I had an idea for an exercise:
The exercise is thinking:
"What specifically would I like to give the power of my focus and attention to, in order to amplify it?"
So let's see:
I would like to focus on:
- Tasks that feel good or satisfying:
This can be anything like:
--- tidying / organizing,
--- creating something (eg art, a recipe, a video, a story, an invention)
--- doing tasks that make me feel helpful and of value
--- doing tasks that make me feel like I'm contributing to the world in a positive way.
- Consuming content on:
--- Beautiful artwork - to amplify feelings of appreciation, beauty and inspiration for things I would like to create
--- Acts of Kindness
--- Examples of cleverness, genius and originality
--- Happy miracles
--- Stories about cool synchronicities
--- Stories about amazing intuitions and psychic powers (like Sonia Choquette's book Diary of a Psychic, and Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi)
--- High vibration, highly positive and inspiring people eg Abraham, Pewdiepie vlogs
--- Stories about amazing creations, inventions and innovations
--- Humourous jokes that uplift
--- Beautiful places in the world - to amplify appreciation & beauty
--- Stories with feel-good vibes and happy endings (eg Hallmark movies)
--- Stories / things that feel interesting and fascinating, while also being feel-good
- Appreciation:
Taking time to slow down and really notice things I appreciate that I come across during my days
- Love:
Taking time to pause and really notice and feel the love for my loved ones when I think of them and interact with them.
- Relaxation:
Taking time to physically relax my body often.
- Practising positive beliefs in my mind by "speaking them" in my thoughts
hmmm.. what else?
if you're reading this and feel inspired ~ are there other things that YOU would like to put your focus on that weren't on my list? I'd be curious to hear (and maybe borrow a few ideas to add to my list!
