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Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:31 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

I am sooooooo satisfied!! :hearts:
I am so incredibly satisfied that my son has one wonderful idea after the other, how he can bring my little convertible back on the road! (There is an electric problem with the engine management, that no pro could solve, yet! It's like with T.A. Edison- after 10.000 failed attempts, there can not so many be left, before it WILL work!)

I am soo satisfied that we slept this night with wide open windows, first time in the year :hearts: (I love this soooo much!!)
I am so satisfied about what I hear about the total eclipse, and which energies it brings on THIS glorious day!
I am so satisfied about that today, I had the very first time, a cleaning lady work for me. :shifty:
It is a big step for me to ask for help! And as soon I had decided on that, (and almost had hired someone), my son asked if this wouldn't be the perfect thing for my daughter to earn an extra penny- and for me, as well, because I SO LOVE to work- and be- with my daughter! It was not easy for me to ask her because I can't do the hard things anymore (as scrubbing the floors, and especially, doing the work with folding/hanging/sorting fabrics. Asthma + Allergy + COPD takes it toll, somewhen.) Soooo... she said "YES!!" And not only that, she danced in joy! :hearts:

So we had our first day on this, my kitchen-floor is SHINY, and we both look forwards to the next time! :dancing:

I am so satisfied to have prepared my very first purely vegetarian lentil-burgers (not yet fried). And while I am sceptic (I normally hate lentils)- I am eager to taste them!
I am sooo satisfied to drive shopping with DH tonight again (I sooo love doing that- especially when we get the roof-segments out and enjoy our Jeep as convertible!!) I am sooo satisfied to prepare what I have pulled together for Janas birthday. I am sooo satisfied that I will see ALL my children this weekend!!

Ohh and I AM EAGER FOR ALL UNFOLDING THAT I HAVE PRAYED FOR. So much. And I will not take score. I will just enjoy every tiny tiny step forwards, because, I am so eager to REALLY relax, more than ever. And see what comes. I am up for surprise and delight!

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:37 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
I am so satisfied!

I had such an AWESOME, wonderful, creativity-filled day!
It's warm outside, the birds are singing non-stop. :lol: such a happy, happy sound!

I AM SO SATISFIED about soooo much, and much too lazy to list it all! :lol:
I am soooo EAGER for so much, and much too lazy to list it all up! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I AM HAPPY. I "give it all up". I say to the Universe, and to source: You know so perfectly what I want. And you know all the paths towards it, that will make me soooo satisfied and soooooooooo hapy, please take me on the POLR, with the most fun and joy, the most scenic route, where I will experience soo much of what I truly want. YOU STEER.
You choose for a while.
I will "give up" for this month, and simply be jolly and light and easy and HAPPY.
I "give it up" to Source! They know what they do. :D
They will ALWAYS lead me on my perfect, awesome, wonderful route of joyous adventure!

Ohhhhh. This feels sooo good. :hearts:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2024 8:11 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

driving home from the train-station...

I am satisfied! :lol: the "work" around Janas birthday has begun. My table is chock-full with ingredients, for round 1 that must be done. Round 2 and round 3 will be later! I have to start cooking and preparing today, and still, tomorrow will be much more to do. And STILL, I will go to my pediatrist tomorrow morning! Soooo satisfying! :hearts:

My son H is coming tonight, and STILL, I don't feel like making anything "perfect" for him. He will get his beloved banana-cookies and fresh orange juice as midnight-snack, and fall into a bed in a really chaotic guest-room, as we are transforming the house since 1 year. I am in such peace about it- I am PROUD indeed! I still know how different it was in earlier years! Whom am I to surprise!?

:D They all KNOW I always was a chaotic ADHS-maniac. Filled with love for them, my head full with hundreds of beautiful ideas. Split all the way, between guilt and eagerness. And now... NOTHING MATTERS MORE TO ME THAN FEELING GOOD :hearts: I have learned from a burn-out- breakdown, and from 2 years in grey depression. I DO SO MUCH BETTER NOW! I am sooo sooo soooo satisfied!!

I am sooo satisfied:
I now can rely ON ME! I can rely on being nice to myself, no matter the "idea" that I hunt.
I can relay on taking my time FOR ME, so that my heart won't race and my breath still flows deeply.
I CAN RELY ON MYSELF to care for me, to be nice to myself, to be loving with me.
There is nothing that feels more SATISFYING than being really nice to myself!

I am EAGER for how it all turns out!
I am EAGER to embrace them all.
I am eager to hug my beloved beloved daughter!!
I am sooo glad they will ALL be here by friday! I am eager for the delicious Asian buffet my son in law has all invited us to!
I AM EAGER FOR ALL OF US! I am eager for the joy, and the closeness, and the awe, and the fun, and the mutual exploration of fantastic new thoughts. I AM EAGER for surprises and delight!
I am sooo eager to see how source fulfills ALL of our desires, one by one by one. Awwww!!!
Ohh, life is sooo good! :vortex:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:13 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

I am satisfied in reminding me- IT IS DONE.
Go slowly. Enjoy the moment!
And what a glorious moment it is, now, now, now!

The sun is shining... we Germans say, !the sun laughs down from the sky!"
The willow trees show this amazing new born light green, just as they were 33 years ago when my baby-girl was born!
I am sooo satisfied with all this years, and with what is now, and I am EAGER for what will come!!

I am preparing the last dishes for our family-Afternoon-tea, tonight.
It is SO MUCH work! :lol: And I adore each tiny moment of it!!
I am satisfied with the PetitFours that I bought- even they are by far not that romantic as I had hoped for. I am eager for the deliciousness that I expect from them!
I am satisfied that my son H is home- at least theoretically, he works in his old shop over the day. It was sooo satisfying to pick him up at midnight at the railroad station, and to embrace him!
WHAT AN AWESOME moment, to hug your beautiful grown up son, who comes "home"!

I am soo satisfied! I feel like laughing when I think about my children and grandsons! I FEEL SO HAPPY!!
AND I AM SOO EAGER for each more day with them! :hearts:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:12 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

beloved daughter, enjoying the watch that Heiko had managed to figure out she wanted the most- and that we all together gave her for her birthday...

It is DONE! :lol: "It" is over again, and I feel a bit strange- as after Christmas! You worked so long and intensely at it, and then, it is all eaten up, the music stops playing, and now it's gone again. :lol: :lol: :hearts: :vortex-small:
AND I FEEL SOOOOO SATISFIED! It was so worth it!!

It was so beautiful, so happy, so interesting, so loving, so joyful!!

And I am eager that tonight, my other 2 sons will come "home" as well. And tomorrow, we will meet up with Jana and SIL and have dinner in a restaurant! I SO LOVE when the whole family is together!! :hearts:

I am soo satisfied with our all love! I am so satisfied with our notes, and calls, and our joking and laughing and LOVING!
I am so satisfied to ponder their dreams with them, and to help build and hunt them. I am so satisfied that they indeed ask us when they have a problem! I am so satisfied how close we are- especially as we both come from broken families, ourselves. We managed to turn around "fate"!

I am so satisfied with the energy on our planet! I am so satisfied to see, there is a new steady very high frequency establishing itself! I am so fascinated by the MEASURABLE vibrational leaps that are THERE. I am so satisfied in enjoying this planet. I am so satisfied out in nature! SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! I am so satisfied with the season of spring, I love it so much!

I am so eager for the multimillions that are in my Vortex. Ohh, I CAN FEEL THEM! I have so much to do, there are such amazing dreams and plans DONE ITV. Oh I get sooo giddy when I think about them! :hearts:
I am so happy when I think about the future.
I am so happy and eager and giddy when I ponder that the dreams of ALL people will fulfill, not so far ahead!
I AM SO EAGER for the "New Earth". While I SO like the "old" one!! :lol: Life is awesome.

I am so blessed to live now, and here! THANK YOU THANK YOU, LIFE!!!

My daughter Jana and my son Heiko greet all those, who read and "accompany" my daily musings- and ESPECIALLY spiritualcookie! :in_love: :wave:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:26 am
by spiritualcookie
:lol: :lol: :hearts: :wave:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:31 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:26 am :lol: :lol: :hearts: :wave:
:grouphugs: :balloons_wave: :hearts:

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:47 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

We drove today to the Czech border (and a little further, too) to look at some fascinating classic trucks. My sons are interested in driving truck-ralleys, and in building a huge camper-van with such beasts, that, by the way, are soooo able in all-terrain! It is so satisfying to share their visions and dreams!
I feel so satisfied in learning about those monsters, that look sooo cool...
I feel so satisfied to be part of this adventure!

It is so beautifully satisfying to laugh and joke with them!
It is so satisfying to see how much they care, to drive me up a steep hill with the wheelchair so that I can share the beautiful view!
It is so satisfying to feel their love. Oh, it is beyond satisfaction. This day was bliss in this regard.

It was so satisfying to see their reaction about another email that I got from my mother who just doesn't know how to be respectful to people. I am so satisfied how I managed to respond. I am so satisfied about feeling backed up and seen and cared for my my children. I feel so satisfied to have chosen LOVE, myself.
I feel satisfied in FEELING love, mostly. Darn, it feels so much better than hate! It feels so much better than pain.
I am so thankful for what is my life.

And I am eager for more, so eager for another day, in this love, in this awareness of my choices, and than the next and the next and the next. I AM SO EAGER FOR MY LIFE, filled with love!

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:11 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

the apple-blossoms all around are 1 month early this year :hearts:

My boys are home, again! :hearts:
Oh my, it was so GOOD. I am sooo satisfied!
I am so happy! And, I love now that DH have some hours just for ourselves. Life is sooo satisfying in sooo many ways!! :hearts: :vortex:
I feel blessed.
I feel deeply, deeply deeply THANKFUL.
I am so satisfied with this awesome spring, this year! Everything is out early, we had such a warm end of winter! The forests are may-green, light and sunny! The meadows glow in vibrant yellow dandelions, while the primroses still are in bloom! The cherries and apples and pears all bloom together, so unusual! Even the lilacs are ready to go, already. It feels as an intense, bold feast of beauty!
DH and I feel ecstatic when we drive through the land!

And I am sooo eager for more beauty, more meet-ups, more time for ourselves. ALL TOGETHER, no either or :lol:
I am sooo curious for how things will unfold!
I am so thankful that I am here where I am!

here I am blessed to live...

Re: I love to be satisfied. And I love to be eager for more!

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:41 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

I am so satisfied!
I feel so free.
I felt free to not NEED to write daily, when I simply don't feel like it. I had so much joy with other things!
And now, I feel free to write, as THIS calls me.
I am so satisfied to be able to say: In all the last years, I never have "worked" in the old-paradigm way! I have WORKED from ITV, until I was exhausted and fell asleep on my computer, or in my chair! And it felt AWESOME! It felt like going to the edge of what I can do- it was, in all it's pushing a DELIGHT! It felt adventurous and even humorous. And deeply, deeply fulfilling. Not in "need" to do it. But in "want" to do it!

I feel so free. I feel so clear. I feel so blessed. I feel so aware. I feel so THANKFUL for my life!
I feel so much love! I feel like all the time being elated. I feel deeply, deeply THANKFUL!

And I am sooo eager for more! So eager, for more life, and more insight, and even more clarity and more joy and more laughter and more amazing food and more flowers and more fragrances and more sound of spring-rain and more sound of blackbird in the early morning, and more amazing sunsets and more amazing cars, and more jolly banter with my beloveds, and more more more more FUN! Ohh, hell yes!!!

I so love to drive through my home-country in this amazing time!