Health Quotes by Abraham Hicks

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Your hospitals are filled to the brim with those
who are now taking action
to compensate for inappropriate thoughts.

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Post by spiritualcookie »

You could be sick and be happy
because the condition does not need to dictate your vibration.

And if the condition does not dictate your vibration
then your point of Attraction is free to be whatever you want it to be.

Now there's a sort of Mastery in that.

Almost nobody doesn't notice when they've got a throbbing toe -
you just do -
but you don't have to.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks 2025 new - You path will light up like never before🙏Law of attraction
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Post by spiritualcookie »

The Oppositely Pulling Tug of War Between your Inner Being's State and Your State Creates Disease

Every time you feel negative emotion you are blocking a desire from coming about.
A desire that your inner being is full steam ahead on.
Full steam ahead on.
Think about what that means/

When you put it over there
and your inner being gets focused upon it and the cooperative components get
gathered there's energy flowing toward your desire
and if you're not going with it
there's a tug of war going on within you,
which equals every disease known to man.

That's what it is all about.
It is about denying the natural flow of the energy.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks 2025 new - You path will light up like never before🙏Law of attraction
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Different Health Conditions are associated with certain points on the EGS

"Everything about everyone's life reflects where their averages are on the emotional scale.

And of course it's possible to feel joyous about money as you said,
and worried about a child maybe,
or angry about something that your neighbor did...

And it depends on how much air time each of those subjects are getting which causes your sort of average vibration.

So somebody who's just angry angry angry all the time
is a vibrational match to a certain set of diseases,

while someone who is just optimistic joyful all the time is a match to a certain kind of bodily conditions,

while someone who's overwhelmed all the time is subject to a certain kind of bodily conditions.

In other words, you get so that you can understand not only why everything is happening to you
but as you are privy to the moods and attitudes of those who surround you
it's not hard to figure out why they're getting everything that they're getting."

from the youtube clip: Your breath is NOT air! 🌬️🪄 Abraham Hicks 2025

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Post by spiritualcookie »

We want you to understand how really silly it is for anything - anything! - to get you down,
because the solution is only a vibrational Improvement away.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Why is it that two people may be exposed to a virus; one gets it and the other does not?

You're sitting on an airplane.
Somebody next to you is hacking coughing dripping dribbling this virus.
This person coughs into the air and you inhale the virus into your body.
When that happens the cells of your body in that part of your body know that the intruder is there and right away begin to vibrationally respond to it. They vibrationally ask for non-physical energy to compensate.
So the cells are asking in a non-physical energy is answering.

Now if you're basking, if you're having a wonderful time, if you're appreciating if your valves wide open, then the communication between the cells and the non-physical energy is perfect; that virus is dealt with instantly you don't even know it's happened and you continue to thrive.

But if your ornery; if the flight attendant has made you mad; if you are angry about something; if you are on your way to a funeral; if you are in a negative state of mind and you ingest this virus without even being aware of it, then as the cells are doing their part and the non-physical energy is doing its part, you're setting up a resistance.

So as you set up a resistance the cells work harder. The non physical energy works harder.

You set up more resistance.
Then you have that which you call sensation or pain - and then you say mmm something's wrong.
And in the moment you identify something negative and you turn your attention to it now the cells are working harder and non physical is working harder but you've got an iron door closed.

So when you feel pain what we would encourage you to do is say, "oh this is good. The cells know what they're doing.
The non-physical energy knows what it's doing.
And this thing that I have once called pain I'm now going to call help on the way.
And in the same way that I would relax and allow my mother to take a sliver out of my hand even though I didn't really like it, I'm going to relax and allow these little psychic surgeons to deal with my body on a cellular level.

If you will allow the psychic surgeons to do it there will be no scars.
The resiliency of your body will be near-perfect.

If you got as a physician it's like turning a chainsaw loose.
In other words that the comparison of allowing the cellular surgery and the physical surgery is a big difference.

from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Reverse Aging - Grey Hair Wrinkles
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Post by spiritualcookie »

HS: What are our ideal sleep patterns?
Is there an ideal pattern for the organism that is best?

Abraham: Yes.

HS: And what would that be?

Abraham: First we want to explain to you the benefit of sleep.
It isn't about resting.
Because you're resting even here as you are sitting on these chairs.

The benefit is of sleep is that you withdraw your Consciousness from this Physical Realm.
And when you withdraw your Consciousness you withdraw any pushing against or resistance.
And when there is no resistance then your body is able to align to its higher vibration.

And so Slumber is more about aligning vibration than anything.


So it stands to reason that one who is more connected to the non-physical energy
stream would require less sleep, or would want less sleep.

But sometimes the opposite seems to occur because another thing that happens is the more you acclimate to the higher vibration the more you enjoy Slumber which is a high vibration.


And so what we would encourage you to do:

The natural rhythm of your body...

You see when you Slumber and your Consciousness withdraws, even though your
energies are being aligned your body is not receiving movement.
And your body really thrives with movement.

Any of you who become sedentary - and your Society sort of does that to you as as you work eight hours or...

But your body really is a body of motion - in other words your body is an organism
that wants to move.

And so if we were standing in your physical shoes and we were wanting to guide ourselves to be most in Harmony in terms of action with our non-physical knowing and intent - there are three things that we would do that most of you don't do:

[1.] We would drink enormous quantities of water.
So much water that in the beginning we would find ourselves uncomfortable because the elimination process would be a bit hindering.
But we really would we would drink lots and lots and lots of water.
Your Capacity to to hold more water will grow as you consume more water and so the
elimination process would not be so uncomfortable.
And the every cell of your body which is mostly water would benefit because the energy transmission of your body is affected.

The more water you drink the more easily the energy flows.

And so there are lots of things that you could eat but the one thing that we really encourage is more water.
And we mean water minus preservatives; water minus caffeine; water
without sugars. We mean water. We really do. We mean water.
Water with minerals. water with all of the natural stuff that is in water.
We would drink water and we would find a source of it that is pure without too much dealing with.
In other words if you can find water that is water - that's what we would drink -


[2.] The other thing that we would do is that we would move our bodies intentionally.
In other words we would find reasons to move.
And by moving we don't mean dramatic exercise - we mean moving - we
mean motion - we mean walking mostly.
Moving the body.
Moving the arms.
Flexing the muscles.
Stretching the muscles.


[3.] And the third thing that we would do is that we would rest when we are tired and we would awaken when we are refreshed.
In other words we would try to follow a more natural Rhythm.
Now that's hard to do under the work environment that many of you live but we would sleep shorter snatches more frequently.
In other words we'd take a little nap on the lunch hour if we could.
And we'd snatch a little nap after work if we could.
And we'd sleep a shorter expanse in the middle of the night.
In other words we would we would not sleep longer than 4 hours at any stretch, only because the Body Benefits so much by motion.

HS: Wow thank you. That's what I needed to hear.

- from the youtube clip: Abraham Hicks - Drink Lots And Lots Of Water
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Post by spiritualcookie »

We visited recently with a woman who was experiencing the severe discomfort of arthritic hips. Her current state of reality was one of nearly constant physical discomfort.

If we could just help her to understand that her painful physical condition is only the TEMPORARY place that she is currently standing, then she could begin to move to a better-feeling condition immediately.

If we could just get her to focus upon where she is moving to, instead of focusing upon the "reality" that is right now occurring... If we could just get her to focus upon the sensation of moving to a better-feeling place rather than focusing upon the reality that seems to have concluded - her situation would begin to improve immediately.

We wanted to help her see that there are two journeys running along concurrently in her experience:
[1] the Action journey (or the reality of her painful arthritic hips, and
[2] the Emotional Journey (the emotion that she is choosing to feel) as she moves through her day.

From her current reality, or the platform from which she is nor launching into her next experiences, she has these choices:
- She has painful arthritic hips and feels fear, anger, worry, blame or despair
- She has painful arthritic hips and feels HOPE.

You see, her current condition of painful hips is her Action Journey. That IS happening. It is reality. That is her current condition. And we certainly can understand why it would have her attention. But if she could just for a little while try to focus upon her Emotional Journey - If she could just accept that her hips hut for now, and set that Action Journey aside in her mind for just a little while, and focus upon her Emotional Journey options, then her vibrational point of attraction would begin to change. And in doing that ,her physical conditions would begin to change.

You cannot continue to offer the same vibration that got you to where you are, and now get to someplace different.
You have to do something different with your attention, with your focus, and with your vibration.

- Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

What causes cancer according to Abraham

No one asks for cancer but plenty of people get it

and so then they might say but I was not necessarily thinking about cancer

but what they were thinking about was
- out of control things
- lack of power
- lack of control
- what they were feeling was vulnerable
- what they were feeling was victim
- what they were feeling was anger

in other words there were a whole lot of things that they were focused upon that were generating negative emotion but because they weren't aware of what the negative emotion meant and they're discounting the fact that the negative emotion was pointing out the discordant thought the discordant thought the discordant thought -

you don't just get cancer because you think of not wanting cancer or about people who get cancer

you get representations of discord because you're thinking thoughts of Discord

and what is the discordant thought discordant of?

The thought that's in your vortex

in other words it's only not keeping up with you that causes a resistant thought

you don't get resistant thoughts because you don't keep up with the thoughts of your mother or of your government

you get resistant thoughts because you're not keeping up with who you have become

it's only a splitting of you that causes the Discord you see.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: A Simple Mantra to Break Negative Cycles & Let Go ✨ Abraham Hicks 2025
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