Quotes on Abundance

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Re: Quotes on Abundance

Post by spiritualcookie »

FeelGood wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:03 am

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D 👍
wow imagine finding that on your everyday walk! that would be very nice! :D
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Re: Quotes on Abundance

Post by FeelGood »

[quote=spiritualcookie post_
wow imagine finding that on your everyday walk! that would be very nice! :D
yes it would!👍👍👍👍😁😎🎈🎁
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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Re: Quotes on Abundance

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Abraham on the World Financial Crisis
(About "the Plan of Solution" that's in your Vortex!)

Abraham, um... this evening we are going to have a uh- a presidential, hopeful... not hopeful... debates. But debates between some hopeful presidential people. And uh-

We don't find either one of them very hopeful, do you?

OK. OK so but I just thought it would be fun to hear from you if they have... if they would allow three people in the debate and the uh, person would- and the question posed would be and you, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham, uh- what would be your uh- proposal to alleviate the uh- current financial uh- crisis- worldwide crisis?

"Chill out and go to work." -That's it. Focus upon the things that are important to you, and figure out how to satisfy the details of your life and stop looking to someone else to solve it, and figure out how to bring yourself into balance. And turn off things like this debate! So, that you don't continually harass yourself into the misalignment of what's already in your vibrational escrow!

And then, we would say, "we have a plan".

(HS: Oh yeah?)

...And it was set into motion long before we got here to this platform! And you are all co-conspirators in this plan. And you have, through what you have been living, been contributing to this plan! And it is the brightest and most exhilarating of a future experience, as has ever been upon the face of the earth! And it is the legacy that all of you hold ownership of! In order for you to claim your piece of this amazing pie of prosperity, all you have to do is look in the direction of it and see if you can remember what pieces of it you put there.

Because every piece you put there has been lovingly held for you.
It can not evaporate from the stock market!
And it can not be squandered by those who do not understand.
And it can not be misunderstood by anyone, and it cannot be taken from you.

Because if your life caused you to put it into this holding pattern; this vibrational escrow... then it is forever there for you!

And the only thing that is required in order for you to make your personal withdrawal, is make your personal withdrawal by no longer paying attention to who else is making what withdrawals. Don't worry about them, getting your fair share! It's not possible for anybody to get your fair share. Your fair share is always earmarked for you! It will always stay there, in perfect becomingness. Oh, And we might tell you, that since you put it there, it has been accruing with magnificent interest, the likes of which we have never seen. So it got bigger than it was when you asked for it! And it gets bigger with every request you make. And in fact, the more crisis that is applied around all of this, the bigger it gets!

-So first thing: Know that it's there for you, and that no one can get it away from you!
-And next: stop worrying about what anybody else is doing. Because it is your worry about what anybody else it doing, which is causing you to hold yourself vibrationally out of whack from it.

Now we acknowledge, that the majority of people who would be witnessing such a debate, would not have heard a word we said. Because they are not accustomed to focusing upon the vibrational world, they don't understand that there is a vibrational reality that they hold ownership to; that they must find alignment with- before it can be a physical reality. And so, for those who don't yet know about the vibrational reality,

...We would say to them: Worry not. We've seen this before, and we know that you can come through it.
We would say, do not worry about what's happening, because nothing has changed in the last few days. Nothing has even changed in the last few years, that is so far out of balance that it can not come back into balance!
Then we would say: There are enough numbers upon this planet that are involved in the economics of this time-space reality, that it is certain that balance will come back.

And all you have to do is sort of settle yourself in and ride it out!

And so, the thing that we want you to say to yourself everyday is: It's getting better. It's getting better and it's going to be alright! It's better it's getting better, and it's going to be alright. And the sooner you convince yourself that it is better than you thought it was, and that it is getting better than it is right now! And that it is not only going to be alright: it's going to be REALLY alright. Your prosperity can begin to come to you, immediately!

And then, we would make the longest list of positive aspects about the other two speakers on the platform, that we had ever made in our life. We would speak of the power of their desire to lead, and the power of their desire to serve. We would speak about how they wanted this almost the day their feet hit the ground in this time-space reality, and how each of them is prepared in their own unique way, to be all that they need to be, to stand in that place. And then we would say: Do not hold these two men, or either one of them, -or anyone on the planet!- responsible for the well-being that comes to you. This man and this man is not responsible for your well-being:

You are responsible for your well-being.

HS: Wow.

Abe: Give them a break!

HS: Thank you.

from the official youtube-clip ABRAHAM ON THE WORLD FINANCIAL CRISIS - Esther & Jerry Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Abundance

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

NEVER again say "I have enough!"

If I'm honest with myself, the truth is is, that in my life, I've always had enough: Enough!
And when I talk...

you know, you- whether you use honest words or not, doesn't matter, because you can't be dishonest with your vibration. Your vibration is what it is and law of attraction is responding to what it is! So, you don't have to you don't have to say whether it's truthful or not. Because what it is, is what it is! And law of attraction is bearing out what it is. So if what it is is enough- then don't change anything. And if what is is is not enough, then change some things!

Well, here's the dilemma... it's that in one sense, I've had enough. I've had enough money is... I've had enough money but...

You see, that statement is not even accurate on any level. And let us tell you, let us tell you why! Anyone who says "I have enough" is... now, now stay with us a little bit! You're going to bock at this a little bit, because it's going to sound different than you want source energy to sound.

But anyone who says "I have enough" is not, in that moment, in alignment with the expanding being that is them -who understands there will never be enough!!

Because there will will never be a cessation of expanding.
When someone says "I have enough", what they are doing... they're focused upon limitation. They're focused on finite resources! And they are concluding: "Given the others that may be watching me at this time, that I have more than my fair share." And we want you to understand, that even at its best, that is very limited thinking!

Because there is no ending to what the universe has the ability to yield to you.

And you did not say, as you made the decision to come forth into physical experience: "I've had enough. I've had I've had enough exposure for life!" because that that would defy your being here. "I've had enough contrasts, that will lead me to more desires" -because that would defy the fact that you are here, giving birth to new desires! In other words, "I've had enough" defies everything. Because Source energy is becoming the new you, constantly!

So, what we think you've had enough of, is feeling the gap between the expanded you and the you you're letting yourself be.

We think that's what you've had enough of, right? (HS, chuckling: Right. I hear you.) And... and so, you say: "I don't want to put myself in that position anymore!" Have you ever been feeling pretty good, and then you saw something that you wanted that you couldn't afford, and then you said "oh man, I wish I didn't know I wanted that! Because now... now I feel tension about it. I didn't care before I drove it. But now I rode in it... now... (unhappy sighs)
I didn't care before I saw her! Before I smelled her, before I touched her, but now I want her!" -In other words, there are so many things that your life experience causes you to become.

And you have no choice if you are to be joyful than to stay up to speed with it!
So, never again say "I have enough!"

But say instead: "I have a way of keeping myself in perfect alignment on my way to eternal expansion!"

And that feeling of not enough, that feeling of discord is the feeling of the stream going this way, and me going this way. That's what you're trying to describe with those words, you see.

from the clip Abraham Hicks 💸NEVER AGAIN SAY 'I HAVE ENOUGH MONEY' ~ SAY THIS INSTEAD!🎉💸 🎉 Law of Attraction
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Re: Quotes on Abundance

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Expect your every need to be met!
Expect the answer to every problem.
Expect abundance, on every level!
Expect to grow spiritually!
You are NOT living by human laws!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Abundance

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

"I don't want to work for money. I just want to have it!"

Relative to your... we're going to take four categories.
Relative to your body, what do you want?

Dynamic, radiant health, and...

We feel that. We feel that clearly! No misalignment there. Relative to your home, what do you want?

Um, functional, paid for, a beautiful and, um, oh, yeah... I can feel myself all right...

That's really a mess there. All right. Relative to your money, what do you want?

Um, to be in a place of pure choice. Where, um, I need to pay little attention to it. Where there's all right!

That's messy, too. And relative to your work, what do you want?

HS (laughing gently) None at all!

Well, there is hope for you! Not a lot, but some! (laughter) We're just playing with you, here. Now let's go back to the subject of dollars, which seem to be everywhere in there, and a a big source of the contradiction and vibration, that we feel from you. So- do you think that the things that you want will come primarily through the vortex of dollars? (HS: primarily.) And do you think that dollars will come primarily through the vortex called work? (HS: Work. Yes.)

You do- and there inlies your problem, because you have all of these things that you want, that you believe come through the vortex called dollars. And you believe that the dollars come through the vortex called work- and you don't want any work. And so, you've sort of got yourself in this place where you can't let it work for you! Because your desires are all sort of contradicting one another. So we want to begin by saying to you, first of all, that

all kinds of things that you want, can come easily to you!

In other words, the only thing of all those topics that are the major topics of your life, that was really lined up, was a subject of your physicalness. And the reason that that was lined up, is because money isn't hooked into that, you see? And money and work are not hooked into that! And so, as you think about anything that has to do with dollars, it sort of confuses the issue here for you! And that's why so often we say to our physical friends,

-Let's take dollars out of the equation, all together, and
-let's focus- just for a moment- on the fact, that Source knows what you are wanting, and is yielding it to you! And,
-that well-being can flow to you in lots of different ways. And one of those ways is dollars. But it's not the only way! In other words,
-There is abundance of clarity. And there is the abundance of stamina. And there is abundance of energy. And there is the abundance of fun, and there is the abundance of love.

There's all kinds of abundance that you are experiencing, that does not have anything to do with the abundance of dollars.
Dollars is just another avenue, or another subject through which abundance can flow.

Now we have a series of questions for you, and we think think- as we ask them, and you answer them, that things will begin to line up for you, just a little bit. So just relax and sort of enjoy this, if you can!
-Are there things that you enjoy spending your time, doing? (HS: yes!)
-Have you ever enjoyed anything that brought dollars? (HS: oh yes!)
-As a physically focused being, do you enjoy the experience of action? (HS: oh yes!)
-And as you offer action, can you imagine being paid for it? (HS: oh yes.)
-Does the idea of payed action mean the same thing to you, as work?
Ohhhh... [Laughter] Oh boy. Well, knowing that I have, uh, so much charge around the word "work", um, I'm thinking that it doesn't.

Well, then we would leave the word "work" out. In other words, we would start saying:
"There are all kinds of things that I love doing. And I like the idea of doing things, that I love to do, and I like the idea of dollars flowing, in response to what I'm doing." And now you've sort of circumvented that vibration, that is your Bugaboo!

We visited with a woman one day, and she said "My mother is so unhappy. And I would would like to help her be happier, but I don't think that I can!" and we said, "oh you're in such an uncomfortable position, because you believe that your mother is unhappy. And it's hard for you to be happy, while she is unhappy- and you believe that she needs you, to help make her happy. But you don't believe you can make her happy- and so, you're sort of in this place where you can't line up your energy with anything!"

And we're feeling a similar thing with you, as you say: "There are all of these things that I want. I want a house that is paid for. I want experiences that dollars can flow through. I just don't want to do anything that would bring dollars to me!" and what we can feel from you is: "I don't expect dollars to flow without the work! And I don't want to do the work!" -and so we think that your sincere answer to these questions... we think that there are a lot of things you like to do. And we think that you accept that dollars can flow to you, in response to the things that you like to do. And so, we think that you have circumvented that vibrational... um, "obstacle" is too strong of word, but "contradiction", that was keeping you from it.

So, now as you asked your first question to us: "How am I doing?" -we say, we can feel that something just opened. And we can feel that those things that are lined up outside your door, are beginning to move toward you. And our encouragement to you is:

Don't shy away from action! Just don't call it "work"!

Okay! ...Great. Interesting! Because I do... um, things that bring me money, yes, and that I think I enjoy! So, I... uh...

Very boldly you said to us, you don't want any work!

Well, yes. And I was joking a bit and I do know that, um... it would be my ultimate choice to not work. To just have! Yeah... well!

So, there it is! See, there it is- and that will never work for you, because what you're saying with that, is something that is so defiant of... because, you see. What you've come forth into this environment: You came forth to be inspired, to desire, and then you intended to align with the desire, in order to allow the expression of it. In other words, that's what creating is!

Creating is identifying the pathway, through thought. And then coming into vibrational alignment with the thought- in order to allow the manifestation.

That's what deliberate Creation in this physical format is, you see! And so, we think that what you're saying to us is, what so many say: "Abraham, it's not been very much fun: Trying to make things happen without lining up energy. And so- it's been so much not fun trying to make things happen without lining up energy, that I've decided, I don't want to play the game anymore!"

And we say: Then play a different game!
Line up energy, and enjoy the deliciousness of the action that is inspired from that alignment!

from the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks | Let Money 💰 Pour on You Like Rain!✨
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Re: Quotes on Abundance

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Don't get limp! Don't get overboard with "chilling out"!
Instead, explore the delightful path of specifically and deliberately CREATING what you desire. And only soothe yourself in overwhelmed, tense times with the much less passionate "letting go and letting God"

I know that I've got huge amounts of great things stacked up around the door (Abe: yes!) and I've been working with the tapes for about 10 years and so I know that I'm not allowing all that I could, so I'm...

Well, it helps to know that you never get it done. In other words, there'll always be more and more and more!
But we can feel- and it is... we're playing with you in the way, (...) what we've been talking here today: We talk about this all the time! About how your life experience causes you to ask. And that the Universe hears it, and lines it up for you. And sometimes our physical friends have this confusion- in fact, it came up a few times today, about

"Well, which is it? Abraham, am I the deliberate creator of my experience?
Or shall I just let go and let God?
Am I the creator of my experience or do I just pet my cat, and relax and allow?"

...And you heard us say to our friend just now, that everything is lined up. And that you're really wanting to work on letting it in! And while we want you, all of you, to focus more on reducing resistance- because, as you said so clearly, you have got enough lined up for 20 or 30 lifetimes, and so the work really is in finding the... finding more ways to be less resistant. Or more allowing, in order to let in what you are wanting. There is nothing more delicious than to be specifically focused upon specific things, that you are wanting, while you are letting it in! And we think that this is most what you're wanting to hear from us. And we'll be very clear about this, it will benefit all of you!

So for example. To say "I saw a new car, and I love the idea of it. And it costs a lot of money, but it feels good just to think about being in it. And whatever will be will be. And so, the universe knows I want the car, and I've wanted it for a long time. And now I'm just not going to think about it anymore! Because the universe has got that handled."

-That's one way of approaching it.
And if you were really feeling negative about the car, that's the way we would encourage you to approach it.

But we think that it is ever so much more Hands-On, and delicious deliberate creating, to think about the car, to pretend you're in the car, to talk about the color of the car, to smell the leather of the car, to pretend you're in the car, to imagine being in the car, to go test drive the car, to look at the car, to think about driving the car, to imagine having the car in your garage, even to making a place for the car! To telling other people about the car... in other words, we think that

...the more specifically involved you get energetically with the car, the more satisfying the unfolding of the car can can be!

Unless you have convinced yourself that you don't get what you want. And we can sort of feel that from you!
We can feel that from a lot of you! -Where you have sort of shied away from getting too specific, for very long, about the things that you want, because you get tired of wanting things that don't come. And so, you don't let yourself focus upon them very much. And the result of that is, you sort of feel limp.

Where what we really want you to do, is to get into this sort of cocky, arrogant attitude where you begin to believe that the universe will give you anything, and everything that you want, and see yourself as the Maestro that is directing the energy toward the specifics of things!

And you want to start with things that you already believe. That you can achieve, because, lining up that energy light will give you instant manifestations on some things. And then, every day, just add more to your list, and add more to your list, and add more to your list! we can feel that you understand very clearly the principles that we have been expressing, for a very long period of time. And we do not feel a big disconnect within you, about worthiness! In other words, we don't feel that you're deliberately holding yourself apart from things.

But we can feel not just with you, but with a lot of, a LOT of our physical friends, that you've stopped being very deliberate about things! Because you are feeling the discomfort. You're tired of feeling the discord of wanting things, that don't come easily. And so you decided, that you would sort of just take another tact in it. And you got really heavy on allowing, now. This is really a great deal of fun for us, because as we begin to interact with our physical friends, and we talk about the science of deliberate creation- many of you get very clear:

-You start thinking about what you want.
-You start setting goals, and you start sucking in the thoughts that don't match to what you're wanting.
-You worry about talking negatively!
-You're afraid that the universe will take off with you, on something that you don't want.
-And so, you get very... sort of, worried about directing your thoughts at all times.

And then, we notice that in your attempt to be deliberate creators, that you are not relaxed and allowing as much.
So, then we began emphasizing the "Art" of Allowing. We begin saying to you that- yes of course, it's important that you want things! And it's nice to set those goals. And it's nice to write it down what you are wanting.

But the universe already knows what you want!
The universe heard you the first 100,000 times, that you said that you wanted it!!
And it's already lined up for you now!
Your work is to relax and let in.

What you've been saying- you want... you've gone overboard, on relaxing and letting in!
In other words, in the same way that we began expressing the "Art" of Allowing, in order to calm people who were very analytic, who were focused very specifically on what they'r wanting- now we' sort of like to get you focused more upon your goals. And we think that now, this time when you do it, we think it will go very well for you!

-Because you've done enough relaxing.
-You've come into alignment with who you are!
-You're beginning to expect good things to come for you, you have evidence of that.
-You have knowledge of the law of attraction!
-You don't misunderstand the correlation between what you're thinking, and what you're feeling, and what you're getting.
-You're beginning to understand, that the Universe is always consistent.

And we think, that even though you have launched desires and the Universe knows what they are, that a little bit of attention to what you are wanting, would net you some big results right away.

Abraham Hicks


The Attitude of a successful deliberate Creator!

Where what we really want you to do, is to get into this sort of cocky, arrogant attitude where you begin to believe that the Universe will give you anything and everything that you want, and see yourself as the Maestro that is directing the energy toward the specifics of things!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Abundance

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Ooh feels good! I have to take this moment in, because I've been listening to you... (Abe jump in: for a week, a whole week).(Laughter) And, I just want to relish this moment in this environment, where expansion is making me feel so appreciative, right now, of this moment! And so, with that said you know, there was something that I had been thinking about recently, that came back to me:
When I was 11, 12 years old I had this feeling that that my body was too small for me.

Yeah, it is. You know, the human perspective is too small for what you've come for! That's why you've got to let it go, and merge it with that broader perspective that will include your human perspective.

Because, all through your life you've been expressing your Human perspective to your Inner Being, and your Inner Being got it! Your Inner Being has collected at all. So, your total Self is now ready to yield back to you, what you've been asking for!

Yeah. And was that my soul that was...?

Yeah. That was your glimpse of that. Was your recognition, and translating of that broader perspective. It happens to you, often! You get those glimpses, yes. But the glimpse is not meant to make you feel small! It's meant to call you, to what is big!

I feel that! (Abe: Yeah! Absolutely, yeah!) ...To the point where now I feel like, it's sort of integrated!

Yeah. That's it. We call it "blending", but that's what it is: Calibrate to your Inner Being!
Jerry wanted to put on the spine of all the books "Self-help from your total Self"! -The industry didn't go along with it, but who cares.

Right. I definitely feel like there's a sense of my... yeah, my Spiritual Self. And I guess this is reiterating what what you said, you know! I get this vision where... you know, how you look at videos of fish in the ocean, and then there are these little fish that are on them, you know. Just kind of riding with them. I used to feel like my Human Self was being ridden by my Spiritual Self. And now I feel my Spiritual Self is being held by my Human Self!

Well, when we say "you are the creator of YOU", that's what we mean!
So, you've heard us say this before, but given what you just said, you're going to hear it differently, this time!

So, before you came into this body you were non-physical Consciousness. Pure, positive energy.

And you made the decision to express a part of your attention in this body, not all of it. It's not even most of it! Some of it. So, who's the big fish and who's the little fish? -Hard to tell right now... seems like this is a big fish and this is a little fish. So, here you are exploring life. Experience sorting and sifting and deciding, from your important Leading-Edge point of view, what you prefer from your own life experience. Not from hearsay! From your own life-experience, launching these Rockets of Desire.

So, now that Larger-You, that Inner-Being-You expanded, because of what you experienced. -Expanded in an environment of no resistance! Oh, that's how you know, that well-being is dominant:
You caused the expansion. But your non-resistant Inner Being received it, and holds it and becomes the Point of Attraction of it!

That's why the world gets better and better!
That's why life gets richer and richer!
That's why everything becomes more and more.
That's why humans don't have anything to worry about, even though almost all of them want very desperately to worry.

So, you are the reason that your Inner Being expanded, and now your expanded Inner Being, who is literally encoded with the vibrational DNA of you- because you launched it! -holds it for you. Calling you, forever more, to the Fulfillment of what you launched, knowing that not only will you receive it and be it, in this expanded non-physical world from which new worlds are being launched, but that you will be able to receive it in this world!

Because if this time space reality has the wherewithal to inspire within you,
it has the wherewithal to deliver it to you- in all of the details that you yearn for! That you want!

It is the ultimate to be able to turn thoughts to things!

Do you know who you are?
You are non-physical energy, turning thoughts to things, with the help of all of the non-physical, in this eternal dance that we are all doing together! So, you're in your physical form- always going to be doing the reaching. Because you're exposed to the contrast, that causes you to reach.

But your Inner Being is always going to receive the benefit of your reach, with a complete understanding... because your Inner Being has been with you-
every step of the way!
Every thought of the way!
Every impulse of the way.

You are SO known by your Inner Being!! And you're the only one, who can cause any pretense of separation.
It's not true! That's a big lie, it's a false premise: You can NEVER be separated from your Inner Being!

But you can, in some moments in time, pinch yourself off enough, that you're not receiving the benefit of all-that-you-are!

from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks2024 ✨YOU NEED TO STOP WORRYING BECAUSE WE'VE GOT YOU! ✨ Law of Attraction
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