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Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 1:36 pm
by Tara
Easy Matches:
- I am feeling so much better after I drank coconut water 💧
- I like that it’s sunny outside.
- I like that I got this skirt for free 🥰
- I like how my hair is looking today.
- I like Kale.. it was delicious to have it for breakfast
- I like that my mum met this couple and now she and her partner are going for a bbq. It would be nice if they all became very good friends. My mum always wanted to have friends in London.
- My friend and I are childhood friends but we are leading very different lifestyles… I was telling her how I would like to have a group of friends go hiking, etc, and she said she loves that too.. I didn’t know this. Maybe we will organise a trip to Snowdonia.. I like that this has came up. She is really cool.
- I like that yesterday Abraham again mentioned easy matches.
- I like that they spoke about the themes that are relevant to me also.
- I like that there was this woman in the hot seat who said that when she was working in a restaurant 10 years ago and felt that she was out of balance, she went to meditate with Abraham meditation and then afterwards in the bathroom she met Esther 🥰 I like how her question was that she is frequently taking naps when she is catching herself out of alignment and I also liked that Abraham said while it’s good to stop momentum but she needs to do more specific work to shift the energy, I liked the energy work they did with her, I like that they were going to specifics (basically they said how would your life look like if you had extra $5000 dollars a month, where would you live, where did you spend your money specifically. A house with a view, what view, beach side view, a proper fitness gym with experts taking care of you, etc etc ). I like that I was inspired to this workshop.

- it’s not a quote but I wrote down to myself from the workshop:

~ keep pointing the money, continue juices flowing and don’t fall into a shortage consciousness~

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 7:10 pm
by Tara
Easy Matches:
- I like how I managed to soothe myself in the night and felt asleep. That was an easy match.
- I liked the full on breakfast we had.
- I liked his playfulness / cheekiness 😊
- I liked our walk by the canal
- I like that we have our favourite crepes place.
- I like that we decided to go for a tea somewhere else and then we entered this beautiful Japanese cafe.
- I liked that nutty flavoured tea we had. I liked the ambience. I liked that it was filled with Japanese people giving me a sense of Japan…it was my favourite match ❤️

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 8:17 pm
by spiritualcookie
oo was the Japanese nutty tea "Hojicha"? (I've never heard of it but I googled "nutty Japanese tea" and it suggested this :lol: ) It sounds tasty!

Sounds like a lovely day! Regent's canal / Little Venice is one of my favourite places to go for a walk too :)

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 8:46 pm
by Tara
It was Kuromame Cha tea (for me it had nutty taste 😅) it was in Angel, there is this narrow street they have sometimes a market there.. and there are those cafes. I used to work near the canal there, and now I just go for my yoga classes around there 🥰

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 8:52 pm
by Tara
This is how internet describes the flavour of this tea:

“ a flavoursome savoury roasted note with slight hint of brown sugar, caramelised hazelnuts and an earthiness that balances everything out”

I’ve just googled it (as I forgot the name) and the place is called Katsute Japanese Boutique and Tea rooms in Camden Passage 🥰

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 9:22 pm
by spiritualcookie
oo amazing! Kuromame Cha sounds delicious from that description! Thank you so much for the recommendation! 🥰 I want to try it now! :lol:
I love that little area of Angel! I used to walk right past that spot where Katsute is on my way to sewing classes at Ray Stitch a few years ago! It's so cute and romantic there in the narrow lanes of Camden Passage! :D

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:19 pm
by Tara
Funny! As we did came across a building and through the window downstairs I saw women sewing. My partner said that they are having sewing classes…and I was joking maybe I should join this class 🥰

Maybe that’s where you were going…

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:56 pm
by spiritualcookie
yeah! sounds like it could be! They do have the classes downstairs below the shop!

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2024 11:59 pm
by FeelGood
I may have to try this soybean tea since my stomach doesn't like coffee or tea. I'm off to amazon to research it~ thankyou tara and cookie for this convo 💖💖👍😎😁

Re: Easy Matches

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2024 7:12 am
by Tara
FeelGood - Let me know if you like it 🥰 as my whole experience might have also been influenced by all the Japanese ambience 😊

Also, for coffee alternative I like to drink Barley Coffee. You can find them on Amazon ❤️