Quotes on Feeling Overwhelmed

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Quotes on Feeling Overwhelmed

Post by spiritualcookie »

When you have that feeling that you're uncomfortable because it feels bigger than you're ready to manage or ready to allow, if you'll say to yourself something like what you just said -

"Well, I don't have to allow it all at once.
I'm getting ready to be ready to be ready to be ready,
and I'm feeling satisfied in what I'm ready for now."

That really is the key -

I'm feeling satisfaction now on my way to more satisfaction,
on my way to more, on my way to more.

~ Abraham-Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Stop using the word "struggle".
Use a less strugglesome word,
like, "I'm sifting"

- Abraham Hicks

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Post by spiritualcookie »

Hotseater seeks advice on organizing her cluttered, untidy, messy house when it feels too overwhelming to tackle it. She also seeks help with her tendency to accumulate and hoard things, and has trouble letting them go for fear that she may need these things at some point in the future.

You look around at the clutter, which causes you to feel overwhelmed,
and because you feel overwhelmed, you are incapable of doing anything about the clutter.

So perhaps you can now recognize that your work right now is not to deal with the mess,
for you have already acknowledged that you are paralysed and cannot deal with it.

You have to first find a way of improving your emotional state.
And once you are feeling better emotionally, you will find a way of bringing the physical things into organization.

In other words, you have to deal with the disorganization in your mind first, and then you can deal with the outward manifestations of it.


Try to make statements that cause you to feel better. (...)
Make statements that give you a feeling of relief.
If you can find some consistent relief about the subject, your Energy will shift,
and the feeling of being paralysed will be replaced with good-feeling action ideas.

[Examples of downstream thoughts]

I don't need to throw ALL of this away.
There's nothing wrong with my gathering things that interest me.
I'll find a way to store everything and catalog it so that I can find it when I want it.
I don't have to do it all at once.
I've been living with this for a while and there's no urgency here.
In time I'll figure out hat to do with it.
In the same way I enjoying finding these things, I will also enjoy organizing them.

It is of value to notice that even though nothing has outwardly changed, the feeling of being overwhelmed has lifted because you have focused your thoughts back into alignment with who you really are.

- Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Abraham on cussing and using the F-word

(HS asks if using the F-word brings down our energy)

Using this language, even if it's by some standards offensive, is serving them (who feel disempowered) because it's at least giving them a feeling of empowerment! It's much better than a feeling of disempowerment. And that is -in the majority of cases, why someone offers it.

It is their attempt at regaining their own power.

So, if someone displays this language in a way that you are hearing it, and they are in a position that they can hear you, say to them: "Good for you! Taking back your power!" But if someone is hopeful and then they are expressing rage, it's not so good. Because they are moving in the wrong direction. (...) That's when people are using it, just it became another "word". You can tell when you are using it to move into the right direction! And you can tell when it has no power within it.

from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks ~ Using the F word and the Law of Attraction
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Esther was feeling somewhat overwhelmed.
She and her mate had returned from a few days of travel, to find the mail box overflowing, and the telephone voice-box overflowing.
As Esther sat in the midst of all of this backlog of work, she felt overwhelmed.
And from her point of frustration, she said to us, "Abraham, what should I do?"

We said to her, "There you are, acting like a physical being again.
Always wanting to know what to DO.
How do you want to FEEL?"

"I want to feel free and happy,
and I don't feel free and happy when I have too much to do!"

We said, "There you are, acting like a physical being again, telling us what you DON'T want, when we asked you what you DO want."

Esther laughed and said, "I want to feel free and happy."

We said, "Good, now ponder that for a moment or two."

And Esther sat, closing her eyes, and envisioning sitting on the front porch, sipping some iced tea, visiting with her mate, watching the squirrels - and immediately she felt freer and happier.

We said, "Now, what is it that you want to have?"

"I want to have a clean and efficient organized home and office." Esther quickly replied.

"Good," we said, "Now ponder that for a few days.
Do not jump into action, but think of how you want to feel and what you want to have."

Within a few days, ideas began to flow to Esther.
"I can move this over here. I can move this over there. I can delegate this, I can eliminate this." She was bouncing around the house filled with happy , excited Energy. Not cleaning up the mess from a negative point of view, but excited as the ideas came. She was being drawn, or inspired from her positive wanting, rather than being pushed or motivated from her negative attention to lack.

- Excerpt from the book "A New Beginning II", 1991, pg 98
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Don't have the conversation!
Don't ask what's wrong.
Don't worry about what's wrong.
Pull as quickly as you can away
from any thought that is giving you
the feeling of frustration.

Abraham Hicks
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