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Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:39 pm
by spiritualcookie
FloatingBoat wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:38 pm Hello spiritualcookie, :balloons_wave: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:
Hi Lukas! Thanks for dropping by and saying hello! :balloons_wave: :hearts:
FloatingBoat wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:38 pm My favorite meditation is the "General Well-Being Meditation" by Abraham.
ooh thank you for this recommendation! I would like to try this one now! :D
What I also like, and which might be similar to the "Loving Kindness Meditation," is focusing on the energy level of my heart and imagining how this love energy flows from my heart to everything. However, I imagine specific things, like my neighbors, my friend, or the forest.
:hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Yes, that does sound similar 😊 It sounds like a wonderful meditation to tune into the vibration of Love :hearts:
I'm also glad that you like the "Abraham Remix 'It's Easy to Feel Good'" by sasmix so much and that you've already transcribed so many beautiful parts from it for our forum. :in_love: :in_love: :in_love:
yes! I loved it! Thank you so much for talking about its existence - it gave me much joy! :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying: :angelic-flying:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:56 pm
by spiritualcookie

I had an idea for an exercise:
The exercise is thinking:

"What specifically would I like to give the power of my focus and attention to, in order to amplify it?"

So let's see:

I would like to focus on:

- Tasks that feel good or satisfying:
This can be anything like:
--- tidying / organizing,
--- creating something (eg art, a recipe, a video, a story, an invention)
--- doing tasks that make me feel helpful and of value
--- doing tasks that make me feel like I'm contributing to the world in a positive way.

- Consuming content on:
--- Beautiful artwork - to amplify feelings of appreciation, beauty and inspiration for things I would like to create
--- Acts of Kindness
--- Examples of cleverness, genius and originality
--- Happy miracles
--- Stories about cool synchronicities
--- Stories about amazing intuitions and psychic powers (like Sonia Choquette's book Diary of a Psychic, and Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi)
--- High vibration, highly positive and inspiring people eg Abraham, Pewdiepie vlogs
--- Stories about amazing creations, inventions and innovations
--- Humourous jokes that uplift
--- Beautiful places in the world - to amplify appreciation & beauty
--- Stories with feel-good vibes and happy endings (eg Hallmark movies)
--- Stories / things that feel interesting and fascinating, while also being feel-good

- Appreciation:
Taking time to slow down and really notice things I appreciate that I come across during my days

- Love:
Taking time to pause and really notice and feel the love for my loved ones when I think of them and interact with them.

- Relaxation:
Taking time to physically relax my body often.

- Practising positive beliefs in my mind by "speaking them" in my thoughts

hmmm.. what else?

if you're reading this and feel inspired ~ are there other things that YOU would like to put your focus on that weren't on my list? I'd be curious to hear (and maybe borrow a few ideas to add to my list! :hearts: :lol: )

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:28 am
by spiritualcookie

- I appreciate the moment of clarity when I could step back from my anger about her lie - and suddenly understood that she was lying because she was scared of telling me the truth, and not because she was dishonest. I'm so happy I was high vibration enough to reach clarity so fast after the initial shock and anger. I so love clarity and understanding :hearts: It dissolved my anger quite quickly!

- I so appreciate his genius in suggesting how to draft a good email in response to her lie. He had such a good, kind, loving idea! I loved it! :hearts:
I love how my surprise and delight at his genius made me laugh in appreciation and filled me up with this bubbly joyous feeling!

- I so appreciate having kind, loving, SMART people in my life who can help me and advise me in such wonderful ways! I am so fortunate! I love him so much! :hearts:

- I loved the synchronicity of coming upon this quote right after this whole thing! - It exactly describes how I feel about him!

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:47 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Mon Jan 20, 2025 10:56 pm FOCUS EXERCISE:

hmmm.. what else?

if you're reading this and feel inspired ~ are there other things that YOU would like to put your focus on that weren't on my list? I'd be curious to hear (and maybe borrow a few ideas to add to my list! :hearts: :lol: )
what a wonderful question! :hearts:

My first thought goes to CREATING due to my focus, which gives the focus so much more momentum. Creation imo includes vision. So, my list goes:

-Imagining a better world- just for fun in my leisure-time, or as knee-jerk-reaction each time I realize something I'd like to be better, as in politics, products, dealing with animals, traffic, transportation... whatever it is!

-Being aware for uplifting interaction. When I look around, I deliberately care to be open to see Goodness, and also realize the moments to interact. It might be "interaction" with a whiff of wind that lets a leaf dance. Or a squirrel or a mouse that looks at me (I had SUCH cute moments of that!). And of course, catching a glance from someone else, which leads to a mutual smile, or a short locking of the eyes which feels magic. Which can lead to meeting them again and again in a store, and laughing in the end, just as it is described in the song "what a wonderful world":
...The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people going by,
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying:
I love you

...And sometimes, it really is cheering someone up with a comment or a friendly gesture -when someone drops something, or doesn't reach to the upper shelf in the supermarket, or discussions start about something between "random" people.

-And then, there is this true physical/material creation, that we do for a living or for fun. Manifesting- and CREATING things. Of course, art, designs, (as your Vortex that makes me sigh in delight each time I use it!!) :vortex: music, dance, cooking, writing. But in the end, ALL that we produce, as constructions, decorations, workflow, repairs... it can all be created in an energy of love, joy, care, freedom, empowerment... and then, carry this energies forwards!

:in_love: :wave:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:53 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Oh, and I wanted to add, that I listened to a channel (I don't remember of whom, it might have been Kryon or Bashar) that in working with AI, per example letting it edit or even write articles, or create Images, we TEACH it about what is wanted. Same with choosing youtube-clips, or writing comments: In all of that, we shape and CREATE the dimensions in which AI operates.

And that is just the beginning of what we do, for the creation of "Paradise on Earth"!

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:04 pm
by spiritualcookie
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 5:47 am -Imagining a better world- just for fun in my leisure-time, or as knee-jerk-reaction each time I realize something I'd like to be better, as in politics, products, dealing with animals, traffic, transportation... whatever it is!
ooh I really like this idea! I think this will be a fun writing exercise I would like to try at some point: Imagining an ideal "something" and writing about it! Yes that sounds like a wonderful point of focus! :hearts:
-Being aware for uplifting interaction. just as it is described in the song "what a wonderful world":
...The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people going by,
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying:
I love you
aw I got some feel-good goosebumps reading this! :hoppy: :in_love:

Thank you for playing with me on this subject! I so enjoy reading and feeling your words! :hearts:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:07 pm
by spiritualcookie
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:53 am in working with AI, per example letting it edit or even write articles, or create Images, we TEACH it about what is wanted. Same with choosing youtube-clips, or writing comments: In all of that, we shape and CREATE the dimensions in which AI operates.
Yes absolutely! The more you play with AI the more you feel this is very true. Without your teachings and shaping the AI won't create anything on its own. AI creations are definitely like a kind of very quick and easy created manifestation in response to your expressed desires!

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 2:01 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:07 pm
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:53 am in working with AI, per example letting it edit or even write articles, or create Images, we TEACH it about what is wanted. Same with choosing youtube-clips, or writing comments: In all of that, we shape and CREATE the dimensions in which AI operates.
Yes absolutely! The more you play with AI the more you feel this is very true. Without your teachings and shaping the AI won't create anything on its own. AI creations are definitely like a kind of very quick and easy created manifestation in response to your expressed desires!
...just as Abe always said, that the internet and AI are the closest analogy they can find to LoA! :D :thumbup:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 2:02 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jan 21, 2025 12:04 pm aw I got some feel-good goosebumps reading this! :hoppy: :in_love:

Thank you for playing with me on this subject! I so enjoy reading and feeling your words! :hearts:
Ohhh :dancing: I love that it serves you! :in_love: :kiss:

Re: Practice a little every day

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 10:16 pm
by spiritualcookie

I really appreciated this post from Tara today:
Tara wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 4:25 pm For a very long time my "main contrast" was that I did not what I want to do in life...

In the past I was stuck in "temporary" hospitality jobs - I was thinking to be there until I figure what I want to do in my life. I used to say "I do not know what I want to do".

Then smart Universe synchronized me with two elderly people (nearly retiring age). One was doing dishes in my hospitality work, I asked what he did in his country, he said he worked in a restaurant, I asked him whether he ever wanted to open his own restaurant, and he looked at me at said: "I don't know what I want to do in my life" - that surprised me; the other guy said, when I asked if his wife is waiting for him at home, he said: "I have never met the right one".

It clicked to me that I can be in "I do not know what I want to do" mode for the rest of my life as it is attraction attraction attraction...

So I stopped this "mantra" and I focused on very simple things that I knew I wanted (e.g. office job, free weekends, etc) and I would say I know I want these things, so I know things life caused me to ask, so I know what I want. These were not "exciting" things, but I clearly knew they were preferred ones. I was actually "utilizing" the contrast to know what I do want. I would write what is that I clearly know I do not want, and then the opposite. I have managed to change quite a few jobs since then, and life has continued getting better and better.

I still longed for my "passion" whatever it is (e.g. I would be jealous for my manicurist as she would be telling her story how she always dreamt to be a manicurist... and I would be thinking she had a dream and manifested, and I don't know my passion, I don't know my dream job :D). A few years ago, I managed to attract a person who speaks with spirits and is an Aber (and the group of teachers who spoke through her told me that "passion is not in the thing I seek, passion is a state of being"). It did make some sense and it did soothe me a lot...

Anyways, I let go my quest to find passion, continued utilizing the contrast for more clarity on the wanted, and improving my work life a lot.

Then last year, something happened inside me and I felt I am called to revisit this subject... and synchronicities happened and I now am receiving a couching sessions from a very spiritual woman who has just finished this course and wants to practice with someone for free. She is new in coaching, but she has been in spiritual/intuitive practices for some time, and I feel our meetings create this ambience where insights are flowing.

A couple days ago just before one of my sessions with her I was in the bus and this person was watching a video of a Chef cooking. The chef was very passionate. And I felt inspired, uplifted by his passion. And then I remembered the words that the passion is not in the thing, it is not in the cooking, it is the state that this person has when he cooks. Somehow this understanding clicked in me in a more profound way.

Passion - is a state of being.

In our yesterday's session, while talking to her I have realized that I am not really connected with my current job (while it is a good job, I always have this thinking this is not it, some sort of resentment, and while I am very responsible and hard working, I do not put my heart in my job), and yesterday it clicked to me that this job takes so much time a day, it is a big part of my current reality, and it is part of me, and that I should aim to connect from the heart with my job instead of resenting it....

So I thought one of the ways to do this is to practice easy existing matches about my work plus look for a feeling place.
I appreciate the synchronicity that Tara posted this post today of all days, when I was thinking all day "I don't know what to do with my time today!" - and she wrote about a time in her life when she didn't know what she wanted to do either! I so love how the Law of Attraction proves itself to work over and over again! :hearts:

I loved Tara's point that I "can be in "I do not know what I want to do" mode for the rest of my life as it is attraction attraction attraction..." It was a good and important reminder for me!

I also loved how she started to shift on the subject when she said:
"So I stopped this "mantra" and I focused on very simple things that I knew I wanted (e.g. office job, free weekends, etc) and I would say I know I want these things, so I know things life caused me to ask, so I know what I want. "
This sparked off an inspiration in me to catch myself when I tell the old unhelpful story, and pivot it right then and there by reminding myself of the little things I DO know I want (even if it's not a big picture yet - the little things can help shift the vibration :) ). It makes me also want to do an exercise of focusing on the simple things I know I want!

There is so much to love about this post :lol: I also adored the point:
"passion is not in the thing I seek, passion is a state of being"
So true! :hearts:

Thank you Tara for this inspiring post! I enjoyed reading it so much! :vortex: