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Re: I am an artist!

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 5:03 am
by Sheila86
It doesn't matter whether I will ever reach my goal of being a full time artist. Today I would much rather reach for some resistance-free thoughts about my art making.

Who cares about making a career out of it. I get to experience the pure joy, fascination, thrill of playing with my art supplies right now! I loved how I discovered a new technique and just spend two days practically living in my studio. That was so much fun, I loved every minute of it! I love how there are tons of new projects waiting in my metaphorical pipeline, wanting to be created by me.
I don't care about success, I care about spending joyful me-time in my studio.
I don't care about views or likes on Insta, I care about connecting with my creativity and experiencing the sweet sweet flow of the creative process.
I don't care about creating "the right art", I care about the magic and wonder of a piece slowly emerging.
I don't care about "making it" in the art world, I care about establishing a routine of art making in my life. A time to play, wonder, express myself, falling in love with the process.
I just f*ucking love art! Not only am I admiring painters, also actors, dancers, performers of any kind, musicians. I just LOVE it. I was born with this ability to deeply appreciate and FEEL art.
So, I don't care about being the best selling artist, I care about the hours of my lifetime I get to spend in the studio. The paint on my fingers, my studio all messy and littered because I am so deep in the flow, feeling thrilled, eager and being absolutely in the moment.
I think this is what famous artists mean when they say it is not about selling art, but it is actually about creating it.




Re: I am an artist!

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:28 am
by Sheila86
I am very glad that I am experiencing great breakthroughs in my technique. My work has improved a lot in the last weeks.
I feel much more confident.
I am really glad that I am so aware of what aspects of my art making still need improvement. For me this is making sources to paint from on the computer. I suck at that... I am happy to take on the challenge and sink my little artist's teeth in it. And in the process of that I get to learn a lot. I get to learn to be more patient and face my fears of failure.
I look forward to challenge myself and have break through after break through. I love the idea of evolving.
I have a great working ethic. I paint a lot, and I ALWAYS enjoy it. I think I also had a break through there. I used to think it is impossible to paint this much and now you kind of can't keep me from it.

I want to effort less, and play more.
I want to stop thinking about it so much and just enjoy the process of painting. Gosh, I love that.
I want to make sources from a place of eagerness, interest, fun and playfulness. Being open to whatever kind of image emerges.
I want to stretch myself with a mindset of curiosity of how far I can still get.
I want to let experiences and opportunities flow to me.
I want to paint from a place of thankfulness, eagerness and fun.
I want to trust that my artistic career is just where it needs to be. That all is unfolding.
I want to feel that my art is good enough. That it inspires people. That it moves them.
I want to be paid generously for my work. I want to feel the love and satisfaction and joy of being paid for my artwork. I want to earn more money from my artwork than I am doing in my "muggle job" right now.
I want to feel that I am living out my purpose. This feeling of immense rightness.


Re: I am an artist!

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:11 am
by Sheila86
I still have some resistance to sooth regarding my artistic life. So let's have some fun :)

-I would like the whole thing to be more about fun. I love painting! There is no need to hurry or be impatient, I have ALL OF MY LIFE to do this. Really why hurry?

-I bought a new shelf for my studio and re-organized a lot of my supplies. I love how tidy and pretty the studio looks. I arranged all the ink bottles very beautifully on the shelf and now I feel like I am in an art store whenever I enter the studio :) I love that. It feels like possibilities to chose from, like being professional.

- I am SO inspired by Dimitra Milan's painting! I will share some of her works below in this post for you to enjoy. I love her brushwork! I love how dreamy her paintings are. How every brushstroke is achieved with mindfulness, presence and the goal to create beauty. I really love how she is all about beauty. I love the thought of purposely bringing beauty into the world. I love how great it must feel to create such artwork. It must feel like presence, love, clarity, confidence, flow, connection.
I love how she lets the paint drip over the canvas. It feels so freeing, light, easy, subtle, feminine.

- She sells her paintings for up to 15k. I LOVE that actually! I am very fascinated by the fact that high quality art sells at such high price points. I think she deserves it. I think her work is worth it. I love how happy, proud, joyful and abundant her collectors must feel.

- I remember how it felt when I sold pieces. I loved the exchange for money. But what I loved even more is that I brought beauty and value into the world and that I was able to make something that makes others happy.

- I really wish to produce the most beautiful pieces in the whole world. I want my paintings to be stunning, beautiful, uplifting, inspiring, and breathtaking.




Re: I am an artist!

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2024 4:39 am
by Sheila86
I feel like I am reaching a new level of honesty with myself.
I DO want to be an artist. I DO want to create lots and lots of beautiful paintings. Which fascinate people. Which please me. Which make me feel proud, accomplished. BUT I am efforting way too much. I am struggling too much. I have no idea why there is so much resistance in me regarding this part of my life.
So in the last weeks I took some steps back, refrained from painting, to let some of the resistance ease away a bit. I feel that this was necessary and helped me a lot to relax more.
I want to paint out of pure joy, out of eagerness. I want to paint because I have a vision and I am happily working my way towards it. Trust instead of urgency. Enjoying the process instead of forcing it.

If you knew everything was really all right,
and that it always has a happy ending,
then you would not feel trepidacious about your future.

Everything IS really so very all right!
If you could believe and trust that,
then immediately everything would automatically
and instantly become all right.

Abraham Hicks, Silver Springs, MD, 4/11/99

I am allowing myself to believe that I don't have to worry about a single thing.
Everything is all right.
I am free to paint whenever I want, whatever I want. I am also free to not paint at all.
I can make a career out of it, or I can do it in my free time.
It does not matter, the universe knows the perfect unfolding, the perfect way just for me. It really is all right.
I am being guided to my true destiny.
What am I even saying, my true destiny is happiness anyway.
So I get happy, and than I paint. I get happy and than I think about my artwork. I get happy and than I do stuff and follow the impulses.
Because being happy is what this really is about.
