I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Hello March! :hearts:
Hey, spring is coming! Wasn't it just yesterday, that we celebrated the change of the year!?

I AM SO THANKFUL for all the TIME!!
I am so thankful to be in the middle of the time of Awakening... what a trip. What an adventure! Our German government is demounting itself, just now... it is strange to witness. Yah, EVERYTHING changes, just as the sages have pretended. And I feel soo safe, and secure, and in deep love within all the strangeness and "failing". I feel... yes, SATISFIED. The Old paradigms are croaking. Hail to the New! I SEE how the path gets cleared for magical new beginnings. I feel so certain. I feel so sure. I feel so tethered to my high flying discs. I AM SO THANKFUL to live in this time.

Hmmmmmm :hearts: I bask in reading my yesterdays post, once more! It was such joy to pull it all together! :hearts:
It helped DH and me so much to, specifically, understand something we had issues with. It helped him to make me some compliments that I deserved since a long time! ;) :hearts:

I feel such satisfaction in all of this!! I feel such satisfaction in becoming even deeper aware- every day. I feel such satisfaction with the beauty of my life.
I am sooo satisfied with the wonderful, artful youtube-clips I am attracting! I adored the presentation of the Mandarin-Oriental Hotel in Bangkok, and I already look forwards to the Raffles Hotel in Singapur! I am so satisfied knowing those gems are out there. I am SO satisfied that such beauty, and quality, and care, and mastership, and awesomeness exists! I am soooo satisfied in my trust that things will unfold for me, so that I can embrace them somewhen physically, as well!

Ohh, won't that be awesome when I discuss with my travel agent which hotels, and special experiences, and tours and MORE might be the perfect ones for us!? I am so eager to unfold in all of this!! I am so eager for the impulses I get NOW, about it! And I am so eager for the planning, and the inspirations that will come on the further path! And I am so eager for the surprise and delight that will reach me, when my journey gets into physical experiences! IT IS ALL SUCH WONDERFUL REALITY!!!

I SO LOVE TO LIVE. More, and more, and deeper, and wider, and more specific... on and on, eternally!!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Laughter might be the most profound state of Alignment that exists.
Laughter is your first impulse, when you re-emerge into nonphysical!

And you realize, how idiotically seriously you've been taking all this stuff.
In that final recognition of the Wellbeing of you, and the worthiness of you,
and the value of you,

there will be a laughing feast
the likes of which you have not yet experienced in this physical form.

Abraham Hicks

I SO LOVE to imagine that Iris, who inspired me soooo much, who went ahead with her bold, intense example of being light, of doing things exactly as she liked it- that she is now having a laughing- and loving feast, free from all that might have bothered her! There is no "resting in peace" for the dead ones, as Abe assured us. They are much more full of light than any of us have been while "being alive"! And I guess, even Iris is having more of a blast now, than ever! AND I SO LOVE THIS.
It feels so satisfying to me!
I feel such joy imagining her laughing and celebrating and feeling totally FREE.

And then, I feel inspired to not take things so "IDIOTICALLY" serious, here, either. My oldest boy was here for some hours, took his brother and they are off for a day trip together. :hearts: We love us so dearly! While, in our minds we are very much on different paths. He can't deal with anything weird, with anything spiritual, I feel his fear behind his blocking, and I don't push at all, but I want respect for my way of approaching life. And he gives way, I feel his love, I feel our strong bond and I am sooo enjoying it. But it is a struggle each time, and I want more than this. I AM EAGER for this lightness, for the freedom of resistance that the croaked ones own! :happy108: :vortex-small:

I want to be SATISFIED with him together, lightly, laughingly, no resistances, no stress, no matter what. I am eager for a time where I own the "role" of a truly revered beloved mother. Oh, lets go over to the other thread and play with THAT! :lol: :lol: :romance-inlove:

And I am eager for even more!!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

:lol: :lol:

I sooooo gave up, yesterday night and this morning!! "I DIDN'T CARE" if my beloved applauded me, or not!
I stopped caring to feather his nest (while I was caring for being nice and loving with him. But, I stopped caring to carry his responsibility to make him self happy.)

What do you REALLY give up?

Are you giving up the DESIRE? NO!!!
Are you giving up the struggle? Yes!

Are you giving up the DESIRE? NO!!!
Are you giving up the effort? Yes.

Are you giving up the DESIRE? NO!!!
Are you giving up the angst? Yes!

Abraham Hicks

It felt so free. It was like shedding lead. It felt as "giving up" -all the struggle to make him happy. To pamper him. To step back so that he could shine. And, this felt WONDERFUL! :hearts: It was soooooooooooo satisfying!!! :lol:

I am sooo satisfied where I am!
It felt wonderful to sit in the sun with my boys and listen to their banter.
It felt so satisfying to do exactly what I want to do!
It felt so satisfying to feel the love between us all.
It felt so satisfying to not hurt myself in valuing me less.
It felt soooo satisfying, to think highly of myself, and to not care what others think!! :hearts:


I am so SATISFIED to really insist on being awesome, no matter all my many many flaws!! :lol:
Man, I value everybody else high WHILE I know they have "flaws". For heavens sake, we all are human!! WE DO HAVE FLAWS AND FLEAS AND WHATNOT!!! :lol: :lol: (while I really can do without fleas.)

I don't care....

What do you mean, "you don’t care"?
-Well, I don’t mean I don’t care about anything, because there are a lot of things I do care about. I care about feeling good. And I care about clarity.
I care about being in the receptive mode.
I care about being an uplifter. I care about presenting all of myself in any moment in time. I care about being of value. I care about feeling good. I care about this magnificent environment.
I care about what’s in my vortex. I care about what’s in your vortex. I care about everything that you desire. I care about all good things coming to me, and to you. I care about us all living happily ever after.
But what I don’t care about are conditions that I cannot control. What I don’t care about are things that take me out of my alignment. What I don’t care about, meaning I don’t have momentum about it anymore.
I don’t care, it’s not a hook for me. It’s not a knee jerk response to me. I’ve trained myself to care about what infuses me, not what diffuses me. I care about what lifts me, not about lowers me.
I care about what feels good, not about what doesn’t feel good. I care about alignment. I care about being an extension of Source. I care about fulfilling my reason for being here. I care about being in this world, and not necessarily only of this world.
I care about the whole of me being present in this moment. I care about all who have gone before me, and all they have come to know, and all they do now know and all that they are now presenting to me.
I care about the revelation that’s constantly coming to me, and I care about being in the receptive mode of that. I care about being on the leading edge. I care about contributing in positive ways. I care about feeling good, and I care about others feeling good.
But what I don’t care about is that which I cannot control. And what I can’t control is everything that is conditional, and what I can control is everything that is unconditional.
I can control the way I feel, I’ve practiced it. I can hold a steady vibration. I can stay in vibrational sync with who I am. I can present the whole of myself, in this time space reality, in any situation.

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Become OBSESSED with what you like!

...If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life! Which means:

you talk about it and
you think about it and
you play with it and
you observe it and
you take pictures of it and
you tell others about it and
you think about it and
you talk about it and
you observe it;

...until you activate it in your vibration until more thoughts like it come.

If you would become obsessed with the best parts of your life, you would deactivate the parts of your life that you don't want! But when you are obsessed with the parts of your life that you don't want, and you keep them active, then there aren't enough helpers in the world to help you get to where you think you want to be.

Abraham Workshop, Los Angeles, August 17, 2008

I am so satisfied with what is!
I am so satisfied with my loving relationship with N. I love him SO MUCH!
I love looking at his incredibly intense ethic desire. I love seeing his fantastic skills, literally, he is a genius. I love how close we are. I love how we play lightheartedly!

I love that he is such a good mechanic: We have the deal that he will repair my convertible. Ohh, this will be so nice! I feel SUCH joy and satisfaction in the thought , that my beloved tiny car will run with me, again. I feel SO SATISFIED to know and see, how good my son is in his job! I feel so satisfied to sith with him in the sun and either help him a bit repairing, or I sew and do my things. I so enjoy our time!

I am so in love with my beloveds.
I am so eager for getting the wherewithal to buy the perfect property, for our mutual workshops and houses!
I am so eager to share roadtrips.
I am so eager to experience unforgettables!


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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I feel so satisfied to still be able, to just ENJOY my dreams and desire, even when so many lose what they had.
I feel thankful, that I don't get drawn in in the misery of others.
If we all would get drawn in- who would be shining eagerness and hope?
If we would all share the lowest level, who would be up and above and call us where we all want to be?

I am so satisfied to see and FEEL, how easily I can soothe me in this days. The whole world seems to go bonkers- and I LOVE watching myself how much I am in PEACE. And that is NOT cold. It is not uncaring. It is focused on power and light! AND IT FEELS SOO GOOD. It wouldn't, if God would know it to be wrong. It wouldn't, if it wouldn't be a helpful form of love.

I feel so secure and certain and steady in my EASE, in my total TRUST. This is soooo peaceful, and light, and satisfying!

I love the deep peace. I so adore the deep KNOWING. I focus on purpose, I step lightly. I balance myself, all the time. What a time we live in! What an awesome, awesome time, where we put it all upside down. I am SO satisfied in realizing: IT IS HAPPENING. People get clear! People SEE what they never have seen. It feels like a rising sun. It feels like a bold new beginning. I feel like in the eye of the storm... I feel such peace. I feel such thankfulness. I feel so light. I feel so much love. THANK YOU LIFE, that I can be this way!

AND... I am eager for more. I am eager to see the puzzle build up into more and more satisfaction. I am eager to hear the others celebrate, too. I am eager when the tipping point will reveal- IT WAS ALL WORTH IT!! I am eager for this rush of joy, that will run all around the planet, when this becomes clear. Oh God, I can't wait!!! (Of course I can!!) :lol:

ALL IN PERFECT TIMING. When we are ready, it comes. Oh, I am sooo eager for it! And meanwhile... what a satisfying, awesome, awesome RIDE!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I am so satisfied to live in this time!
I was so THRILLED, in awe, I resonated deep into my bones when Abe spoke the first time about this "being the time of awakening". I feel sooo satisfied as I see more and more evidence of things falling into place! :lol: Well, and also, things being out of whack in SUCH an absurd way (or, myriads of ways...) that I feel, in THIS chaos, the change will come very fast. Have you heard of the chladnik soundpatterns? (see big foto below). When you give sand on a plate and make that plate vibrate higher and higher and higher in frequency- it will form the sand kernels into more and more complex and -beautiful structures. And, it always happens in the way that the higher the frequency, somewhen the old pattern gets disorganized, dissolves into "chaos"- and in the next second, a new, much more beautiful structure becomes. "all in a second" so it seemed.

I SO LOVE KNOWING THIS. I am in deep appreciation and deep satisfaction about the beauty that IS- no matter what! It just keeps being, and laughing, and dancing and loving! SO EASY!
Being tuned to the goodness makes me so certain, so calm, so happy, so peaceful, to just relax in the chaos.
I totally trust the journey! I totally trust source. I absolutely trust my Vortex, and the Goodness, and the joy, the ease, the LOVE!

I feel so eager for the new! I feel like a child in the time before Christmas. I feel eager, I feel giddy! I sense the NEWNESS, the awesome beauty that is calling us all! I can feel the bigness, the joy, the light in this "Awakening to our Vortex-Versions"! All we "need"to do- as always-is simply tune to what we want. Tune to the happy vibe. Allow it to raise, unconditionally! What an awesome avocation, right? :D

I have such fun in looking a bit for the daily Schuhmann resonance (you can look it up, it's all out there in the web). In earlier days, some years ago, we had "abnormal" days, too. Cosmic storms, bold sun-flairs, they peak into our Earth's "heartbeat". But since a few years, there is hardly any "normalcy" left. We get higher and higher vibration-ranges, up into the 30- and 40Hz region, that spiritual masters achieve when they meditate! Dieter Broers calls the "abnormal" frequency "cosmic orchestration". He says, we get information and literal training from cosmic (mostly solar) energy.

Our range becomes more and more! Our vibe rises. And our energy-level is off the charts- literally!

The sun, the cosmic influences all help together: It is NOT only about meditating people or deliberately praying- while, of course, this has enormous effects. WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITIES!
Isn't that awesome!? :hearts:

I am sooo satisfied seeing the measured results! :lol: Before we could only feeel it. Now we have numbers on scales :lol: :lol: :lol: AND I LIKE IT. It becomes more and more and more obvious!! This is sooo satisfying. This is so beautiful! And I am SO eager for more!!
:in_love: :vortex: :woohoo:

chladnik sound-patterns...
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I am so satisfied in knowing: I DO NOT NEED TO BE PERFECT.
:lol: In fact, I will never be!
Life contains of myriads tiny, insignificant, "normal", maybe mundane moments... and always, we "just boil with water". AND THAT IS OK!
When we embrace ourselves, and our playmates, and this imperfect setting, and this imperfect planet, and the imperfect people "in power", and the imperfect weather...

It COULD be good enough! :lol:

And the longer we do this, and do this and do this... the more we see the awesomeness in the tiny "imperfection". LIFE IS SO GOOD, when only we look through sources eyes. Or at least, not with dirt-covered glasses!

If it feels good, it means: Source agrees with this thought!

Abraham Hicks

While I am really satisfied with the calm loving friendly cozy Happiness... I am eager for the riproaring momentum, too. AND THIS IS OK AS WELL. We get to have what ever we desire. I KNOW, and I am so satisfied in that! :D THANK YOU LIFE!!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


-Do you get it, that you've come here with purpose to understand that that purpose is expansion joyous expansion?
-Do you understand that you never get it done, and you cannot get it wrong,
-and the reason that you can't get it wrong is, because it's never done!?

So even though it may sound or feel out of balance, and maybe even wrong, that it really isn't wrong.

Because, in the feeling of wrongness, you're giving birth to your opinion of what would be better, and the source within you so trusts your opinion of what would be better for you, that the source within you embraces that idea completely. And becomes a vibrational equivalent to it! And holds steady there, until you find your way there.

Abraham Hicks,
from the youtube-clip "Abraham Hicks - Practice the feeling of Unconditional LOVE / No Ads during"

I am satisfied to feel so "tethered to the high flying discs", that even in huge contrast, I feel somewhat peaceful. I KNOW, this, too, shall pass.
I KNOW, theres just clouds that block some sunlight. And it will work out, eventually.

I am so satisfied, to KNOW this.
I am so satisfied to know- I CAME FOR THIS.
I came for the purpose to not do what is easiest, but very often, the most frustrating and hard and painful, to lead myself INTO UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
I KNOW that and it feels immensely satisfying.
I KNOW it, and I am glad that I know, and I enjoy the sweetness of it, and it makes me smile.
I KNOW and I really feel soothing, sweet satisfaction.

I am where I am, and being eager would be too specific right now. But, I know I WILL be eager again. And I WILL allow me to come into full alignment. And boy, what a ride it will be! :hearts:

"He will give you grief, if it's a really good soulmate!"

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I am incredibly satisfied!
My second son is here for visit, and I could sit in the sun and share the boys while they tinkered together. It feels SO JOYFUL! I am so incredibly thankful for my children, and my whole family! I am so deeply deeply incredibly joyfully appreciative of how loving we all feel. SO SATISFYING! So joyful, so funny, so close, so loving. THANK YOU, THANK YOU LIFE!!!

Oh, and I SO look forwards to more of this. Living together, working together, building our dreams, each on their own! I am so incredibly eager for the "fantastic, paradisy, awesome, undescribable beauty of what is ahead for all of us, in our Vortexes.

I feel soooo satisfied to have the feeling to really be IN on this shift. What an awesome awesome awesome time. THANK YOU LIFE!!! THANK YOU LIFE!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I feel blessed and incredibly satisfied, to be part of my awesome wonderful family.
I feel thankful and seen and satisfied, that I get congratulations about how we celebrate our life, and how we enjoy to help each other, and how funny and joyful our togetherness seems to be!
I am so satisfied, because it IS so funny and joyful and rich and loving and light and easy flowing!! :D :hearts:

My son H. bought a new motorbike, and my SIL and daughter where lending the car + trailor to get it, and all helped together to carry it on and -off. Beloved daughter and my grandsons baked 2 cakes, prepared salads and dips and then, the men (back home) threw a BBQ and feasted on a huge bonfire. I AM SO SATISFIED!!!
I so enjoy having this huge property where we can store dozens of cars and bikes, and have BBQ and bonfires alll the time. I am sooo satisfied to help them all solve their unique little hickups. I so enjoy the trust and respect that they have in me and for me! I so enjoy our all closeness and lightheartedness! I AM SO SATISFIED!!!
oh, :lol: :D And I am soooo satisfied with our food!!!

And I AM EAGER FOR MORE. Each time we are together, I feel more inspired and CALLED by source in such elating awe and love and clarity to allow myself to FULLY STEP into the vision of us, doing this ALL THE TIME, in living in great easy wonderful ABUNDANCE. On one fantastic, beautiful property. Each on in their own unique dream-house, with all dream-workshops, the kids roaming free and eager from one to the others. And our dogs and cats and horses, too. I AM SO EAGER for it!!

And I feel, it is closer and closer and closer. WE LIVE IT EACH TIME WE MEET.
Thank you, thank you life!!!
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