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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Sun May 26, 2024 9:11 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 21

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by creating the mood of Expecting MAGIC. Magic help from Source.

WHY do I care about that?
Because, I want this to ease- and open up, to ALL of them.

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point NOW at Trust.

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at KNOWING. Knowing that source knows the way. Knowing that Source knows ways that embrace us all. Knowing, that there is a path of least resistance that feels like perfect relief (and maybe in the beginning, just less crappy.)KNOWING the Goodness of this situation. KNOWING the love that is there, in everyone. KNOWING that it will reveal itself, and that that's easy. KNOWING we all will find the guidance. KNOWING that everybody will rise to what is needed. KNOWING that this is not just possible, but certain! :hearts:

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I trust our all Vortex! I trust our all path of unfolding. I trust our all life-plans. I trust God! I KNOW there is a solution, and I KNOW that source and the heavenly helpers clear the path for all of us. I KNOW I can trust, I I TRUST! I relax completely in trusting. I trust the most wonderful, easy, light unfolding. I see all of them proud. I see all of them in love and light. God, you take it.

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Tue May 28, 2024 10:12 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 22

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by creating the mood of openly enjoying and embracing and appreciating abundance!

WHY do I care about that?
Because, I want to feel unashamedly rich.

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point NOW at Optimism/Belief. I am stable in this regard.

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at KNOWING, Power, Love, Peace and Joy!

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I am feeling stable about my abundance. I am feeling stable in Richness! I am deep and stable in love, about abundance. I love my riches! I love being rich: I mean, I LOVE being rich! I love acting rich. I love talking about the bigness, the beauty, the guts, the genius of those who are rich and who have built wonderful organizations, structures and product-giving leaders. I adore them boldly and easily and openly.

I adore ITV rich people! I wanna be one of them, that just BE abundance! In each cell. Normal. unquestionable. Easy, light, NORMAL!!

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 4:40 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 23

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by creating the mood of Invincibility.

WHY do I care about that?
Because, I want to BE there. Wholly and fully!

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point NOW at Optimism, and that's nice, but not high enough.

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at KNOWING my Invincibility! I want to feel this bold CERTAINTY. Clear and absolutely steady. Clear, and absolutely deeply KNOWING.
I want to be CERTAIN! Certain and eagr and fully passionate with no "but"! :lol: I want to be in the PRESENCE of what I desire! Eager and certain and in deep full love. Eagerly joyfully anticipating and KNOWING. I feel how this fels. It is really easy in most ways! I FEEL it so much!

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I KNOW that I want this!
I KNOW That I love this!
I KNOW that I came for this.
I KNOW How I want to live with it! I KNOW all of this! And that is a wonderful, joyful stance!
I relax into being invincible within this. I relax into my huge, joyful love!
I relax into all the goodness, the freedom, the joy, the ease, the certainty!
I relax. I relax! I relax!
Ahhh, I feel good in relaxing. The trust flows so easily. I like this easy trust! I love this unfolding. I so enjoy the journey. In the end, I'll be there! THAT IS INVINCIBLY TRUE. That I KNOW. I WILL get there. And oh, I so love THAT!


Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 12:46 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 24

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by creating the mood of being able to have fun, no matter what, unconditionally! I AM INVINCIBLE in achieving this fun and joy and LOVE!

WHY do I care about that?
Because, I want to FEEL that way!! I want to be steady and certain and clear and invincible, in knowing my power to feel fun and love.

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point NOW at Certainty! :D :woohoo: This feels soooo easy!!

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at exactly THAT!

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I CAN have fun and joy and love, ALL THE TIME. I am absolutely 100% sure of that. I LIVE THIS CLARITY! I live this knowingness. I live this, totally stable. I KNOW I CAN HAVE IT ALL THE TIME: I KNOW!!! Ohh, this feels good!! I LOVE understanding this!

Life has shown me- *I* have shown me!!! That I can love, always.
I can feel good, always! Some circumstances make it easier than others :lol: But I CAN do it always always always!! :woohoo: :woohoo: !!!!!
And that is ALL I need. I just want to have FUN.

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Fri May 31, 2024 2:03 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 25

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by creating the mood of Joy and Fun and Love and Ease! ABUNDANCE of love. ABUNDANCE of freedom. ABUNDANCE of good things.
I care to create the beauty, the awe, of FEELING GOOD wherever I go. Enjoying. Being wrapped in joy and love and laughter!

WHY do I care about that?
Because, that is who I really am.

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point NOW at Positive Expectation/Belief.

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at JOY! Deep, deep awesome JOY. Clarity and tingling love, and Happiness, and Laughter, and Taking life in, with each fiber. APPRECIATING IT DEEPLY. Now, now, now! Feeling on vacation, every day. Living adventures, every day! Feeling thrilled and in awe and so very very pampered and IN AWE. Awesome, awesome life! Living in Paradise on Earth.

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I live my life every day as the awesome ride that it is! TAKING IN THE GOODNESS AND BEAUTY AND AWE.
Nothing can stop me to feel extraordinary! Nothing can stop me to feel elated. Nothing will stop me from realizing and appreciating this fantastic, wonderful, wonderful world! It feels sooooo goood to live in pure appreciation!


Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:10 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 26

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by creating the mood of Adoring Physicality, embracing Richness in a more "outrageous, literally shame-less" way. It is BOLD. It is Empowered. It is absolutely Clear.... fully KNOWING and APPRECIATING the Goodness of physicality!

WHY do I care about that?
Because, I want to step out of the trained idea that stuff and physical desires are somehow less than.

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point NOW at Positive Expectation.

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at Knowing and Eagerness and deep Love-Knowing! Rocksteady deep LOVE.

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I I so love the physical Joys of physical life. I love the intense wonderful paradisy specificness of smelling, seeing, hearing, tasting, sensing! I LOVE to dance and to lay, to breathe and to paint, to song and to speak, to kiss and have sex. I love BEAUTY in all physical forms! I SO LOVE to love in physicality. I deeply, deeply love physicality! I embrace it wholly and let nothing poison my love. I LOVE it! I LOVE it. I deeply, awesomely lovingly APPRECIATE the awesome leading edge of Alignment!!! This is so good, so deep, so true, it resonates fully and wholly with me!!

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:06 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 27

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by creating the mood of TRUSTING MY OWN DESIRES. Trusting the Goodness and Worthiness of what I want. SELFLOVE.

WHY do I care about that?
Because, I want to be in total complete ALIGNMENT with who I really am!

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point NOW at Optimism/Belief

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at full KNOWING. KNOWING my worthiness. KNOWING my rightness. KNOWING. Knowing it deeply! KNOWING it fully, wholly, whole-ly. Fulfillingly wholly. Deeply, no matter what. KNOWING that I deserve all that life caused me to want. Saying wholeheartedly YES to my joy and and my longing. WHOLLY.

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I embrace myself wholeheartedly! Nothing matters more to me now, than honoring who I really am! I put my values into right order now! THAT FEELS SO GOOD!! I embrace myself! I put myself first! I finally learn selfishness, as Abe teach- as, if I am out of whack, I have nothing to give. I GO IN: I care for myself!!!

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 6:22 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 28

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by creating the mood of Consistency and Steadyness!

WHY do I care about that?
Because, I want to be there, consistently :D Nothing else feels right.

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point NOW at a mix of love and appreciation, and expectancy. I expect to get there. That is really nice!

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at full blown peaceful love of Abundance and Richness!
Loving my dreams. Loving me in my whole full stance of BEING WHO I AM. Embracing me as ABUNCE. mbracing me as free, completely empowered and endlessly abundant.

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I own Lakshmi within myself. She is a part of me. I am eternally a Goddess, emanating ABUNDANCE. My energy produces Abundance. My Energy is rich and peacefully joyfully overflowing. Invincible Abundance. Neverending Fortunes. ALL THAT I EVER DESIRE flows from within me. I AM LAKSHMI. I am invincible. I am totally certain and stable and absolutely sure. I am invincibly ABUNDANT. Abundance IS who I really am! Love, abundance, peace, knowingness, clarity, power and freedom- IN JOY. THAT IS ME. That is who I really am. It all belongs together, and within me. It is who I really am. And that is WHOLE! WHOLE. IN FULL ALIGNMENT. This feels soooo good.


Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 9:30 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 29

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by creating the mood of simply straight HAPPINESS.

WHY do I care about that?
Because, I want to feel happy!

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point NOW at Overwhelm

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at Happiness. Deep Love. JOY. Ease. Light. Clarity. Power. Freedom. I want to be happy and light and easy. I want to feel happy. Happy, happy, happy, happy! Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy. Happy.

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I choose Happiness. Nothing else really is my pie.
When I try too hard,
carry other people burdens, feel their pain and their being mixed up-ness, I will not feel good. Source is not with me, on this endeavors. IT IS NOT MY PIE! IT IS NOT MINE TO CARRY, and so, it is much too heavy, for me.

I decide to drop what isn't mine, and trust that those that belong to this emotions, and this adventures, have the abilities and guidance and are a perfect match for it. IT IS THEIRS. I love to give it back. I tried to help, but it isn't helping. I am supposed to carry MY stuff and do MY tasks and solve MY adventures. And shine a light for all, because I AM HAPPY.

I am in Alignment with who-I-really am. I am a light and I am light- because I care first and foremost for feeling good. I get my stuff, I am an example for power and for freedom and for joy and fun and love- because I am in Alignment with my source. That is what I can do, and so, I can help and make miracles.

I trust that everybodies life is exactly THEIR perfect life, with THEIR unique callings and THEIR unique treasures. And I trust their power, and I trust their guidance, and I trust their insight and their fate and their wantings.

I let it all go, and I get happy.

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:38 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

30 Days of Becoming a POINTER:

-carving out and getting clear about what I REALLY "care about",
-getting clear about where I point at- and probably activate the Absence of what I want.
-setting a Grid about the Essence of what I do want!

Day 30
...last day of this 30 day-challenge!

...I LIKED how I changed my mood. It helped me each time, and I have the solid feeling that I uplifted my vibe, significantly!
I am thankful for having it all in writing. That grounds me, it makes me feel more stable. THANK YOU, thread! :kiss:

HOW do I really "care about" being outrageously abundant, today?
I care about it by creating the mood of SAVORING my life!

WHY do I care about that?
Because, I want to savor. Is there something sweeter than that! SAVORING. ENJOYING. Appreciating! Indulging myself, deeply, wholly, head over heals!

-Where do I point at (and probably activate the Absence of what I want)?
I point NOW at positive expectation and belief.

What do I want to point at, instead? + Grid
I want to point at LOVE and JOY and POWER! I want to fully BE there. BEING who I really am. Embracing myself wholly. Embodying who I became, through all my life-experience! Catching up with myself. Being fulfilled. SAVORING the goodness of life! Savoring. Savoring in deepest joy.In fullhearted thankfulness and true appreciation! BEING THERE.

Telling the New Story, and Setting wanted Grids about the Essences of what I do want, in it
I came to enjoy my personal Paradise on Earth! I came to live PARADISE in all ways, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally. Fulfillment. JOY. SAVORING beauty, savoring goodness, savoring delight, savoring freedom, savoring power, savoring LOVE!