[A focus on what you don't want leaves you feeling stuck and unmotivated to do anything]
[Feeling a lack of motivation to do anything] comes from a sharper awareness of what you don't want than a known resolve of what you do want.
That's all that it is.
- Abraham
Abraham Hicks Quotes on Depression & Sadness
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3189
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
- spiritualcookie
- Posts: 3189
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:32 pm
Feeling Unmotivated is a sign you are in a Resistant, Non-Allowing State
[After Abraham just finished an inspiring rampage of appreciation about getting onto the Vortex in order to feel more motivated, the hotseater asks:]
HS: Why am I not more excited about [getting into alignment]?
Because details make energy move faster.
[And from where you are, in a general, non-aligned, non-allowing, resistant place, the energy is moving slowly, so from there it doesn't feel as exciting]
The more general you are in the beginning, the more your logic tells you that with the specifics it will move faster and with the general it will slow down.
But the distinction that we want to make here is:
You put the fast-moving specifics into the Vortex
and when you find that general place that isn't contradicting them,
then those details can move into your experience.
And as they do -
The excitement comes with the allowance
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Struggles With Motivation
[After Abraham just finished an inspiring rampage of appreciation about getting onto the Vortex in order to feel more motivated, the hotseater asks:]
HS: Why am I not more excited about [getting into alignment]?
Because details make energy move faster.
[And from where you are, in a general, non-aligned, non-allowing, resistant place, the energy is moving slowly, so from there it doesn't feel as exciting]
The more general you are in the beginning, the more your logic tells you that with the specifics it will move faster and with the general it will slow down.
But the distinction that we want to make here is:
You put the fast-moving specifics into the Vortex
and when you find that general place that isn't contradicting them,
then those details can move into your experience.
And as they do -
The excitement comes with the allowance
- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Struggles With Motivation
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