Quotes on Success, Achievements & Accomplishments

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

The ultimate trophy is joy!

While the physicalness of this experience is of vital importance,
and while your physical successes are essential to your reason to being here in this body,
we want to emphasize that all of the having and all of the doing is for the enhancement of your state of being.

In other words, everything that you know,
everything that exists in your physical realm - including your physical body -
exists for the sole purpose of enhancing your state of being.

It is all for the sake of enhancing the way you feel.
It is all for the enhancement of your state of being.

- Abe


As you set a goal to achieve a new house, a new body size and shape, or a new occupation - and you reach that goal - you misunderstand, thinking that the new house or new body or new job was the subject of creation, when all along the subject of creation is your state of being.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

The sculptor of magnificent works
does not derive his greatest satisfaction from the finished work.
Once his work is completed
he stands upon that blissful plateau of accomplishment only briefly,
eager to begin another project.

His joy is in the becoming.
His creation is not the world of art.
He is the creator of himself.

- Abraham
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

On Things You Desire Still Not Being Manifested

There will ALWAYS be incomplete desire! ALWAYS!
Because new desires are continually being born. Learn to be happy in the incompletion!

Because, as eternal Beings, fulfillment of your desire will ALWAYS be incomplete! We never get it done. (...)

Since you are eternal, then there will always be another exposure to another contrasting experience, which will cause you to give birth to yet another new desire, which, since you just gave birth to it, is not complete. And what we want you to come away from this gathering, feeling very powerfully, is that the exhilarating crevice is

between having given birth to a new idea, to a new preference, and it not yet being completed, but you’re on your way to the completion of it because it’s on the way.
It’s that on-the-way crack, that is your life.

You keep thinking that you want to get through the crack, through the crevice, and over to the place where the manifestation is complete! And we say well, you can do that, and you will -
you’ll get your new house,
you’ll get your new car and
you’ll get your new lover -
you’ll get your new stuff.

It will constantly come to you, because when you ask, it is always given! But the thing that we really want you to feel is, that now you’re just going to be standing in another new place! With other contrasting experiences- which are going to give birth to another yet new desire, which is still going to be incomplete! So we see so many of you standing in this place where you feel incomplete, but you’re unhappy in your incompletion.

“I will feel so much better when my lover comes.
I will feel so much better when my money comes!
Or when my new house comes.”

And you have to get over that.
You have to feel good in the crack!
You have to feel happy in the crevice of incompletion.

And unless you are, then you’re going to hold yourself in this negative, annoyed, resistant, irritated, unhappy, incomplete-feeling, inadequate, insecure attitude, that will prevent what you’re asking for from coming to you. Did that just make sense?

You have to be happy in the crack; you have to be excited about wanting something that hasn’t come yet!

So you want to get to the place that when people say to you “Has that thing you’ve been talking about come yet?” -You want to say: "No" (calmly), not "Noooo!" (in despair). -“No, it hasn’t come yet, which means I’m still alive, which means I’m still adjusting, which means I’m still adjusting my vibration.”

And what is it that you are adjusting your vibration to?
-You’re adjusting your vibration, not from not having this thing you want to having this thing you want, you’re adjusting your vibration from being unhappy about not having it, to being happy, even though you don’t have it!

When you’re happy even though you don’t have it, then you’ll have it! But as long as you’re unhappy about not having it, that unhappy is a vibration that holds it away. When you’re unhappy about not having it, you’re practicing the art of resistance. And when you’re resisting, you can’t have it. “Well, how do I get happy about not having something that I really want?” -Well, it takes practice! It takes understanding you’re eternal. It takes understanding that you’re on your way. It takes beginning to enjoy the process.

If we were standing in your physical shoes (and we often are), and we were on our way to something that is in our mind -we’re looking forward to it, we’re not there yet, we haven’t achieved it yet
-we would feel anticipation,
we would feel eagerness,
we would feel optimism;
we would feel enjoyment or pleasure, at watching how clever the Universe is in organizing a way to give it to us.

We wouldn’t be beating the drum of “It’s taking too long”, we’d be beating the drum of
-“Well look at that, well look at that, well wasn’t that interesting - look how it is unfolding!”

because when you start beating the drum of "I’m happy in my incompletion", things speed up so fast.

When you ask, it is given every single time.

~ Abraham-Hicks, Sedona, AZ 8/27/2005
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Your DOMINANT Mantra to the Universe is:
"I am to live happily ever after!"

I am to live happily ever after.
Not "I'm to accomplish this, and I'm to accomplish this."
Because, the goal that you are reaching for,
the eternal symbol of success is this joyful intertwining
with who-you-are!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Train yourself to always expect to succeed!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Many think that success means getting everything they want.
And we say that this is what dead is!
And there is no such think as that kind of dead!

Success is not about getting it done.
It is about still dreaming
and feeling positive in the unfolding.

The standard of success in life is not the money or the stuff.
The standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.

- Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Success is alignment with what's going on in your Vortex.
Because no one else can define that success for you.,

- Abraham
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