Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

The Value of Repetition

You do not HAVE to keep telling the Universe what you want. You only have to tell the Universe once.
BUT! The advantage of continuing to talk about it, is that you get clearer about it.

Usually you cannot clearly articulate everything you want with your first statement, so the more you talk about it, the more you fine-tune it.

- AH
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

Segment Intending

Segment Intending: It is the process whereby you define the vibrational characteristics of the time segment you are moving into.

It is a way of pre-paving your vibrational path so to speak, for easier and more enjoyable travel. (...)

You enter a new segment any time your intentions change.

If you are washing dishes and the telephone rings, you enter a new segment.
When you get into your vehicle, you enter a new segment.
When another person walks into the room, you enter a new segment.

If you will take the time to get your thought of expectation started even before you are inside your new segment, you will be able to set the tone of the segment more specifically than if you walk into th segment and begin to observe it as it already is. (...)

You are actually pre-paving your future experiences constantly without even knowing you are doing so. You are continually projecting your expectations into your future experiences, and this Segment Intending Process helps you to consciously consider what you are projecting. It gives you control of your future segments.

You can pre-pave future experiences that are immediate or experiences that are in your more distant future.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

The "Wouldn't it be nice if...?" Process

When you say,
"Wouldn't it be nice if this desire would come to me?"
you achieve a different sort of expectation that is much less resistant in nature.

Your question to yourself naturally elicits from you a more positive, expectant response.

And so, this simple but powerful game will cause a raising of your vibration and an improvement in your point of attraction
because it naturally orients you toward the things that you want.

The "Wouldn't it be nice if...?" Process will help you let in the things that you have been asking for, on all subjects.

- AH


Your logic would tell you,
"Hey, I've been at this for a long time.
If I knew how to do it,
or if I was good at it,
I'd have already gotten it done."

So you are contradicting your own desire.
And so, you hold yourself in THAT vibration.

However, when you are playing Wouldn't it be Nice If...? much of that vibration is diffused.

- Abraham


The reason the Wouldn't it be nice if... game is so important and powerful
is because when you say,
"Wouldn't it be nice if...?"
you are choosing something that you want,
and you're being soft and easy about it.

Which is softer?
"I wish my metabolism began to cooperate with me a little more!"
"Wouldn't it be nice if my metabolism began to cooperate with me a little more?"

[Which is softer?
"I wish I could reclaim the body weight I had when I was such and such an age!"
"Wouldn't it be nice if I could reclaim the body weight I had when I was such and such an age?"]

- Abraham


Some examples of using the Wouldn't it Be Nice process:

Wouldn't it be nice if we had the best time we have ever had with these friends?

Wouldn't it be nice if the traffic is light and we have a wonderful trip?

Wouldn't it be nice if I had a really productive day at work? (...)

Wouldn't it be nice if I find the most spectacular partner who adores me in the same way that I adore him?

wouldn't it be nice if I find someone, and we waltz off into the sunset together?

Wouldn't it be nice if there's somebody out there who's looking for somebody just like me? (...)

Wouldn't it be nice if my physical body came into alignment with my dream?

Wouldn't it be nice if I discovered this to be much easier than it's ever been before?

Wouldn't it be nice if I came into Energy alignment and everything around me came into vibrational harmony with that?

Wouldn't it be nice if the cells of my body cooperate with the mental picture that I'm holding?

Wouldn't it be nice if my physical body began responding differently to food?

- Abraham

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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

The "Which Thought Feels Better?" Process

The "Which Thought Feels Better?" Process will help you consciously identify the vibrational frequency of your current thought. (...)

This process works best if you can sit for a few minutes and write your thoughts on paper. (...) [It] causes a much more powerful point of focus which makes it easier for you to FEEL the direction of your chosen thought.

To begin: First write a brief statement of how you feel about the subject right now.
You could describe what has happened, but what is most important is that you describe how you feel.

Next, write another statement that amplifies exactly how you feel. This helps you more easily recognize any improvement as you move through the process.

For example, you have just had an argument with your daughter because she makes no effort to help around the house. She does not even take care of her personal things and her room is a terrible mess. She seems to hold no regard for the effort you are making to maintain an orderly environment. (...)

So you write:
She is deliberately trying to make my life difficult.
She doesn't care about me at all
She doesn't even come close to doing her share of the work.

Once you have made a few statements that indicate how you really feel right now, make this statement to yourself:

I'm going to reach for some thoughts about this subject that feela a little better.

Now, once you have written each thought, evaluate whether it feels better, the same or worse than when you initially began.

So you write:

She never listens to me. (same)
I want her to be more responsible (same)
I shouldn't have to pick up after her. (same)
I should have taught her better. (worse)
I wish her father would support me more. (worse)
A clean house is important to me. (slightly better).
I know she has a lot on her mind. (better).
I remember what it's like to be a tenderiser (better)
I remember when she was a sweet little girl. (better)
I wish she were still that sweet little girl (worse)
I don't know what to do about this (worse)
Well, I don't have to figure it all out today (better)
There are so many things about her that I adore (better)
I know there is more to life than a clean house (better)
It should be okay that I want a clean house (worse)
It's all right that I want my house to be clean (better)
It's fine that she doesn't care about that now (better)

Remember there is no right and wrong answers here, and no one else can really know which of your thoughts bring better or worse feelings to you.

The value of this process is that you will become aware of how your thoughts feel and you will become more adept at choosing better-feeling thoughts.


Many would ask, "But what good would it be to feel better about my daughter's sloppy habits? My thoughts won't change her behavior."

We want to say to you that your thoughts change the behavior of everyone and everything who has anything to do with you.

For your thoughts absolutely equal your point of attraction, and the better you feel, the more that everything and everyone around you improves.

In the moment that you find an improved feeling, conditions and circumstances changes to match your feeling.

The Which Thought Feels Better? game will help you begin to realize the power that your own thoughts have to influence everything around you.

- AH
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

The Process of Clearing Clutter for Clarity

The gathering of stuff is contrary to the freedom that is inherent within all of you.

We have talked of the feeling of sadness that feels empty.
People often try to fill that feeling of emptiness with stuff.
They buy one more thing and bring it home, or they eat something. In other words there are lots of creative ways in which you have tried to fill that void.

And so, it has been our encouragement to some: Discard everything from your experience that is not essential to your now.

- Abraham


If you could just go through and release those things [from your past, with old vibrations in them, those things] that you are not wearing, release those things you are not using, release them and leave your experience in a clearer place, then the things that are more in harmony with who you are NOW will more easily flow into your experience.

You all have a capacity for attraction,
and when your process is clogged with stuff [with old energy[ that you no longer want,
the new attraction is slower -
and then you end up with a feeling of frustration.

- AH


A cluttered environment can cause a cluttered point of attraction.

If you are surrounded by unfinished work, unanswered letters, incomplete projects, unpaid bills, unattended-to tasks; unsorted piles of paperwork; and stray magazines, catalogs and all manner of miscellaneous items - they can negatively affect your life experience.

Because everything carries its own vibration,
and because you develop a vibrational relationship with everything in your life,
your personal belongings DO have an impact on the way you feel and on your point of attraction.

- AH


To begin The Process of Clearing Clutter for Clarity:

Obtain several sturdy cardboard boxes with lids. (Banker's boxes work well for this.)
It is best if they are the same size and color. That way they will stack neatly and look attractive. We would suggest that you begin with a minimum of 20 boxes, but you may want to obtain more as you discover the productive power of this process.

First, assemble the boxes and put 5-6 of them in the middle of the room that you wish to organize.

Next, number each box with its own unique number. (...)
Now look around the room, focus upon an item and ask yourself,
"Is this item important to my immediate experience?"
If the answer is yes, leave it where it is.
If the answer is no, put it in one of the boxes.
Then pick up another item and continue the process as you focus upon each item in the room.

A great advantage of this process is that you will not be doing a great deal of sorting right now.
This really is a process whereby you simply remove the clutter from your environment.

As you put the item into the box, speak into the voice recorder - for example,
"Unopened package of guitar strings, box number 1" or "Old cell phone, box number 1". (...)

You could do a general sorting. In other words, all magazines could go in the same box, clothing items in the same box... but do not get carried away with the sorting process. (...)

At a later time you can take an hour or so and transfer the information from the recorder onto alphabetized index cards. In other words, under "A" you will write "Abalone shell"; under "B" write "bathing suit", under "C" write "cell phone"...

Because you are not thoroughly sorting, this process will go very fast.

You will find yourself feeling better as your space becomes less cluttered, and you will not experience your usual worry that you will not be able to find something because you will have made a record of exactly where everything is.

Now find a wall somewhere in your house or garage where these neat boxes can be placed... or maybe to some outside storage facility. Or you may even be willing to discard [some boxes].


Sometimes people will tell us that they are not bothered by clutter, so we tell them that this process is then unnecessary for them.

However since every piece of everything does carry a vibration, almost everyone really does feel better in an uncluttered environment.

- Abraham
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

The Wallet Process

The Wallet Process will help you offer a vibration that is compatible with the receiving of money instead of pushing it away.

Here is the process:

First, obtain a $100 bill and put it in your wallet or purse. Keep it with you at all times and whenever you hold your wallet or purse, remember that your $100 bill is there. Feel pleased that it is there and remind yourself often of the added sense of security that it brings to you.

Now as you move through your day, take note of the many things that you could purchase with that $100. As you pass a nice restaurant notice that if you really wanted to, you could stop in and have a delicious meal. As you see something in a department store, remind yourself that if you really wanted to, you could purchase that because you have $100 in your wallet.

By holding the $100 bill and not spending it right away, you receive the vibrational advantage of it every time you even think about it.

If you were to remember your $100 and spend it on the first thing that you noticed, you would receive the benefit of really feeling your financial well-being only once.

but if you mentally spent that $100, x20 or x30 times in that day, you will have received the vibrational feeling advantage of having spent $2000-$3000.

Each time you acknowledge that you have the power right there in your wallet to purchase this or do that, over and over again, you add to your sense of financial well-being, so your point of attraction begins to shift.

You do not have to actually be abundant in order to attract abundance, but you do have to FEEL abundant. (...)

By mentally spending this money again and again, you practice the vibration of Well-Being, of security, of abundance and of financial security, and the Universe responds to the vibration you have achieved by matching it with manifested abundance.

- Abraham

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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The Acting Process (Pretending, Scripting)

Pretend that you are a saint.
Pretend that you have been imbued with an energy of Love,
that is so powerful that it sort of oozes through you!
And pretend that the animals know it, and the babies know it,
and people tuned in, tapped it, turned on know it,
and walk through the day and watch how people respond to you!

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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

The 17 Seconds Process

Make a general statement that matches your desire.
[When the statement is vibrationally in the right direction for you] you feel a sense of relief. In other words, the statement soothes you; the statement just feels a little better.
And once you find it, if you can focus there for a little bit,
even amplify it or exaggerate it, or remember something related to it.
If you can manage, once you find that gentle comforting statement, to stay there for at least 17 seconds so that you allow another thought to join it...
It will then give impetus to your newly stated belief.

- AH
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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

Focus Wheel Process

Draw a large circle on a sheet of paper. Then draw a smaller circle... in the center of the large circle. [...]

Turn your attention to whatever has happened that has produced the negative emotion within you. Identify what it is that you do NOT want.

At this point, say to yourself, Well I clearly know what I don't want. What is it that I DO want?

It is helpful if you try to identify what you do not want as well as what you do want in terms of the way you want to FEEL about it.

For example:
I feel fat, and I want to feel slender.
I feel poor and I want to feel prosperous.
I feel unloved and I want to feel loved.
I feel deceived and I want to feel honored.
I feel ill and I want to feel well.
I feel powerless and I want to feel my power.

[...] [At this stage] you can tell by the way you feel that the Energy is not lined up [with your desire] because [stating it] all it did was make you feel ornery and aggravate your awareness that you DO feel fat or that your knee does hurt.[...]
What you want to do is slow the "wheel" down, slow the belief down, so you can get on. And then once you do so, you can increase the speed of the vibration.[...]

Next, try to write [general, soft] statements [that currently line up with your beliefs] around the outside edge of your large circle that match what it is that you DO want.

When you find a statement that is a close enough match, you will know it. [...] They are general statements that you already believe that match your desire [and feel like relief, or help you feel a little better]. [...]

Whenever you make a general statement, you are more likely to be pure in your thought than when you make a specific statement, so the power of the Focus Wheel is that you are making general statements that you already believe.

And as you hold each [general statement that feels a little better] for 17 seconds or so, it gives you an opportunity to offer a pure vibration that is more and more specific to your desire.[...]

As you find thoughts that feel good, continue writing them around the perimeter of your larger circle.
Start at what 12 o'clock would be if you were looking at a clock and then continue around to 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock and so on until you have 12 statements that feel good to you.

- Excerpt from Ask and it is Given, pg 262


Focus Wheel Examples

[Focus Wheel Example for feeling healthy and well
"I want to feel healthy and well in my physical body"
This statement is too strong and specific if you don't feel or believe you're there yet, so this is not a good place to start. Start somewhere softer with a softer statement.]

You might say something like, "I know that my physical body response to my thoughts."
Well ,that is a softer statement, and you already believe that, but hat makes you a little mad at yourself, so that was not a really good starting point either.
You feel around for something else, and you say something like,
"For the most part, my body's doing all right."
Well, now you believe that. That statement feels all right.
As you write that around your circle and focus upon it, it feels pretty good.
And then you make another statement.
You might say something like,
"I believe that the Universe matches our vibration." You absolutely believe that, so that statement sticks.
Then you make a statement such as, "This physical body has been very good for me." You believe that. That statement stays.
You are beginning to feel a little better.
You are beginning to feel a little sense of relief. [...]
Your vibration is lifting.

- AH


For example, let us say that you feel fat.
Something has happened in your experience to bring that ot the forefront of your mind, and you are in this moment, feeling strong negative emotion about it.

Take your paper, draw a circle in the center of the page, and within the circle you would write the words:
I want to feel slender.

Now, focus upon the subject at hand and try to find thoughts that match how you want to feel. Thoughts that feel good to you while you ponder them.
Try to find a thought that does not throw you off in the bushes.

"I can be slender again".
This thought is too far from what you really believe, and while you want to believe it, you do not. And you can feel that you do not. And so, because this thought does not feel good to you, this is an off-in-the-bushes statement.

"My sisters are slender and beautiful."
This thoguth does not feel good either. IT points out their success and makes you feel your own lack of success even more. This thought throws you off in the bushes.

"I'll find something that will work for me."
While this thought feels a little bit better than the previous ones, it still does not feel good. You have tried many things, but you believe that you have found nothing that works for you, so this thought just points out your past failures. This thought throws you off in the bushes.

"I know that there are others who have been where I now am, who have found a way that works for them."
With this thought you may feel a sensation of relief. You do feel a little bit better. Remember you are not looking for the end all solution here. You are only looking for a thought that feels good enough that it sticks. And this thought does not throw you off in the bushes, so write it on your page at the 12 o'clock position, and now reach for more good-feeling thoughts.

"I don't have to do all of this today."
That is another on that sticks. Write it in the 1 o'clock position.

"I'll find a diet that works"
Off in the bushes.

"It will be fun to buy some new clothes" (2:00)
That one sticks.

"My body will feel more refreshed." (3:00)

"I will feel more vital" (4:00)

"New ideas will come to me". (5:00)
You're rolling now.

"I already know some things that will help." (6:00)
Yes, feeling better.

"I like taking control of my own experience." (7:00)

"I'm looking forward to making this change." (8:00)

"I like feeling good".
That one sticks. Write it on the 9:00 position.

"I like feeling good in my body." (10:00)

"I feel good about my body." (11:00)
Yes! Now after writing that on the 11:00 position, emphatically circle the words you originally wrote in the center of your Focus Wheel and notice that you now DO feel a closer vibrational alignment with that thought, when only minutes before you were nowhere near that vibration.

- AH

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Re: Quotes on The Processes - How to Raise Vibration

Post by spiritualcookie »

A Successful Process isn't just using words; it's getting into the FEELING PLACE of those words

Abe: Why do you want the rain? It's not why do you want to fill the void, in the absence [of the romantic partner]; [why do you want to fill the void] of loneliness and drudgery; of going through this world alone? That's not gonna get you there, but what is it about that that is APPEALING?

HS: Fulfilment, satisfaction, fun, happiness. Just you know, it seems like there's so much desire

Abe: Those are words. Those are words that are not actually, if you really want to know, all that moving. [because the power and velocity of the momentum in them isn't very strong when you list things by rote without much feeling when you say them.]

HS: Right. Yeah.

Abe: It's like, why do you want this? One, two, five, seven, nine, eight. What is it about significant other in your life that is so delicious? What is that? You ever had it?

HS: Yes.

Abe: See if you can find a piece of something that you like and you can focus on it and enjoy it, it has to become more and it will increase in velocity and momentum until it can't not be, and you will feel the VELOCITY of that.
Even though you don't know where or when or who, you can just feel it, so you FEEL it.
You're just on the verge of this, which is like an eagerness for life that really feels good. [...]

"I want to be adored and I want to adore."
Those are just words, but FEEL that.
Get yourself into a position mentally, where you are observing someone who is clear and communicative and tuned in and oozing good feelings and appreciating you while you're appreciating the other. In other words, there's this feeling of appreciation.

And each of you has better timing than you've ever had.
It's like you're just flowing in and out with each other.
It's like ask and answer and answer and ask and it's just so satisfying.

Now as we stay there, can't you just FEEL that?
And haven't you had brief moments of that with different (people)?

Stay there and FEEL that and then broaden it.
Put that person, put that relationship, the two of you into a setting--
Go to a restaurant and walk in and feel what it feels like, for there to be two of you and FEEL your appreciation for the way your partner interacts with the hostess and appreciates the menu and even devours the food, chooses the food, likes the food, enjoys the food, and makes you glad that there is food.

Just broaden it and make it FEEL real to you.
Practice those kinds of things.

Do things that you like to do [with the person] because you've attracted a partner who also likes to do many of those things until those are really familiar feelings to you,

And then you'll know it when you see it.

In other words, the more aspects of that you practise for the pleasure of it, for the pleasure of it, for the pleasure of it, - not to make something happen, -for the pleasure of it.
For the pleasure of the mind meld,
For the pleasure of the specifying,
For the pleasure of the oh a little more like that and a little more like that, on every subject that matters to you.

And then ahh! an avalanche of opportunities will start showing up, and you'll know it when you see it.

There's nothing that you're supposed to do, but what about collecting data?
And what happens to so many humans, [they] go out collecting data, [but] how you gonna know if it's a match if you haven't identified the pieces that will match you (/what you desire/like) , and identified them with enough clarity that you know for sure?

Is it a wish? Is it a hope? Is it a dream? Is it a well-established intention that you've identified and come out from enough angles that you're solid in what you know and then what comes near it you'll be able to tell?

There's something else we'd like you to know:
Hardly anybody else will approach this relationship that you are attracting with the power and the clarity that you are going to do as a result of this conversation.
But there are a whole lot of matches out there and they will not know what's happening to them! In other words, they'll just feel drawn to you for inexplicable reasons and you'll discover the depth of your relationship in days and weeks and months and even years going by.

HS: That sounds great.

Abe: It IS great. It is great. We want you to hear this.

You practiced your bag of marbles so well and oh it’s just been thrilling! It's just been the most fun to lie on the bed and think about it or sit at a restaurant and think about it or drive your car and think about it. It's just so satisfying to make that tapestry for yourself with the emotions that it will stir in all of that -

And then as law of attraction matches you with a little bit of this and a little bit of that here and there, you will be able to feel the intensity of the match, the perfection of the match. You will know it when you see it and you'll know "close not quite", "close not quite but fun", "close not quite".
And then something else remarkable happens, once you feel it and allow it, allow yourself to think "maybe this is it".

As the two of you are now experiencing together, each of you will define with even greater clarity...

So the thing that we want you to take from this conversation is that you're molding this into place. You're not just snatching it from somewhere, boom first crack out of the box, that's exactly what you're looking for. You are a CREATOR; you want to CREATE; you want to get better and better and better and better at it.

We would like you all, no matter what it is that you're in the process of creating, we would really like it if you were to listen to us and then practise it a little bit and then were to say to us:
"I'm having so much fun with what I'm doing mentally that honestly Abraham, it doesn't really matter if we meet up right away, because this is way fun, this thing that I'm doing. I'm bringing so much satisfaction to myself, in fact, I think I'm discovering Who I Am I. I think I'm discovering the things I really like and why I really like them."

There are people out there that have discovered those things in themselves that you will just bring out the more of that from them, you see.
You could be and would be perfect strangers, you don't know each other in the flesh, you just know each other vibrationally, but your Inner Being has done all the vetting and your Inner Being is not going to put off all its bells and whistles over the wrong one. Your Inner Being knows what you’ve been thinking about, knows what's active in your vibration, and knows what matches it.

You will know. You'll know because your Inner Being will know.

Most people about most relationships try to make things that aren't workable work and then they'll say, "you don't bring me flowers anymore!" and he'll say "I never did bring you any flowers, what are you talking about?"
Did we get there at all with you?

HS: Yeah, that was helpful, um, I was wondering too where would dating apps fit in with the law of attraction? ...

Abe: If your desire is clear, they could work spectacularly well because they're all about compatibility. And if you are clear about what your compatibility points are and you enter them into the artificial intelligence system correctly, then you could have an avalanche of potential matches.

You can hear hesitation from us, the reason that we think the Law of Attraction is a better matchmaker is because of the involvement of your Inner Being. Think of your Inner Being is the intelligence that lets you know...

What is it about a relationship that is so exhilarating? Why but anyone want that? Why do you want that?

HS: Well, it's, you know, having a best friend that you can have sex with to put it bluntly.

Abe: That's not unimportant.

HS: You know, that you mentioned sort of adoring each other, that's a really wonderful thing, look up on the person

"I really like those inside jokes.
I like that we've walked around enough together that when we see something it activates something in my bag of marbles and it activates something in their bag of marbles and we have this knowing thing 'cause we've walked enough together that we know what that means.
And each of us is easily calibrating to the best of us, so we consistently make the best of everything.
In fact, what I've noticed what you're saying is that as I walked this earth alone, I did really good, but when two of us got together and we were on the same wavelength, really, really incredible magical things began to happen.
There's something about the power of us calibrating to each other, while each of us is calibrating to our Inner Being that made it extra, extra, extra powerful and I like that feeling of focus.
I like not having to explain myself over and over again,
I like not having to open a door and explain everything.
I like somebody knowing who I am and knowing what I want and wanting to be part of something that feels good to me.
Make it alive for yourself!
I like eating the other half of something that somebody wants.
I like sharing a meal if we like the same things, and it's nice if we do.
I like sharing conversations.
I like sharing friends.
I like sharing movies.
I like sharing. sharing. sharing.
I like harmony.
I like intensity.
I like a little bit of contrast,
I like reasoning together,
I like thinking together,
I like hatching new ideas together and not being on the same wavelength, and then each relaxing until we find a common goal in there and we realize that singularly we were this, but together we are so much more.
I like the exponential power of two or more coming together and the thrill of aligning with our Inner Beings.
I like the power of alignment.
I like co-creating better than I like creating and I like a specific partner to co-create with who knows my mind and is in harmony with me.

HS: You said that a lot better than I did.

Abe: Well. We got all of that out of your Vortex, every bit of it came from your Vortex, but the thing that we want you to know is that all of you can feel it from what we've been talking about already here today.

Don't put the kibosh on that. Don't let doubt step in. Don't let the waters get muddy.

Take that feeling and milk that feeling. Speak in ways that enhance that.
And don't wear yourself out on it.

Let's take a step forward into deliberate creation together right now. See what we just offered was easy for us because we're in your Vortex and we can see what's there and we just verbalized what's there.

Well, if you're not in your Vortex and you can't see it and you don't feel it, then for you to rampage when you don't feel it feels like a whole lot of work.
And a lot of times it backfires on you.

So the key what we're talking about here is find a way to feel something and then rampage about it.
Find a way to feel it and then rampage.
Don't rampage to create the feeling. Find the feeling and then rampage and then it just gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger until you'll find yourself feeling like when you're with your partner, they're just aren't words, just aren't words to explain the perfection of this. It’s not words. No words, no reason to explain. Just an assumption that you know it too. You'll know it when you see it over and over and over and over again.

A lot of people come into a relationship, and it's pretty frisky and good mostly about sex in the beginning.
Then because there hasn't been any long-range planning, any in depth soul alignment, then the relationship doesn't have a lot of nutrition so to speak, and so they're always on the hunt for that fresh new feeling.

But what we want you to hear is rediscovering that fresh feeling within the relationship that exists is way less trouble and way more satisfying because you can go deeper and broader and further and higher. Yeah, it's nice.

~~~from youtube clip: Abraham Hicks 2024 new - This is HOW to meet ROMANTIC Partner Law of attraction.
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