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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 1:54 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Awa wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 10:47 am As always, it is a real pleasure to read from you :romance-heartstiny: I really try to follow her recommendations
I'm glad! :hearts:
...who is "her"?
Because, and this might sound strange, but it is not a "her" that is "Abraham". It is not Esther. (It's not me, either).
MAYBE it helps to wrap your thought around the fact, that all this advice from Abe are directly from source itself. MAYBE it makes you understand- this is no fleeting, insecure hopeful "thought" from a human woman named Esther. It is surefire advice, it is KNOWINGNESS from the eternal power that we call GOD.
Does that help? At least a little bit?

I wonder how I can counteract this with a positive focus of just 68 seconds, which I often exceed, with a not always good working time of 7 - 8 hours
You don't. There is no "counteracting". You do it as long as you can. And then again- go on, with what you can. And then you again do it, just as much or as less or even not at all, as you can, in the very moment... until you somewhen will notice, that there is -no matter how often you have slipped or even totally messed up, a small, joyful new TRAINED by you now, "happy normal" within all the crap. You look there, and you look there again- and see it grow. Maybe veeeery slowly, but surely.

Happy, sunny May 1st :vortex-small: :in_love: :balloons_wave:
to you as well! :wave:

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 5:37 pm
by Awa
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 1:54 pm ...who is "her"?
Because, and this might sound strange, but it is not a "her" that is "Abraham". It is not Esther. (It's not me, either).
You have a lot of Abe knowledge and that is impressive :vortex-small: .
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 1:54 pm MAYBE it helps to wrap your thought around the fact, that all this advice from Abe are directly from source itself. MAYBE it makes you understand- this is no fleeting, insecure hopeful "thought" from a human woman named Esther. It is surefire advice, it is KNOWINGNESS from the eternal power that we call GOD.
Does that help? At least a little bit?
That helps enormously. Thanks so much :flowers: .
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Wed May 01, 2024 1:54 pm You don't. There is no "counteracting". You do it as long as you can. And then again- go on, with what you can. And then you again do it, just as much or as less or even not at all, as you can, in the very moment... until you somewhen will notice, that there is -no matter how often you have slipped or even totally messed up, a small, joyful new TRAINED by you now, "happy normal" within all the crap. You look there, and you look there again- and see it grow. Maybe veeeery slowly, but surely.
Your answers are fantastic and always to the point. It sounds so simple, so easy, so beautiful, so natural and so obvious that you can do it exactly this way and no other way. I think too complicatedly and make my life unnecessarily difficult. That's all. It's better to keep it simple :whistle: .

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 6:32 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Awa wrote: Thu May 02, 2024 5:37 pm
Your answers are fantastic and always to the point. It sounds so simple, so easy, so beautiful, so natural and so obvious that you can do it exactly this way and no other way. I think too complicatedly and make my life unnecessarily difficult. That's all.
Thank you very much for ALL your wonderful, loving compliments! They feel delightful and are very appreciated!!! :in_love:

And... like with so much, the CLARITY that I tap into so easily is simply what is, when you are trained solidly to be ITV. Clarity -as Love, Peace, Freedom, Ease and Abundance, Power and Joy, reside naturally highly ITV. Everyone who slips OOTV loses them (for the time they are OOTV). And instead, they then -in the early stances of OOTVness, feel mixed up, think in ways that are- as you call it- "unneccessarily difficult", and blurry. When people even dive further and far OOTV, they get things in really distorted ways. They can't see "what is true" from a divine stance anymore, instead they either miss it all together, or they misunderstand in big and sometimes even dangerous ways.

I'm telling you this so you understand- this clarity is no unique giftedness of mine. It is something that we ALL automatically tap into, as soon we are ITV! The higher you vibrate, the clearer you understand and think. YOU can do this just as well! :hearts:
It's better to keep it simple :whistle: .
Ohh my, now you have activated the lover of plenty within me! :lol: "simple" can be completely off, as well. All descriptions can!

So, Einstein has said:

...But then, Iris Apfel has said:

:lol: It's ALL good. It all has it's perfect time and place. When you like simple- that's so good!
And when you like artful, intricate, abundantly rich... that's good, also.


Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Mon May 06, 2024 5:42 pm
by Awa
You give the impression that you are a very happy woman :romance-lovegoddess: . As far as clarity goes, I can only agree with them. Only ITTV creates clarity. When I have a headache like today, all I want is to be okay again. And then I think, nothing is better than “less is more”. When I feel better again, I think: “Less is boring.”

At the weekend I decided against applying for an apartment out of laziness. Although I would really like to move. A friend said, that I can't live my life by waiting and hoping. I would have to act and do something and not look for a needle in a haystack.

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Mon May 06, 2024 7:59 pm
by Awa
Awa wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 5:42 pm At the weekend I decided against applying for an apartment out of laziness. Although I would really like to move. A friend said, that I can't live my life by waiting and hoping. I would have to act and do something and not look for a needle in a haystack.
If you keep falling back into the same thought patterns like me and desperately want to act OOTV to make a change, this will help those looking for similar answers.

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 4:30 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Awa wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 5:42 pm You give the impression that you are a very happy woman :romance-lovegoddess:

It is about not only choosing each day, but sometimes each minute.

I was a VERY sad woman, in some times of my life. I was in despair, in terrible pain, in some years of depression. I know the feeling when your life-dreams crush, and those you depended on fully and wholly, take off without you. I was told I would have 1 year left to live. I was told I would never have children. I also see what is going on in the world, now!

In this moments when your world seems to shatter, you often can't other than tumble. It's ok, it helps to embrace what-is, learn from it and heal. But afterwards, you can dust yourself off and look for the light, and GO THERE in the small steps you are ABLE to take.
Or you can continue to suffer.

It is a choice.
As far as clarity goes, I can only agree with them. Only ITTV creates clarity. When I have a headache like today, all I want is to be okay again. And then I think, nothing is better than “less is more”. When I feel better again, I think: “Less is boring.”
Exactly! Abe use to make fun of the phrase "rest in peace", that humans say towards croaked ones. Abe state, there is no need or desire to "rest", in pure-positive-nonphysical! There is only fascination and joy and eagerness to unfold further, and deep love and joy- and all of that is WITHIN a deep heavenly PEACE, but that doesn't make nonphysical "resting". And it is a bit like that, from human ITV!

The further up my "normal" went -BY TRAINING- (!), the more "normal" my stance was ITV, the more I realized, that I ALWAYS have a peace "underneath" everything, even when I am bouncing off the walls in enthusiasm! It stabilizes me, so that I don't get crazy, no matterhow open, eager and spontaneous I am. But the peace is there, too, when I slip and fly out, OOTV. So, when that happens, it doesn't bother or torture me, as it did long before. ...It feels more humorous, amused. When I feel a wave of impatience roll over me, or I am p* for some moments, it almost makes me laugh, and deep within, I feel a friendly, deep PEACE. As Abe said: "The sting is gone".

Some people think this peacefulness would make life more shallow, but that is not the case at all. The joy, the love and appreciation, the passion, the eagerness is so MUCH deeper than I could even fathom when I was more OOTV!

And you, Awa, KNOW all that, at least you already are so close, that you feel the truth of it- or you couldn't write such wise comments! :hearts:
At the weekend I decided against applying for an apartment out of laziness. Although I would really like to move. A friend said, that I can't live my life by waiting and hoping.
Of course you can! It is a quite comfortable stance. When you enjoy the peaceful wait and the sweet hope, when you are proud that you don't go into wild goose-chases, LoA will bring you more joy, peace, sweetness and confidence.

And from THAT stance your whole life will feel much better than when you do things because you "should" or "must". Including the process of looking for an appartment- or even the appartment itself, that you will find!

:thumbup: :thumbup:
I would have to act and do something and not look for a needle in a haystack.
yah, most people on Earth live like that. ...How does that work out? :hearts:

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 6:53 am
by Awa
I was a VERY sad woman, in some times of my life. I was in despair, in terrible pain, in some years of depression. I know the feeling when your life-dreams crush, and those you depended on fully and wholly, take off without you. I was told I would have 1 year left to live. I was told I would never have children. I also see what is going on in the world, now!
Nice to hear that your life is now brighter, lighter, simpler, more beautiful and much better. They mastered that wonderfully :vortex-small:

Some people think this peacefulness would make life more shallow, but that is not the case at all. The joy, the love and appreciation, the passion, the eagerness is so MUCH deeper than I could even fathom when I was more OOTV!
This friend K. is also of a more “superficial nature”. He does what he enjoys and celebrates his life. At least in his free time.

yah, most people on Earth live like that. ...How does that work out? :hearts:
He says if I want to move I have to look for an apartment and if I like one that I can afford then I have to go for it. And if I get the apartment, I can be happy. But I can wait a long time before being offered one. Such exceptions require a large network of people to make it work, he said. Like most people, he lives by the principle: trial and error. He goes through life much more openly and calmly than I do. He doesn't think too much, doesn't read books, doesn't write lists. He is naturally more optimistic and fun-loving and doesn't wait for the one perfect thing in life like I do. I think, there can always be something better and so I wait. Or I shy away from all the work that comes with moving. In general, I'm not particularly decisive.

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 9:07 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Awa wrote: Tue May 07, 2024 6:53 am Nice to hear that your life is now brighter, lighter, simpler, more beautiful and much better. They mastered that wonderfully :vortex-small:
:ta: ..."they"?? :lol: :kiss:
This friend K. is also of a more “superficial nature”.
:D ah... we never know where and when they are very deep, and what it takes from them! I was called superficial SO often by others, who just saw that I was happy even under very hard conditions. How much focus, work and training it took to me- they had no idea. We really don't know about others...!
AND: each one their own agenda! :hearts:
He does what he enjoys and celebrates his life. At least in his free time.
sounds awesome to me! :thumbup:
He says if I want to move I have to look for an apartment and if I like one that I can afford then I have to go for it. And if I get the apartment, I can be happy. But I can wait a long time before being offered one. Such exceptions require a large network of people to make it work, he said. Like most people, he lives by the principle: trial and error. He goes through life much more openly and calmly than I do. He doesn't think too much, doesn't read books, doesn't write lists. He is naturally more optimistic and fun-loving and doesn't wait for the one perfect thing in life like I do.
I tell you the true story of my son H.. He would fit the general description of being a "natural allower". He loves life, doesn't care what others think and only does what he feels joyful doing. He came in, that way. I would love to think I would have trained him in that way, but I guess, I can only claim that I wasn't too much in his way of unfolding!

His older brother, F., is a very successful man as well, and he, as well, wants to do things exactly as he decides them. Both never listened to Abe! F goes about life with hard work, aiming for perfection, planning and efforting. H is a perfectionist and a hard worker as well, but never because he would think he "ought" to do it. It comes from pure passion. So, when he needed a place to fulfill his very high expectations of internship, and a place to live in a city where flats or shared flats are rare as gems, he did-nothing. F got antsy, begged him back and forth, tried to push him, painted a terrible picture of how it will all end- and H still did nothing. I must admit, I got nervous, too. In the end, H wrote 1 (in letters: One) application for the job, at the (then) highest ranked employer in the field he wanted to learn. He got the job, kicking out hundreds of competitors.

Now, he needed a place to live. F, living in this very city, had observed several of his colleagues, trying for months to rent a flat (and they even had money, which H really didn't). 2 weeks befor the apprenticeship started, H still didn't have a room. To be true, he didn't WANT a room! He wanted a workshop, WITH PIT, where he could tinker on his beloved car. My son F almost got a heart attack! 1 week in, H. made 1 (I repeat: ONE) phonecall on ebay, where someone rented out a tiny hut, a former car-workshop, fully stocked with tools AND PIT. There was a huge dining table (the former workers had used it as breakfast-table and office), lots of mismatched chairs, water, heating system, and lots of room for H's transportable composting toilette. And the man who was happy to so short-termedly find a renter, even gave him an old bedframe. For the next 3 months, Heiko happily ever after, lived in his workshop, right besides his car, and then he had found his future wife (they married exactly 1 year later). And so, he then had an even better place to live in the cold winter... even, it was without pit. ;)
I think, there can always be something better and so I wait. Or I shy away from all the work that comes with moving. In general, I'm not particularly decisive.
I'd say, if you like the process and the outcome- then keep doing that! :hearts: If you don't- then change something.
But never do what others think "you "should" or "must" do: They don't know what works FOR YOU. They don't even have a clue what you REALLY want!
Only your own inner guidance is always spot on.

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 3:12 pm
by Awa
..."they"?? :lol: :kiss:
Ohje :rofl:

I tell you the true story of my son H.. He would fit the general description of being a "natural allower". He loves life, doesn't care what others think and only does what he feels joyful doing. He came in, that way. I would love to think I would have trained him in that way, but I guess, I can only claim that I wasn't too much in his way of unfolding!
Such unique and beautiful stories straight from life are simply wonderful and warm your heart and soul :romance-wub: . Thank you for sharing :rose: .
I miss the carefree, easy-going, relaxed and happy nature of your son H., in my life.

I'd say, if you like the process and the outcome- then keep doing that! :hearts: If you don't- then change something.
But never do what others think "you "should" or "must" do: They don't know what works FOR YOU. They don't even have a clue what you REALLY want!
Only your own inner guidance is always spot on.

No, I don't always like the result. Unfortunately, not much happens in my life. To be honest, I don't understand it at all. I exaggerate greatly in my lists. They are extremely long, cheerful and colorful. I can't even say how long I've been writing my "new story". There will be some reasons why my desired manifestations are not occurring.

Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 5:14 pm
by Awa
You posted a text today: 'Get happy!!' (viewtopic.php?p=5618#p5618) Just wonderful. Many thanks.

Please, can you explain this little section to me:
In most cases, it does not involve action. Because in most cases if you take action, in your effort to get happy- some boom drops on you. Like, you get fired, and then you don't have any money, or something like that.