Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 1

What do I see, in this moment?
I see

How does this feel?
It feels

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows

How does THAT feel?
It feels

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 1

What do I see, in this moment?
I see "not enough money" for all my desires and visions.

How does this feel?
It feels frustrating (point 10)

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows, that ALL my desires, all that calls me, is DONE. All the means and all the wherewithal is THERE! There are fortunes in my Vortex. There are all solutions, for instant manifestation.

How does THAT feel?
It feels as still frustration, as- I KNOW what source sees. But I am not ready to perceive it. I am not "ready" yet. It makes me sad and disappointed.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I want to close the gap between what physical-me sees, and what source-me sees and knows to be true. I want to be uplifted! I want to raise my vibration. I want to stop clinging to "where I am" and allow to be uplifted. I have no clue how to do that. I feel sad, and while I am able to deal with it as it is -and I embrace it with love, I KNOW "this is not who I really am".

I make peace! I relax. I make peace. Peace. Loving peace. Self-loving, full peace. Peaceful deep self-loving peace. I give over to Source! I give up. I give up. I give up!

So, I embrace my sadness: I am where I am, and really, there is reason. And while that is ok, it is not helping anybody. I allow source to bring me help and inspiration to become who I really am! I allow me to SEE the open doors. I allow me to be carried where I really belong. I trust, that this can, and will happen! I allow the gap to close. I trust. I trust source. Oh, I really do! This trust feels bold. This trust feels so soothing. Source is almighty! Source is my friend. Source is who I really am. I allow source to decide. I allow source to lead. I allow source to take me. I give in, I give up, I surrender! And that feels sweet. Sweet, light and easy. I give up. Source, you know, and you lead me, please.

Source, THANK YOU.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 2

What do I see, in this moment?
I see that I am focused on the opposite of what I want.

How does this feel?
It feels terrible. It feels completely disempowered.

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows this things that I want to be DONE! They are who I "truly am". Source is where it is done and completed... and when I'm looking at something else, I feel hollow and awful.

How does THAT feel?
It feels like NOT being myself. It feels distorted. It feels like a really bad joke, as if life is mocking me.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I LOVE understanding what is happening here deeper and better than ever!
It felt SO liberating to get what happens. It is so perfectly logic! I UNDERSTAND it. And that feels like a huge aha! I AM SO THANKFUL for all the terrible indicators! This is REALLY not me!! :lol:

I look forwards to telling the new story of who I really am. WHILE I embrace who I am right now! It is not who I "am", but it is what became and that deserves to be loved just the same. I love my body! I love all the cells who did their very very very best to balance what I was distorting! I am so thankful to my beloved body for still functioning sooo well, and still being really lovable and beautiful!

I am so thankful for all the amazing capability and wellbeing! I am so thankful to begin with to BE in a body. I SO love being embodied! I so love playing this game: I LOVE being human. I LOVE this playground of beloved planet Earth embodied, functioning, beautiful beyond all words! I LOVE this life. I LOVE the honor and bliss and blessing that it means to live in THIS time, and to know SO much!

I am so blessed. I want to catch up so much. I am so eager to live what feels promised to me since years and decades. And I completely, deeply trust, that this promise will unfoldd, as I now allow it to be. In deep love for what has been and what is, and in utter expectation for what is coming! Thank you, thank you life!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 3

What do I see, in this moment?
I see that I'm sad. I am NOT "In vacation mode".

How does this feel?
It feels sorry. It feels frustrated. It feels melancholic.

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows me, being in Paradise! Source sees me within all solutions. Source sees me in my fulfillment, and my eagerness.

How does THAT feel?
It feels like source left me as well. Ohh wow. :thumbdown: Wrong approach! 8-)
It reminds me that it all IS, in the very moment!
It is DONE. And I'm in the wrong "time-line", the wrong river of energy to see it, too!

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I have the power and the Knowing to change my mood! I can go into a mood that feels so much better. I want the GOOD FEELING indicators! :lol: I want the Vacation-mood!

I like knowing that I can have it- NOW.
I enjoy the thought that it is already done, and that my energy chooses where I "am".
I enjoy this clarity! I enjoy this awareness, this Conciousness of what I am doing.

I WANT TO BE HAPPY! I want to feel free and lighthearted and silly and eager and joyful and loving and in rocksteady belief and trust of all the good things! THAT is where I belong. That is who I really am. And, I belong there! Nothing else will ever do. Well, maybe something that feels even BETTER! :D Ah, I like how fast it goes to better myself! I love that I am smiling right now. It might have taken me 3 minutes. I LOVE THIS SPEED!!

Thank you, thank you life.
Thank you, joy! Thank you love. Thank you ease. Thank you clarity and knowing and power. You are my true friends! THANK YOU ABUNDANCE for being my excuse to have learned ALL of that!! :lol: You always mattered sooo much for me. It was you who was my carrot, that lured me into all this expansion, and I found myslf and true joy in the journey. THANK you!!! I so love you, abundance! I so love my journey. I so love all the adventures. I really love the contrast!

:lol: oh, And I'd LOVE a vacation, fully paid, luxury class, in awe and ALIGNMENT! HELL YESS!!!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 4

What do I see, in this moment?
I see endless opportunities.
I almost "see" my Vortex. I can sense the awe and the goodness and the fulfillment, that is in there, in so many ways!

How does this feel?
It feels like Eagerness. It feels like Alignment. It feels incredibly satisfied. It feels elated! It feels SO THANKFUL. It feels blissful to stand here in my now, and SENSE what I am sensing! It feels calm and blissful and filled with peace. I am so ...touched.

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows the specifics. The wholeness. The Paths! Source knows when and where and who and how, and is more than willing to lead me in my unique perfect (=imperfect! :hearts: ) ways.

How does THAT feel?
It feels so, so THANKFUL! It feels certain. It feels held, and safe and secure.
It feels loved. It feels known and seen and cared for. It feels full and whole and perfect. It feels so beautifully wonderfully GOOD.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I am there. :lol: Yesterday was a crappy time in some hours and IT IS OK: I know, before I take a large leap, this often seems to happen. IT IS OK! I don't want to expect that, this certainly can go smoother, but I certainly bless whatever helped. I LOVE that I can balance it all! One lighter and easier, and one not so much, but in the end, I BALANCE IT ALL. And I feel more alive when its more adventurous! :lol:

But even more... I am soooo eager for getting ready to be ready to be ready to be ready!
I find so much satisfaction in this JOURNEY. "This day" is the carrot in front of my nose, and I LOVE the carrot, I will LOVE to eventually get it and chew it's sweetness and juiciness. Eventually, I will get this "big splash", this ORGASM that will be so awesome, so lustful, so life-changing and wonderful that I will never be able to get back anymore, into a life without continually MORE orgasms!

Life doesn't consist only of orgasms (which might be a bit overwhelming). But we can have another one, another one, another one! A life, filled with lust and awe and incredible SATISFACTION, and the most awesome rides into orgasmic unfoldings! Why not, every day? And sometimes at lunch-break, as well? :lol: :D :romance-hearteyes:

Ohhhhh YES!! YES, please!!! :vortex:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 5

What do I see, in this moment?
I see my dreams. I see a full whole itinerary, that makes me shiver in joy.
I see that I get called, each day!
I see how BEAUTIFUL it would be.
I almost taste the lobster already :lol:
I KNOW my dream.

How does this feel?
It feels so good that I am yearning a bit. It feels like impatience. It feels frustrated and pessimistic, as I fear that I will not go, AGAIN.

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows the perfection of the unfolding! Source knows it so exactly that they call me and pull on my heartstrings. Source KNOWS that I am going this fall... or next, or next, or next! An endless row of "ships" to sail. Source has lined up endless surprise and delight! Source has the perfect itinerary where all ships fit their routes, and perfect weather on top of it, and magic encounters and unfoldings! Source knows the perfect travel-expert for us, who find the perfect connections, and have the perfect insight for what would be best for us. Source absolutely know where the money and the time and the means come from!

How does THAT feel?
It feels soothing. It feels like the truth. It feels like KNOWING. It feels as absolute Certainty. It feels like a bold, wonderful promise. It feels as having sources arms wrapped around me! It feels secure. It feels as bold, total, certain KNOWING.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I decide to see it al through Sources eyes! They KNOW what I want, and they call me towards it! I TRUST THAT! I decide, to fully wholly trust it. I enjoy pondering sitting in the travel agency. I see us all laughing and joking! I enjoy to see us being stunned by the perfection of the plans- and I see us feeling so excited and blessed, when the perfect ships and the perfect hotels and the perfect guides and the perfect special trips and the perfect flights come TOGETHER!

I see us KNOWING our abundance!
I see us KNOWING our future perfection of work-situation! I see my husband smile and glow in joyful anticipation! I see him RELAX and completely trust!
I see family, celebrating us! I see the magic unfold, and their joy with us!
I see us, organizing and deciding in perfect clarity. I see us, SO HAPPY! I see us, in such honey-moon expectation!
I see us adoring Hamburg and a few days in the iconic Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten... taking time for this amazing beloved city!
I see us, bording the QM2... and I see us, feeling orgiastic, starting our very first crossing.
I see us, how we feel elated, in all the wonderful unfolding! I see us feeling ABUNDANT and BEING ABUNDANT and feeling the wonderful, awesome PLEASURE OF ABUNDANCE!

I see us, embracing the ocean. I see us, adoring the food. I see us, relaxing. I see us, TAKING OUR TIME.
I see us, leaving behind us our old way of life. I see us, entering the Paradise-phase of our life!
I see us, on this new, undescribable, eons-wished-for, dreamed of ELATION and ALIGNMENT.
Our golden Age is beginning. And we are SO HAPPY.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 6

What do I see, in this moment?
I see my closeness to ALIGNMENT. I see, how literally close I feel to "all who I am". I feel in wonderful vicinity. I can hear, see, smell and "know" me.

How does this feel?
It feels optimistic and hopeful. But this is just the edge of the Vortex, and it is not enough!! It easily dips into frustration and worse. I want to get off that ledge and dive ITV FULLY and wholly and as my absolute normal!

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows who I really am! Source IS me. Source IS this God in physical form, and I hate not to be more consistent WITH me.

How does THAT feel?
It feels still frustrated :lol: I want to CHOOSE on purpose my Alignment! I want to CHOOSE Joy and Love and Knowing and Freedom and full Empowerment! Because I can!

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I CHOOSE on purpose, to drop all this shenanigans and focus more stable than ever on WHAT I WANT! I will get more and more trained into feeling earlier and earlier when I feel off even slightly, and then, relax fully and trustingly into the guidance of my higher Beingness! I am so WILLING. I am so OPEN! I have almost no Ego any more. Well, of course I have, and I need to as I am in physical form. But my Ego is SO WILLING to be guided by the more knowledable parts of us, that simply see further and know better because their way of beingness!

I HAVE SO MUCH LOVE for all the parts of me! I LOVE how all of this is set up. I so love "lazy old us" that chose to stay in nonphysical and see it all without resistance, and so being able to guide and hold up the light, ALWAYS! I SO LOVE the adventurous pioneer-part of me (my Ego!) that was willing and had the guts to jump into the sea of contrast where pain was certain, and we almost couldn't other than get it wrong most of the time!! for the purpose of expansion and becoming love deeper, and understanding in even bigger ways, and to have this thrill ride- to come to all the insights and new conclusions. WHAT GUTS. I AM SO PROUD OF ME!!!

I am a hero. And I am a divine sage. I am so filled with love, to the brim! I LOVE to create! I LOVE to witness our ALL unfolding! I feel SO BLESSED to live in this time, and have my hands in this clay, and be so clear about all of it! AND, I am sooo eager for "the big splash". I am SO eager to get fully and wholly into the game, while I SO LOVED WHAT WAS. I embrace it one last time... one last time! :gay-rainbow: THANK YOU, old world. THANK YOU for all we all got through you! Thank you for this master-course of all master-courses! THANK YOU old paradigm. Boy, it was such a ride.

And now, I am open for more.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 7

What do I see, in this moment?
I see a lot of money but not really Abundance

How does this feel?
It feels as shame. It feels as guilt. It feels as huge sadness, fear, guilt and discouragement.

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows that it all went right. It went perfectly right for me! It created my perfect Vortex. I am so willing and skilled and eager, Source know that I can do this. I am at the perfect place to get EXACTLY what I desire!

How does THAT feel?
It feels as hope.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I never wanted to be shallow! I always wanted to thoroughly MASTER this. I went through all dark stances in this (well, at least I looked into them). I WANTED TO GET THIS, And I think, this is the final exam. I CAN ace this! I KNOW that. I CAME to bring this home! And I SO love the theme. I SO love the topic. I am filled to the brim with love, about this. IT REALLY REALLY REALLY matters to me!

I like knowing that. I like knowing how far I came in all this years! I love knowing that this is just finetuning, in comparison! I AM SO THANKFUL with how much ease and humor and self-love I can take it all, today! I have achieved SO MUCH. And I know, I will master this fully! I look forwards to that with joy and love and eagerness! I look forwards to REALLY FEELING ABUNDANT. To feel and be and think and KNOW RICHNESS: Fully wholly sweetly lovingly absolutely invincibly.

:vortex: I embrace the truth of me, being a master of Abundance! I embrace lovingly and joyfully and trustingly who I have become since long times, and ITV, it is solid. It is big. It is invincible! It is wonderful. It is WHOLE. It is SO GOOD.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 8

What do I see, in this moment?
I see a sad and conditional me! :shifty:

How does this feel?
It feels as pessimistic, disappointed, conditionally loving. It feels... urggghs.

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows that I can be in full LOVE and AWE and JOY and PEACE!
Source know who I REALLY am. And that's not this mere shadow. Source IS me. Source is wise and happy, and humoreous and light. Understanding and gentle and also--- humorously. Laughing at me, right now, while so deeply understanding me.
Oh, that feels better!

How does THAT feel?
It feels optimistic. It feels so much lighter. This IS funny. We are so dumb! And, I don't say this in a condescending way. We are so stupid to "re-act". We know it better, both of us! And I don't care if he is wise now, I WANT TO BE! unconditionally!

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I I CAN focus myself back into this tiny bit better than OOTV- in fact, it already happened! :lol: I have a big grin on my face right now. I can't be too specific, but I will not do it, so -who cares! I AM BACK ITV! :hoppy:

And, I can do that again and again and again. Or, not go out, to begin with! :lol:
I can live "I don't care", because LITERALLY, nothing matters more than that I feel good!
Nothing matters more than that I in MY drivers-seat, and stear into JOY! And then, the world becomes Paradise, again. And then, I BELONG into my life, again!

:lol: :lol: I fully know that I ALWAYS belong where I am. But I want to be where I-myself, ME, belongs! :lol: :D
I can do that again and again.
I belong into Paradise. We all do, but I have no handle over others (which was the problem to begin with :lol: ) SO I STOP TRYING. I WILL BE HAPPY! I WILL BE SELFISHLY FULLY HAPPILY BE HAPPY, NO MATTER WHAT!

..."that's how I want to live!"
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

30 Days of looking through Sources eyes!

Day 9

What do I see, in this moment?
I see a basically very happy person who is not REALLY sure if things will unfold the way I dream!

How does this feel?
It feels a bit sad. It feels as a missing in my Alignment. It feels vulnerable. It feels a bit pessimistic. It is dis-satisfying!

What does Source see?
Source sees and knows who I really am, and this is 1000%. It is. It is FULL. It is invincible. It is undiscussable. It is not hurtable. IT IS.

How does THAT feel?
It feels like truth. It feels as my answer. I resonate with it, completely. I like that! This is Believing, flowing into Knowing. I just need to train that.

Telling the New Story of what I am aware of, now (with Grid)
I can exercise this disciplinn, to not anymore run with crap. To not allow myself to think and believe (All a belief is, is a thought you keep thinking!) what feels like crap!

I only need training and practise and awareness to catch me in the early stances. I like that. I love that I shined a spotlight, here! I wanted to SEE and KNOW this!! Now, I already feel invincible. :lol: It is so true... all I really want is full ALIGNMENT. Not just a tiny bit, but all-in. I will never be perfect, but I can certainly go in with all that I have. AND: THAT IS SO MUCH MORE FUN! Life feels sooo much better this way!!

:vortex: :woohoo: :hearts:

my beloved roadster... :hearts:
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