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Re: Ghosted

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

13thAllieCat wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:16 pm Hi Paradise! ... I think I understand what you are saying, that energy is always kind of going back and forth between things, and maybe sprinkled in, that if he feels something so large then a responsive energy must be coming back from her kinda thing? Am I understanding?

Hi! :hearts:
I'm not sure if we talk about the same thing.
I didn't want to imply that really something must come from her (in regards to her, flowing energy). But he certainly uses her as "excuse" (as Abe put it) to attract all sorts of energies that he translates as painful.

There is the Abe-quote

People will love you, people will hate you- and none of it has to do with you. (Abe)

WE create our own reality. We don't need anybody to either be incredibly happy or incredibly off (and everything in between). Nobody needs to flow energy to us, and nobody can take energy from us, if we don't allow that. We are absolutely self-sufficient, BESIDES the relationship we have with our source (="who we really are", God, our higher Self- however you call it).

So truly, all games we play with outside- conditions, -and people belong into that category!- are shadow-plays, in some way. They act as mirrors, who reflect back to us, how our OWN energy is. And no matter if they actively and deliberately flow energy or not interact with us at all- we can use them for our dramas or joyful dances. Because it is about how WE, OURSELVES, focus and line up with source, or not.
What I moreso meant to illustrate with that sentence/section is... you know if you've ever felt someone wanted something from you that you didn't want to give? (for whatever reason) and you 'put up a brick wall' so to speak?
Yes, I absolutely know that!
(to me it feels like a blocking of my energy going toward that person, maybe its more so of a block of conscious heart energy, flowing toward that person.

You really can NOT flow "negative energy" or, "a blockage".

Abe explain that there is only 1 source of energy, and it is ALWAYS source-energy (aka, positive energy). "There is no source of darkness. There is only a source of light!" -Abe

But we CAN block the flow of the (positive) energy through ourselves, though. We can hinder the flow. When we feel the "absence of life-source-energy, we always feel bad. Aka, this holding back/resisting the life-energy always backlashes and hurts ourselves, as "we are Lovers, and a lover's gonna love." -Abe

You don't need to deliberately flow love to specific people, but when you deliberately block source energy, it will always feel bad to yourself.
It seems to be this lady has put this 'brick wall' up between her and Ghosted.
Imo, not necessarily. It could also be that she has moved on and really stopped thinking about Salamander! -We can not know things like that, about others.
What I wanted to maybe have Ghosted ask himself or feel for clarity on - is if shes put up a wall between your communication... and I know whats thats like on Ghosted's end... what feelings are making you feel shes the 'one' for you?
Yes, that is a very valid question!

On the other hand, he could use her as "excuse" to deliberately learn to flow UNCONDITIONAL love, no matter if she will ever "send" love back. That would be an awesome learning, right? -Turning around from neediness to true love. And, by the way, that would feel awesome to him. And it wouldn't need any compliance on her end- AND it would in the long run, indeed, with a propability of- as Abe say, 99,99999%, reign her in.

As Abe said (in one of my last posts), that when you truly LOVE (not in a needy way), the other one most certainly WILL start to love you back.
Paradise what words would you use to describe that more accurately without saying energy is not flowing? Thank you!! Maybe I can get the words dialed in better :)
I appreciate your question, but I don't think I can answer it. As I said, the energy IS flowing! It is ALWAYS flowing. "Blocking" is what we call it, but really, it's not accurate. Energy can't other than flow, as that is what energy always does. But we humans can put up resistances, so that we do not REALIZE the positive source-energy, while it flows!

While really, this is not true either. When we resist the source-life-energy, we maybe don't "realize" it, we maybe aren't consciously aware of it. But we will FEEL it. As I already said- it always feels bad, up to physically painful (see the other thread) ;)

Does this help?

(...I had to make a meme from it!) :lol: :hearts:
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Re: Ghosted

Post by Salamander89 »

Thank you all so much for your replies.
Sorry for taking my time to get back been busy this last week, so I've had to "ghost" you all :lol:
It was a bit of a lie, I didn't just lurk the old forum, I did a few posts and got some excellent responses.
I can see how this new forum is still in its developing phases, and I am contributing here to its evolution with my Step 1 moments I am having.
I made little of progress here and there, on the old forum, but the one "buggerboo" if you want to call it that, is when it comes to relationships.
But like I said, I'm coming here with a massive step 1 moment which for many years I have shifted out of, or budged, which has currently manifested itself with this current Fred, Freda, SP, whatever you want to call it.
Nice to see you again Paradise on Earth :)
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Re: Ghosted

Post by Salamander89 »

I also remember from a personal experience a few years ago, I yearned after a girl after meeting with her. I met her, after a night out, called and texted for a while. I did really like her and identified her as my SP/Freda very fast.
However, she decided to get back with her ex boyfriend and cut off all communication with me. I was devastated for ages.
Gradually I let go, forgot about her, moved onto other subjects, invested in myself and my own life, friends social life. And weeks passed, I only thought about her now and then.
Then one night I just suddenly bumped into her again. We didn't say anything, but the air was electric, like we just stared at each other like we both "knew something."
To cut a long story short, the very next day we started messaging again, through a bunch of strange synchronisaties.....things actually fell into place which shouldn't have logically happened to bring us together. And we did have a happy, fulfilled relationship for about a year.
I knew nothing about Abe back then, I wasn't doing it consciously. I want to get to doing this deliberately applying what I know!
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Re: Ghosted

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

:hearts: :wave:
Salamander89 wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:09 pm I can see how this new forum is still in its developing phases, and I am contributing here to its evolution with my Step 1 moments I am having.
:D Yes, you are. Without questions, there are no answers! ;)
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Re: Ghosted

Post by Salamander89 »

I think this low vibe, step 1 moments applies to everything going on right, step 1, very dissatisfied. Money, step 1 too. Lots of compartments of my life not going well, despite my knowledge of abraham. Hence my involvement on the forum, I want to get back to the application of the teachings.
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Re: Ghosted

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

:hearts: :thumbup:

"Step 1 just happens. Life causes you to do it.
Step 2 is, source answers. That's not your work.
Your only work is Step 3!" (Abe)...
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Re: Ghosted

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Salamander89 wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:09 pm I can see how this new forum is still in its developing phases, and I am contributing here to its evolution with my Step 1 moments I am having.
Besides your Step 1's, Salamander, I thought more about this sentence and will use it for a small musing/rampage...

Aren't we ALL "still in our developing phases" WHILE we also are SO far developed!?
With each new question that arises within us, we either step on new ground or finetune something already developed. Hence, parts of us are always new. I don't think that this Forum attracts COMPLETELY new souls- but it feels so fresh and lively to me to feel, how we can't be other than all the time developing, no matter how old our souls already are, how masterful we already live, or how trained and knowing we are:
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:43 pm And, for now, as always, we remain eternally and happily incomplete.

Abraham Hicks

(for a long time, Abe closed every workshop with this words)

There is always more. Always "still developing into even better".

What a beautiful, beautiful thing life is! :vortex: :happy117:
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Re: Ghosted

Post by Salamander89 »

I start thinking about hobbies, I keep trying to think about other things....but my mind just keeps going back to her. It's like my thoughts are a rubber band, attached to the subject of her. Even when I try to think of other subjects,BAM! Back to the subject of her. I want to stop feeling like this!
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Re: Ghosted

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

training, training, training! It becomes easier the longer you do it. And in some days, really, it will feel so much better.
You are achieving the very same as getting sober- just not from a substance, but from a habit that wasn't good for you.
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Re: Ghosted

Post by Salamander89 »

So it's basically like an addiction? The first step is admitting you have a problem, a pattern that doesn't serve you. You realise it, then you start to wean yourself off and replace those unhelpful, obsessive thought patterns, bit by bit with habits of thought that do serve you? And train myself in babysteps....
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