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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Awa »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 3:10 pm it's NORMAL "to want more". We are built this way! What is NOT "normal", is that you feel dissatisfied! But that is due to your trained momentum in dis-satisfaction, which might feel as irritation, impatience, worry or even discouragement. YOU know where you "normally reside" on the EGS!
And this what you "normally" do and activate (again and again) by your thoughts, words and actions- that is where your vibration "goes". Until you TRAIN it (step by tiny step) otherwise!
It's so nice to see the EGS again. PoE you are correct, I made myself comfortable in the yellow area. I am dissatisfied. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. I'm writing a new story ... :dance:
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 3:12 pm
...I've been doing this for a very long time, very intensively, in detail, with enthusiasm, colorfully, with pictures, if I feel like it, with good music, but the transformation hasn't happened yet. Maybe I'm expecting too much?
I know where you are coming from. Been there, done that, myself :crazy: :lol:

See, when the stuff doesn't show up, but you FEEL happy (or you -authentically!- can guide yourself easily into a good mood), then you just need more "airtime" of doing this.
But when you do not feel good in the process, you are missing something.
Abe said, most people THINK they would activate the presence of what they desire- while- without realizing, they activate the ABSENCE of what they want, per example when they affirm or visualize. So, they "do the work", but what really happens, they affirm that their stuff isn't there, YET. That it WILL come- which only means, they affirm that it lacks in the very moment.

It's a tricky thing. And that we all got taught to persevere and try harder, come out of our "comfortzones" (A BIG one!!!) and fake it till we make it, and set goals, and work hard on them, and "never give up" (I feel tired even while just writing this!)... we tend to "try too hard". Which only manifests that things are hard and we need to do more of that...

The idea is to live/affirm/think of EASE. Of sweetness. Of joy. Of lightness and friendliness and cozyness... aka, relax, and let go and trust and enjoy, and dream and be happy...
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 3:43 pm
It's so nice to see the EGS again. PoE you are correct, I made myself comfortable in the yellow area. I am dissatisfied. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. I'm writing a new story ... :dance:
I'm glad!! :hearts: Don't work too hard on it! ;)
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Awa »

So good, helpful, inspiring and funny her penultimate post. I "strive" for lightness.
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:20 pm So good, helpful, inspiring and funny her penultimate post. I "strive" for lightness.
:D :balloons_wave: :happy117: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I have this on my copy- key, maybe it helps as well? :hearts:
Allow your Trust to get bigger!

Abraham, giving an example of what we could say, that would help us:

I have been focused upon some specific things that matter a lot to me. And in the process, I have managed to launch more Rockets of Desire around this, than I can count. And I sense, that those Rockets of Desire have managed to accomplish a point of Attraction! But since I can't see it yet, or see it in its tangible form, sometimes I doubt it...

...Because I'm accustomed to trusting what I see. But not so much, trusting what is unseen. I want to find a way of knowing it even though I can't see it!

I want to feel it even before it IS.
Because I understand, that until I feel it, I'm not going to be able to see it. It would be so much easier if I could see it, and then know it! But I understand that I've got to know it before I can see it. And so, I'm not really asking you Abraham or Source-energy to do anything about it, to make it happen in some unnatural way. What I'm really asking for, is that I can somehow release my resistance- in a way, that I can trust that it is coming. Because trust feels so good. And doubt feels so bad- and so, what I'm really talking about here, is:

How can I goose up my trust?
How can I remind myself that things are really always working out for me?
How can I trust that it will be, as I want it to be?

So, here's the answer to that question: Look at other things around you, that are, as you want them to be.

And remember when you didn't see them, as they are now! Remember the things, that were in motion before you could see them?
And know, that all things are that way.

Trusting the process... but it's it's not the easiest thing to do!
But you can trust in your alignment.
You can trust in your emotion.
You can trust in the laws of the universe.
You can trust in the very consistent Law of Attraction!
You can trust in your Inner Being, who is aware of you.
You can trust that source is with you.
You can trust, that what you want is known, and honored, and experienced by the Inner Being- part of you!
You can trust that it's just a matter of practicing that feeling.

-That's what the process of "getting to anything that you want, that hasn't come about yet" is!

What you have to accomplish is:
-You have to realize that the journey has begun.
-And you want to stay in your lane, as you're going!
-You want to find the thoughts that feel good, and if the thought doesn't feel good, then release it as quickly as you can.
-And don't let a worrysome thought get started! Don't let it get any momentum going.

As you go to bed at night, lie on your bed and know, that while you sleep, that any momentum that is slowing anything down, will stop.
And the momentum of your source, and the momentum of what you are wanting, is underway in full swing!

And imagine that when you awaken in the morning, because you've slept and your vibration has risen as a result of being asleep, that you will meet the vibration of your Source in the moment that you awaken! And, ask specifically for some feeling, some impulse, some confirmation of that. And expect it to come- at first in the form of emotion.

It can come in other ways, through rendezvousing. People will say things to you, they don't even know you, and they'll be saying things to you that are meaningful to you! Things will happen in your environment, all kinds of things will come as messengers to let you know, that you're right on track. Watch for the evidence of the messengers along the way!

This is really what we are wishing for all of you: To look for evidence of your alignment before the manifestation.

This is the secret of living happily ever after, and it's the secret of getting the specific things that you want: Look for the evidence, before it is seeable, hearable, smellable, tastable, touchable. Look for the evidence along the way, and watch what happens!

An avalanche of it will come to you. You're ready to receive the evidence.

from the clip: Abraham Hicks ✨ HOW CAN I TRUST THAT IS COMING? 🌠 Law of Attraction
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Awa »

Ahhh how nice, PoE, yes that helps too and I'm sure everyone reading here will benefit from that too :eusa-clap:

My day wasn't so good today and I had a headache. I feel kind of at the mercy of things at work. I arrive and adapt to the fixed daily routine of the residents and other staff. But now I've read her lines and I'm relaxing. Thank you very much.
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:55 pm Ahhh how nice, PoE, yes that helps too and I'm sure everyone reading here will benefit from that too :eusa-clap:

My day wasn't so good today and I had a headache. I feel kind of at the mercy of things at work. I arrive and adapt to the fixed daily routine of the residents and other staff. But now I've read her lines and I'm relaxing. Thank you very much.
Again, I am glad it soothed you! :hearts:
It was a big step for me when I understood Abes teaching about the "stories" that we tell ourselves- that literally make or break our mood.
So when you say, you feel "at mercy" at work- that is a terribly feeling story (no matter how "true" it is).
How could you change your stance when you look at what happens in work, so that you share your source (that always looks at the same topics as you, but when you feel bad, it means that source looks in a different way) ?

When you look "through the eyes of source"- how would you then describe this situation that makes you NOW feel so disempowered?
Just a few ideas (I really just guess, so please take it simply as inspiration):

-"They do the best that they know, from their stance."
-"It is ME who creates my reality. While I choose to be physically here, I can live mentally and emotionally in my very own, beautiful, kind, loving world".
-"I can do the stuff while I push against, or do the stuff while I relax into what is, and enjoy what IS enjoyable. And the later feels BETTER."
-"I'll use this situation as a blessed opportunity to practice in tough conditions UNCONDITIONAL love, and UNCONDITIONAL joy!"

People who survived horrendous experiences- as concentration-camps, tell that they managed to distract from the terrible, while they -as much as it was possible for them- focused on what felt lighter, nicer, in any way soothing to them. As, the relief to release yourself on the toilet. Or a sunbeam. A strangely beautiful detail in the construction of a lock. A tiny wild-flower in the corner of the court.
-You get the idea.

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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:55 pm I had a headache.
Abe say, pain is just "very loud emotion". It always is the indicator of you, not allowing yourself to go with the flow of a solution, "that is already banging at your door". Aka, you block the divine energy that is already there!

The fastest way is to RELAX INTO THE PAIN.
Don't push against it, don't try to suppress it, it all would just make the pain more. Instead, embrace it, thank it, and relax INTO it. Expecting that it will dissolve- and maybe even bring clarity.

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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Awa »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:34 am How could you change your stance when you look at what happens in work, so that you share your source (that always looks at the same topics as you, but when you feel bad, it means that source looks in a different way) ?
Your question is not only good, but exceptionally good. Unfortunately, I don't have an answer.

I don't want to change my job, even if I don't like it that much, I'd rather not work at all. I wouldn't be bored. But as long as I'm not in this state, I want to feel good about what I'm doing. But somehow I'm always stressed. It's completely different at home. Even at a friend's house where I'm spending Easter.

PoE I want to think about your suggestions and I want things to be different at work: better, easier, more relaxed, nicer, more peaceful, more fun. It's often like that at the weekends, but during the week it's sometimes annoying. At least for me.

I wish you and everyone else a happy Easter. See you again soon.
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