Re: Passion and Enthusiasm
Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 10:09 pm
Feel the difference between the feeling that is evoked from you with these words:
- peace
- passion
Now they're both valve-opening.
But peace is valve-opening with not much thought.
In other words peace is what you might feel in meditation. You've opened the valve
the energies flowing to you but you're not doing that much with it.
Passion is: The valve's open. The energy is flowing to you and you're flowing it toward this toward this toward this toward this.
So you've got momentum going!
In other words passion is a valve open AND a specific idea that you're flowing it toward, you see what we're getting at?
Before the gathering this morning Jerry and Esther awakened in Los Angeles
and they had a glorious day yesterday and they awakened feeling wonderful, and
and they moved about, and then packed to come here.
And they got here not too much before the gathering.
And Esther's noticing how beautiful everything is
But mostly she's just going through the motions getting ready for this gathering and then she realized [how Jerry was doing]...
And Jerry was bouncing off the wall with an enthusiasm for life at a the highest pitch she has ever seen him at.
In other words the sequence of events that he's been living the last few days and the being here in the place he loves so much - he was soaring.
And as Esther saw him soaring in contrast to her peacefulness, she felt a little lack.
In other words she was not where he was.
And couldn't even imagine getting there.
He was so extreme in his joy!
So she sat down and said Abraham talk to me about the gathering.
And we began to talk to her about you.
About your enthusiasm for coming,
About the interest that you were bringing with you
About the questions that you've formulated
And we encouraged her to acknowledge the end of the gathering
And the feeling of oneness
and the feeling of triumph
and the feeling of satisfaction
and the feeling of joy
and the feeling of connection
And [after holding her focus on all these positive feelings for a little while] Esther's valve was open and she was bouncing off the wall with passion [too, when just a little while earlier she hadn't been able to imagine getting there]!
You see what we're getting at?
You will not feel much passion unless you hold yourself upon an object of attention for a period of time enough to allow the energy to really flow toward it.
From the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Can't Meditate, 2017, zengal