I felt timid about posting this rampage, but then, there came Jaded Jester
and told me, she would have enjoyed my rampages of my "real life" where I shared all my real problems and -joy and -approaches. That felt like a divine wink, and now I GO AHEAD and do this!! This makes me so happy! And so SATISFIED!
I want to rampage today on my sooo beloved man, my "Wolfgang", called Wolf.
We met when we were 13, I realized that I, too, fell in love with him when I was 16, we married with 20. Which will be, in this springs, 40 years ago. We spent our youth and our midlife together, and I AM SO SATISFIED ABOUT ALL OF IT!
We are soulmates. We feel incredibly close. We grew together, backing each other up, all this years! We tried hundreds of times, we hoped, we fought, we soared high. We had big, BIG contrast. From outside, and from inside- and we never ever gave up on each other, and on our dreams. I was so very satisfied, even when things where quite dark at times- and I was SO eager for more! We finetuned our dreams immensely. We worked our butts off and we gave up to "know", again and again. But we never gave up love.
In our midlife years, he made an amazing self-made-career, and I turned to being a stay at home Mom. We got 4 dream-children (even we were deemed to be infertile at first) and bought our dream-house with dream-property. I achieved miracle healings for all 4 kids and DH- which was all soooo satisfying! And also, we yearned for more!! We yearned for the deeper solutions to our enhanced problems, financially, relationship-wise, healthwise, regarding families of origin and friends. It was a bucket full! We yearned. We fought. We worked incredibly hard, until I broke and got depressive, and my health caged in completely. Death-sentence.
We didn't give up the dream of "Paradise", and we both never gave up love. I searched for the answers in seemingly all religions and alternative teachings... until I found Abe. And slowly, veeeery slowly, the cart turned around. And we became more often...satisfied, and eager (not yearning and needy) for more.
I thought I would do a rampage on my husband... and really, I wanna do! I SO adore his beingness. His immense strength, that is so gentle. His humor, that is balanced with great depth. His amazing intelligence- a highly skilled one- that makes him understand fast as a lightning, and get me (another highly skilled one)- which is so amazing. Highly skilled ones normally are all alone in their world! I APPRECIATE IT SO MUCH. I am so satisfied. I have no words for saying "thank you" that he was, and stayed with me, in all of this years!
I am so very very satisfied with our family life! It was living hell in the beginning (Enneagram 8 all over the place
) and it became heaven, WITH LOVE AND WITH FOCUS, and with relentless desire!!
I am so proud and thankful and satisfied with what he achieved: He fed us, he climbed the career ladder from being a craftsman to being an (not studied) constructing engineer, to being the head of engineering in an aerospace company. He restored our old abandoned house, he built furniture, he cared for the huge property, he helped me raise the kids, he cooked when I was tired, he gave us amazing adventurous holidays, he is lovingly, playfully, wisely present in the life of his kids and his grandchildren. He still always found time for his art, his sports, his music and his reading. HE IS AMAZING! This- and we still are both EAGER for more!
Ohh, and sooo EAGER, so in love with WHAT'S COMING!!!