I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

The wedding of our daughter in our barn, with mismatched antique china on selfmade patchwork blankets, self crafted chandelier and -candlesticks

I did a rampage/"work" this morning about my beloved dinnerware, and it inspired me to see what life has caused me to desire, and to see what I have ALLOWED already. And it is big! Much much more than I could post pictures about! And I realllly want to focus on this joy.
I sooo love to be a host! I so love to CELEBRATE, in the words trues sense. What could be more joyful than to celebrate life!! I am SO satisfied with what I did, and experienced, and created in that regard!!

my daughter and SIL, with the cake that I made for them :hearts:

I SO love the creativity, the processes, the planning, the unfolding, the fascination, the inspirations that come, and the joy in which I put them together! I SO LOVE to see the incredible ways in which things come together! I LOVE watching how "god does it"! I LOVE getting impulses and having life flow through me, in this delightful rush and passion!

Self made pottery cake-stand (with also self baked cake :D )

I LOVE the Creativity that I get inspired to! I love to unfold, and to have ideas, this deliciousness, this "being on fire", this awesome passion, when I'm in a creative process. I FEEL SUCH SATISFACTION, looking back at it!

The pottery design by MacKenzie Childs, that so very much inspired me to make pottery myself

It was a big moment when I first came across the designs of MacKenzieChilds. I saw them in an American interior design-magazin, first, and had no idea what it was, but I was hooked on them in an instant. I SO LOVE the tulip-shape of the bowls, with the wavy rims! So I went into pottery- classes where we could use the kiln, and the glazes, and then started to produce them myself (the originals are incredibly expensive!) ...Just enough to serve all 25 guests on my silver anniversary! IT WAS SUCH FUN! It was soooo satisfying! :hearts:

garden-party with all my family at our silver wedding anniversary, with self made pottery

Buffet with mostly self made pottery

Ohh, I sooo love to do buffets for my many many family-gatherings. I SO LOVE to have so much dinnerware, that -while it's mismatched, fits so well together! I so love to play- just as a stage designer- with the different levels. I love all the heights, and the layers, and the shapes and sizes and colors! I AM SO SATISFIED in pulling it all together! And, ohhh man, I am eager for more. I am eager for more tableware. More beautiful glasses. More awesome vases. More huge, fantastic rooms inside and outside, to play with this!!

:lol: Once I invited my friend and I lured her to 12 different places where I had arranged 12 different themes to sit and have little bites of delicacies. Under the towering rose-shrub, at the pond, underneath the apple tree, in the tiny shelter, in the barn, looking out into the garden... and so on and so on. Now I want this all to be "professional", so that the ants will not eat any of it, anymore :lol: and so that we can get there with dry feet, and sit on real stools, instead on blankets.

I AM SO EAGER FOR MORE!!!!! :vortex-small:

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

My family/living-room, with hand painted floor and -table, inspired by the designs of MacKenzie-Childs

I am inspired to continue my rampage from yesterday, going more specific... into my love for MacKenzie-Childs motifs! They are SO SATISFYING TO ME. I find them so... enlivening. So joyful. So happy! They bring together 2 of my most beloveds facets: Playfulness and overflow, "held" and kept in order by a beautiful structure.

I so love how this works together! I so love the exuberance, dancing with the (almost) exact lawfulness. :D I find it SO satisfying, that I used this inspiration again and again in painting dull fleamarket-finds and gifts of my MIL in this quirky, eyecatching, beautiful way, and brought them to LIFE!

Belgian period-furniture that inspired me to paint it in MacKenzie-Childs style, as well

As much as I LOVE getting inspired to become creative myself, and use paint in bold colorful strokes, lush flowers and tons of tiny checks, I always had a lingering desire to "go to the well itself" and see where and how "it is done". Oh, wouldn't that be nice!? I LOVE to witness how my desire is growing, into more and more and more specificness! It is so satisfying to be aware of when a new rocket of desire shoots out of me (and I DON'T "kill it with my doubt!) :lol:
It is soooo satisfying to expand in this eager, passionate way, INTO BEING EAGER FOR MORE.

I can feel life rushing through my veins, in this momentum!
I feel sooo inspired, so eager, so fascinated, so joyful, so IN LOVE!

A guestroom in an Inn in Aurora N.Y., where MacKenzie-Childs produce and have their headquarter

I wanna visit Aurora, north of NYC! I want to take my time, and hang out there!

the showroom of MacKenzie-Childs in New York City

I wanna visit NYC directly, and hang out THERE! In spring!!!! Yes, yes, yes!!! :lol: :lol:
AND I wanna visit MacKenzie-Childs in DUBAI. Ohhh, wouldn't THAT be nice!!??? Oh yes, oh yes, HELL YES!!! :in_love: :woohoo:

the showroom of MacKenzie-Childs in Dubai!
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I feel so satisfied! :lol: DH and my son N managed yesterday night to strip our classic Hanomag-truck from it's body. And, N managed to make it drivable so far, that we could move it into the reach of rain-shelter and electricity! woohooo!!! Now, he can repair it fully and transform it into the pickup-truck that he needs for his mechanic-business!

I am so satisfied to see him SO happy and proud, and eager for more!
It is so satisfying to watch beloved people get closer to what they dream up. It is so satisfying, to be part of it! It is so satisfying to stay in the perfect proximity that enjoys it all, without diving too deep. I FEEL SO HAPPY. I AM SO SATISFIED!! And I am sooo eager for more!

Oh, what fun is ahead! Our family has SO many quirky and fantastic dreams. It feels awesome to dream about it. It feels so JOYFUL to go with the impulses. It feels so eager, to see it all unfold! I am SO thankful for this unfolding paths, that I see everywhere. Life is amazing!! Thank you, thank you life!!!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

A sunny sunday, in almost spring... taking our time... strolling through the landscape, admiring nature, adoring the beauty that is. Glistening half frozen grasses, fogs raising out of the meadows, sunbeams peaking through the naked branches, hihlighting a few rare leafs that still hang on the branches and let them glow.

I so love my life. I so love my husband. I so love my country. I so love nature! I so love our weekend-breakfast-picnics out in the wild! I SO LOVE to live. I am SO SATISFIED!!!

My son invited me to come out with him and sit in the comfy couch, that we have in front of the upper barn, to share him while he is working on his Hanomag. While I'm sewing and mending the clothes of all my grandkids, he is tinkering, and we both exchange thoughts. So peaceful, so loving, so joyful! I send a picture on whatsapp into our family-group, and my other son calls, to chime in, to this scene. He'd like to be here with us, and tinker, too! Dh comes back from his stroll over the property, and we all have a lovely group-call, close to each other, while one is 300km apart.

I SO LOVE MY KIDS!! I so love the modern technical wizardry! I so love, how so many desires of old times are ALLOWED today. And we reap the benefit of it. Maybe, we enjoy the payoff of OUR OWN rockets of desire today, from the times where we would have loved to reach out and be CLOSE to each other! Ohh, I love that thought. I love how we- over space and time, are connected in love. Connected in joy! Connected in LOVE.

I am eager for even more, for living all together on 1 property, and for family-vacations, and family-businesses, and more and more and more... but right now, more than anything, I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT WHERE I AM! I am so happy. So thankful. So incredibly, deeply, truly SATISFIED!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 11:59 am My son invited me to come out with him and sit in the comfy couch, that we have in front of the upper barn, to share him while he is working on his Hanomag. While I'm sewing and mending the clothes of all my grandkids, he is tinkering, and we both exchange thoughts. So peaceful, so loving, so joyful! I send a picture on whatsapp into our family-group, and my other son calls, to chime in, to this scene. He'd like to be here with us, and tinker, too! Dh comes back from his stroll over the property, and we all have a lovely group-call, close to each other, while one is 300km apart
You paint such a good-feeling picture! I love the feeling of closeness, togetherness & love! :heart:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

thank you, dear cookie, for milking this beauty with me! :hearts: :in_love: :hugs:

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I just now listened to the "Z's" from Lee Harries, under the titel "what are you here to do?" and they asked exact this question- we should listen inside, what comes to us. I got "Being happy." ...And not really more, than is it: BEING HAPPY.
Ah, my heart goes out into HAPPINESS!!

Mood wavers. Yesterday I was so high, and today I try to get my foothold. I know- it's due to my focus! My DELIBERATE focus. I am satisfied to know this! I am SATISFIED to know exactly what to do! I am soo satisfied to not have the pain sting me anymore, because I KNOW ow to deal with it, now. I am so thankful for this journey. I am so deeply deeply thankful for knowing all this that Abe teach!! I feel my mood coming up as I ponder my thankfulness. I KNOW it does, every single time! :hearts:

Oh boy, how often do I squander my happiness with a sloppy focus! This interaction with Abe touched me more than it maybe should... (here is Abe speaking for the HS) :

I'm beginning to understand that your request for me to get into the Vortex, is the only thing that will ever work for me.

I have to let go of all of those pieces! Because in my interaction with all of those pieces, I just hold myself out, and hold myself out, and hold myself out... and my frustration -and it's huge- when I hold myself out, as I'm trying to explain. But I'm only out, because of this reality and this reality and this reality, Abraham I Now understand that you were never trying to say to me, that those realities didn't exist. You were only trying to say to me, that those realities do not serve me when I focus upon them!

You have convinced me, Abraham, that
it's time for me to tell the story of my empowerment.
It's time for me to tell the story of my worthiness.
It's time for me to tout the benefit of my knowledge of Law of Attraction!
It's time for me to understand the vortex, whatever in the hell it is, and get into it.
It's time for me to begin finding my way to begin feeling my way.

I'm going to feel my way into the Vortex! And I'm going to stop thinking my way into the Vortex. I'm going to feel my way in!! It feels good here. It feels like Clarity. It feels like power. It feels like love! It feels like solution. It feels like answers to questions! It feels like something that I've been looking for, for a very long time.

YES; I will focus better. I WANT TO BE HAPPY!!
Wouldn't this be nice to be EVEN MORE, HIGH, ITV?
There are so many excuses that water down my happiness. That are simply blurry, a miserably unsharp FOCUS! I want to set the stakes higher: I want to REALLY be happy! While honestly, I AM very very satisfied!
I am thankful and satisfied even for "blah". :lol: :lol: It doesn't hurt! And I still know very well how much pain hurts :? AND IT IS OK. It has brought me here. It has made me so much sharper. It has served me sooooo well. And now, I want to be and have even more! :hearts:

I want... glorious. I am eager for breathtaking. I am eager for delight! I am eager for long, deep, awesome FULFILLMENT. I am eager for Paradise! Hell, YES!!!!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I FEEL such deep, joyful, peaceful, warm, friendly SATISFACTION! :hearts:
It feels war. It feels cozy. It feels "enough". But it doesn't feel done! :lol: Noooo, not at all!! I feeeeeeel happy, in my heart. And I also feel so EAGER. So thrilled to go out again, and look around and be in awe, and as in a rush, INSPIRED and thrilled and passionate!!
I LOVE my body here and now. And, I am eager to dance, to jump to run, to laugh, to sing!!


And also, there is soooo much where I wish it would NEVER pass. Because it is soooo goooood!
And there is so much sweet relaxation. Inhale! Taking in the beauty, the gifts, the inspirations, the awe! And then, expressing it out, giving me to the Universe, exhaling, LOVING, blessing, adoring, sheltering, caring... just not out of need. always out of joy!

Courage, faith and persevernce... Joy, joy, joy!

I am eager, for the "work" that is ahead of me! I am eager to balance! WHAT AN ADVENTURE!
What a SATISFYING adventure. Eager, and satisfied. Peaceful, and joyfully expectant of awe. It goes hand in hand. It all has an incredibly satisfied, totally peaceful, KNOWING basis, that ALL IS SOOOO WELL. And, based on this.... what fun, to dive in for more! :in_love: :vortex-small:

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I loved so much when Dolly Parton kicked off the "Dolly Parton Challenge" that went viral and brought so many people to think about the roles that they play! AND, it was FUN to deliberately take on some roles!! Didn't we come here to do exactly that!? Even when we don't feel good, we PLAY here to be something else other than "God in physical form". I LIKE THAT. :lol: And I like it even more to alter the roles on purpose! To not any longer play them "by default".

IT IS SOOOO SATISFYING to play in this way!!

It is SATISFYING to see how perfect I ALREADY fit in "whom I want to be".
It is so SATISFYING to see, I play it very, very very well! I BECAME it. I KNOW it, now. I have chewed it and digested it, and I GOT IT, wholly. I AM THERE.

And I am eager for more!! I am so eager to see this UNFOLD. I am so eager to build this new roles! I am so eager to mold myself and my view of me, and my expectation of what I CAN be! It is awesome. It is DELIBERATE CREATION!! And it is soooo much more than just "4 roles". It is so incredibly MUCH MORE!! And I am so eager to find out!!! Yes, yes!!! :dance:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I really enjoyed yesterday to ponder my "roles". I want to dig in there, deeper. Where do I come from? What was my focus, when I was younger? What is my focus, NOW? I LOVE having the fotos to help my memory, and this inspiration to "fill them in" into a chart, so to speak! :lol: It was SO SATISFYING to play with all of this! I LOVE becoming aware. I love to be deliberate. And most of all, I love to mold my life, on purpose, in clearity. SO satisfying.

What was:

"Linked-In"- Role... how I want to BE in regards to power, career, finances, official status:
-when I was twenty years old:
When I was twenty, I really was satisfied with what "I was", in this. I felt very blessed with my pretty rich family of origin, who were in some cases global players in their business. I had learned to deal with mighty CEO's, designers, journalists, thinkers... who visited our house, really rich, interesting and influentual people. I loved to have traveled the world quite a bit, already. I loved my status as a female testdriver, I loved my status as an artist, I loved to have passed my pilotes license. I loved to own two nationalities, which satisfied my desire to be a cosmoplitan.
I was satisfied in this Role! Satisfied, confident and very eager for more!

-how I desire my future to be:
I eagerly dream of unfolding as an internationally revered and searched for, designer, author and filmmaker. I eagerly want to express even more, my uplifting, light-giving visions of a New Earth, of life in Paradise on Earth in fascinating and funny stories. I dream also of unfolding as designer of interior- and garden-rooms, of clothes and accessoires. I eagerly want to play even more with the beautiful materials, colors, styles and thoughts from the whole world. I want to mix them, into touching, colorful, beautiful art.

I dream of working in my home-based studios and workshops, loft-style, light filled, seemlessly mingling to serve as plant- and natural fragrance-filled living-rooms, dining rooms, elegant/eccentric gathering places for family and business-interaction as well!

"Facebook"-Role... how I want to BE in regards to family and friends, celebrations, social life
-when I was twenty years old:
...I was SO satisfied to be engaged/married to my soulmate! I felt no doubt that this was MY MAN. I adored to live life with him together. I was incredibly joyful in exploring the new roams of spirituality, with him together! We loved to unfold in understanding the world, hand in hand. We traveled, and explored, we lived adventures, we designed our life-space, we road motorbikes and shocked our families and friends with unfolding in very unique life-styles!

-how I desire my future to be:
I eagerly plan to embrace the whole world not only with my beloved mate, but often with my whole, blessed family! I dream of becoming a gathering place for all the "birds of same feather", hosting in myriads of ways for all these fascinating, loving, lively, happy people, from all generations, and all imaginable genres.

I eagerly plan fantastic celebrations for all of us, awesome mutual roadtrips, wonderful multy-generation-living-lifestyle with very good boundaries! :D I want my family to live on one huge property, with an unique dreamhouse for each of us. With many picturesque guesthouses, stables, barns and playgrounds. All designed into a "Paradise": Woods, a lake and a creek, where all children and pets can roam free. I see us all in true, authentic, deep respect, celebration and adoration for each other, loving and revering the unique gifts and efforts of each single one. I dream of workshops for all of us, filled with bustling life, where we can work on our own or together, and help-each other if needed. I dream of a huge collection of cars, trucks and motorbikes, that we swap with each other. I dream of breeding horses and even having a small perma-culture farm with delicious crops, a fascinating online shop and a beautiful, romantic teahouse with the most delectable foods!

"Instagram"-Role... how I want to BE in regards to my life-style, my vision, beauty, arts and spiritual life
-when I was twenty years old:
...I was sooo satisfied in this time, to explore all kinds of thinkable arts. I unfolded in singing, photography, art-installations, interiordesign, painting, sculpting, sewing, embroidery, writing, cooking and baking. I felt incredibly rich and unstoppable, in the abundance of my visions! I felt unlimited in the possibilities of personal unfolding. I felt so very, very SATISFIED in this plenty!

-how I desire my future to be:
I eagerly dream of exploring all the best that life has to offer: I see me and my man much of the year in luxury travel, in beautiful style. I dream of high quality gourmet food, awesome concerts, fantastic gatherings and awesome projects. I see us exploring the most beautiful art and -architecture. I am so eager to unfold in treating myself with luxurious clothes and -styling, as well! I eagerly envision to shop wonderful yarns, fabrics and beads for my projects. I see us explore transportation in the highest possible ways: In harmony with the environment and the elements. I unfold in the world of quality, in each sense possible: Which absolutely includes to reside on the top of the EGS, as well. I live literally "Paradise on Earth", and I serve as an example through me, living this way.

"Tinder"-Role... how I want to BE in regards of my expression as erotic woman- my style of "turn/ed on"
-when I was twenty years old:
...I was satisfied to understand myself and my needs, and to explore my own beauty. I was satisfied and eager to playfully, and earnestly master the games of give and take, to serve, and to allow, to enjoy and adore the most delicious, wonderful, aligned sensations- and emotions. I was eager for more, and very satisfied where I was!

-how I desire my future to be:
I see myself fearlessly, lively, eagerly "climb the highest mountains" of lustful joy. I turn on, and I am turned on, by life itself. I love my visions of regaining my full physical, bodily capacity- and to explore further and further, what ever I truly love in regards to it. I am lustfully mastering my physicality, being a truly loving, wholly understanding, completely revering intimate friend with myself. In my KNOWING my worthiness, I feel absolute free, unashamed beautiful, deeply empowered, truly unlimited... so very, very precious and contagiously happy!

What will be:

Ohh, this was an awesome "work"!! I loved to do this. It felt soooo satisfying in the process... and so thrilled about the unfolding into what will come! THANK YOU LIFE for this wonderful, wonderful inspiration!!

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