I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Anyone can get from wherever they are, to wherever they want to be, if they will pay attention to their own guidance and constantly reach for the thought that gives them the feeling of relief, and lets them know that they are moving in that direction.

Abraham Hicks

Indeed, it is SO satisfying to know how it worls!
It gives me an incredibly peaceful basis: I CAN get from anywhere to anywhere. I CAN NOT mess this up, in the long run. I CAN have what I desire. All I "have" to do is be joyful. Boy, what a shocking price to pay.

I haven't heard that just now for the first time :lol: and still... whenever I ponder all of this, it gives me such delightful relief! It feels like sweetness running through my veins. I DO NOT have to pay any really "terrible" price!!! It is ALL about being happy, and getting happy in babysteps!

Isn't that reason enough to shout "halleluja" allllll the time!!??

AND I am eager to see how things shift into even more goodness. DH and I had an awesome discussion yesterday (still, I am soooo happy and satisfied about it, it felt as if 40+ years of misunderstanding crashed and disintegrated!). And as I know- I don't need to "do" ANYTHING! Just enjoy the relief, just allow things to turn, just watch what happens in satisfaction and trust.


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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I am soooo satisfied!!
I am satisfied with the awesome momentum that I received when I asked for FLOW!
I am incredibly satisfied with what I feel inside- THINGS ARE MOVING. It feels wonderful! It feels intoxicating! It feels fresh. It feels fascinating! It feels a bit challenging! :lol:
And I am so satisfied KNOWING, that I can go more general, or more specific. It feels awesome that I have it all under control: MY FOCUS.
I have total control over what *I* think, and where I focus!! I AM AT THE STEERINGWHEEL OF MY LIFE.

I so love this!
I am satisfied with this total control! :D
I feel the thrill of this control. I love being capable of steering! I love knowing that I can stop anytime. I love being in charge.
I love knowing, I have the means to do this! I love knowing that things WILL change now, radically! I love knowing- THIS IS MY NEW LIFE!!!
I am so satisfied that it starts slowly and softly. I am so satisfied that I can steer it friendly and easily and joyfully.
I love knowing that I NEVER must do anything that doesn't feel good.
I love knowing- I AM IN CHARGE. Now more than ever!

And I am so, so soooo eager to witness what is unfolding from here.
It feels open. It feels light. It feels wonderful. It feels easy. It feels so promising! It feels delightful. It feels like deeply, deeply being thankful!


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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

This morning in my garden!

We have full moon, moon-eclipse, and we just had spring equinox. WOW. It is said, that this beautiful magical moon today would be the moon of the shift. ;) I don't know, I really do not care so much. I FEEL IN SUCH APPRECIATION!!

My husband cuddles up behind me, and I watch the golden giant moon from my bed, rising... golden clouds around it. It's like in a fairytale. We both just watched a wonderful youtube clip from "Kara and Nate", where they swam with humpback whales in Tonga. While the Moon of Shift was becoming silvery, more each minute. I feel so blessed. I feel so incredibly awesomely BLESSED! I get to see all this! Hear all this. Feel all this. APPRECIATE IT ALL!

I feel beynd satisfaction and thankfulness. I FEEL SUCH BLISS.
And oh yes, I AM EAGER for more! But, no stress!! :hearts: :lol: Where I am is INCREDIBLE!!!!

Peace- for all of us! :hearts: :gay-rainbow:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I am soooo satisfied!
I feel deep peace. I so enjoy the "moon of shift"! :) I so enjoy our time. I so enjoy how ...surreal.... life sometimes feels :lol:
I drove home from shuttling DH to the trainstation this morning, and witnessed an amazing full moon, while- on the other side of the sky- the moon was still hanging in there. Ohhhh, this colors!! This sharp shadows of the naked branches. This BEAUTY! We had even frost, and all leaves were encrusted with a small lace of ice. It looked sooo beautiful. I drove off the road and into a gravel road- and couldn't stop taking pictures.

I am sooo satisfied. I feel so blessed to be part of this. I feel so blessed with my family and my beloved mate. I feel so blessed with my home country! No matter what the government does- I love my land. I feel so blessed that it is spring! I feel so blessed with my car. I feel so blessed with the abundance that we live, and the peace and the freedom, and the joy, and the silly FUN!

I feel so blessed with nature, and food, and Abes teachings, and endlessly more. THANK YOU; THANK YOU. LIFE. THANK YOU!!!

I am so eager for more! I just "talked with my grandsons on whatsapp, because I had sent them some clips about Africa, and the Victoria falls and Devils pool, and the wild elephants, that walk through a hotel since years, on their way to feed on Mangos... and I sent them a clip about "Giraffes Manor, where you can have breakfast with Giraffes. Ohhh, we all would love to do a tour through Sambesi and Kenia, and enjoy a Safari! Ohh, I dream of it. I am sooo eager for more. And I KNOW, somewhen I will go! AND THAT FEELS SO GOOD. I feel certain. I feel eager! I feel in awe. I feel sooo thankful! I feel so very, very, very much in love with life.

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I am so satisfied!!

I had an hr telephone call with my son, who is in China in the moment. We both don't like video-calls (but that was the only option), so he showed me his hotel-room, and then he held his phone outside the window and showed me the environment outside... the lit city, and the cars driving by, the park with the trees that start to blossom right now, all this, at night... I am in awe! Isn't it amazing that this is possible!!!

I SO appreciate the technology that brings us soo close!
I so appreciate that my beloved can travel, in this days. It wasn't always the case!
I so appreciate that it feels pretty safe!
I so appreciate that I got a wonderful manifestation... he asked me for my opinion and expertise! Wow! :lol: I DID THAT!!! :lol: :lol: :hearts:

I feel soooo happy!!
I so appreciate that- while I can be in big joyful harmony with all of my kids, we indeed have unique topics that we REALLY share just with this or that one. There is philosophy and social thoughts, that only my N. digs. There is politics, that I can only share with my H! There is relationship- and education-topics, that my daughter and I discuss so much (but none of the others). And there is all around elegance, iconic brands and lifestyle, that only F cares and knows about. They LOVE discussing those with me, and deliberately reach for the phone to do so. Ohhh, I am milking this!! I feel sooo satisfied!

I am so deeply thankful for my love-relationship with my husband. We are sooo good together! I love him so much!
I so love our abundance. I love our plans for the summer. I love our journey. I love our future! I love our now!!
I so enjoy my grandkids. I look forwards to Easter, where we will celebrate with the younger ones!
I so enjoy whatsapping with the older ones, where we share our plans for summer. I SO LOVE our mutual trust and love.
I so enjoy my life!

I am so eager for more! I feel so eager to explore Munich with DH and F. And I am so eager to go on a safari with my daughter and all kids!
I am sooo eager to have the big money in my bancaccount!! :lol: I FEEL SO RICH. I feel giddy. I feel eager! I feel so expectant!!

Life is amazingly good!!

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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I feel sooo satisfied with how things unfold! :hearts:
I am in awe how EASY it is, right now. I am so satisfied to feel the light of being seen shining on me! It feels as if age-old pains get healed. It feels sooo good!!

And I look forwards to it becoming even easier. I look forwards to the momentum that I am now gathering, even becoming more awesome!
I look forwards to my dreams fully wholly blossoming! I LOVE feeling that I never before had SUCH specific momentum. It feels BIG! It feels awesome. It feels as being elated and tucked into the express elevator! :lol:

It feels to me as if I get backed up on every corner. EVERYTHING feels as a heavenly sign, and another rung in the ladder to heaven- while I already feel in heaven! :lol: This stance is amazing, and I AM SO SO SO THANKFUL and SATISFIED!!!

oh yes, more, more, more!!! :lol: :lol: :dance: :eusa-clap:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I am so satisfied!! I had SUCH a rich day! DH and I were power-shopping for the Easter-brunch with our family. I SO LOVE to do that with him! :lol: I so love to have the house full with delicious food. I so love to plan awesome delights for a traditional family-brunch. We will have home made waffles with peaches and cream, tons of fried bacon, 3 variations of gravad- smoked or poched salmon, air cured ham, several cheeses. And of course boiled eggs that the children had colored, and tons of high quality chocolate-eggs that the easter bunny will hide.

Later we will have organic, stuffed duck, from a farm close by... I SO LOVE this big festivities! I love that tomorrow, the weather is supposed wonderful. I am sooo satisfied with my plans!

Then later my son called from China and invited us to share his walk through the cherry-blossoms in the park, via video call! We went "with him" for an hour from the park, along the old paths along the canal, through old town and then through the outskirts where we looked "due to him" into all the small shops where there are hairdressers, and repair-shops, and all sorts of things to buy as fruit and other food, or brooms and paper... IT WA SO INTERESTING!

Then the sun started to fade and we experienced a beautiful sunset, mirrored in the canal... I felt such bliss. I am sooo thankful! We had steak and fresh corn on the cob and potato wedges for dinner afterwards. Hmmm, I so love food! And in between, I worked on pulling together and googling and reading for my rampages, and creating the collages I post... I FEEL SO SATISFIED!! I can never find enough words to thank life for all of the abundance of goodness that is in my life! All the love. All the ease. All the fascination. All of the wonderful firewood that my daughter and SIL gave us for free! :lol: I FEEL SO RICH. I feel so blessed. AND EAGER FOR MORE, tonight, tomorrow... the day after tomorrow!! THANK YOU LIFE!

Sunset in China
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Tara »

Thank You, POE for sharing your life with us.. it’s such a blissful happy abundant life you are living 🥰 it’s inspiring :)
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Tara wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:24 pm Thank You, POE for sharing your life with us.. it’s such a blissful happy abundant life you are living 🥰 it’s inspiring :)
awww! Thank you for telling me! :hearts: :hearts: It makes me happy to feel that my joy spreads joy and inspiration. :ta:!!!!

Happy Easter to you and your family! :in_love:
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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Post by FeelGood »

poe, what a wonderful "walk" with your son and then that awesome sunset! :eusa-clap: :dance: :woohoo:

I know you and your family will have a great get together for Easter, Happy Easter to you and your family........and all our forum friends too :grouphug: :hoppy:
Seeing things to celebrate. Good Version, good version.
😎🎈🥰🎵💖💰 :flowdownstream: :goodjob: lemon
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