Day 80: posting here. Main guideline, focus on what's wanted with scant attention to unwanted
Stage 4; Day 2: Dopamine fasting until 9.45am every morning. ( good activities: sitting in silence, reading, exercise, meditation)
Day 8: Tim Ferris slow carb diet (as much as I can)
Day 2/2: Enjoy an Ab Hicks 15 meditation every day
Day 1/1: Morning routine, cold shower / breakfast / meditation / reading / no coffee
Day 1/1: 5 minutes jogging twice a day. Once in morning and once at start of evening.
Day 1/1: Read novel before sleep
Reminder: Good things happen to me
Reminder: If I enjoy my 15 mins Ab meditation in the morning, I've taken care of all that needs to be taken care of
Reminder: How I feel is more important than what I do
Reminder: Am I taking pleasure from this moment (or chasing the next)
Focusing on wanted....
I'd like to feel the benefits of slowing down a lot more and enjoying the moment whilst at work particularly. And following bad impulses less e.g. needless email checking, extra coffees / changing focus mid task. Today I have a day off and would like to really recover from the scattiness of yesterday
Overall though, average mood still creeping up!
It's 5.30 pm on my day off. There's things that I always go back to during really happy periods in my life and jogging is one of them. From a Hicks point of view I am doing the pleasant daydreaming first and not taking action until it feels fun. Today for the first time in months I really enjoyed a short jog. What felt best in my thinking was 5 minutes a day so I've just done that. I'm really loving how it feels after it. Surprisingly loving it. I'm looking forward to my 5 minutes tomorrow morning.
I'm thinking twice a day for 5 minutes would be amazing, once to start the day and once to start the evening. The thing I most like about this , which is very Hicks, is it puts me in a better mood and then everything after will benefit. Hmmmm excited
In addition, yesterday at work I had a happy productive day but got very very scatty and impulsive - constantly checking email, switching job mid task etc. I could really feel the fall out when I got home and for most of today. It leaves me with like an 'eye headache' and 'haze'. This disappears the moment I take cold shower but returns quite quick. It disappears if I sit still and really relax. It disappeared the moment I started jogging and is a lot better since I got back