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Re: Quotes on Religion, Christianity & How it fits in with Abe's Teachings

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 8:03 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Religion's just fine, as long as it leads you to your own alignment!
But if it replaces your alignment, it's not so fine for you!

from the youtube clip Abraham Hicks - ✨FEEL YOUR EMPOWERMENT✨

Re: Quotes on Religion, Christianity & How it fits in with Abe's Teachings

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 9:26 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Full interaction to the quote above

Are our lives pre-planned by us?
Also: Dying clears ALL resistances and returns us into pure positive energy again!

That's the world I seem to live in lately- well, since I was little. But there's a lot of people seem to always talk about like Michael Newton, about coming down here on Earth, and we pick our families.

You do vibrationally pick everything.

Vibrationally, right. Right. Can we talk a little bit about that?

Yeah, it's because from non-physical, in absence of resistance, you make deliberate choices about what you think is the best platform. From which you will launch your creative experience, here. So, that the things that really matter to you, are available to you in that springboard, that you call birthplace, and the first family.

So, let's talk about what happens on the other side. I mean, it seems like Michael Newton talks a lot about that. And I'm in that world, too. I do hypnosis myself, too, and he speaks that, when we make our transition, we go back to our families of (...) and we plan our lives.

Well, the thing about that is is, that you re-emerge immediately into the vibration that is YOU. But it's expanded! you're not going back! You're going forward.

It sounds like back, because you were there- and then you were here. But it's not back! Because that part of you never left "there"! That part of you never left there, and so as you come and expand, then the expanded version of you returns to all of that.

But then we seem to plan our lives, coming back down here. But then you've talked about, that there really is no plan?

Well instead of using the word "plan", let's use the word "intent". In other words, who you are and the vibration that you're offering- we made an attempt at explaining this a few minutes ago, so we're going to circle back around and do it again. Because we want to help you to realize, that you don't create through action. You create through point of Attraction. And when you come into this physical body, you come with intention.

But the intention expands, and evolves, as a result of your participation here!

So, it's not quite the way you are describing it!

So, are we responsible for our actions? Because I know... I had a conversation with someone else and I'm a firm believer, that yes, we are responsible! Because that's the life, that we choose to come down here. Then there's that karmic reaction, that we all seem to have, like, let's say we had a past life and we were horrible, let's say. And we go back and it was meant to be, but now we have to come back, and...

But here's the flaw in that premise. So when we talk about source and the vibrational place for lack, an easier way to just say it quickly- that

you've come from that vibrational non-physical being, that is non-resistant, pure positive energy, Liquid Love, pure positive energy, pure intent and pure desire, and worthy beyond description, and eager to continue the creative process!

So, then a part of that comes into this physical time-space-reality. And is the personality, that you know as "you". And so, to the degree that you are in Alignment with who you are, you are living joyful moments. To the degree that you're resisting who you are, you are living less than joyful moments! But that's as big as the Badness gets!

In other words- there is this stream of goodness, which you allow or don't, in any moment in time. But when you make your transition back into non-physical, you stop the resistance and you are purely received by non-physical! And so it's like the non-physical was the clearing. Because, you left behind all of the resistant parts.

That's why the notion of Karma and Redemption is so skewed. It is inaccurate! It cannot possibly be!

Because that would say, that you take all of that with you, and you don't!
That would say, that that high flying vibration would also include those lower vibrations- and it can't.

It's vibrationally inaccurate! It's vibrationally impossible. That's not the way that it is! But humans try to explain bad things that they see, in all kinds of ways. And so, there are a lot of interpretations about things like that, that cannot be. And so the karma- we will go along with that, in the sense that you come and you expand, and you become, and you come again,

but you're coming not to climb the rungs of the karmic ladder. You come again for the joyous creating!

Because that's who we all are.
Because creation is what we do!
Because expansion is inevitable.
Because in the eternalness that is us, nothing else makes sense! Does it?

No, yeah, so... it's more like a learning process, that we're coming down here...?

Of course you learn, you can't help it.
But you're not coming for the learning! You're coming for the joy!
There's this Triad of intentions, that you come in on: freedom and growth and joy. And that's the basis of Who You Are.

You're so free, you can choose bondage. And growth is inevitable. So, you come for the joyous experience! But all of it is part of what you ARE.

So there really is no planning involved? That's we...

Yes, there is! Yes there is!
There's the plan to live happily ever after!
There's the plan to feel who you really are!
There's the plan to discover what's new!
There's the plan, to feel more momentum!
There's the plan to be of value!
There's the plan to help others experience Heaven on Earth!
There's the plan to be in the moment!
There's a plan to feel your empowerment!
There's the plan to be physical, and to be tangible!
There's a plan to translate vibration into something that's even more tangible!

Source seeing- imagine that!!! -Source being in an environment, with all this beauty to see! Yeah there's a plan!! There's an intention!!

So there's an intention of picking our family, for a purpose, you know? This particular group... I picked my parents, you know...?

Well, you're not a puppet on a string from even those intentions! Because those intentions are general and you fill the specifics in- because that's what's fun!

Okay, so if I wanted to experience, like I said, more metaphysical... being in contact with... that's all my own planning, as I came down here to experience for the joy of it?

You know how you can tell that you're on your life purpose- plan?

That's a good question, yeah!

...By the way you feel on your path.

The happier you are, the more you are satisfying that so-called plan, that you keep insisting on calling it. And the worse you feel, the more off the path you are in the moment. So, yes of course there's intention. But the thing that you're pointing us toward, and we are refusing to go to, is that you're wanting to assign a plan that must be followed.

And we're wanting you to understand, it was this Broad and Powerful, but General plan, that you are creating the specifics off from HERE, from THIS format!

And the closer you are to those non-physical intentions, the better you feel. And oh, this is the part that we want to tell you the most!! Oh, if you want to call it a plan, do! WE want you to know, that every day you live, that plan evolves. And that's the way we've been describing it. That as you sift through this environment, and know what you don't want, you launch rockets. And who-you-are becomes that "more". And so, as that "more" happens vibrationally -not future tense, but present tense!! -it is a reality, that now exists.

Now you get to experience the deliciousness of catching up with that newly plotted plan!

That's good! (Abe: it is good!) That's good very good! Yeah. So basically when, like the lady was talking about astrological charts and things like that, just it's fun to play with, but it's not really...?

We're not asking you ever to discount anything!
Because there's value in everything! And sometimes, some of those things that we're really not talking about a lot from this platform, they were exactly on your path, along the way. In other words, they were the next logical step for you! Because it caused you to realize, that there was something more. And it made you think about you, before you were here in this physical body. And it introduced to you the idea of intentionality. And it made you realize, that you are much more than you see, here in this physical body! There was value in that!! But eventually, we want you to get around to the acknowledgment of your own guidance system, and once you click into that knowledge, everything else that you're using as guidance, is less significant to you. And- you can't go back! There's no regression! In other words- religion's just fine. As long as it leads you to your own alignment!
But if it replaces your alignment, it's not so fine for you.

from the youtube clip Abraham Hicks - ✨FEEL YOUR EMPOWERMENT✨

Re: Quotes on Religion, Christianity & How it fits in with Abe's Teachings

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 6:21 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
What is the "I"?
What the word "Sin" really means- and the meaning of other emotional words

Hi Abraham!

Adjust that microphone, just a little bit for you...

A little closer, okay...

She hardly ever knocks anyone's teeth out!

HS (laughing):
I'm relieved to hear that! And it's kind of the issue for me, as I'm right on the edge of getting what you're talking about, and losing it, and where I sort of go with this... who or what or where is this "I"? The "I" that I've heard one of my teachers said, was "the losers in the cosmic rap game, we get to be human and forget who we really are." Or, Abraham implies that I am aware of 5% of who I really am. So, "I" is to me the observer, or what? How do I know myself? I'm aware of my thoughts. I'm aware of listening to you. I don't... I is somewhere floating around, in your kind of a concept. For me... I'm not sure it's it's a place? It seems like it's real when I say "I". I guess. I understand what I'm talking about, but also I think the I is, when I studied to be a priest for a while, I was pleased to hear that in the word of the language Aramaic, that Jesus spoke,

the word for sin meant "to miss the target". It didn't mean you were bad, it just meant you missed the bullseye.

Just you know when you know who you really are. Then there's no sin. So, sinners just don't know who they really are! -When you know who you really are, then you are all of it, or...

Sin is: The literal expression of sin is "just without the fullness of who I am".
And it doesn't mean that you have done something wrong, and so someone else is withholding from you something, in punishment. It means that, in your vibrational state of being, you are disallowing the fullness of who you are.

So we make it sort of complicated when we try to identify as... let us start in this way. When we visit with you, and you have been present in gatherings, you know what it feels like. We always enjoy coming together! You dragged your physical bodies here, and you've been grappling with life. You've been trying to wrestle your kids to the ground, and get them to do what you need them to do, and, and, and. So, always as you gather, there's a lot of stuff going on, vibrationally, in a gathering like this. And then, as we begin to play together, and as we ramble from our point of alignment, with all that you really are, as you are kind enough to join us worldwide, over a hundred countries coming to play with us in these broadcasts, these days... as you come with your bodies, as you come with your mind, as you come with your focus- and we we ramble and you focus, as we speak from the point of view of who you really are, you can't spend too much time listening to us. Really, ten minutes is enough, before you find resonance with the fullness of who you are!

And it's that feeling of resonance that we desire, that you begin reaching for rather than trying to to get glimpses in any other way. Just feel it!
You know when a feeling of clarity comes over you.
You know when that feeling of A-ha-ness comes.
You know when that feeling of comfort comes!
You know how when you just feel the allrightness with where you are, in any moment!

That's that resonance with the fullness of who you are!
And that's who you are. And anything less than that, is "without who you are".

It's some sort... and we don't like the word "sin", because it has been so misunderstood for so long! But anytime you deprive yourself, and only you can do it or pinch yourself off even a little bit- and only you can do it- from the fullness of who you are; anytime you're mad at somebody- even when they've done something really screwy and stupid- every time you're mad at them, you are without the viewpoint of source.

And you miss that the viewpoint of source! It's important to the way you feel in a moment.
It's important to who you are, because when source is being allowed by you in a moment, you just feel so good! You evoke the best from the moment. You just dance and fly high, and have fun, and have clarity- and that's the way you intend to live. Not one of you came to prove yourself worthy! It's such an interesting thing to watch humans line up with each other, in a comparative dance, feeling competition about each other. And in your competitive nature,

instead of inspiring each other to greatness, instead what you do is diminish your own greatness!

And you know it that's what that feeling of jealousy is?
A feeling of jealousy or a feeling of not enough this or a feeling of vulnerability, or a feeling of "I should be more than I am, and I need to be doing something different"... all of those feelings are feelings which are indicators of your discord. Which is depriving you to some degree, of the fullness of who you are.
So, that's why we begin today talking about the emotional manifestation! Because we think you're hitting upon the thing, that's the most important thing of all, and that is knowing who you are! But not just knowing who you are, being who you are!

Esther's been playing with emotional words, wanting for her herself personally, just sort of ferret out what they mean. And what they mean is only how they feel! And so, when she thinks of an emotion like "Hope", she can feel some vulnerability in hope. Because hope is... hope... is hopeful! Hope is not right there! Hope is not where the source within her is. Because source KNOWS.

So then she thinks about the word "Faith". Faith... faith feels like hope a little bit, to Esther. To some, faith feels more like more certainty. But to Esther, faith feels sort of hopeful! (...) Esther likes the feeling of Belief more than the feeling of Hope. She likes the feeling of Belief more than the feeling even of Faith! Because faith is sort of... she's heard so long "Faith"... faith, is about knowing something that you can't see. But the "you can't see it" part is too big for her. So it's still something missing. So, faith and hope don't feel as good as belief.

But, oh, "Trust." Now, that's a good feeling word! Trust. Trust and Knowing feel the same to Esther. "Knowing" feels the same, knowing and trust feel the same! Well, Knowing. Knowing feels even better to us, than trust! Because trust is... trust as a little outside of you! WE'RE KNOWING! And so, now we're using these words. We're using emotional words, because we're wanting to evoke vibration within you.

Because we want you to realize, that who you are is a vibrational feeler.

And when you come in a moment where you're having a conversation or an interaction with anyone in life, and you feel love, you feel appreciation, you feel elation, you feel passion, you feel that frisky, robust, passionate awareness of life- that's who you are.

So, we've taken this conversation completely away from the direction that you were putting it, because we don't want you to think you're way down there, so much as feel your way there. Because everything that you are, will bring about this responding feeling, you see! And what all of this conversation really rests on, what the basis of it is, is: You have to accept that you were Source Energy before you came into this physical body!

But that you still are Source Energy. And the source is right here, with you!

In other words, it's easy for some of you to witness Esther in this mode of allowing, and receiving Abraham. It's hard not to acknowledge, that something's going on, that is other than Esther's human experience. Her mind is working so fast, her vibrational frequency is so high, if you put a meter on her, it would freak you out in terms of what's going on, vibrationally.

Doctors would worry about her, if they were monitoring her in this moment! It is not a normal human experience, to be so aligned and so allowing, with so much source flowing through you!

But you are experiencing the same thing! In other words, Esther's doing the interpreting of that which we are. But you're out there, all around the world, feeling the fullness of who you are, reveling and resonating in this knowledge. So, as you feel this, do you feel the fullness of who you, are right now? Don't you just know that everything's alright with you? Aren't you feeling more sure, in every moment- even as we're focused here together, that you are Source Energy in physical bodies?

And don't you feel sort of eager to express the source-ness of yourself, in moment after moment? Aren't you feeling that more, than you did when you walked in the door? Aren't you feeling it more maybe, than you've ever felt it in your life? Or (teasing) maybe it's just us! Maybe! But what we're getting at here is: It's those feelings, that you're reaching for. That's the main event! That's always what you're reaching for!

Don't try too hard to figure it out. Don't try too hard to figure it out in terms of... of conversation. Don't try too hard to figure out what your point of view is! Just FEEL your point of view! And know, that your point of view, when you are really in sync with the wholeness of who you are, which is what your question is about and what you MUST experience! Because once you experienced it, you can't go back! Once you feel that, and KNOW that, you've FELT it- then just feel for it, again and again and again. And don't accept anything less than that!

Don't accept confusion, it's not who you are! Don't accept anger toward other humans- it's not who you are! Don't accept vulnerability, it's not who you are. When you feel it, know that it's not who you are, and feel yourself into alignment.
That's what we would do, if we were in your physical body.

from the clip Abraham Hicks - Define The Meaning Of Sin

Re: Quotes on Religion, Christianity & How it fits in with Abe's Teachings

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 12:52 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

When you're talking about Source,
you're talking about Intelligence, and you're talking about love, and you're talking about life,
And you're talking about eternity, and you're talking about FEELING GOOD,

and that is the extent of Religion.


Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Religion, Christianity & How it fits in with Abe's Teachings

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:37 pm
by spiritualcookie

HS: What is the function of the Holy Spirit, relative to Abraham's teachings?

Predominantly, from what we have observed as we hear it being used, and the way we would interpret it through what we are knowing, "Holy Spirit" is your Inner Being and the family that dwells there, in connection with the power of the Universe.

In other words, it is this Non-physical current focused to you for the purpose of your taking it and doing what you will do with it.

"Holy Spirit" is not offered to you to guide you.
It is offered to you for you to consciously utilize toward your ends.

It is very much like electricity that flows through the circuitry of your home.
It is there to plug whatever you want into, you see.

But when you combine it with your Inner Being that knows that which you have lived before, and knows the combination of intentions that you hold, then we would say, for you, and for the others that are hearing this, that this "Holy spirit" is your Inner Being and your Inner Being's broad perspective as a result of all that has been lived.

- AH

Re: Quotes on Religion, Christianity & How it fits in with Abe's Teachings

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 10:50 pm
by spiritualcookie

Jerry asks if Abraham could give us their own "10 commandments".

We have 10 good ideas.
We would not command anyone to do anything for a number of reasons.
They never listen anyway. (group laughter).

Rather than commandments, what we would offer are examples, in this case, verbal offerings, of that which we have found to be a very good way of life.

Commandments are usually offered in action form, are they not?

"Though shalt not kill" "Thou shalt not mess around with somebody else's things." (group laughter)

So a commandment is what NOT to do!

Rather than telling you what NOT to do, we will tell you what we DO. How's that?

1. Seek joy - first and foremost
2. Seek reasons to laugh
3. Seek reasons to offer words of praise - to self and others
4. Seek beauty in nature, beasts and other humans.
5. Seek reasons to love. In every segment of every day - look for something that brings forth within you a feeling of love.
6. Seek that which uplifts you.
7. Seek opportunity to offer that which uplifts another.
8. Seek a feeling of Well-being
9. Know that your value can only be measured in terms of joy.
10. Acknowledge your absolute freedom to do any of these things or to not do any of these things - for it is, without exception, your choice in every moment of every day.

That is the recipe for eternal joy.
And it will provide a format for a life of dramatic, magnificent creating also.

- Abraham

Re: Quotes on Religion, Christianity & How it fits in with Abe's Teachings

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 12:17 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
About the Mastery of Buddha, Christ and Muhammad (And why aren't all of their messages alike?)
The TRUE Leader of ourselves is our Inner Being

HS (Jerry):
Why have the massive numbers of mankind followed primarily three teachers- Buddha, Christ and Muhammad, as opposed to the many other teachers who've lived here during the past say, 4,000 years?

The examples that you have offered without exception are examples of physical beings who came forth from the Inner World, as did all physical beings. But with greater and clearer intent. With greater wanting, with greater reason for being! They came forth as teachers, not only as participators.

And as they were physical beings, they allowed the opening of that passage-way, so that they could be physical beings; while at the same time allow a broader, greater part of that which is their Inner Being, to come forth into this physical experience. They were, in short, Blended Beings. You may also be aware, that as they came forth, they were not revered instantly. In fact in each of those cases, they were not really revered until long after they were no longer physical beings! It is always difficult for those who are physical to accept that which is new. It is easier to hold fast to the old thought!

It is our absolute knowing, that if those great leaders- any one of them-
were to come forth, expressing clearly their knowing in this time, that they would not be heard!

-That there would be great insistence on the part of those physical beings who are now in power, in the various parts of the world- wanting to hold to different thoughts, whether it is the thought of Christ or the thought of Buddha or the thought of Muhammad, or the thought of another great leader- they would rather hold to those thoughts of old, than to experience and accept that which is now.

I have a question that I've kind of concerned myself with, since my childhood: As teachers like Moses, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad... went off to themselves and as we understand, made direct contact with the Divine Being, and received these messages, I never could understand why their messages were not all the same! Since I thought, they were reaching the same Supreme Being and being informed. Could you respond to that?

There are a number of reasons for that.

The most important reason is because, they were not all asking the same questions.

They were not all at the same point of wanting.
They were not all at the same point of understanding.
They were not all at the same point of experience.
They were at different times, in history.
In different places upon the world.
And they were making contact, or communicating with those,
who were at different points of wanting, and at different points of understanding!

Thank you, that was very good! There was Muhammad- let's say 1500 years ago, and Jesus 2,000 years ago, and Buddha 2500 years ago and then Moses, centuries before that, who went to themselves and received the information, that started these major religious movements that exist today.

But why do you feel that it is, that there have been no such powerful leaders of thought that have stood out in the last 1500 years? Why have we had such a long spell without, anymore?

They are not allowed by those physical beings who are here, to receive them!

And why is that?

It is easier to hold to the thoughts of old, than to create new thought.
It is easier to act out of habit, than to act out of your wanting.

The beliefs that surrounded you when you were born are very powerful. And it takes a very strong being, to live surrounded by beliefs and still allow the knowing that comes forth from within, to guide. Most are not strong enough! They allow the pressure of the group, that surrounds the pressure of the beliefs that abound to keep them from doing the very thing that they intended to do, as they came forth.

The people that... the adults, the people that are older than them, have more experience. The tendency is to look toward them for guidance and leadership and then, granted yes, this Inner Voice is speaking. But how much can a person actually learn from that personal Inner Voice, without any guidance from those who have had physical experience? That are here, when we're here?

The guidance that comes forth from within in the form of emotion,
is the most profound guidance that you will ever experience.
It is much more emphatic, much more precise, much more deliberate,
and much more appropriate than any set of rules that you might gather,
or any set of conversation that you might gather from anyone else, who experiences.

Because they do not see through your eyes!
They have not lived the experience that you are living, you see. In order to understand the value of this guidance system, you must understand that you are more than you see, here!

You are a being that has lived on and on and on, through many births and deaths. You are a cumulative being, that is much much more than you recall from this one physical life experience!

And when you accept that, then you may begin to accept that that broader part of you, that older, wiser You, that You that is connected to all-that-is, has the ability to offer you in any moment emotion or even clear lucid thought to assist you. In knowing the appropriateness of any thought, word or action, in the the moment.

Your guidance system not only knows who you are and what you want in the here and now, it knows the You from the broader perspective, and it knows all of the Inner Beings of all of those, that you are interacting with!

from the youtube-clip Abraham-Hicks: Why Buddha, Christ & Mohammed?

Re: Quotes on Religion, Christianity & How it fits in with Abe's Teachings

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 7:56 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
How to achieve Heaven on Earth

My question is this- I've been reading a book called "The Urantia Book" which has been described as The Fifth Epochal Revelation, and there is a question... because you've mentioned previously that heaven doesn't exist. And so I don't know whether you're familiar with the book or the teachings of it...

We can feel the vibration of it, as you talk about it!

Mmhmm yeah. And I guess it... I just wanted to ask what your perception that is. Because it really resonated with me. But yet, it also, you know... your teachings obviously also resonates. I'm left a little bit confused about where the existence of heaven... I guess I'm asking it.

Well the nice thing is, our opinion of your opinion is irrelevant! In other words, if you're reading something that feels uncomfortable, that discomfort that you feel is your indicator that the source within you is not in agreement. Not necessarily of what's written, but of your perception of what's written. There are a lot of realities that are being lived in this physical time-space reality. And

there are not two of you, who are perceiving identically!

So what humans are commonly doing with each other, is that you yearn so much- you do! You yearn for someone to understand your perspective! And we want you to cut that out. Because in your trying to explain yourself to each other in a way, to get agreement from others- very often you are training yourself away from your own guidance system. You're training yourself away from your own expansion. And the more life causes you to expand, and the more you train yourself away from that expansion, the more uncomfortable you feel. And so let us say this to you:

We have never seen any of you pick up anything that has been written, created, produced by any other human that was in every case a perfect vibrational match to you, and what's in your vortex!

That isn't the premise that you came forth, into this physical body!
You didn't say "I'll go forth and I'll find the right path, and I'll get with the right pack, and we'll travel in the right circles!" -and we'll say, "...and do the right things. THAT is what you said! You said: "I'll go forth and I'll mix it up. And I will come to my individual awarenesses, because you have become who you've become, before you came into this physical body! There was already plenty in your vortex that lets you know who you are:

You are a LOVER. You were, when you got here!

And the first day that you found a reason to hate someone, you felt the discord of that hate. Because the source within you, no matter how justified you think you are in the pushing against of that injustice, or that thing that you did not want to see- the source within you will not join you in that hatred, you see. And so, this is a conversation that could go on for hours and hours and hours, because there are so many facets to the environment in which you live and so many premises that people are presenting from, and there is a whole lot that people are saying about non-physical, that is so far from what it really is.

The basic premise of most religions could not be more off from the way that it is!
Most religion has you hear, you'r being tested. None of that is true.
Most religion has you hear, you'r inferior to that which is supreme. None of that is true!
Most religion has you isolated and separated from that which is source, and condemned and punished for actions and behaviors. Source isn't doing any of that!

That's why in fact guilt even exists at all: You couldn't feel so bad, if source didn't love you so much!

What about that:
If source wasn't constantly loving you, you wouldn't feel so awful when you find a reason not to feel loved?
And if source wasn't constantly loving everyone else, you wouldn't feel so awful when you're blaming them, either, you see!

So, once you show yourself actively your own guidance,
once you stand in any moment in time and you say "here I am! And source, I know you have an opinion about this child that I'm looking at." And you feel yourself welled up with appreciation, you can feel that your opinion, your approach, your perception right here right now, is so in sync with the source within you, that you are full of the completion of that which is source. That's what positive emotion is!

The better you feel, the more you are completing or allowing the extension of source, right here and now, in this moment in time.
And the worse you feel, the more your desire to be that, is- but the more you are disallowing it, you see.

So we would graze our way across the libraries of your world and across the data fields of your world, we would look for resonance. We would be constantly looking for resonance, but we would not be doing what most humans do- which is exploring the manifestations. Most humans are running around, not even aware that they are vibrational creators, looking at the results of the vibrations that people have been offering.

And then letting their whole life be based upon those manifestations, so then they sort the manifestations in piles: "These are good ones, these are not so good, these are terrible". And, "our religion judges those manifestations as completely inappropriate, and those manifestation is better, and then we conjure some fictitious "Heaven", that is someplace else-

...when your Heaven or your Hell that you are living is your resonance, or your lack of it!
It's your alignment, or you're not!
It's your allowing of the source within you, now. Or not, you see!

Source is never departing from you!
You didn't lose your connection with source, when you came into this physical experience. Source came right here with you. But you can choose thoughts to pinch you off pretty good from it. And you can choose thoughts, that align you with it, right away, you see.

You can live a life of alignment- and you will discover Heaven on Earth.

And from our perspective, what Heaven on Earth really is, is sifting through some contrast and recognizing some negative emotion: That's delicious guidance. "I have guidance within me! I know that I'm off the track of something. But I also know, I gave birth to something more! And the source within me resonated with the more, and became it immediately. And the only reason that I can feel negative emotion right now, is because I expanded, and didn't go! -That's Heaven on Earth. And now, I'm consciously aware of my guidance system- now I can find thoughts that feel a little better. I can give myself some ease in relief!"

-You call that forgiveness. We call it coming back into alignment.
"It's the releasing of the resistance, and the resonance with the source within me. And now I'm back in resonance! And now, my grid is filling in, and now wonderful things are happening everywhere I turn. Sweet people talking to me, intellectual conversations going on, physical stamina and vitality, and flexibility is mine! A feeling of well-being, everywhere I look at is beautiful. I'm zigging and zagging with the best of life. I'm on that vortex that all good things are mine. And there people may be clamoring around, saying "hey, life isn't good! Life isn't good, life is a good, life isn't good..." but I don't hear them: I'm not in the vibrational vicinity of them! -I'm living pure positive energy.

I'm living life in the way that I came forth to live, and standing this example of well-being to others. And when others come into my experience, maybe they were born into my family, maybe I was born to them- maybe I married one of them, maybe I go to school with one of them... some of these clamoring in a vibration that doesn't feel so good. They're saying "hey you, what have you got your head in the clouds? What are you so happy about? You should be down here with us: Living life in the reality that we all live! You should be sifting and sorting through the stuff of life. And- you should be perceiving life more as WE perceive it." And we say: You can't perceive other than you perceive.

And when you tune yourself to the frequencies of well-being, well-being is what will be revealed to you, everywhere you go.

If we were standing in your physical shoes,
we would no longer sift and sort the piles of manifestation!
We would spend ALL of our conscious awareness in looking for the best feeling thought that we could find.
We would tune ourselves constantly to the frequency that allows well-being!
And we would stand as an example of that: So, that when those who see us, see us, they would understand that we are living the well-being that we have been talking about! Teaching to the clarity of our example as best you can. And, you never get it done!

You never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong. And the reason that you cannot get it wrong, is because it is never done!

So, let's say you're standing in a place and you don't feel so good, and with good reason. Something happened, you looked at it, it hurt your feelings. You're out of whack.

The very fact that you can feel negative emotion means, there is a love right now that you are denying.
You couldn't feel pain, if love were not there!

Don't you like knowing that? If there were not love that is more right for you, and more available to you- you would never feel loneliness. Loneliness only exists because you're denying yourself the alignment with what you want! Are you getting this?

From the youtube-clip Abraham Hicks - 2014 Confused About The Existence Of Heaven

Re: Quotes on Religion, Christianity & How it fits in with Abe's Teachings

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2024 11:38 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

You are as GOD as it gets!

Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Religion, Christianity & How it fits in with Abe's Teachings

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2025 8:48 am
by spiritualcookie

A woman said one day is it true that that such and such of religion are The True Religion.

And we said: Well, they think that that is true.

And she said, So you agree with that?

And we say, You are all extensions of Source energy.
And whatever you want to use as your means to bring yourself into alignment with Source will serve you.

But this is how you can really tell if it is Source orientation:

If it is Source it does not try to get you to do something else

If it is Source it does not try to say it is the Only Truth.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham-Hicks ~ on The Galactic Federation