Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

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Post by spiritualcookie »

On Headaches

“The headache is a symptom of resistance to Well-Being,
which occurs when you hold yourself in vibrational contradiction to the Well-Being of your Inner Being.

For example, worrying about work
or feeling anger at your government can cause physical symptoms.
You do not have to focus upon a headache to have one.”

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

“The first indication that you are disallowing your physical well-being comes to you in the form of negative emotion.
You will not see a breakdown of your physical body at the first sign of negative emotion,
but focusing upon subjects that cause a prolonged feeling of negative emotion will eventually cause dis-ease.”

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

“The only reason that some diseases seem stubborn and unchangeable is because your thoughts are often stubborn and unchanging.”

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

“Illness exists when you disregard the early, subtle signs of misalignment that come in the form of emotion.”

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

“If you feel negative emotion and you do not change the thought to relieve the discomfort of the negative emotion,
it always gets bigger,
until eventually the negative emotion becomes physical sensation –
then physical deterioration.”

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

“Everything is vibrational.
The cells of your body are vibrational.
You are an electronic being.
Your wellness is about the transfer of Energy, (not different from electricity)
from Universal Source to you on a cellular basis.
You have many Energy points within your body.
Sickness is not because cells have turned bad.
Sickness is because cells are not being allowed the fullness of the Energy response.
It’s sort of like an electrical short.”

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

“People tend to think that illnesses are progressive:
Something goes wrong, and then the sickness just becomes more and more and more.
That is not what is happening.
What is happening is: the sickness calls attention to something
that causes more contradiction
or more resistance in the frequency.
It is just in the moment.”

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

“You could be diagnosed with every deadly disease known to man —
but you could be lying in your bed in a state of utter allowance,
and allow the Energy of Source to flow through to the cells of your body —
and you would have an instant healing!
It is not about the body needing to rebuild.
It’s about opening the vibrational circuits.
That is all that it is.”

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

How Medicine, Medical Intervention, Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Work

“The only reason medicine works at all:
The disease gives you a rocket of desire beyond anything you’ve ever felt before,
no matter what the disease is.
Having it makes you want something else.
And so, right away that desire begins summoning resources
in order to soothe whatever it is that you are not wanting —
or to satisfy whatever it is that you are wanting.
Then, what happens with the medicine is:
You have a desire with a belief that doesn’t match it,
and then someone comes along with a bottle or a pill or a process,
and they say to you,
“This will get you to where you want to be.”
And so, for a little while, your hope or your belief matches your desire —
and the circuits are all open again.”

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

“The physical characteristics of your body are not something for you to orchestrate from your place of physical consciousness.
They are orchestrated from a cellular level.
And the reason that you get so frustrated when you find yourself out of balance is that you’re not the orchestrator of it,
and there are so many opinions about what you should be doing,
or what you shouldn’t be doing.

When the truth of it is:
It’s not your job to maintain the cellular balance of your body.
The cells will do it!

Your job is to get happy and get out of the way.

- AH
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