Appreciation of My Life

Appreciation is the highest form of vibration. This is the place to express your appreciation and amp up your vibration.
Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »


31, July

I changed the phone package that was more satisfying to me for now. Hours later, the company called me and offered me a new package of the same price but with much more benefits. Whoa! I was interesting, and asked, "Why?" She said that I am their loyal customer and the company doesn't want me to quit and prefer other phone companies and so it offers me this new package, wanting me to continually be their customer. I had not thought changing my number at all, but my decision manifested this for me. Isn't it wonderful?

I feel blessed to hear again and again Abe's thoughts about relationships. As for important relationships, the key is always to as much as I can focus upon the positive aspects and the Vortex version. By doing so, either we live happily together, or we part ways naturally and harmoniously without residual nagative momentum.

We, the big family of 8, went to enjoy hot pot in the famous haidilao. I of course made my favorite dipping sauce consisting of sesame sauce, peanut sauce, mushroom sauce, beef paste, mashed garlic, coriander, and shredded chicken. Pour a bit hot soup into the bowl, the perfect dipping sauce came into being. I enjoyed pork luncheon meat, fish, beef, deep-fried dough sticks, needle mushrooms, shrimp paste, pork balls, dried beancurd sticks and so on. My nephew and niece received toys from a young waiter. We had the hot pot actually consisting of four small pots with soup of different flavors. I and my mom didnt' touch the spicy pot. My sister focused purely upon one pot where we wouldn't put fish and beef. So all of us with different preferences were satisfed in this meal.

I am glad to hear that my brother just sold two houses again in the past few days. He is doing quite well this year. He is self-employed. This job matches his personality. He is a people person who likes connecting to people and offering favors to people. He likes making friends and he has a lot of friends. He has the state of being and ability to well maintain a lot of relationships.

Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »


I like making budgets based upon my priorities and my unique present thoughts about money. If being in debt feels very uncomfortable to me, then I'd do my best to not put myself in debt. That being said, I am also glad to know the positive aspects of debt or mortgages. And so when I fully confident about my future money flow, I may very well be inspired to make the best of them.

I like noticing and appreciating abundance of all desired kinds. I like appreciating bargains. I am glad that I just received a very wonderful phone package--compared to the old one, it is much cheaper with more benefits. I like getting cheaper products and services of the same quality and I do get them often...

Abe teachings

I like hearing new Abe teachings in which they often mention the phrase "a bag of marbles." I would repeatedly listen to those especially resonating with me. And it's beneficial for me to remember what they say now:

Now matter how justified I am about my negative emotions toward other people, my Inner Being PURELY/ONLY loves. That doesn't mean feeling negative is not my PoLR, for sometime IT IS. But, after all, my destination would be feeling good about people, or at least, feel neutral. One beneficial story I can tell myself about people is: In essense, we are all pure lovers and we are forever strongly called to be aligned, to be loving. When we were born as babies, we were all innocent and aligned. And then for this or that reason when we grow up in the society and are surrounded by all kinds of misalignment, we have to show all kinds of misalignment and some would be called by most people as evil. I don't need to trace back step by step, and also it's hard to do when the "evil" is vivid and in one's face. But when I am calm, I can always remember the general path upon which cute, innoncent babies get influenced into the "evil" by the environments and those older, often misaligned people. Remembering this, at least I can let go of pouring oil on the flames and become clever enough to focus upon other better feeling subjects, if I haven't been in the state of loving these co-called wrongdoers.

I like knowing that in essence we are all abundant. We can be as abundant as we want to be. This is true for everybody. In alignment, there is no negative competition, only positive competition which makes the creating more exicting. My creation and manifestation has nothing to do with other people; no one can deprive me of anything I want; only I can. Feeling jealous only prevents me from the fulfillment of my desires. While appreciation purely benefits me. Appreciation is extremely powerful and beneficial; I am very willing to appreciate as much as I can. Ask and it is given immediately, no matter what, whatever it is, and the only factor is my alignment or not.

My Inner Being's...
Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

What do I want/like? Why?

I like this weather so much. After the rain, the air is cool and I can walk outdoors comfortably much earlier. I can walk for several hours not needing to walk inside a mall or places like KFC to cool down. I can continually stay outside. I can do so many things when I am walking with my smartphone. I can enjoy music. I can listen to Abe. I can write on my phone. I can watch some short videos. I can read novels. Of course, I can always lay my eyes on beautiful views. I expect this weater more. I expect more after-rain afternoons and evenings this summer. I feel better and better in the walking and then I would be happily buying iced coffee, eager to go back home, sipping coffee and doing what ring my bells on my computer.

After watching a vlog about a Philippine slum, I gain so much appreciation of where I am. I like neat, spacious, bright, comfy and convenient spaces. And I have been always in these environments. Inside and outside, there are so many lovely things to please my mind and body. The air is fresh. The temperature is perfect, thanks to air conditions and electric fans. All the roads are extremely clean with trees and bushes on the side. The riverside is poetic. I have my own solitary space where I do all kinds of interesting things. I like lying on the bed, visualizing or milking cute scenes in my life. I have access to unlimited Internet resources and I have got all vips of the apps I want to use every day. I enjoy high-quality music on the app. I watch interesting dramas with lots of people who funny comments on streaming apps like iqiyi, etc. I listen to Abe on a daily basis. I always have coffee as my companion--sometimes I sip iced Americano, and other times, iced coconut latte.

I like being more unconditional. More and more, I feel the attraction of focusing purely upon the Vortex version, regardless of what-is. It's a new step. It's step 5. It's moving forward. It's a worthwhile practice:
Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »


7, August

I like making a decision and lining up with it. I has been exercising and shifting my bodily conditions. Recently, I becomre more deliberate about what I eat and drink. In most cases, I eat snacks because I feel a bit boring, and so actually it's easy to persuade myself to not eat them often. When it's easy, it's no struggle. When I really want to eat something, I just eat. I just ate instant noodles last night. After I decided to exercise more, I became eager to walk outdoors and stride. For example, yesterday I walked for 2 hours and a half. Walking is very beneficial for me. And when I walk, I can do all kinds of other things in the process--thinking in my mind, listening to music or Abe teachings, watching some shorts on my phone, writing on my phone, observing natural beauty in the open space, etc. I must say I also like self-discipline this way.

I had a hair cut. My hair is much shorter now. Several days ago, I chose to change my ways of treating my scalp and hair. I began to treat them more tenderly. I use the towel and hair dryer differently. I massge my scalp in the process of washing and after. Now I don't randomly rub my hair to dry; I softely pat it to halfly dry with the towel. I like that without the obvious improvement, I already benefit because I am showering them with love. And love feels wonderful.

I finished Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty season 2 and started watching again season 1. I really like the two male leaders/detectives of such different personalities. It's very obvious that the younger one has grown up so much from season 1. At first, he was reckless and easy to get angry. But from the start, he wanted to become a marvelous detective and he was a brave general with wonderful fighting skills who was so willing to go into treacherous places to chase criminals. He was not emotional stable, and lacked the wisdom the other mature, experienced detective owned, so he would lose the big picture from time to time. However, as time went by, by working with his friends, he become wiser and better at managing his emotions and also demonstrated some sense of humor. As for the detective Su, he was much more mature and wise, and resilient. He would get angry too especially interacting with a young boy who was not good at all with words, but he could quickly bring himself back to the case, to the solution and he would visit the rude general again if that was needed. He saw the potential in the boy and so willingly invited him to solve the cases together... Vibrationally speaking, the young general's strong desire of becoming a mastery detective was very strong and at first his emotion toward the already famous detective Su was jealous and disbelief, but gradually it turned into genuine appreciation and happy co-creation.

Still, I am so interested in detective stories or even crime stories. It's like when I feel sleepy or boring, when I watch one or listen to one, my mind would easily get clear and excited. I don't like that someone is killed or murdered, so why? It's about the story structure and the continual suspense within this kind of stories. My mind wants to know what had happened and who did what, and why. My mind wants to guess and sometimes wants to do a very thorough inference. Feeling interested and clear-minded is much better than feeling boredom, so I appreciate that I am interested in this specific genre.

Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

Remembering and Pre-paving

~Nothing is more important than that I feel good.

I feel good because I reallly enjoyed music this morning. I feel good because I was wandering in the beautiful space in my mind. I feel good because I have abundant free time to do what I love. I feel good because I follow my plan every day, I excise and get delibeate about what I eat and drink. I like self-discipline. I feel good because I feel inspired to listen to Abe and Bashar and then enjoy the listening and pre-paving. I feel good because I like having fun with my nephew; I can easily create games to play with him. I feel good because my little niece is so cute, robust and happy. I feel good because as a story lover, I keep on attracting amaizng stories to savor. I feel good because I am eager to tend to my hair and scalp lovingly and expecting them to get better and better. I feel good because I live in a beautiful, safe, neat, convenient, robust city. I feel good because I can easily notice the love flowing in this family. I feel good because I like doing the vibrational work in the form of thinking and writing: I have the perfect time and space to do this, and I am accompnied by beautiful songs and iced coffee. I feel good because I know how my emotional guidance works and I would follow the guidance such as acting upon the real-time/now interest. After watching Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty, I was interested in those unique clothes they wore, and so I started searching and reading learning new facts about history. I feel good because I love the flavors of the plum candies...

~I am sastisfied with where I am and eager for more.

~Big changes can happen quickly.


~Things are always working out for me.

~A belief is a thought I keep thinking.

I like being deliberate about what I eat and drink. I like exercising in different ways. It's wonderful to have cool afternoons and evenings in the summer, so I can walk outdoors easily and comfortably for a long time period. I am glad that I can multi-task and when I walk, I can do so many other things, from listening to music or Abe teachings to writing on my phone. Not only do I feel good in the walking process, I also feel eager to go back home and do what I like on my computer/laptop. Last night, I was inspired again to listen to Bashar talk about the ultimate kit of living as fully as I can in my life. The essense of the kit is the same of Abe teachings. At every moment, I measure, pick and do the best feeling thing until I can take it no further emotionally without insistance upon what the result should be. And then do this again at the next moment or segment, on and on. When aligned inspiration or impulse visists me, I would stop and act upon them immediately. In most cases, I would listen to Abe teachings in my walking. Thanks to them, I like knowing that deep deep down, all human beings like agreement and harmony. We all want to co-create at its best. I like knowing that my Inner Being always focuses upon positive aspects and the/my Vortex verison of people I care about. My Inner Being always focuses upon our harmony and aglined co-creation. My Inner Being is always step 5 about me and any other people related to me.

I feel abundant.
I got up early this morning with a fresh and eager mind. I always stay in lovely physical space mostly on my own. I love solitude, while from time to time, I can have cute interation with my little niece. I always have abundant free consecutive time to do what ring my bells. I have access to high-quality beatutiful songs everywhere. I am a story lover who continually attracts interesting, funny, mind-exciting and/or beautiful stories. Recently I enjoyed watching Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty and I am really hooked by the cases and the character dynamics. I have iqiyi vip so I can watch the drama of HD with funny screen bullet sent by lots of audiences. I like doing vibrational work in the form of thinking and writing like what I am doing now. I sip coffee from time to time. I like the fresh iced Americano. I like the smooth and a little sweet coconut Latte. When I watch or listen or write or ponder before my computer, I like sipping coffee. I eat well and drink well every day. I get abundant nutrition every day. I live in a wonderful city--beautiful, neat, robust, safe, poetic in some parts, full of trees and flowers, comfy and convenient. I enjoy oberving trees and waves at the riverside. I like noticing how the music I am listening and the natural views I observe with my eyes often combine into a beauty hard to describe with words. I like seeing harmony and strong love in the family. I like seeing how loved my niece is. And I like knowing that it's a mutual thing because she is so cute and happy that she can easily bring out love from people around her. I like noticing how good my father is at taking care of babies. I like continually listening to new Abe teachings with new analogies and new emphasis. I like having access to unlimited Internet resources. I like wandering in websites such as tiktok, reddit, mdl, youtube, etc. I feel blessed to have known the cp and therefore get to enjoy so many wonderful fanfiction about them created by lots of creative writers.
I am healthy. I feel comfortable from head to toe. I see clearly. I hear clearly. I speak clearly. I move freely and efficiently with every part. I walk fast. Every part of my body is asking for more and better. In alignment, every part of my body is getting better and better. All things are possible for my body. The key to have a healthy body is to feel as good as one can, using any reason. I like knowing this knowledge/truth. Instantaneous healing always exists. @Jesus. Ask and it is given, no matter what it is. I ONLY care about my Inner Being's views about the subject I am focused upon now. So, I know that all desired bodily conditions are already manifested for me and I just need to line up with them. All opposite thoughts, no matter who say them, are not aligned and I choose to ignore them as quickly as I can. I follow my Inner Being's thoughts which is indicated by my real time emotion. I like many wonderful teachers, but I like knowing that not everything they say would be useful or practical for me here and now. I always see my Inner Being's opinions as most important. In my Vortex, all undesired bodily conditions do not exist, and so my Inner Being/Who I Really Am/the Aglined I would not focus upon them at all. They don't exist. I like behaving as they do. When I notice them, I would remind myself of this and then change my focus or attention as quickly as I can.
Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

Why do we ask questions?

I looked at a post somebody posted, and I thought it seemed to me that she was just asking for agreement instead of actually wanting to know others' different opinions. However, I still answered. I sorta lost my interest in going back to see her reply. I felt glad that in many cases, we ask other people's opinions about something, wanting to hear their agreement with our opinions instead of opening up to all possibilities from them. Abe mentioned often that sometimes when Esther said that she wanted to know Jerry's oppinions about a certain thing, and Jerry would say that she actually wanted to hear his agreement. I do this often too. It's lip service. What I say on the surface doesn't mean what I actually mean. So now, I would be more deliberate about asking questions and answering questions. Sometimes, it's clear that somebody is asking for agreement and under this condition, my different opinions would often be a waste of my time. Just let us and our different opinions be. That being said, there are also so many scenarios in which people are really asking questions they don't know answers or they have confusion about something and want to see weather others' different perspectives could make them clearer. These are different. However, the above is still rigid method, and I would still choose to act upon my aligned inspiration as much as I can. Sometimes, offering a different opinion though the person was asking for agreement might be still valuable to both or it's my PoLR action, and so I would still do it.

Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

The weather forecast was right. It is raining heavily and I've got my umbrella. The hot air is gone and I feel coolness on my skin. I decide to at least walk a circle in this big park. There would be lots of people here on a usual day, but not today. Raindrops are playing with beautiful crape myrtles which uniquely color the summer world. Under the small blue umbrella, I'm quite wet and my shoes are soaked in water. But it doesn't affect my lightheartedness, and I decide to walk all the way back home intead of waiting for the bus.

I am fresh-minded in the open air and I would like to make the best of my mind and my time. After enjoying music for half an hour, I begin to listen to Abe talking to new Hotseaters on different life subjects. In the listening, I get to remember the general and specific of the Universal Laws and pre-pave for a better future:

Pushing against, such as blaming or feeling I am right and the other is wrong, etc. only brings me more of what I don't want, no matter how justified I am. More and more, I like focusing upon the Vortex version of anything and any person I care about, instead of get immersed in undesired what-is. All things are possible. And every particle of the world is being strongly called to its aligned, best version. Every family member of mine is being strongly called to be happy, confident, loving, joyful, lighthearted, inspired, abundant, extremely healthy, co-creating wonderfully with people, etc. We are always called to respect, understand, appreciate and love each other. We are called to speak nicely to each other and have true harmony.

Contrast is valuable and important for all of us. We are always called to be step 5--be sensitive to our emotion, notice the existence of contrast and its value, pivot and get new clarity of what we desire now, and then get back to alignment using any reason. Every contrast faced or created by any person is expanding the collective Vortex which benefits the new generation 100%. And we who live now can also tap into the collective Vortex created by the mass. One who is in alignment is more powerful than millions who are not. Yes, the influence of alignment could be huge, but still, we can not create in another's life and it's possible that we may not influence somebody the way we want to in this lifetime. However we always have the best choice of purely focusing upon the Vortex version no matter what forever, like our Inner Being/Source/Jesus does.

Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

I feel good because...

I feel good because I just created a good-feeling morning by listening to beautiful songs. I feel blessed to be a music lover. I like Netease Cloud Music and I just bought another season vip. I am offered oceans of high-quality musical pieces from all over the world. I listen to Chinese, English, Japnese, Korean, and Thai songs often. I especially like playing poetic songs when I walk outdoors surrounded by trees and flowers. Natural beauty and musical beauty create a perfect match.

I feel good because I love my after-supper walks. Walking benefits every part of my body. The neat spaciousness pleases my mind and eyes. Music uplifts the whole activity. Beautiful scenes are naturally inspired into my mind's eye. I am amazed at the live elegance of the crape myrtle standing along the river. Looking up, the new moon is covered by a thin layer of cloud. The air smells neutral. After about an hour, I feel the pull to listen to Abe or Bashar on specific subjects. So I do. I listen to them about teaching through the clarity of examples, the difference between positive influence and 100% creating in another's life (which is not possible), the value of everyone's contrast or so-called misalignment from the big picture for the whole Universe and for the new generation and for the ones who can tap into the collective Vortex, making a decision and lining up with it/making it a right decision, seeing through Source's eyes, the function of visualizing, not taking score...

I feel good because...
Jenny Lee
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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by Jenny Lee »

I like self-discipline.

I have been deliberately eating, drinking and exercising for 18 days. I feel good. I am eager to go outdoors for fast walking every night. I am busy when I am walking and therefore very fulfilling. I enjoy music. I observe and appreciate beauty surrounding me. I do vibrational work in my mind. I listen to Abe and Bashar. I create new lovely stories in my mind's eye. I remember and milk recent good-feeling experiences. Whether I lose weight or not, walking is beneficial to me in so many ways: it benefits every part of my body; it offers beautiful views for my eyes; it makes my mind more fresh and clear. So I would continue my walking on and on.

I have been tenderly treating my scalp and hair for a long time now. It feels good to slow down and shower lover toward them. I massage my scalp. I blow-dry my hair carefully with different temperatures.

I began to write fanfiction and it feels so good to explore new ideas and scenes to put in my writing. I like the smooth writing. I like the unlimited possibilities of the characters' expansion. I like setting the tones or atmosphere for the following writing; weather I fully achieve them or not, one thing is sure, I am clear-minded and continually moving in the direction of what I truly want to express with my words. Writing is one of the most refreshing and energizing things in my life.

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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Post by spiritualcookie »

Jenny Lee wrote: Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:02 am I am amazed at the live elegance of the crape myrtle standing along the river.
I've never heard of a crape myrtle tree so was curious to do an image search - how beautiful!

Thank you for mentioning it :hearts:
I love discovering beautiful things like this :in_love:
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