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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Jenny Lee wrote: Sat Dec 21, 2024 1:49 pm
Absolutely true. That's why there are so many teachers and teachings. Whatever works best is good for us. And I hope people with panick attack could directly benefit by the method you say, because it would be quick and powerful, and they could have more delicious time in alignment.

Amen! :hearts: :vortex: YES... Wouldn't that be nice!!
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Post by newsunnyfuture »

book wrote: Fri Dec 20, 2024 8:12 am So your marriage of more than a decade years is in danger and you are doing massages, acupuncture and lists of positive aspects to deal with the situation? It seems like you are trying to feel good, instead of trying to feel better.

Answer: I think am I trying to feel better. Keep in mind this disconnection of intimacy has been happening for 12 years of the 26 we have been together. It's just recently that she has decided we are not on the same page and she wants a separation, so I have been trying to feel better for years. Perhaps the hardest part if the reality of the whole situation as I was focusing on the better feeling thoughts around the relationship and what was going well instead of what was missing so much which I had come to terms with. I have to feel better in order to keep my attitude high as what I do for work and a living is all about mindset vs showing up.

I'd imagine that after the events you mentioned in your post, you would feel some level of anger, blame or disappointment. And what you are doing is distracting yourself instead of taking the topic and molding it into a better feeling place by reaching for relief. That is why it is hard for you to stay on the higher flying disk. Sit down and write out your feelings about the situation and then do the "which thought feels better?" exercise on it from ask and it is given. That will take a maximum of 20 minutes and it will be very productive since it actually shifts your vibration on this topic that gives you a lot of issues right now. Or you could do a focus wheel, that also fits this situation better than distracting yourself.

Answer: I feel a bunch of anger, and I am just coming to a realization I can not make someone else feel another way, honestly I do feel that on her side she is depressed and looking at her perspective that the whole world is different than her, I am not on the same page - however neither is everyone else in her experience. She can feel like this but I have chosen not to try and change how she feels. She also is tired all of the time and I think she needs the space. In actuality we are amicable and friends just room mates, no sex for 12+ years so I am just wanting to get aligned with my value and who I am. I want to raise my play, energy and vibration more as it serves be best to feel better feeling thoughts. Its definitely a challenge in a situation like the one that I am in. Also with a family involved I am just focusing on the positive aspects..

It's like you are in a forest that is burning around you and you are just focusing on a patch of grass untouched by the flames, instead of putting out the fire.

Answer: What are you saying? Is there a better way for me to look at this?

You need to make peace with the situation, and AFTER you did that, will these things you mention be truly useful.

Answer: How can I tell, I feel in a peaceful state, I wish things worked out different or she wanted to shift her focus but then I am looking at the reflect instead of my mind, my energy and better feeling thoughts I am striving towards.
I am looking for suggestions to feel better around this when someone you care about is looking at all of the things they do not like
Abraham talked about this before, and Jenny Lee's advice is spot on. Basically they say to imagine the kind of interactions you want to have with them BEFORE you meet them, and try to see their vortex versions and focus on that more.
Answer: I have been dreaming a bunch when I am sleeping of positive interactions. Part of me is thirsty for some fun experiences that will send my energy into a much better feeling state instead of feeling in limbo.
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

newsunnyfuture wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 1:09 am
Answer: I have been dreaming a bunch when I am sleeping of positive interactions. Part of me is thirsty for some fun experiences that will send my energy into a much better feeling state instead of feeling in limbo.
That's exactly right! :thumbup:
There's a quote from Abe that I only remember, I try to give it as correctly as I can: "Don't try to fix old, bad feeling momentum. Just start a new, good feeling one."

Which means: Drop what doesn't feel good, and INSTEAD, think and talk and CREATE what feels good.
Set Grids of fun. Speak about eagerness. Remember passion. Enjoy laughter, and appreciate as often as you can. Be deliberately on the lookout for joy! Picture cool, happy, wonderful interactions: BUILD a good feeling momentum, and practice it and practice it and practice it, until LoA brings you back what you want! (And NEVER STOP THE "WORK" OF PRACTISING EVEN MORE!)
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Post by book »

Answer: I think am I trying to feel better. Keep in mind this disconnection of intimacy has been happening for 12 years of the 26 we have been together.
So it has been going on for 12 years, and hasn't improved? Sounds like an issue to me.
It's just recently that she has decided we are not on the same page and she wants a separation, so I have been trying to feel better for years.
Climbing the emotional guidance scale should take hours or days on simpler topics. And even on deep topics weeks or 1-3 months, not years. It might be a good idea to re-think your strategy.
I feel a bunch of anger,
Good! (And totally reasonable). Go for discouragement and blame instead of positive aspects.
Answer: What are you saying? Is there a better way for me to look at this?
There are 2 ways to go about creation:
1. Think in great detail and vividness about a desire and feel good while you are doing it.
2. Distract yourself from the situation while you think about other things while still feeling good. What you want comes slower under these conditions but at least you are not in resistance.

The issue is when you are trying to distract yourself about a thing that you can't deactivate in your vibration: like a person you live with and see every day, or your sexual desires which keep coming up again and again and it sounds like you are not satisfied with the sex you are getting. Since you can't distract yourself from these things for an extended amount of time, it is more efficient to directly reach for relief on the subject to achieve improvement.
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