Personal advise on balance?

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Re: Personal advise on balance?

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:08 pm Hope (point 6) is, according to Abe NOT really ITV anymore. But Abe say, if you linger there long enough, the Vortex will pull you in, eventually.
Contentment (point 7) is OOTV as well, but it is "the Fulcrum" of the EGS where you experience neutrality.

So the Vortex really begins at point 5 (Optimism) where you clearly (!) feel better (=more joyful, more free, more empowered, more loving...) than neutral. (...)

Abe defined the "Vortex" as the states above being 51% non-resistant.
I so love your clarity and your amazing in-depth knowledge of Abe's teachings!
Thank you for clarifying so beautifully! :hearts:

:in_love: :hoppy: :grouphug: :hugs: :in_love:
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Re: Personal advise on balance?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

13thAllieCat wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 2:41 pm Hi paradise on Earth! Thanks for replying! (oh Paradise I really feel you understand where Im coming from here and I thank you so much)
I'm so glad!! :hearts: And, I SO enjoyed the "excuse" to ponder and describe the highflying intense fiery energies! :romance-hearteyes:
:ta: for that!

I really am feeling how you are giving light to how the energies (good and 'bad') can feel intense and then also can somehow be higher AND calmer, I have gotten tastes of this and its so... COMFORTABLE with the good feeling. that 'fullness' you say, I use this word to, full - its the best, whole-est, ME, feeling. I Know what you are talking about. Yes, yes I loove passion but yes I love that even more, that IS a mark I want to be at. Also the message brought light to somethings I didn't understand about how fast the energies move- and based on personal experience I think you are dead right, the energies def move faster at 17 18 and 19, I do often feel that, its a little encouraging to think/realize they move faster at the top too.
In the same evening where you posed that question, I talked about this with my husband (he is such a wise sage!). He said he doesn't think that life energy moves faster on the low end of the EGS. While of course, it FEELS like that. He thinks, the resistances get more and more there, and so the energies must move around them- and they also "bang on our closed doors" so to speak, as a winter storm that rattles on a house with shutters and closed doors. It FEELS fast and stressful. But really, the energy does NOT move faster within us, but indeed slower and slower, until it can't move within us any longer, (=we blocked it too much) and we die.

I must say, in my opinion, he nailed that.
Maybe this quote about what pain really means, helps also to understand what energy-flow really is:

Pain always means this:
The cells of your body are requesting things that are being offered, that you're resistant thought is keeping them from receiving. So, pain means - first and foremost - help's on the way!

It means, the cells are asking, because they know how to stay in balance. The cells of your body are so brilliant! They are such genius consciousness. Think about it. Do you ever think about your body? How incredible it is? You don't lie in bed at night and keep your own blood pumping. You don't make that a conscious thing, that you do. There are so many things, that you call unconscious! Unconscious success in your body, that the cells of your body are tending to. And the cells of your body are regenerating, they're becoming new, over and over and over again.

And so, they don't hold old beliefs!
Because they're becoming new again. But you teach them the beliefs that are hindering through your thoughts. In other words, when you think about getting older and, therefore, you're teaching the cells of your body things that cause resistance- that don't let the circuits flow. So, when your cells ask for something and the circuit is closed, that equals pain. That's all that it is.

Abraham Hicks

ahh you are giving me a gift by telling me this story, how some may call you aggressive (I may have been called that a time or two my dear) and how many times thats your passion, your eagerness, your willingness to be thrilled... which I feel in myself and IS so beautiful some times, I so want it to be seen as it is. I dont want to be asked to be different or less!! Sometimes it feels like people are asking me to be smaller.
:hearts: yah, I know this so well, too! :roll:

It is because most people think that all should be equal and the same. And your fast, high, intense energy makes them nervous, as they don't understand it, and can't really catch up. And, they don't need to! My husband is MUCH "slower" than me. But he digs deeper. He has more torque, so to speak! He CAN plow a field with his willpower and stamina. If I would attempt what he can do in his slow, steady power- I would fall over and collapse just by thinking about it! :lol:

Some people really are thoroughbreds, aren't they! They wanna RACE. To use them as a cold-blood horse, to plow the field, would be such a waste (and maybe even cruel!). I tought all my thoroughbred sons, they are sportscars with 500horsepowers, and they NEED to learn to steer extremely well, and to use their brakes! And they did. I would have LOVED to have someone that would have given me this advice when I was younger. Instead I was for decades mixed up and thought I would be somehow wrong.

No, there is NOTHING wrong with you. You came this way- not better or worse than others, but with a special gift, that takes special skills, and others who are different will never be able to do what you are gifted with, in the same wonderful ways! And others have other gifts, that you will not be able to achieve (and don't want to). All is so well!
AND sometimes... maybe my intensity IS a bit anger, a bit frustration, a bit fear... and THAT is not the same. Thank you Paradise, this was very very good.
SO my pleasure! How wonderful that you got this so fast and fully! :hearts:
I got some understanding here now, ok now.. what do we do with it. Ok.. next time I am feeling 'extra' and its linked with a specific subject that I want to 'change'... take a step back, see where I am really vibing. (good day to consider this today because I can honestly feel a bit of this intensity mixed with a bit of anger right now, ahahhah oh the things we learn inside our relationships!) ok and right now I Know, this intensity is not coming from the upper scale. ok .. ok so we, go in the tool box and calm down/vibe up. Meditate today on something I want that feels good. Maybe first journal this out a bit, as I have something stuck in my craw- yea going to have to go at the subject today head on I think, then I will be able to meditate and let in better thoughts and hopefulness. I think this is a good plan. Paradise, any other advise on that baba?
:lol: What is "baba"? :hearts: I think, you GOT this!! :woohoo: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Thanks! a lot! :)

Lets have great days! (and nights too!)
:lol: :lol: What a wonderful plan! Again, it was such a pleasure to interact with you! :vortex: :kiss: :kiss: :wave:
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Re: Personal advise on balance?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:39 pm
I so love your clarity and your amazing in-depth knowledge of Abe's teachings!
Thank you for clarifying so beautifully! :hearts:

:in_love: :hoppy: :grouphug: :hugs: :in_love:
Awwww! :ta: SO MY pleasure!! :hearts: :happy117: :dancing:
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Re: Personal advise on balance?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I just found this... maybe it helps, as well? :hearts:

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Re: Personal advise on balance?

Post by 13thAllieCat »

Everyone thank you!!!! some really GREAT, kinda new feeling, points to consider in these responses and comments. I really like how you broke down the emotional scale into 'in the vortex' or 'out of the vortex' I think some of my question was hinged on that. Yes the vortex is more varied than I was thinking, although something in me wants to get to that highest, bursting with energy, and comfortable - place that feels so amazing- understanding that the vortex is not just that thing helps. Helps me not think I havn't gotten anywhere, when I am vibing lower. If I can get to neutral-positive, that hope place, it will draw me into the vortex is a very encouraging thing to remember. I am hitting neutral and neutral/positive more lately (ive actually noted this in my phone recently after an NSA chiropractic session, Ive noticed and it IS a large improvement (that I somehow can easily overlook), so its great to point to that progress, and feel some satisfaction from it, gain some confidence its getting better, and I will get to "as good as I imagine" feelings. Its nice to link that thought to how you explained the scale Paradise. :) baba, is a term I use like 'babe' but less... its sweet and personal but Less personal than baby ahahha, in my head. I use it a lot. I pronounce it like "bab-a" :) I love the commentary on intensity and that helps me too, although that still feels a little .. I have more clairity coming on that subject
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Re: Personal advise on balance?

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

13thAllieCat wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 4:24 pm If I can get to neutral-positive, that hope place, it will draw me into the vortex is a very encouraging thing to remember.
What REALLY works easy and fast (or better said, immediately) is finding something to be SATISFIED about. Hope is focused on a futur that is not there, yet. Whilesatisfaction is about the now. And there lies the difference:

Hope feels a bit like "waiting" (and therefor, it is OOTV. It is close enough as Abe say, to get swept in into the Vortex EVENTUALLY), but satisfaction is about being happy and thankful NOW! About small, nice, mundane things that are THERE (Abe trained the HS's with letting them appreciate their pillow in their bed!).
I am hitting neutral and neutral/positive more lately (ive actually noted this in my phone recently after an NSA chiropractic session, Ive noticed and it IS a large improvement (that I somehow can easily overlook), so its great to point to that progress, and feel some satisfaction from it, gain some confidence its getting better, and I will get to "as good as I imagine" feelings. Its nice to link that thought to how you explained the scale Paradise. :)
I'm so very glad it serves you! :hearts: :vortex-small: Wishing you more and more happy, joyful unfolding!

:kiss: :wave:
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