Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
Everything is unfolding perfectly.
As you relax, and find ease in your attitude of trust,
knowing that wellbeing is your birth right,
AMAZING things will happen.
Things the likes of, which you have not seen before.
You won't want to stay in not-doing-anything-except-relaxing forevermore
[Whenever you lay on a rock on the beach and bask in the beauty of the place, after a while of relaxing, at some point you'll find yourself feeling or thinking,]
"I am seeking growth".
In other words, because you have this triad of intentions:
Joy and freedom and growth,
you do not usually lay on the rock too long before you feel you are wanting to get up and make something happen.
For you have this quest for growth.
You all wonder: "Abraham, how long do I have to do this crap?" (meaning the vibrational practices, as meditation, scripting, basking, focusing on what you do want...)
And we say: "REALLY??? This, that feels sooo good, you'r putting a time-limit on it?"
Because, when you'r putting a time limit on how long you'r gonna do this, before you'r getting (to your goals), then you'r not really doing this in the way we'r encouraging you to do this!!