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Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 8:22 am
by Tara
Easy Matches…
- Yesterday was Kali’s day.
- I enjoyed this YouTube channel where this presenter beautiful explains the Mahavidiyas. And he reminded that Kali is associated with creation, destruction, death, time, etc.
- I liked how he said that the book “power of now” whether knowingly or not is about worshiping Kali, energy of time and focusing on the “now”. In meditation repeating “now”, you can connect with her.
- I also liked how he said that contemplating death, which is also about, you come to realise that death is an illusion, and that life is an ultimate truth.
- I liked my timing yesterday.
- I liked that I had time to clean my house.
- I liked that I synchronised with my new flatmate in the station and learnt a bit more about her.
- I liked meeting my old flatmate/friend for shopping.
- I liked how easy the shopping felt.
- I liked our time together.
- I liked how we balanced our time.
- We went to a few shops, then we went to eat, had nice chat and then shopping again.
- I am not normally a fan of shopping, but with her and the way we balanced our shopping with eating and later drinking tea, made me feel replenished all the time and I felt like I had such a nice time.
- Even she said she was not tired at all and could continue shopping , but the shops were closing.
- I loved that the weather also was beautiful yesterday.
- I loved that I bought majority of the things for my trip with great ease.
- it was vortexy day ❤️

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 1:34 pm
by Tara
"The universe actively loves itself
and all of its parts. The world loves itself and all of its *

Wouldn’t it be nice if I came back to the core of this ? Since I’m part of the Universe, wouldn’t it be nice if loved myself and all of my parts?

How would that feel/manifest? Healthy loving oneself…

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 9:53 am
by Sheila86
Hi Tara, I hope you don't mind if I hop on and play along. I love the concept of easy matches, never heard it before though. I felt inspired to come on to the forum and try this concept today.

- I like how with a few simple steps my apartment becomes tidied up again and I immediately feel better.
- I like how silent it is when I am alone at home, it feels really peaceful
- I like that even as I am feeling a bit ill and cranky at the moment my boyfriend is always fully loving and supportive towards me, he lets me rest and recover without demanding I get things done or get myself together, such a loving and patient man! I am blessed to have him, he is just wonderful <3
- I like the idea of bettering myself, I ordered a book on self help that will soon arrive, I look forward going through it, I love how it does not feel like trying to change myself from a set point of force but rather growing, expanding, discovering a beautiful shiny now version of me who will be happier, I love the thought that I can change negative aspects of myself and don't have to stay the same. It feels like hope, it feels like healing. It feels like century-old wounds finally healing, such a relief.
- I love the feeling of getting stuff done.
- I like that I can come to Abe's work and make myself feel better
- I like that I can focus differently.
- I like knowing that I can always choose easier, better, more peaceful feelings and thoughts.
- I like feeling resourceful. We neglected shopping for groceries yesterday because we were both stressed out. But I know how to make a nice warm meal with what we have left in the kitchen. I have always been like that, creative and resourceful. I have always been content even if I used to have "less". I have a very deep trust that I will always make ends meet. I like feeling resourceful. I like being thankful for what I have.
- I like the cute little face of my cat :animals-cat:
- I like to pet him, he is such a sweet thingl!
- I liked it when the cats joined us on the couch yesterday, it felt like a little family :grouphugs: <3
- I like that the weather is warm and that the days are long
- I like that the sun is already shining when I get up
- I like that I can order books from Amazon and have them delivered to my home, I appreciate the service, I appreciate having all the books of the world available online and I just have to click to get them delivered to me

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 10:07 am
by tjuk
Thank you for sharing this process. I didnt know about this new one! I am going to start this one right away. It feels so good to read your easy matches. :D

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 10:28 pm
by Sheila86
Easy matches:
- my fiance and I watched a very exciting new show on Netflix today! I loved it!
- its raining outside and I love the soothing sound of that
- I know that I can relax and turn around vibrationally whenever I want
- I love my fiance, he has such a lovely face, I love his laugh and his smile and his beautiful eyes
- I like how quiet these days are as I am staying at home
- I appreciate that Netflix produces new exciting series for us to watch and enjoy
- it's a good thing to just watch a show and not think of anything else for a while
- I like how watching this show really lifted my mood
- I like to drink water from my It-Girl-Starbucks-Cup

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 11:00 am
by Tara
Hey Sheila86 and Tjuk 👋🤗🤗

Thank you for coming to play along! The more the better 🥰

I have some things in motion for June/July…

I guess all I have to do is Easy Match to keep myself in the right side of the balance.

My easy matches:

- I had a Wonderful Time with Him on Saturday and Sunday.
- I like that he wanted me to stay over the weekend
- I like that he is so thoughtful and bought flowers that are yet to bloom (as I’m travelling this week)
- I like how he calms me down when I panicked a little bit about my tickets :)
- I like the strawberries we bought, they were so sweet and delicious.
- I like that we spent time outside in the beautiful summery weather
- I like those two moments where I feel like I was hooked with Source when I looked at him. They are still very vivid in my mind’s eye.
- I like that I am travelling with my colleague today.
- I like that we arrived early at the airport so no need to rush.
- I like that I will have some food at the plane.
- I like my new top :)

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:39 am
by Sheila86
I like the silence in the mornings.
I enjoy my first coffee of the day.
I like living with cats.
I am happy the family of my finance likes and supports me. I especially like how nice his mother is.
I am glad my overall state of being is way more relaxed.
I am happy that I know how to focus.
I am very glad to have this new forum.
I am glad to be alive.
I really loved watching 3bodyproblem on Netflix. What a thrilling series. I loved it so much that I bought the book and read it in 2 days <3
I like how I am starting the day in a relaxed way.
I love knowing that I just don't have to think about problems at work. I really don't have to give them any meaning. I am glad that I am aware of the fact that I AM the one who chooses where attention goes.
I like unicorns with sparkly colorful hair. I really do.
I am looking forward to having a great workout later today. Yay.
I am only working for 4 or 5 hours in the office today and after that its weekend!!

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 7:19 pm
by Tara
Easy Matches…
- My trip was an easy match: comfortable, with movies and meals on the plane. The return was good as I took a nap, and the jet lag was minor.
- I appreciate how comfortable our trips have become.
- My boss niece is a pilot for British Airways. She is in her mid 20s now. She always dreamt of being a pilot and has become one. I appreciate that I live in times where we are breaking the stereotypes and females also have opportunities to express their dreams…
- I appreciate that I was given an opportunity to visit NY.
- I appreciate the weather that greeted me and lovely customer service.
- I appreciate the kindness of some people whom I met.
- I appreciate that I stayed in a nice area - Manhattan.
- It was very nice if my work to send me here.
- I also appreciate the company, we had so much fun with my colleagues 🥰

- I appreciate that I was happy to return to meet him on the weekend.
- I appreciate our walk in Angel.
- I appreciate our time together.
- I appreciate his soul.
- I appreciate that he is focused on spiritual world, I appreciate how he managed to re-centre me and expressed this love ❤️ it was beautiful.

- I appreciate this week is short.
- I appreciate that there are more exciting things happening this week 😊

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:28 am
by Tara
Easy Matches…
- I like the fresh air in my room
- I like that I am a good sleeper
- I like that I slept well
- I like that my body is feeling better today and I could breathe
- I like that I have a little bit of “me time” this morning

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:16 am
by Tara
My intakes from Amsterdam (I did not take notes, but once I have a video and if I feel inspired, will share in more detail, this is just memories, so may not be precise…)

- They still slightly mentioned easy matches and marbles and about the power of pointing…
- They spoke about not being vague, and getting more into the feeling with more specifics (e.g. you want to manifest relationship, you say I want to feel excited, home like feeling —> this is vague; go deeper into the state: you are home, there is your partner in another room doing his things, you are doing yours, you have this feeling of fulfilment as you know he is there. You speak about your day and you share what have happened, you are excited and thrilled how many similar things have happened to both of you, you are in sync, you are compatible, it is easy to get along, to discuss subjects you are both interested in).
- The Loop analogy. When you are in the process of flowing the energy, it’s kinda building the loop, when manifestation happens the loop closes, then another loop opens up.. until the manifestation happens, which makes the loop close. Do you want the loop to close ? Is it positive momentum that will close the wanted loop? Or do you want to close another loop? Not sure if this makes sense 😅