Taking Score and seeing you're not there yet Prevents the Manifestation from Happening
The less you focus on those moments when you know for sure you're not [in your Vortex]...
It's like you're saying to us over and over and over again
"but why aren't I moving in?
why am I not getting further?"
That's the answer to the question!
The question is the answer to itself!
I'm not going because I keep asking why I'm not going!
I'm not going because I keep asking why I'm not there!
And what we want to convey to you in a way that you can really feel it is that:
You are going and that you are there
you are going and you are there
you are going
you are going
you're often there
you're closer to a longer sustaining of it every day.
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks 2023 Remove All Things You Don't Like from Your Life!
Quotes on Taking Score
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