I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I am soooo satisfied.
My boys are still both here, and they work together. Sweet family-life!! I love-love-love it! :hearts:
DH did homeoffice today, and it was such a calm, peaceful atmosphere. Everyone "working", steadily, calmly, peaceful. And in between, great food. Soulfood, comfort-food, like mothers dish up for their sons who came home "for christmas" :D even it's not christmas!

It feels relaxed. It feels full and rich and effortless. It feels special and filled with love, and EFFORTLESS. Easy. Light. Sweet. Goodness, overflowing. Friendly. Lightly. Friendly banter. One son calmly gets a cozy blanket for the other, who fell asleep on the couch, no big deal. So caring. Loving. Freedom. Peace. Easy. Light, Love!


My oldest son is in China for his job, 4 weeks in the very best season of Chinese cherry-blossom! I adore what I read about "his" town in the net, and I love the pictures he sends us. I SO LOVE the technique that allows us to be in touch so fully, around the globe, with pressing a few keys. Isn't that awesome! I am sooo thankful! I feel so blessed. I feel so SATISFIED with all this ease of all this "solutions" that made life a breeze. It is like picking here and nibbling there, only the best, just a bit, and maybe some more over there. HOW RICH IS OUR LIFE!! How rich and adventurous, and awesome, and fantastic, and comfortable and big, and delicious. I FEEL SO BLESSED.

:lol: And I want even MORE!!! I want to see the world with my own eyes! I want to commission awesome workshops! I want to buy tail lifts. I want to have a heating system mounted into ourhouse, and a second bathroom, and a tiny Granny flat for my boy. I want to have the money to give him an early inheritance- so he can start his business! I WANT "our" huge property!!! :D Ohhh yes, I WANT MORE.
And I soooo love to KNOW, that is a very very good thing, and I can have it ALL. :hearts: :hearts::hearts:

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I feel sooo satisfied!!
I realize, I DO HAVE FAITH.
I feel deep, warm, love for "faith". I have faith. I so love feeling this. I enjoy pondering it. It feels soooo satisfying!

I have deep faith, that all is well.
I have deep faith, that all all the time gets even better.
I have total belief that all desires will fulfill eventually- and that we have the freedom to choose if it will be sooner or later.

I have total faith that there is a good godly power, that knows us all and cares with unfathomable love.
I have total faith that every detail of every tiny wish I ever desired is known, understood, nurtured and put together with it's perfect playmates to build awesome "cakes", that we enliven and delight not only me, but the whole world!

I FEEL SUCH LOVE. I feel such thankfulness. I feel such deep, deep, deep joy to UNDERSTAND ALL OF THIS!
And I am sooooo eager for more!
I am eager for this all to unfold, and bloom, and carry fruit, in ways I can't even conjure. WE ARE BUILDING PARADISE ON EARTH!

ohhhhh, and I am delighted when I even go there in tiny glimpses. LIFE IS SO AMAZINGLY GOOD. Thank you, thank you, thank you life!!!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

What you activate- and appreciate becomes MORE!

Years ago, we offered a process called "my book of positive aspects",
where you take a page- and it can be a person, it can be an experience, it can be a job, it can be anything!- and just take your best shot at writing the positive aspects. Because when you look for aspects that feel good to you, you're sharpening up your bag of marbles. And when you do that, the Law of Attraction will not let you down! And you will have a conscious awareness, that you just did that:

"I (clicking) put it in my bag, on purpose. And almost as soon as I turn around, something reflects that. And when I'm aware of it, I'm empowered!"
But if you're just running around, talking about things you want and things you don't want, and how things are and how you'd like things to be- then you've just got such a mixed bag going on. Than it feels like it's chance, or it feels like somebody else is doing it- when nobody else is doing it! Not ever! It's all 100% you. 100% you!

What kind of marbles do you want to put in your bag? Don't you want your marbles that are in this bag, to match up the marbles that are in that bag? What do you think is in that bag? What do you think, your Inner Being is focused on, on your behalf? What's in there?

More money? More opportunity? More rendering with more people? More ideas exploding into the room? More fun every day? More free time? More time to do what you really want, to do more? Freedom to choose your projects?
-You get to have it more your way!

from the youtube-clip "I am Ready For The Major Breakthroughs Awaits! ~ Abraham Hicks Ideas"

I AM SO SATISFIED with the choices that I make, in each day!
I AM SO SATISFIED with the choices I did, in the past! :D :D Because I live them, now. They are my Matrix, and I am sooo satisfied with it.
I love the peace and the incredible freedom I live.
I love the friendliness, the respect, the joy, ease, love and fun that surrounds me in every day!
I love my environment- I LOVE the abundance of my homecountry, in regards to culture, and physical beauty, and knowledge, and technology, and understanding.

I love my life. I love my time. I love my cars! :lol:
I love my dreams. I love my computer. I love the internet. I love the streets. I love to live in this days. I AM SO THANKFUL!

And I am eager for more!!
I am eager for the New World. I am eager that all can see and touch and GET "paradise on earth!" I am eager for the abundance and the exuberance and the clarity and the love and the peace that will be, for ALL.
I am eager to see how this works! I am so eager to see it unfold, and be enjoyed and expressed new!


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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I feel soooo satisfied! :vortex-small: :happygaze: :happy117: :balloons_wave:
I have the window wide open, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. SPRING IS IN THE AIR!!
It's FRIDAY, and hubby has an early knock off! AND WE WILL HAVE Sandwiches with huge crabs and steak, and creamed corn! OH MY!!!
And afterwards baked apples in puff-pastry with icecream- can it get better!!? :lol: :happy108:

:lol: I SO LIKE MY LIFE!!!
And I am proud of me. I listened some time (while I peeled the apples...) to a spiritual teacher and felt worse and worse while I did- and after a while I decided that this is no longer my choice. She might have a myriad followers, she might be sooo wise... but I don't like the splitting, the judging, the fear she causes within me. Ok, maybe I am a sheeple- that's fine!! Then I am a LOVING sheeple. A happy sheeple! One who refuses to feel bad. :lol: Or follow those that "alarm" us. I LIKE BEING A SHEEPLE!! :lol: :animals-sheep: it sounds cute! And friendly! And peaceful! And NICE!

I so like to CHOOSE.
I so love this freedom to think, whatever I want. And I love to have the wisdom, that gives me such elation and clarity and PEACE, to choose what FEELS GOOD to me. No matter what.

We want you to ENJOY the contrasting experience,
just like you enjoy the contrasting buffet.

We want you to reach the place (and practicing virtual reality will help you gain this confidence), that whenever you'r in front of a buffet that has so much that you like to eat, as well as some that you don't like to eat, you don't feel frustrated that there are things there, that you don't want to eat. You don't feel compelled to put them on your plate and eat them! You just pick the things that you like.

And the Universe of thought is the same way!
You can choose from it the things that you like.

Abraham Hicks

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You will feel an actual Tipping-Point-
then, your manifested world will never be the same.


^ ...I feel this. I always resonated with Abes "Tipping-point-quotes", they made me giddy! And now... I feel, I am there. I feel so free. I feel so in Alignment. I feel such love. I feel such ease. I feel such trust! I feel such love for my journey and my contrast, and all that has brought me HERE. I AM SO SATISFIED!!

DH, my son N and I just drove to visit a workshop that is decorated a bit in the 50ies-style. I LOVE IT. And he was soooo eager to share the dream that stirs his heart... a car-workshop for classic cars, with an included 50ies-style American Diner. I am sooo eager to see this dream unfold! And, I want to add (behind a garden-path), a romantic tea-house for those who enjoy gardens, and teahouses, and French Patisserie. :lol: I had forgotten the dream! And now, it sneaked up on me! And I SO LOVE this winks from sources eyes!

I LOVE to sway into visions of the future, and than sway back, into a lovely wonderful presence of beloved people, awesome stuff and delicious food! (We'r preparing Italian octopus-rings with fries) :D Life is incredible. And I am soooo proud to have done "the work"... this 90% that nobody sees, but that was made of deliberately choosing joy and ease and love and trust and hope and ...sometimes just "less crappy". :lol:


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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


I am satisfied that I can laugh about my misery.
I am satisfied with the amazing food that I prepared.
I am satisfied to get such amazing informations as, what had happened the last days with the sun, and the physical stances of Earth. I am EAGER to understand more of all this. I am eager to be reallllly HAPPY again!

:D I AM EAGER TO EAT. I am hungry!
I am satisfied that I have to eat!
I am satisfied that spring is coming.
I am satisfied to live with DH and beloved son.
I am satisfied to see the beautiful pictures that my other beloved son is sending from China!
I am satisfied that we all love each other so much!
I am satisfied with my life in SO MANY WAYS!!! :hearts:

I am eager for surprise and delight, and CLARITY on X. And meanwhile, I choose to be happy regardless.
Because, I CAN.

Thank you for all this and sooooo much more! I deeply appreciate my life!
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

We humans can grow to become a match to our desires and visions. AND THERE INLAYS ALL FUN! It is in the JOURNEY, at least, the biggest part. I AM SO SATISFIED to know this, and to get the benefit of knowing it!
I SO ENJOY MY JOURNEYS. I LIKE my calm, peaceful, joyful, happy eager satisfaction!! Maybe there is no better stance... well, GETTING it is the "orgasm" of life. That is awesome, too! And KNOWING it comes, almost being there- oh my. What an awesome awesome feeling! Even a little bit as "oh, don't let it happen now, it's too soon"... :D

I LOVE THE "wait". I love this awesome awesome unfolding on the journey. All this gathering of fascinating information! All the training, this tuning, this trying again and again and again and again and AGAIN... As Eddison, who tried thousands of times, but never gave up. or, as his mother. :lol:

I SO LOVE digging chances. I so love following my dreams. I so love to UNFOLD!! I SO FEEL SATISFIED in doing it, every day.
And I am SOOOOO EAGER for seeing and getting, what will come from it! THANK YOU LIFE!!!
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Oh, we want so much for you to get a sense of what we see lined up, outside of your door!
The arial view of the Vibrational Escrow that is being held for you is amazing!
And as you just RELAX a little bit, it begins to flow in.

Abraham Hicks

...this quote is incredibly meaningful to me. It means, "who I really am" is THERE, it's DONE, Source had BECOME IT. God is, who I really am. And God (!!) calls me forwards, towards my dreams and desires. It is GODS wish, to become one with "them"- to be in ALIGNMENT with God. One, and feeling the divine awesome joy! Not a meager "Halleluja" while sitting on a cloud, dangling my feet. :lol: But expressing divinity HERE IN LIFE. Literally bringing Paradise to Earth.

I don't yet find the quote about it, but it touched me so deeply when I heard Abraham talk to a recovered monk- that our IB does not want to sit in the monastery. It wants to build the anthill with the ants, fly with the eagles, watch the world through flies awesome eyes... It wants to hike and bike with us, and hangglide, and eat and dance and have sex "with us", through us, live all the "mundane" seemingly small and dirty little things that life is made of- as they are WHAT LIFE IS. And they are so wonderful! If only we look at them with "sources eyes".

I AM SO SATISFIED knowing all this. It makes so much joyful wonderful sense. I resonate fully with it, it full-fills me. I am so thankful for BEING HERE!
And I am so incredibly eager to follow this further and further. I am eager to get fully wholly "into the flow", no holding back, trusting source, trusting myself, trusting life. Floating. Buoyant. CERTAIN. CLEAR. LOVING. FREE. WISE. POWERFUL. ONE WITH SOURCE WITHIN ME.

I feel so blessed. I feel so deeply satisfied. I feel so incredibly eager for more!

You are living the manifestation of the perfect dream that you launched from your God Source perspective.

It's time for you to start feeling appreciation for the clarity and power with which you chose to be here, and to feel, through connecting with your Inner Being, the satisfaction of it now playing out.

You are the manifestation long dreamed of; bringing endless satisfaction to that which is your Source.

And now your Source is here, wanting to express to you ways to help you get back into the loop of joy that you began, even before you made the decision to come here.

Reach for thoughts that feel better; pay attention to the way you feel. And as you bless every emotion, whether it feels good or bad, because you know that it is the indicator of your connection to Source Energy, you regain the feeling with which you came forth into this experience to begin with.

And as you regain your memory of why you came forth into this physical experience to begin with, you will be inundated with indescribable joy

Abraham-Hicks Boulder, CO 6/2/01
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Once something has been thought into alignment,
then and only then does the manifestation come about.

Abraham Hicks

...I am in Awe with this quote.
THINKING THOUGHTS INTO ALIGNMENT. And in the moment the thought is in Alignment with what I want, it becomes "next level". So easy! So incredibly easy.

I am so satisfied with getting those insights! I am so satisfied with the huge ease of this. I am so satisfied, as if a puzzle piece within me finds its perfect spot, and now it all makes sooo much more sense.

I am so eager to practice that!! I am so eager for the results!
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I want to feel IN THE FLOW.
I am incredibly satisfied with me, easy flowing from moment to moment in all my life, I ENJOY it all so much! It is a very fast stream that I live in, and I enjoy that so much. I am SATISFIED in my immense peace and freedom!
I SO LOVE this stance. I feel on top of the world, in this!
It feels FREE. :lol: Duh. YES, IT FEELS FREE!!!

It feels wide. It feels thankful. It feels FULL. It feels satisfied in so many ways!
AND, I want to be more aware of the "achievements" that I have! I want my desires to amount to more than vibration. I am eager to see my energy unfold into cars and money and houses and travel, and cruises and visits at restaurants- EVEN MORE than it does now. And, I feel- I will never have an unhappy "ending" to such a happy journey! It would not make sense at all. I FEEL IT. I KNOW that, and so, I drop this crappy old story! :D Ohhh, that feels good!!

I am so eager to witness NOW what will happen! :vortex:

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