Practice a little every day

This new forum is created and a focus for those that want to participate with the study of Abraham-Hicks in their many books and processes.
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »


- I liked learning from Tara that we have a dominant nostril! :D (Thank you Tara 🥰 ) I asked chatgpt for more info on this after realising my left nostril is currently dominant, and was happy to read "Left dominance is often associated with parasympathetic nervous system activity, responsible for "rest and digest" functions. - relaxation and calmness" (yin energy - lunar/ cooling) - which makes sense as I was feeling calm and relaxed when noting the left nostril dominance. (Right nostril dominance is more yang energy, sympathetic nervous system activity) - Fun to know! I love learning things like this!

- I liked that we got the business work done today. It feels good to get it sorted. I like knowing that things are in good working order; efficient; effective. It's a nice, calm feeling that all is well :)
I like keeping on top of the rates - getting a feel for them - gaining more confidence in the patterns and knowing when to jump in after gaining some feel for them.

- I like how warm and cozy it is in my room today with the sun shining and warming it up naturally. I like how light my room is. It's nice that even when it's less than 10'C outside, my room is naturally a summery 22-23'C without the heating being on, just from the power of the sun!

- I liked making some AI art today - I always enjoy seeing what it creates - it's uplifting seeing beautiful things :)

- I liked that she got back to my email so quickly and acknowledged things so honestly. I appreciate her transparency and desire to figure things out for me :hearts: It would be very nice to see all the figures go black ~ hopeful

- I liked that I found my groove eventually even if it took some time to warm up :hearts: I love the feeling when ideas flow to me - it's so delicious! I love this feeling of wonderful FLOW and inspiration as it picks up momentum and leads to more and more ideas and desires :hearts:

- I like the patterns I made and the ideas I had for ones to make tomorrow :)

- It was enjoyable collecting some copyright-expired vintage art pieces to use. It was interesting tuning into the artist's vibe ~ I look forward to creating something beautiful and new with his art, giving it a new lease of life - and bringing a new wave of people to appreciate his beautiful work :hearts:

- I loved how they were all so sweet and accomodating to postpone our plans for tomorrow for me :hearts:

- I liked that we had some moments of perfect timing this evening - it's always satisfying when you get someplace JUST as it opens up a space for you! It was particularly nice when we had a 3-way perfect timing situation where 3 people just happened to make space at the perfect time to accomodate one another! :hearts:

- I liked the laugh it brought when he said "total" and I thought he said "turtle" :lol: :lol: :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Tara »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:23 pm APPRECIATION:

- I liked learning from Tara that we have a dominant nostril! :D (Thank you Tara 🥰 ) I asked chatgpt for more info on this after realising my left nostril is currently dominant, and was happy to read "Left dominance is often associated with parasympathetic nervous system activity, responsible for "rest and digest" functions. - relaxation and calmness" (yin energy - lunar/ cooling) - which makes sense as I was feeling calm and relaxed when noting the left nostril dominance. (Right nostril dominance is more yang energy, sympathetic nervous system activity) - Fun to know! I love learning things like this!
Yes, left is more about receptivity, and right is more yang energy. You do not have all the time one active nostril, it changes. You can also deliberately change it according to your situation and whether you want to express something (yang) or to be receptive (yin).

Glad it was something new for you, I loved learning this as well :)
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 2:44 pm
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 10:43 pm I want to help you, though. Shall I start at the end, so we don't stumble over each other? :D
I see you did 101-99 - thank you! :hearts: I just finished doing 1-98 - so they're all added now :)
You have been SO fast!! WOW!!!!!
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »


I loved seeing POE back on the forum :hearts: ( :balloons_wave: )
For me, she brings so much life and personality to the forum - it makes it so much more fun for me to be here when she's here too :hearts:

I liked completing the 30 day meditation challenge! :muscle-flex-small:
And I was amazed to realise the meditation challenge was behind my sore toe! :lol:
It started around the time the meditation challenge started, and stopped being sore the day I finished the challenge! :lol: I remembered learning in palmistry class years ago that the big toe (and thumb) represents willpower and self-control - I guess "willpowering myself" to do the meditations everyday whether I felt like it or not was infused with some resistance - which expressed itself as a sore toe! It's so funny how the body expresses things - and so interesting how people have mapped body parts to specific qualities (eg the big toe and thumb = willpower). Anyway - I do appreciate the feeling of "success" I got from doing what I intended to do - and I appreciate the feeling of trust in myself that I can do what I set my mind to. That's a good feeling :) And I appreciate the awareness from this contrast, that in the future I may want to be kinder to myself; easier and more relaxed in applying the Processes so that I do what I feel inspired to do rather than forcing myself to do something even when I don't feel like it, in a way that inserts resistance into the equation :hearts:

I liked that we did our tasting today ~ it was nice tasting all sorts of things and I'm glad we got around to it before he leaves on his trip.

I liked that I got my work notes in order - it feels good that they're all up to date and organized :)

I liked finding the 4,95% & 5.08% rates and hearing his thoughts on them.
I love having him as such a sensible, well-read figure to help me get a feel for what's a good rate.

I liked that a new season came out of Single's Inferno ~ I'm looking forward to watching it :dance:
I like their cheerful peanut gallerying that is so often full of laughter :D
And I like seeing how different people behave in all sorts of situations.

I liked playing the game, Wordament. I'm so glad I found it :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 11:57 pm APPRECIATION:

I loved seeing POE back on the forum :hearts: ( :balloons_wave: )
For me, she brings so much life and personality to the forum - it makes it so much more fun for me to be here when she's here too :hearts:
awwwwww!!!! :oops:
:dancing: :in_love: :hugs: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

Jenny Lee wrote: Thu Jan 16, 2025 2:12 am Love and being loved, adore and being adored...
I was thinking about this. So when I am loving, and when I am being loved in relationships?
I liked this idea for an exercise from Jenny Lee to help tune into Loving Energy. I would like to practice this too! :hearts:

(I hasten to add, the below are my idea of the ideal state when I am super tuned in, tapped in, turned on :D :hearts: )

- I acknowledge people with directness: saying "Good morning!" or a wave, or some other greeting. I also acknowledge them when I leave or when they leave. It feels loving and respectful when I do this (and when others do this to me) :hearts:

- I look at people through soft, loving, accepting eyes. There is zero judging in these moments of love; just pure acceptance.

- I feel a softness and an acceptance towards them in my body and heart. My body feels open; unguarded; loose; relaxed; trusting.

- I smile at them easily, while feeling genuine love in my heart

- I notice when they do positive things, and I look at it with love and appreciation; feeling love in my body. It feels similar (but usually much more subtle) to when I look at a super cute picture of an adorable animal online and my whole body feels the "awww it's so sweet!"ness of it! :lol:

- When they do "negative" things, I look at it with love, good humour, acceptance, non-resistance and understanding; accepting them and loving them despite their moment of misalignment / misunderstanding / not being connected to their Inner Being. It feels similar to how I look at a toddler or young child having a tantrum over something that seems a little silly, but is important to them :hearts:

- I tell them when they do something I appreciate and feel the appreciation full in my heart. I love feeling my appreciation flowing to them like hearts being sent out from my heart and swirling to envelop them.

- I offer compliments freely and sprinkle them into our interactions often.

- I care about what they have to say. I listen carefully and try to remember things that are important to them so that I can use this to uplift them and help them feel good in our future interactions.

- I give them hugs full of feeling!

- I stroke their hair (or fur :lol: ) lovingly

- When the feeling of love bubbles up to inspire it, I give them a kiss without a thought

- I feel a strong desire to help them in any way I can. I care that they have everything they truly require and need.*

- I feel a strong desire to soothe them in any way I can when they need soothing*
* Jenny Lee mentioned
"When you see that others need your help, you are not in alignment.."

This makes me realise that you can "be loving yet not aligned", loving yet still seeing people are needing soothing / help. It's like being loving in a human way that is mixed up with our own human beliefs and limitations. My human part has been taught the belief "Helping people is loving". But you can "be loving in a human-taught way of what being loving is" and "be loving and aligned" in a Source way - and these are different!
The love I feel in my heart when I am helping or soothing someone is very different from the love I feel when giving a hug. One is mixed up with some swirls of negative emotions; swirls of "noticing what is and not liking it", some resistance to what is; some ego-part being satisfied by feeling helpful (and being sad if attempts are unsuccessful). When giving a hug of pure overflowing love, it is more pure positive emotion; less mixed up with other stuff - although as humans... I think there is (almost always?) a little bit of "other stuff" in there somewhere! Even in a very pure positive state there may be a grain of some other feelings or beliefs in the background.

Jenny Lee also reminds me:
when you are aligned/under the influence of Source, you trust them.

When you are aligned, you trust people won't need your help because you trust that everything is working out for them; you trust that they are asking and Source will answer. You trust in their ability to attract a better situation to them. You trust in their ability to align.
But as a human,, I am aware of the time it takes a person to get from a negative state (eg fear) to joy, and it is difficult to leave them in suffering, trusting they will find their way eventually to feeling better, whereas if I were to insert a nudge of positive influence, it may nudge them to relief sooner. It feels loving to nudge them to relief.

- When I want to connect from a place of love, I tune in to feel their energy - to offer (if I have access to it from an authentic, genuine place) a feel-good soft, slow, relaxed vibe (eg if they're sleepy or just woken up) or, a more lively, energetic vibe (eg if they are positively excited about something). I often find it makes for a more harmonious, pleasant, flowing interaction when our energies are compatable.

- When I see a quote, a cartoon, a video - anything that I think they'll enjoy, I send it their way to help to uplift them a little too.

- When it's an occasion like a birthday, I do my best to find a gift that suits everything I've listened carefully about that they've told me is important to them. I do my best to help them feel celebrated and loved on their special day ~ doing this in as relaxed, easy and authentic way as possible.
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »


I appreciate that I allowed myself to have an easy, relaxed day and I'm proud of myself for feeling so easy and relaxed about taking time off.

I appreciate the quiet gentle pleasure from playing some games today. It felt fun exploring the games and checking them out thoroughly so I feel like I really got a good feel for them. I liked how they challenged parts of my thinking that haven't been stretched in quite that way in some time. It felt like a good, satisfying, productive workout at the brain gym :lol:

I liked the realisation that the game I was playing today (Stop 2) has something in common with my Appreciation Game - thinking of words starting with a letter - It's so nice how everything flows into one another - it's a feeling of all-is-oneness : )

I appreciate the small rocket of desire to get a cheap gaming tablet next time there's a prime day or a black friday, getting one specifically for games so that I can get better longevity out of the battery of my main device hopefully.

I appreciate I managed to do the thing on my own without help - it made me feel strong, powerful and self-sufficient which felt really good :)

I liked that he made a special point of saying good night to me :hearts:

I liked the heart-felt hug he gave me - that was sweet :) :hearts:

I like how comfortable we are together :hearts:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »


I'm liking doing meditation because I feel like it and not because I HAVE to do it. I'm liking feeling more relaxed and free about meditating now :)

I liked learning about the Buddhist Loving Kindness Meditation today, and liked the realization that it's similar to a method I've used before, of first tuning into the love in your heart; and then seeing it fill your body, expand into your aura, and gradually expand this loving light to envelop everyone in your expanding vicinity, until it expands over the whole Earth and out into the cosmos. Only with Loving Kindness Meditation, they add mantras to repeat where you repeat a phrase wishing yourself and others blessings of your choice (eg May I / you / we be happy, healthy and connected to the love in our heart :hearts:).

I enjoyed practising this method today. I had an interesting feeling of feeling bigger than my body - like "I" was pushing out against the edges of my physical body - expanded beyond my normal edges. I saw a blurry expanded hazy pink / peach / flesh-coloured aura of "me" around my body. It felt weird - like pressure of being blown up like a balloon. I sort of felt like a blurry pink Michelin man! :lol:

Lots of interesting buzzy tingly body sensations during the meditation too, mostly at the skin surface - all over.
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by spiritualcookie »

I played my favorite remix by Abraham, "it's easy to feel good," which always touches and uplifts me.
I enjoyed listening to FloatingBoat's recommended youtube clip "Abraham Hicks ~ It´s easy to feel good! SasM!X" - it's a powerful one! I loved how Abraham made feeling better feel EASY. And I loved how their words feel so soothing :hearts:
I loved how they touched on Purpose and relaxing about it; and allowing yourself to be the willing Floating Boat as you flow downstream to where everything else is. It's a beautiful clip 😊 :hearts:
I enjoyed transcribing the highlights into our quotes section too - adding these gems to the collection :in_love:
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Re: Practice a little every day

Post by FloatingBoat »

Hello spiritualcookie, :balloons_wave: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:

I'm delighted that you're enjoying meditation so much and constantly discovering new forms that excite you, allowing you to deepen the subject and draw a lot of positive energy from it. It's also wonderful that you feel more relaxed and freer during this process.
:hoppy: :hoppy:

My favorite meditation is the "General Well-Being Meditation" by Abraham. What I also like, and which might be similar to the "Loving Kindness Meditation," is focusing on the energy level of my heart and imagining how this love energy flows from my heart to everything. However, I imagine specific things, like my neighbors, my friend, or the forest.
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

I think that since you are a very sensitive being, you gain deep insights from your greater knowledge during meditation, making you aware that you are much more than just your body and that you connect more with your inner being and the greater perspective due to meditation.

It's definitely very nice to read about your experiences with meditation, and the picture with the pink Michelin man is really funny.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'm also glad that you like the "Abraham Remix 'It's Easy to Feel Good'" by sasmix so much and that you've already transcribed so many beautiful parts from it for our forum.
:in_love: :in_love: :in_love:
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