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Re: I appreciate 2023

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:10 am
by FeelGood
Sometimes we become so obsessed with achieving our goals that we forget to cherish our lives.
Your thoughts may tell you that things will fall apart if you take a break or let go of trying to control everything, but deep down you know it's not true.
What's meant to be will happen. Invite gentleness and calmness into your life.

I choose to think happy thoughts.
I can achieve success.
I have a positive and empowering mindset.
Great things automatically come to me.
I feel happy and positive.
I love how great things are right now.
Good things come to me all the time.
Things tend to just fall into place for me.
I approach life with a positive mindset.

Re: I appreciate 2023

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 3:54 am
by FeelGood
I am becoming the best version of myself.
My perspective is shifting.
My confidence is growing.
I am making a difference in the world.
I can explore all of my interests.
I feel financially secure to take risks.
I am living my dream lifestyle.
I trust the flow of guidance.
I am learning to trust my intuition.
I am relaxed and at peace.

Re: I appreciate 2023

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:22 am
by FeelGood
You are attracting experiences that are way better than your wildest dreams.
Let go of what has happened. Allow yourself to start afresh.
You deserve goodness, joy, miracles, and beautiful surprises as well.

Each day is filled with joy.
I am attracting peace, and abundance into my life.
I embrace the power of now.
I practice acceptance of the present.
I am living my best life.
I can thrive and achieve my dreams.
I am taking charge of my life.
I can see a positive change in myself.
I am happier, and more productive now.

Re: I appreciate 2023

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:01 am
by FeelGood
Embrace the journey.
Appreciate your personal growth.
You have achieved so many milestones.
Embrace the new version of yourself with positivity. Keep growing.

I embrace my power.
I embrace what makes me special and unique.
I have so much abundance in my life.
I stand strong in who I am.
I claim happiness and success.
I embrace my gifts.
Fulfillment comes naturally to me.
I am recognized for my work.
I am ready to make new choices and create new experiences in life.

Re: I appreciate 2023

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:52 pm
by SheSparklez
Today is fresh. Today is new. Today is good. I got thru the morning with all my calls, and stayed up. This is gold, because it has taken much practice to get here. I appreciate today, and the strength I had to stay here, now I can bask in the vibes knowing what it is that i am wanting. I appreciate that I was able to help make my friend laugh this morning. Everything Is always working out for me. Its ok. I am growing, I am improving, I am basking, I am getting there. I appreciate Abe so much.
I am not sure if this is the correct place to be, but I want to do this, so if it is in the wrong place please accpet my apologies, as I do not mean to highjack, I just like to bask in this while I am here. I used to be on this forum a million years ago and recently went thru a life threatening situation, and I had it, and I remembered Abe and the teachings so I am trying to get my life back and get back up.... one thing at a time, so here it is....

Also Thank you for accepting my request! It means so much to me!

I love the beach.
I love the warm
I love the hum of the people at the beach can you hear it?
the babies laughing and screaming
the birds
the whisper of the waves
the touch of the water on your feet
the hug of the sand
the hot sun kissing your skin
the salty sea air
the humidity
the knowing that all is well
the calmness of life
the glow of the day
the surprises the ocean brings you when you study the waves
the shells
I love the shells I love how beautiful they are and I leave them be because they are not mine to take, but to admire for the day.
Even when Red tide is in season, I love it because the fish make them selves present to you (dead) but its such a delight to see all the different kinds of fish that could be and live in the ocean.
the power of the ocean
her connectivity-ness
how she longs to be loved
and admired
the power she has all the time
sometimes its nice to go at night and be still with her
sometimes its beautiful to be there in the heart of the day
knowing you are at perfect peace yet so much is around you
the beautiful blue sky that meets the ocean at the horizon that paints a beautiful colorful purple picture,
the elegant water and the beautiful colors these two join together to show off a perfect day for you
i love this
i love all of it
it is so magical
and so majestic
and so perfect
its always soothing
thank you so kindly for this experience
thank you for the sunshine
thank you for the warm
thank you for allowing me to be here and expereince this!

Re: I appreciate 2023

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 2:51 am
by FeelGood
You are evolving, your dreams are evolving.
Don't let unfulfilled desires hold you back. Allow yourself to move on.
Give yourself permission to dream a new dream.
The possibilities are endless.
Don't limit yourself to a particular way of life. Let go of 'shoulds'.
There's so much more to explore. You can live a life that is exciting, and full of positive surprises.
Detours can lead you to beautiful destinations that otherwise you could have missed.
Stay open to each new experience and opportunity in your journey.

Life is beautiful.
I find greater happiness.
I choose to focus on good.
I am attracting more positivity into my life.
The universe is working in my favor.
I live each day with a sense of confidence and determination.
I am cultivating a more positive outlook.
I am attracting unexpected opportunities and blessings.

Re: I appreciate 2023

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 2:55 am
by FeelGood
SheSparklez wrote: Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:52 pm
I am not sure if this is the correct place to be, but I want to do this, so if it is in the wrong place please accpet my apologies, as I do not mean to highjack.... one thing at a time, so here it is....
Hi, welcome back, yes join in when you feel like it , I enjoyed your post :)

I appreciate 2023

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 4:13 pm
by SheSparklez
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The beach
the hum
the glow
the people
the warm
the gentle of the waves hugging your leg, kissing your toes
the hug of the sand

THE BIRDS ......
the birds running along the beach playing chase with the waves
have you ever stopped at watched those birds, they run to the leading edge when the waves run out... then they run back up the beachy sand when the waves come back , the waves chase after them, they play this game for hours, I often wonder what the ocean thinks of this, their little legs running so fast under their little bodies, stopping to dig something out of the sand (food), then to quickly run back up the shore, as if they never intended to get their little feet wet, sometimes if they are a little too greedy they get caught in the water, but not by much because they easily can fly away, and the way the whole flock of these birds move so quick like a school of fish, on a dime change direction, they keep you on your toes what are they going to do next? back and forth, back and forth, back and forth..... all day everyday even at night when no one else is there. [

The beach

This beach I have been to, its beautiful, and long, and wide. there is so much sand from the buildings to the water. and its fun sand, like hard easy to brush off. (sand is not my favorite ) but onward..... One day I went to the beach and I stopped and noticed the hum of the people, you know this hum, its like all these people out enjoying the day, the sun the sand, the water, the pina coladas, you can hear little kids in the background giggling and laughing almost screaming, the smell of suntan lotion but the best one is the one that is so tropical smelling and the grease the way it is left on your skin, there is almost no other time its appropriate for your skin to be so greasey, but you shake it off because you smell so devine! There is an energetic hum to the land, you can feel it, its the sun kissed glow that comes, of the hot sun but not so hot you cant stand it, its more like a gentle little kiss, that says grand rising to your cells for the day. As the day goes on, the clouds roll in and you stop to watch the magnetic energy of the grey roll in around the buildings, ON this particular day, I stopped at watched as all around us it was dark, except for out at sea... clear blue sky very pretty light blue over your head and from where you stand not a cloud in sight (unless you look behind you) ... how profound-
but as your eyes gaze from up above to the horizon of the ocean it turns to a deep dark purple color that is almost hard tot tell what is blue and purple to the naked eye.
the boats out on the water, making waves, speed boats enjoying a few last round as this storm rumbles in, the paragliders sailing in the air, the jet skis racing dodging waves.... but the way the paragliders float over the water like a kite, and just soar, what is it like to floatlike that care free with such ease knowing you have a huge saftely net below you to catch you if you fall, or a gentle downfall landing into the water like two new friends you and the water meeting for the first time a gentle little greeting,

On this day I turned around and watched these clouds roll in, and the power and electrifying energy behind them but I started to notice something so profound, the clouds were almost held at bay and didnt make it their mission to destroy everything in its path, in fact kind of like a perfect strike of a bowling ball down the lane, the clouds rolled in and stayed perfectly behind the buildings, not even a drop of rain hit us, we were were perfectly covered under the crystal blue sky as a protective blanket watching this interaction from a far. and just like that it was gone.

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SIDE NOTE: why do islanders smell so good like vanilla? Because it keeps the bugs away so lather that vanilla on!


Sometimes I sit and wonder what the ocean is thinking. How is she today has anyone taken the time to ask her? DOes she need anything? How is she feeling today? One day I went for a walk and smiled at the ocean as she greeting me with her warm touch of a gentle little wave. To ask her if she knew who I was and if it was ok to play in the waves, and get wet and spend a little time with her, I walked up on the beach a smidge, to keep my distance to wait for her answer.... she pushed her waves out to me hard, to reach me to come play and succeeded in reaching me and then asking me to come play. I asked her what she needed from me, she said love, and I extended out my appreciation to her, and told her so many things,
You are so beautiful
YOu are so kind
you are so magical
you are so majestic
you are very loved
we love you
and even when people do not tell you this they love you, you help people love you from a far even when they cannot get to you to love on you, thank you for being here and loving on us. We know just like us sometimes you get colds (red tide) and get angry and throw yourself about but just like anything you find yourself again and become whole again, and aligned with who you really are. I do not fear you I love you and I love how you show us all your little pleasures for the day, a shell or a fish or a great big unexpected guest like a manatee, They love and apprecaite you too because you provide them with a beautiful place to live and you provide us with so much too..... you are so beautiful.
Sometimes I would be called to go out at the strangest times, to play and sit with the ocean for a little while, as maybe she felt a little lonely and wanted some company. I would go love on her, and let her hug me back. We share a very powerful magical relationship and I am so happy to get back to her and tell her all about my adventures away from her. Sometimes I tease her and see if she is listening to me, so Ill ask for a big splash and she sends a big wave, she makes me laugh.

thank you for this today my heart is warm and I have a smile on my face
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Re: I appreciate 2023

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 12:02 am
by FeelGood
No doubt, you have undeniable strength within you.
But when you're mired in sadness and despair, it can be hard to tap into your inner strength.
You deserve to be taken care of.
This journey will get easier for you.
Have Trust. New blessings are arriving.
You will get time to relax and focus on what feels good to you.
Everything will fall into place.

I care for myself.
I give myself a break.
I approach life with determination and optimism.
My ability to focus is improving.
I can stay focused for longer.
I understand the importance of taking breaks.
My energy levels are improving.
I make the most of my downtime.
I take time to unwind and recharge every day.

I appreciate 2023

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 10:14 pm
by SheSparklez
The day
fresh and new with ideas
with new vibes to line up with
wittiness hot on the skillet
ready for what is to come in a good way
asking for good things
it feels good to recieve good things
i have a friend who i am growning closer to
I am growing closer to where i want to be
I can feel like i am there and i love it
i love driving over the island and seeing the water sparkle
i love that oneness knowing you are ok
and all is very well
i love the shimmer
i love the sunlight i love the way the air smells
i love the music that plays
i love the time in the car hugging the road
and imagining all the creatures hiding in the trees, along side the road. the gators the snakes the bears the panthers the bugs the pretty things the dragonflies ahhhh they are all so majestic
up the hill over the hill with the view as far as the eye can see of shimmering water
what a lovely partnership the sun and the water have. the waves the bubbles the shimmer and then a gentle breeze to send a cool sun kissed brush off the face

I do have to do this because I am there and its been on my heart so pardon me for this but I want to dive in to this.

One day I went to the gym I go tot the gym everyday actually i have not in a long while due to this truamatic thing I went thru but thats not what Im talking about --- neededing to explain myself huge eye roll ... a year ago I went to the gym everyday and over this so called christmas break there was a guy at the gym. Oooo he was so dreamy, he was perfect, his muscles his height, the way he wore his baseball cap Im ush a sucker for, his long sleeved white shirt, his grey sweat pants, he is recording something what is he recoding please let it be me lol ha ha ha ha but this guy takes his work outs seriously, its admiring, the freshness of the gym, the new people, the hot guys, the excitememnt of not knowing them, hoping they will show up, hoping we all impress eachother by the crazy tricks we hvae up our sleeve, The excitement of getting up and going and hoping he will be there, the side eye smile we throw at each other during our workouts, the crazy way we slowly move toward eachother and recalibrate our workouts depending on what items are available in the close proximity of eachother, getting as close as we can, smiling from afar, one day I mustered up the courage to tell him i missed seeing him and it was pleasnat surprise to see him, he smiled and was honored and was happy to see me too. that flirty ness is so much fun so much fun so fresh so nice so new no resistance such ease and flow ease and flow and fun and exciting and fresh new fresh exciting what is he thinking, does he notice me, i love smiling at him i love watching him ( not in a creepy way) from afar like watch him without having him catch me watching him lol , his arms and his white shirt and that ballcap, thank you universe for showing me this thank you for sedning me hot guys to help assist me in my gym adventures ahhh GYM ADVENTURES a new chapter
owning it, owning the machine you are on, loving it, talking to it making good friends with it while you are using it, giving it love