Quotes on Mastery

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Re: Quotes on Mastery

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

About the Mastery of Buddha, Christ and Muhammad (And why aren't all of their messages alike?)
The TRUE Leader of ourselves is our Inner Being

HS (Jerry):
Why have the massive numbers of mankind followed primarily three teachers- Buddha, Christ and Muhammad, as opposed to the many other teachers who've lived here during the past say, 4,000 years?

The examples that you have offered without exception are examples of physical beings who came forth from the Inner World, as did all physical beings. But with greater and clearer intent. With greater wanting, with greater reason for being! They came forth as teachers, not only as participators.

And as they were physical beings, they allowed the opening of that passage-way, so that they could be physical beings; while at the same time allow a broader, greater part of that which is their Inner Being, to come forth into this physical experience. They were, in short, Blended Beings. You may also be aware, that as they came forth, they were not revered instantly. In fact in each of those cases, they were not really revered until long after they were no longer physical beings! It is always difficult for those who are physical to accept that which is new. It is easier to hold fast to the old thought!

It is our absolute knowing, that if those great leaders- any one of them-
were to come forth, expressing clearly their knowing in this time, that they would not be heard!

-That there would be great insistence on the part of those physical beings who are now in power, in the various parts of the world- wanting to hold to different thoughts, whether it is the thought of Christ or the thought of Buddha or the thought of Muhammad, or the thought of another great leader- they would rather hold to those thoughts of old, than to experience and accept that which is now.

I have a question that I've kind of concerned myself with, since my childhood: As teachers like Moses, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad... went off to themselves and as we understand, made direct contact with the Divine Being, and received these messages, I never could understand why their messages were not all the same! Since I thought, they were reaching the same Supreme Being and being informed. Could you respond to that?

There are a number of reasons for that.

The most important reason is because, they were not all asking the same questions.

They were not all at the same point of wanting.
They were not all at the same point of understanding.
They were not all at the same point of experience.
They were at different times, in history.
In different places upon the world.
And they were making contact, or communicating with those,
who were at different points of wanting, and at different points of understanding!

Thank you, that was very good! There was Muhammad- let's say 1500 years ago, and Jesus 2,000 years ago, and Buddha 2500 years ago and then Moses, centuries before that, who went to themselves and received the information, that started these major religious movements that exist today.

But why do you feel that it is, that there have been no such powerful leaders of thought that have stood out in the last 1500 years? Why have we had such a long spell without, anymore?

They are not allowed by those physical beings who are here, to receive them!

And why is that?

It is easier to hold to the thoughts of old, than to create new thought.
It is easier to act out of habit, than to act out of your wanting.

The beliefs that surrounded you when you were born are very powerful. And it takes a very strong being, to live surrounded by beliefs and still allow the knowing that comes forth from within, to guide. Most are not strong enough! They allow the pressure of the group, that surrounds the pressure of the beliefs that abound to keep them from doing the very thing that they intended to do, as they came forth.

The people that... the adults, the people that are older than them, have more experience. The tendency is to look toward them for guidance and leadership and then, granted yes, this Inner Voice is speaking. But how much can a person actually learn from that personal Inner Voice, without any guidance from those who have had physical experience? That are here, when we're here?

The guidance that comes forth from within in the form of emotion,
is the most profound guidance that you will ever experience.
It is much more emphatic, much more precise, much more deliberate,
and much more appropriate than any set of rules that you might gather,
or any set of conversation that you might gather from anyone else, who experiences.

Because they do not see through your eyes!
They have not lived the experience that you are living, you see. In order to understand the value of this guidance system, you must understand that you are more than you see, here!

You are a being that has lived on and on and on, through many births and deaths. You are a cumulative being, that is much much more than you recall from this one physical life experience!

And when you accept that, then you may begin to accept that that broader part of you, that older, wiser You, that You that is connected to all-that-is, has the ability to offer you in any moment emotion or even clear lucid thought to assist you. In knowing the appropriateness of any thought, word or action, in the the moment.

Your guidance system not only knows who you are and what you want in the here and now, it knows the You from the broader perspective, and it knows all of the Inner Beings of all of those, that you are interacting with!

from the youtube-clip Abraham-Hicks: Why Buddha, Christ & Mohammed?
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Re: Quotes on Mastery

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

THE REASON WE'RE DIS-APPOINTED instead of "Living real time"...
(The difference between real physical life on the leading edge vs the perfection of "mere vibration" in the Vortex)

The reason why "falling in love" seems to be better than "living love"

So, we want to talk about every relationship you have.

And we want to say to you, that every relationship that you're currently living falls far, far, far, far short of the one that you've got in your Vortex, every single time!

Every relationship that you're living cannot even come close to measuring up to the one you've got into your Vortex. Stop asking it to, stop needing those relationships to be different than they are- so that you can feel better!

That's not the way this universe is established!
That was the bouncing off place for this.
This is where you want to put your attention, you see!

What we're getting at... so, it's really interesting. You have this dream of a perfect relationship, or a perfect breakfast or a perfect hotel or a perfect drive, or (...) you have this dream. You have this anticipation, tha,t from a distance, felt good to dream it. But now you're living the reality of it. And it's not living up! So, you feel deprived. You feel almost offended. You feel almost assaulted: You say to each other, "you don't bring me flowers anymore!" You say, "you promised to obey me!", or "you promised to hold me dear!" -and we say to you, we really... if you can just hear this!! -If you can just hear that:

NO relationship that is ever manifested, will ever measure up to the one you've got in your Vortex.
And if you will let them off the hook, and focus on your Vortex, you'll keep yourself joyful. And the relationships will improve, too.

But we are not giving you this information, so that the relationships can catch up and start pleasing you- so that you can then start turning around, and observing the relationships that are pleasing you! We SO want you to get it, that that you've always been reaching into who you are. And anything less than that will never feel as good!

Now let's talk about this, in really vivid terms.
So, those of you who have been in love, who now have relationships- you want to say: you're in love. But maybe you don't really feel it so much...? It's been a long time since you felt that "in love" feeling. Here's why:
In the beginning, that relationship was more of a dream than it was a reality.

You were building that relationship long before you ever hooked up with this particular person! It became who-you-really-are. You and that person became this wonderful wonderful wonderful relationship, and it's vivid and real, and it holds all that you are. You're kind to one another! You believe in one another. You're respectful of one another. You're looking for the best in each other. You're evoking more and more, you are the catalyst that keeps pulling more good stuff through each other.

You are humorous together! You're tuned in, tapped in, turned on. You move well together: You move through life well together. In other words, in the vortex... what a magnificent relationship that you've built! Because every awkward moment improved it. Everything that went wrong, made it right. Everything that was off made it on! In other words, are you getting the sense of this? YOU created this "now"!

Some of you want to call this an illusion. We want to call it the vibrational reality.

We want to call it the relationship that you have created!
We want to call it the the the world that you created from your non-physical and physical vantage point.

It is a reality, that is real- that you've got to be a vibrational match to or you won't feel good.

So, then- when you look at reality as it is- you can't help but compare.
...You're not as nice as you're supposed to be.
..."You're not as attended to me, as you're supposed to be."
..."Chivalry is dead over there."
...You're still alive over here!

In other words... and so... then you're hard on each other. Because then you want, that... you want them to perform in a way that matches up to this! And we're wanting you to understand: you're you're looking for love in all the wrong places!

It's in your Vortex! And it's not their responsibility.

Are you following this? So, when you get there, when you get there... then what happens is: You begin enjoying the alignment of your vision. Which fills you with the feeling of LIFE. Don't you know from your own experience, that when you're on your way to the relationship, you felt so much better, than when you actually got there? And it's because, when you got there, you started looking at it as it is.

And what it is, in terms of manifestation, is never up to speed with what it has become (in the Vortex)!

-It's already past tense. ...Well, you took that pretty well!
That's hard. It's a hard thing to hear. It's... what we're saying to you is, in terms of physics- it would be like saying to you "as you're driving down the road, you want to look where you're going. Not where you are! And and not where you've been!"

You want to look where you're going.
And while that's simplistic, and really almost silly- it's the same idea. We want you to look toward what will manifest, but we want you to look toward what is! We want you to feel the realness of who you are. So, now speculate just for a little bit... think about, how have you ever... let's find some some simple ideas. Have you ever got an idea, that you'd like to refurbish your house. Or buy new furniture. And, do you remember that, how good it felt? Did you ever look through catalogues, and kind of start forming an image of how you'd like it to look?

And didn't it feel better- than when you got into the throws of trying to gather it all up or pay for it, or find someone who could coordinate it?
In other words, isn't it easier- isn't it easier to feel good in the envisioning-stage? And what we want you to come along... and we can feel you starting to move with us, what we want you... if we could convince you,

that your life is about the way you feel!!

Then it wouldn't matter to you if you're dreaming the new furniture, or if you're placing it.
If we've really convinced you, that how you feel is where it's at!

So, movie-makers, just keep dreaming new movies!
Authors, just keep dreaming new books!
Songwriters, just keep writing new songs!
The creative people never rest on their laurels. They... the happy creative people only stay happy and creative, because they keep writing the next song, you see! What we're getting at... they keep painting the next painting. Do you really think the world needs another painting?? NO!! But painters want to paint! Sculptors want to sculpt. Songwriters want to write songs. Musicians want to make music! In other words... you're getting the hang of it, aren't you? In other words,

you want to flow the energy!
That's how you mold the clay. You want to flow the energy, you want to think the good feeling thoughts! You want to sing the good feeling songs. You want to think the good feeling thoughts!

You want to think the good feeling thoughts. You want to think the good feeling thoughts!!
You don't want to think bad feeling thoughts!
You want to think the good feeling thoughts.

Now, think about it, as we watch people building empires, as we watch relationships coming together, as we watch movements coming into being- do you know that far and away the majority of the movement happens before there is any physical stuff, that even comes into being? In other words, as as you dream your empire, as you dream your dream employees, as you dream your dream product, as you dream the world's response to it, as you dream that it's all pure... because there's no reality that's clashing with it, you got to dream it as you wanted to dream.

But when you start facing reality, and reality clashes with the dream- that's when you lose your connection.

And that's when your dream slows down.
Well you're almost there! You're closer than any audience has been, we'll tell you that you're closer than any audience has been, to us having convinced you of the reality of this Vortex.

And the benefit to you, to reach toward it- because, have you ever been on vacation, and you've been out on the road, and you've been sort of free, and in an attitude of discovery with no time commitments... just sort of free flowing, and you know that fresh feeling of the Universe just yielding to you fun stuff to see, and fun things to feel... it's that fresh feeling that you can have all day every day, once you start living this real time that we're talking about.

So, someone says: "Did you get your new car?" -you could say and mean, and smile and feel good as you say:
-"no I'm still dreaming about it."
And then they'll go (disappointed) "ohh! :( ohhh." But you don't mean Oh. :( ...you mean: I'm still dreaming about it!

-"Did you meet that perfect... did you find your lover yet?" -"No. I'm still dreaming about him!" -"Oh! :( " -"No, you don't understand! He doesn't have to be here this red hot minute! The idea of him has breathed life into me, the likes of which I cannot even begin to explain."

-"Did you write your best-selling novel yet?" -"No. I'm just dreaming about it." -"Oh. :( haven't really gotten around to yet? Oh. :( " -"No no! The life is just showing me bits and pieces of it. I'm gathering it up, I can feel it formulating. I can feel the inspiration that's flowing through me! I've never felt so vivid or so alive!"

-"You moved into your new house yet?" -"No. I'm just still dreaming about it!" -"Oh! :( " -"No, no! That dreaming about it is good. I'm in the vortex! I'm tuned in with the vibrational reality of it! It's breathing life into me. Oh sure, it will manifest. But I found you can say to your friends, that the more that manifests, the more I have to insure it, the more I have to move it from place to place, the more I have to clean it!"

In other words, you watch people! The more they gather, the less good they feel. The less they've got- the better they feel. We're not trying to talk you out of manifestations, friends! We're not. Manifestations are so wonderful!

And there is nothing more spiritual than the manifestation of this spirit, that you are.
Nothing is more delicious than manifestation!

But manifestation that comes from alignment, is delicious.
Manifestation that is dragging you around by the hair is not!

And we think that, in general, our human friends are hung up on the what-isness of manifestations, and depriving themselves of the freedom, of the natural joy that comes from roving with the energy that is truly you. Now that's easy for us to explain to you, because we don't have a physical body that we're dragging around. We don't have to bathe it or clothe it or feed it. We don't live in a house that we have to pay rent on, or own or ensure. In other words, we live in a state of beingness. But here's the big picture for you!

So, does the larger part of you... you are Spirit!
You are not a thing. You are a being, not a doing. You are a being, not a having. You are a physical being, who has the potential of aligning with the clarity and the adventure and the love and the sureness and and the worthiness that is really you! And you can tell moment by moment, whether you've caught caught a glimpse of it. And when you do milk it milk it milk it milk it milk it milk it milk it until you say incessantly to those around you, who say "well, what do you need?" -you say:

"I really don't need anything! There's nothing that I need. But I'm always on the Quest for alignment!" -"What does that mean?" -"Well it's sort of a long story, but what it basically means is: I'm more than I see. Or that you see here, in this physical body! And I can feel the wholeness of who I am, through my emotions. And I'm always on the trail of that."

Now, most people won't get it. But you do! You get it.
And, in fact, you've gotten it so good, that you can't go back from it. We should have explained that at the beginning, that you now know too much. You now know too much- you can't go back. You know too much, you can't go back! You are Source energy, and physical bodies, and the way you feel is everything.

A woman said, "My lover left, and now I'm sad." And said, no you're not! -She said: "Abraham. My lover left, and now I'm sad!" We said, no you're not. She said: "Abraham!!" -she thought things she didn't say. Something about a ridiculous ghost... "Abraham, you ridiculous ghost! My lover left, and now I am sad!" and we said: No, you're not! She said, "Let me be very clear with you. I wasn't sad, and then my lover left, and now I'm sad. I'm sad because my lover left!" -and we said:

While you were interacting with that lover, you created a lover in your Vortex, that that lover was not a match to.
And when that lover left, you're using that as an excuse not to match up with the one that's in your Vortex. You're not sad because that lover left! You're sad because, right now in this red hot minute, you are not a vibrational match to the lover you have created. THAT'S why you're sad.

You're sad because you are not up to speed with who you are!
That's the only reason that you're ever sad.
It's the only reason that you're ever sick.
It's the only reason that you ever feel negative emotion:
You're not up to speed you're not up to speed you're not up to speed you're not up to speed.

Well, how do you get up to speed?
You care about how you feel and you practice reaching for the thoughts that feel better and until you find yourself in the vortex.

And then you practice being in the vortex, until you're chronically in the vortex. And then you're living real time! Then your Source energy is flowing through you. Now, as you're interacting with others, all of you is in that moment. Now you're offering one signal, not split energy!

Now you are living life as you've intended. That's what you came for.

from the youtube-clip "Once You KNOW How To Think In 4 Dimensions, You Can SEE The INVISIBLE ~ ☘️ Abraham Hicks ☘️"
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Re: Quotes on Mastery

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Abraham: No Gain In Pain

(Explanation of "the Stream", "going with the Flow", "Trying hard", "upstream" and "downstream")

So there is a vibrational version of you, that is preceding you.
Even now, where you are IN this physical body- just like that vibrational version of you preceded you BEFORE you came into this physical body. And when this leading edge genius creative physical You explores contrast, and gives birth to a new desire, that the non-physical part of you rides that rocket, and becomes it. That's what that feeling of excitement or expectation is.

When you feel that joyous positive motion, that means that you are within the vibrational vicinity of this powerful attraction. And the sensation to you is, that it's like a powerful river, that is moving downstream. And if you even stick your toe in it, the river will sweep you with its current toward what you are wanting. And when you understand that, everything that you want is within that current, and it is moving downstream, and you begin to relax and allow yourself to go with that steady flow- everything that you want will begin showing up in your experience!

We see so many of you. You take your raft or your boat down to the river's edge, and you get into the raft and almost without exception you turn it upstream and begin paddling very hard. We know. It is illogical, isn't it? And we say: why not go with the flow? And our human friends think about it briefly and then say: "That just seems lazy. The people who try hard - Look at them all. Look how hard they try! And those are the ones who are rewarded. I learned it when I was little:

The harder you try, the better things will go for you, and there is no gain without pain. -I was told that over and over and over again, and since I want gain, then I want pain. So get out of my way and let me paddle! Look how strong I am becoming!" -And then they point out to us all the other strong ones, that are virtuous and valiant and paddling upstream, too. And we listen politely. Because,

We have seen the big picture, and we know who you are, and we know why you came and we know that everything that you want is downstream and that nothing that you want is upstream.

Without knowing it, most of our human friends have picked up very upstream habits.
You've been trained by others who've been paddling upstream very hard, and The Art of Allowing is about letting go of those oars!
-And it's easy to let go of the oars when you know that everything that you want, is downstream.
-And when you know that the Source Energy within you is down there, tending what you are wanting.
-But when you believe that you have to work hard, when you believe that struggle is inherent in achieving- then, while we will admit that you can move some physical things around, we have to say to you, that

Creation through action is mediocre at best, in terms of the results it brings to you! And that
Creation through alignment of energy is where all of the masters and all of those that you revere have found their place.

You can not be a magnificent creator without alignment to the energy of the power that creates worlds.

And when you hold yourself apart from it, you know it. You feel rotten. And when you find yourself aligning to it ,you feel wonderful! Isn't it nice that you were born with a guidance system, that lets you easily know, from wherever you stand, if the thought you are choosing to say, right now -if the thought you are thinking if the words you are speaking -you can tell by the way you feel, if it's upstream in nature or downstream in nature.

The way you are feeling right now won’t tell you the best thought you've ever thought!
It will only tell you the directional choice of your thoughts. It will let you know if you're going toward what you want, or away from what you want. Toward who you really are or away from who you really are.

Jerry and Esther went whitewater rafting, and it was such a fun day. And as they put their boat in the water -there were a lot of them that went. Six of them went together, and several other rafts, full of high school wrestlers. And as they put their boat in the water, not one of them even thought about turning the raft upstream! They knew that fast moving river was going to have its way with them. Nobody even thought about paddling upstream.

And the river guide said to them: "First thing, friends: This is not Disney Land. We can not turn this river off."

And this is the thing that we most want to say to you: We can not turn this river off! Further, you're the one who made the river go so fast! You hit the ground running when you were born. You had so much intention. And all day every day, you're sifting through that data of life, and asking asking asking asking asking.
-You're the reason the river's moving fast!
-And you're the reason that you're going with it, or not.
-You have total control in all of this, and nothing that you are doing has anything to do with anybody else or anybody else's river.

In other words, stay out of their boat. And don't invite them in your boat! In other words, the only awareness that you need to have -if you want to utilize the guidance system that you were born with, is: you want to know one thing and one thing only, moment by moment, thought by thought. Is this upstream or downstream? -And then the next statement is: How can I make it more downstream? How can I turn this thought and this feeling more downstream? What could I do to soften the resistance? What could I do to release the resistance a little more?

-And trying harder is the wrong answer. Trying harder makes the resistance more!
It's letting go of the oars that makes it less.
It's trusting the process.
It's trusting The Stream.

This is such an important message, that a while back, we wrote a book and we gave it the best title of any book that's ever been written: "Ask, and It Is Given." And we just explained to you, how that is so. Life causes you to ask, and Source not only gives it to you. Source literally becomes the vibrational essence of that which you are asking for, and stands in such complete alignment with the ever-expanding version of you, and offers a signal unto the Universe, that Law of Attraction is responding to.

Which creates the sensation within you of a current, that is indescribable. And when you allow yourself to move in the direction of that current, you feel wonderful and when you don't... you don't.

We have enjoyed this interaction immensely. There is great love here for you! And as always, we remain incomplete.

from the official Abraham Hicks- youtube channel, "Abraham: NO GAIN IN PAIN - Esther & Jerry Hicks"
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Re: Quotes on Mastery

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Monster Bus Problems Bring What Is Wanted
(Even masters as Esther need "contrast" to find clarity, sometimes!)

Now, Jerry and Esther for the first ten years of their work, they flew. They were on an airplane every Friday and every Monday and uh -spending a lot of time in airports and -a little bit of time at home -more, than they are now. But then one day after sort of growing tired of spending so much time at airports, Jerry and Esther considered these motor homes or busses. And Esther said to Jerry, "if we had a motor home, in five minutes we would be home. Instead of the all-day flight that it's going to take from LaGuardia back to San Antonio."

And so, for the next ten years, they've been driving busses. And -now they've come to the place where the bus feels like more responsibility than they really need to be dragging around with them. When they first began traveling in the bus they had big equipment, that they were using for sound conversion, and now everything's digital. The office is not sending them boxes of paperwork: Everything's coming electronically. So, they've paired things down they really don't need, except for Esther's clothes -a great big bus with a lot of big closets. And so they've been talking about releasing the bus and traveling differently, and doing some flying and and moving about in a SUV.

But Esther especially had very mixed energy about it. She loves that bus! She loves being in the bus, she loves driving the bus... And so she could not come to a decision. And what she wanted more than anything, was to be decisive. Now, Jerry had already brought himself to a place of ease about it. He had decided that life would be better and they would have more fun and have more time for themselves and less time moving in and out of RV parks. In other words Jerry came to the conclusion quite easily. But Jerry is a mere passenger in the bus. Esther is the pilot of the bus!

In other words, the bus has more meaning to Esther.
It has been her friend, while Jerry has been sleeping. -So, Esther had mixed feelings about it, and what she wanted was to become decisive. She wanted a decision to formulate within her, that was as powerful as the decision that had formulated within Jerry. And such an interesting thing happened: In the last one thousand miles of moving that bus back to Coburg, where they will leave it; the bus had four break-downs.

Never before has the bus broken down! Four things, that left them off, on the side of the road. But what it provided for Esther was clarity about that decision!

It provided clarity about the responsibility of all of those moving parts being with them, everywhere they go. And it brought her to a -a very easy personal consensus about the ease -In other words as much fun as it is the ease of releasing all of those moving parts. In other words, they just don’t need that much responsibility moving with them! Now there's not a right or a wrong answer in whether they should keep the bus, or whether they should release the bus. There's a not a right or wrong answet, but what there is:

-There is a Vortex version of them, that has been being created over time, that at one time that bus was a perfect answer to. That, at THIS time that bus is not a perfect answer to. But Esther was clinging to an old decision, and feeling uncomfortable, because new life was calling her to a place, that the old decision was not allowing her to go.

Are you following a bit? And then the magnificent, universal Law of Attraction yielded to Esther, what she most wanted. It was opportunity to come to clarity about what they wanted!

...So, we offer this example of what's going on with Jerry and Esther, because now Esther is no longer contradicted. In other words the -those poignant life experiences amplified, what she already knows, and what her Vortex is already calling her toward. But she wasn't ready to let go of that last resistance, until that last strong calling took place.

from AH official youtube-channel, called Abraham: MONSTER BUS PROBLEMS BRING WHAT IS WANTED - Esther & Jerry Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Mastery

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

It's so fun to live on purpose!

Abraham Hicks
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