How to change expectations?

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How to change expectations?

Post by Sonja »

Hello everyone,

You always get what you expect.

I understand that.

But how can I change my expectations?

I spent several weeks trying to change my inner state by using affirmations before going to sleep. Unfortunately, this didn’t make things better; it made them worse. I feel like I approached it with a sledgehammer – that’s how the result feels, at least. I think I didn’t have the right emotions behind it, hmm.

The biggest source of sadness for me, though, is my expectations. There are a few things I really want in my life, but a part of me just can’t fully embrace expecting these things with joy.

With some things, it works very well. For example, I was waiting for a tax refund. I was pretty sure I would get it. I expected with near certainty that I would receive it – and that’s exactly what happened.

I’ve been looking for a new apartment in a specific area for over a year. A part of me knows I COULD manifest this "castle" just as easily as a button. But another part seems to have a completely different expectation. It even got to the point where I couldn’t view an apartment recently because I suddenly felt physically unwell.

I’m sure that if I joyfully expected this new apartment in this lovely area with nice neighbors, I could move in very quickly! How can I change my expectations?

Thanks for reading 😊
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Re: How to change expectations?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Sonja wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 11:56 am Hello everyone,
:text-welcomeconfetti: welcome, Sonja! :hearts:
You always get what you expect.

I understand that.

But how can I change my expectations?
When your expectations match up with your path to allow them ("to get them"), they FEEL GOOD. And when the don't feel good, they will lead you not to your fulfillment in getting what you desire. Because, source ("God") and your desires are one, as source immedeately embraces your desires as soon as life-experience causes you to have them. Aka, Source is the evolved "who you really are" WITH all the fulfillment of all your fulfilled desires! And when you don't catch up/align with source- this further evolved stance of you-, your inner guidance:Your emotions, show you that you are off.

The emotional inner guidance is always knowing where you are, in regards to the fulfilling of your desires. It's purpose is to give you knowledge of where to focus, so that you FEEL GOOD and get your stuff, and are close or even merged with the divine part of yourself.
So it follows, that you must change your focus to feel BETTER (or even really good) when you feel off- until you feel at least relief, right? And you do that "in any way that works for YOU" (Abe).

You could chill out, relax and meditate.
You could be nicer to yourself.
You could let go of torturing yourself with doubt, perfectionism, judgement or impatience.
You could do something that would feel really joyful, instead!
You could appreciate what is EASILY appreciatable for you.
You could watch funny movies or listen to great music.
You could workout or dance or take a walk in nature.
You could pet your cat!
You could enjoy unfolding in a hobby, have fun with friends, satisfying sex- WHATEVER works FOR YOU! It is totally ok if it's babysteps, indeed, better you do small babysteps that really are fun, than trying to jump over a roof so to speak, and not "making it" and braking your legs.

Abe say, they have only 1 answer- and it is: "Get happy. In ANY WAY you can!"
I spent several weeks trying to change my inner state by using affirmations before going to sleep. Unfortunately, this didn’t make things better; it made them worse. I feel like I approached it with a sledgehammer – that’s how the result feels, at least. I think I didn’t have the right emotions behind it, hmm.
Exactly. When you try to override negative emotions with pushing against them- be it with affirmations, faking, or even trying to do virtual reality, they ALWAYS backlash, as the vibrations don't match up! Start slowly with something that feels as relief, or easily believable.
The biggest source of sadness for me, though, is my expectations. There are a few things I really want in my life, but a part of me just can’t fully embrace expecting these things with joy.
To not want a lot is not as virtuous as you might think, and as society has taught us. Because when you allow yourself to love and easily appreciate, you WILL desire a lot! Life makes you do that. You wish the best for your loved ones.You wish the best FOR YOU! You want to explore and to care and to play and have fun! So,allow yourself to enjoy SOMUCH MORE than you did before: That is the first step on this road.
With some things, it works very well. For example, I was waiting for a tax refund. I was pretty sure I would get it. I expected with near certainty that I would receive it – and that’s exactly what happened.
Yes, that is the ease you are "supposed" to feel with everything.It is easy, when you have no resistances! :hearts:
I’ve been looking for a new apartment in a specific area for over a year. A part of me knows I COULD manifest this "castle" just as easily as a button. But another part seems to have a completely different expectation. It even got to the point where I couldn’t view an apartment recently because I suddenly felt physically unwell.
Never ever lie to yourself about how you really feel! That is so important. Learn to embrace you wherever you truly ARE. Stop scolding yourself that you should be further. You are where you are, AND THAT IS TOTALLY OK!
If you don't do that, you can't move on, because you then take your unhealed resistances with you. Embracing yourself instead, soothing yourself, doing what it takes to heal, opens the door for a better energy.

Start to ENJOY the small steps, be proud about yourself when you loved more, allowed yourself more desires, and enjoyed life- and be it just for a few minutes. It will add up, and become your new setpoint of vibration. And then, better, and better- until you EASILY expect the best!
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Re: How to change expectations?

Post by Sonja »

Dear PoE,

thank you very much for the warm welcome and your explanations!
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Re: How to change expectations?

Post by book »

I spent several weeks trying to change my inner state by using affirmations before going to sleep. Unfortunately, this didn’t make things better; it made them worse.
Do you know why? Did you not believe the affirmations you were saying? Did they make you feel bad while saying them? If you do them right they will work, so you did something wrongly here and it is good if you find out what it was to not repeat the mistake.
There are a few things I really want in my life, but a part of me just can’t fully embrace expecting these things with joy.
To go from "sadness" to joyful expectation is too huge of a leap. You will never make it, unless you take it step by step. An old forum member had such a good analogy about this: you are trying to get to the top of a building and instead of taking the stairs and moving steps by steps, you are trying to jump all the way to the top in one jump. It is never ever going to work. And even if it seems like you made it, it will not be sustainable and you can not maintain what you achieved.
I’m sure that if I joyfully expected this new apartment in this lovely area with nice neighbors, I could move in very quickly!
How can I change my expectations?
Go to a calm quiet place with a notepad or a computer, and a word processing software open on it. Take 3 slow deep breaths, and close your eyes. Ask yourself this: "What would I have to do differently in order to be able to allow myself to expect this?"

The answer will appear. Write it out, just write whatever comes. And that will be what you have to do in order to change your expectations according to your set of beliefs which govern your reality.

In the past when people asked Abraham "how can I improve my expectation" what they emphasized is caring about how you feel (I know it sucks to hear that because it is something you have to do 24/7, but sadly it is just true) or focusing more on feeling good. What will work is focusing on the good parts, positive aspects of your life, like of the living situation you already have. As you do that for at least 15 minutes every day for a week or two, you will start to have a different mindset and it will become easier to hope for things to turn out the way you want them to.

1 super important distinction: What hope means: things are already good and so it is only natural that they will continue to improve and turn out the way I want them to be.
What hope DOES NOT mean: There is this thing which I am aware that I don't have but I did a really good job so now I think I will get it.
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Re: How to change expectations?

Post by FeelGood »

book wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 10:47 am
1 super important distinction: What hope means: things are already good and so it is only natural that they will continue to improve and turn out the way I want them to be.
What hope DOES NOT mean: There is this thing which I am aware that I don't have but I did a really good job so now I think I will get it.
I agree with this and you explained it so well that now I even understand my belief better :D , thankyou book.
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
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Re: How to change expectations?

Post by book »

Thank you feel good :angel: It is easy to mix it up because of the way we use the word in everyday life, but it is a very important vibrational difference.
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Re: How to change expectations?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Sonja wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:00 am Dear PoE,

thank you very much for the warm welcome and your explanations!
:hearts: :wave: My pleasure!
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Re: How to change expectations?

Post by FeelGood »

book wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 1:56 pm Thank you feel good :angel: It is easy to mix it up because of the way we use the word in everyday life, but it is a very important vibrational difference.
I AM this, and I AM that..I choose this, and I choose clarity. Good Version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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