
with the forming of a deliberate vibrational attraction-
and allowing the orchestration of the laws of the Universe
to actualize, on your behalf.

A whole different world of creating.

So, people stand back, and they look at the variety of creators.
And masters are around you- all the time.
Those who get hold of an idea, who don´t wrestle it down to the ground
and kill it, but keep it alive-

who keep their own counsel and don´t talk to others
who will talk them out of it,
who just keep believing in their desire,
and then- the Universe responds to them, and you say:

"Oh, wow! Look at that master!"
And then you call that master, or that creator LUCKY. Or freaky.
And later on, you call them greedy.

...We´re talking about...
when you enlist this flow, this energy that creates worlds,
towards the things that matter to you-
ONLY THEN you will be satisfied.

from the clip
Abraham Hicks - Spiritual Masters Have Unspeakable Leverage


You´re gonna bring in the big guns:
You´re gonna bring in the big grid!
You´re gonna use the fairies of the universe!
You´re gonna use ALL of the resources that are on your disposal!
And: You´re gonna solve the problem!

But you´re gonna do it YOUR WAY:
You´re gonna do it vibrationally.

Albuquerque, March 2012

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

Everytime you feel that you should make something happen, replace it with
"Oh, what I really want to do is just ALLOW things to happen!"

And then, enhance it even further: [by offering soothing words to help you relax]
"At their own pace,
in their own time,
right on the schedule that is been layed out,
has nothing to do with me,
I don´t have to force it,
everything is working out,
all is well,
everything is unfolding perfectly.
The path will light up.
I´ve done my work!
I´ve put it in there.
Now my work is to allow myself at the right time and in the right place, with the right people... to rendezvous."

from the clip Abraham-Hicks - Being Determined to Make it Happen vs. Letting


Even in your rightness about a subject,
when you try to push your rightness toward another who disagrees,
no matter how right you are, it causes more pushing against.

In other words, it isn’t until you stop pushing [forcing, efforting, resisting "What is"] that any real allowing of what you want can take place.

Excerpted from Boston, MA on 5/17/03


Is this state of unconditional alignment like your college-degree,
where, once you got it, it´s yours forever more?

Or is it something that´s happening in the moment- or not happening in the moment?


[It's] something that could be present in nearly every moment of your life-experience [but you have to align with it]

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