Quotes on Playfulness

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Quotes on Playfulness

Post by spiritualcookie »

If you will take a playful approach (...) you will hold far less resistance. (...)

[For example]
We use the words process, technique or game interchangeably because while these are powerful processes that will assist you in achieving anything that you desire, if you will take a playful approach to them, you will hold far less resistance than if you see them as tools to fix something that is broken.

The key to the success that you will find in these processes actually hinges upon your ability to release resistance, and the more playful you are, the less resistance you hold.

- Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Playfulness

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

After about a three year hiatus of being at the live events and listening to the weekly CDs, I've come up with two things. I keep opening the CD and thinking my question is going to be in this CD. It's in all the CDs, but I can't quite get some of these things. Um... well, actually my first question has to do with um- the question- the evolution of the questions that have been discussed. At first it was a lot of "What about child molestation? What about The Holocaust? How this Law of Attraction doesn't work here or there"- and that seems to have dropped away...

You know why? We never give a satisfying answer.

You never give a satisfying answer?

Not to those questions. In other words, we never tell anybody what they really want to hear! In other words, we say "you create your own reality". Right. Period. And then, they say "well, what about bad things happening to other people?" And we say "they create their own reality." And they say "why would anyone create something they do not want to create??" And we say "because they don't know what they're doing. They are offering vibrations that they are not paying attention to."

I think, people eventually got that. Um- I kinda promised I wouldn't ask this question but I'm going to, anyhow.

Who did you promise?

This is it. I've mentioned to people and they said, "oh, don't". Um- but this is a quick one.
Why do dogs risk getting bugs in their eyes, sticking their heads out of car windows?

Well, tell your friends that you have asked the most profound question that has ever been asked! And you have given us an opportunity to give the answer, that we have been waiting a very long time to give. And that is:

Because the contrast of the bugs in the eye is a small price to pay for the exhilaration of that ride! And it is exactly the same way you felt, when you made the decision to come into this physical existence. It's exactly the way you felt when you knew there would be contrast, and you said:

The ride is going to be worth it.

from the official youtube-clip Abraham: THE MOST PROFOUND QUESTION - Esther and Jerry Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Playfulness

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You'r all trying too hard!
You'r all thinking too much.
It's exhausting and impossible,
you'r not EVER going to sort it out!

But you could just find a reason to feel good!
And milk that, for a little while.
And then, tap into your Inner Being- who does feel good!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Playfulness

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Pretend that you are a saint.
Pretend that you have been imbued with an energy of Love,
that is so powerful that it sort of oozes through you!
And pretend that the animals know it, and the babies know it,
and people tuned in, tapped it, turned on know it,
and walk through the day and watch how people respond to you!

Abraham Hicks
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Re: Quotes on Playfulness

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Your role is not to make it happen!
Your role is to point: To say, "I like that".

Abraham Hicks
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