I'm not sure what "z" is (or if it's even important for this conversation that I know what "z" is) but great!Originally Posted by Feelinggoodgoodfeeling:
When I think about z I can't sugar coat z thoughts.
No one's asking you to sugar coat anything. That would be what Abraham call "happy face stickering" (HFS), which isn't helpful to our alignment. So, good for you for not being able to sugar coat something and for understanding when you might be trying to sugar coat something.
It really does. I mean, it might sting at first; ripping off HFS's can sting at first. But then being honest about and giving yourself permission to accept what you're thinking does feel down to earth and some kind of liberating. That's why Abraham call it "making peace with where you are." You got to experience that "peace." Good for you.Feelinggoodgoodfeeling:
It feel down to earth and some kind of liberating to be honest about what I am thinking.
It's good that you can see those positive aspects, because they're always there.Feelinggoodgoodfeeling ca
Yes, I see positive aspects about z related to other topics yet it is far away from the z current topic to me where I am currently.
But the key to these teachings is to feel better. When we're far away from those positive aspects (even if we can see them), then trying to reach for them usually isn't going to feel better. Usually, the best we can do is move up the Scale, finding our relief in the so-called "negative" emotions above where we are, knowing that this is a temporary part of our journey. (And we can know it's a temporary part of our journey because we know that eventually there are positive aspects for us. We know this because we have--like you just have--caught a glimpse of them.)
Great. Have we gotten there for you?Feelinggoodgoodfeeling:
It is really liberating to think the thoughts where I am even if they are down the scale. That's okay. I feel freedom to let myself feel and think what I think about z topic.
Right now it is okay to feel my emotions and write down the thoughts.