keep calm - life goes on

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Re: keep calm - life goes on

Post by Paradise-on-Earth » ... sTeachings
(youtube, Your Guardian Angel Is Trying To Show You The Exact Next Step✨✅ Abraham Hicks 2024)

dear Awa, I came across this Abraham-youtube just now. It gives answers to all your questions. I think it would be extra-ordinarily helpful for you!
I don't have time to transcribe it in the next days. But I ask- and honestly, challenge ;) YOU, to transcribe it. :hearts:

*I* learned to understand Abe by transcribing (or at least, re-formatting) what feels like thousands of quotes. There is something in the the WORKING with a text that opens the mind so much more, that makes it more meaningful, than just listening to- or reading it. It is "having your hands in the clay", that really makes you GET it.

If you would want to transcribe it, you can click on the "reading the manuscript" that is an option that comes up in the end of the descriptional text of the clip, then delete the time-stamps in this transcript, and then copy this text into either a quote-reply-window of this Forum (that would be extra nice!!) or your own ways of dealing with text. You still need to format it and sometimes clean up small glitches... just enough to "get yourself into it".
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Re: keep calm - life goes on

Post by Awa »

If you would want to transcribe it, you can click on the "reading the manuscript" that is an option that comes up in the end of the descriptional text of the clip, then delete the time-stamps in this transcript, and then copy this text into either a quote-reply-window of this Forum (that would be extra nice!!) or your own ways of dealing with text. You still need to format it and sometimes clean up small glitches... just enough to "get yourself into it".
I completed the first part.

Now I would have to translate part of the text using Google Translate and then put everything into the right form. That is a huge challenge. My respect for this work, PoE
:vortex-small: :flowdownstream: :in_love: :grouphug: :beating-the-drum: :woohoo: :flowers: :wizard: :balloons_wave: :cake: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :romance-heart: :romance-heartsfade: :occasion-balloons: :romance-lovegoddess: :romance-heartstiny:

Receive your blessings

So quickly you've been listening to us for a while you were Source energy before you came into this body and the larger part of you still is Source energy part of you came into this body where you are sifting and sorting and observing and creating so as you're sifting through the data you are coming to personal conclusions about what you would prefer and those preferences those conclusions those desires matter so much because you are the Creator of your own reality so you're launching these Rockets of desire and the reason we call them Rockets of Desire is because you focus and we amplify but in most cases you are not
right now A vibrational match to what you just asked for but the larger part of you is so you really just have to decide how can I be more of a vibrational match to what I want and less of a vibrational match to what I don't want or how can I be more of a vibrational match to what's coming and less of a vibrational match to what is or how much of what is do I want to continue to be a vibrational match to and what that now is that I'm experiencing on a day-to-day basis to I want to cease being a vibrational match to and the answer to that is focus just focus and feel focus and feel focus and feel and most of all care about feeling good so one last thing we want to tell you and then we'll open it to talk with you about whatever you want to talk about when the cork Bobs on the surface of the water that's its natural buoyant State and in this analogy of vibration we want to say that's a high frequency there's no resistance the cork is bobbing on the surface where it naturally is and that's who you were when you were born that's who you will be when you make your transition to non-physical it's who you are when you are joyful it's who you are when you're appreciative it's who you are when you're happy it's who you are when you feel passionate it's who you are when you feel eager so that's naturally who you are and that's naturally where you will be unless you're doing something to hold the cork under the water it matters to know that because you don't have to run around trying to find things to feel good about just stop looking for things to feel bad about that really is the solution the good stuff is dominant the good stuff is abundant the good stuff is natural the good stuff is who you are it's natural for you to prosper it's natural for you to feel good you just got to stop doing that thing that causes you to hold yourself in the non-receptive mode in the mode where you can't find the clue where you can't feel your way on this winding fabulous adventurous path of least resistance so if we can convince you and words don't teach we'll point it out to you and then life will show it to you in a way that you will really know it to be if we can convince you that you know what you want you've been asking for it and that it exists in a vibrational State we've been calling that vibrational State your Vortex get in the vortex we said until you could hardly stand to listen to us anymore there's a vibrational reality that if you can sink up with it then all those things that you want want will come into your experience in a way that you can experience the full manifestation of them so we want to talk about what manifestations really are because you live in a physical world where you're used to looking around that stuff and you think that all of this stuff is manifestation and it certainly is but we want to point out to you that here is vibration and then there is thought and that thought is a manifestation of vibration because once you're having a thought about it you've turned the vibration into something perceivable into something understandable into something conceptual into something into something so there is vibration and then there is the manifestation of the thought and that's momentum and once there is a manifestation of a vibration into a thought then there can be a manifestation into a word language is a further manifestation isn't it the thoughts that occur to you are manifestations and it means that momentum is underway so there is vibration and then the manifestation of thought Big Time important and then the manifestation of word and then action and then all that stuff and what goes wrong for so many of you is that you want to go from the launching of the rocket which is the vibration all the way to the full manifestation of it and you're not willing to let the momentum the natural momentum of the laws of the universe how to activate your receiving mode have their gestation time you don't plant corn in the field and then that day demand that it show itself to you come out come out now dinner's in an hour and we need you now you understand that there is a process and it's a sure process and those who have watched it know what it is and there is a sure process for you too there's a sure process from you sifting through contrast and coming to desires that are not yet manifested in the full-blown see it hear it smell it taste it touch it fashion but it is a reality and if you don't stomp on it and kill it with your disgust at it not being everything that you need it to be right now all right corn then just stay there stay there and I will not water you I will not tend to you I will not like you anymore you disgust me because you will not be what I need you to be today if you accept that you have planted the seed in very fertile vibrational soil and that the energy that creates worlds is on it and that it is in the state of becoming and that the work is not its becoming because it is becoming look around you at all that has become you don't need to worry about this your Earth spins in its orbit in perfect proximity to other planets and it's not because it's on your to-do today list in other words there are forces there are energies there is consciousness there is well-being and it's all for you so this vibration is in good hands the question is how far from the receptive mode are you are you going to be the to receive the vibration into the thought and when you do are you going to Revel in the momentum of that manifestation so vibration and thought emotion emotion is a manifestation the way you feel the way you feel in fact emotion is the most important manifestation that you ever live and you can understand this clearly is because every single thing you want no matter what what it is an object of attention a relationship that lover you're looking for pile of money condition circumstance everything that you are looking for you are wanting it because you believe you will feel better in the having of it when all along the feeling was right there vibration thought feeling right there Stay on the receiving mode 24/7 right there right there so if we can get you hooked on the manifestation of the feeling If You Can Count Your success in the manifestation of the idea and the feeling of that and stop taking score about how long it's taking the corn to get out of the ground where you can eat it instead Revel in the momentum of this manifestation it won't be long before you will have maintained a steady vibrational pattern of positive expectation and the yield from that kind of vibrational crop is unspe speakable it will feel to others who watch you that you are indeed the blessed one most everybody you know will come to hate you it'll be hard for them to take how well your life goes with seemingly so little effort and when they say what have you done to deserve that and you try to explain to them well there's this vibration that manifests into a thought Repeat this daily to receive what you want and a feeling and I'm hooked on that that's all I care about holding myself in the receptive mode so I can hear the song that I want to hear and feel the joy that I feel when I hear the song they'll say you can hear him can't you that's a manifestation we're eager to talk to you about anythingthat you want to talk about nothing is off limits you will notice a perfect unfolding as we move along here there will be momentum it is our knowing that together we will take thought beyond that which it has been before and you will be right in the middle of that new found manifestation that we all find as vibration moves into a new place you're doing extremely well and we don't mean to imply in any way that you're not getting it right because you are but we are wanting to imply well we'll just say it bluntly you're not having nearly as much fun as you intended you're taking life way more seriously and it's because you're all tripped up on what's manifesting in terms of the stuff instead of what's manifesting in terms of the feeling and some sometimes when we say that our human friends worry that we're just trying to get you to feel good without the stuff and that isn't our plan at all we know that unless you feel good without the stuff the stuff that you want can't come you just got to get the vibration first and we want to insert the word Clarity here Clarity is the key word for you because that feeling of clarity is the most exhilarating experience that you ever have that
insightful bridging of who you are and what you know with who you really are and what you really know Clarity In This Moment seeing beyond the what is into the what is becoming that's what life is for all of us not one of us whether we are non-physically focused right now or as you are in your physical bodies is ever happy with regurgitation not ever didn't come just so repeat things over and over again it's the new that Rings your Bells every single time you know that that's why you're bored with the mundane with the same old that's why you want to keep expanding that's why you want new cameras and new equipment and exposure
to new meeting rooms that cause you to have new experiences Esther's More Alive about these gatherings than she has ever been because of the sequence of events that's taken place over the last few weeks so much Clarity coming Clarity equals expansion you see how about saying it's a thing rather than it's where I am in a sort of not so quick to to call it good or bad it's where I am and therefore it must be good because where I stand right now represents is the culmination of all that I have been doing oh the other day Esther was writing she does that a lot sits and contemplates and writes and she was thinking about things that have come before that make where she is so delicious like pool builders and gardeners and construction people just looking around her own properties and then she thought about the roadways to it and all that that entailed the engineering the execution the materials and then she thought about the technology of industry and how that has enhanced and she was just writing writing writing writing as she was feeling this big funnel of all of the experiences of mankind that all had led
to where she is right here and now in this perfect place in this perfect receptive place this place of being the beneficiary of everything that has come before not just the stuff but the thinkers not just the thinkers but the thoughts not just the thoughts but the contrast that produced the thoughts and so it made her feel more appreciation than she has ever felt in her life for where she stands but another thing happened to her she felt worthy it's like all of that for me for me for this moment in time for me to be here knowing what I know and then when she took it further all of the non-ph physicals all that which is Abraham all that which is Jerry all that Jerry lived before she even met him all that he came to that he brought to their relationship all that they discovered together all that you brought as these gatherings continue to expand in other words all of that and what's it all leading to right now right now where all of your power is right now where source with more eagerness than Esther can even find words to explain is focused with you knowing the potential of your ability to realize it now because potential isn't about what's possible because oh everything's possible all things are possible possible beyond your ability even stretch your mind to accept it but what we want to talk about is what you are in a position of realizing now.
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Re: keep calm - life goes on

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 7:58 am
I completed the first part.

Now I would have to translate part of the text using Google Translate and then put everything into the right form. That is a huge challenge. My respect for this work, PoE
And my respect for YOU! :hearts:
I must admit, I dit it partially because I want others to see- and have this, too, what I found so precious.
But even more, I did it for me, because in this work, I really GOT it. I FELT it. I ENJOYED it's vibe.
(And I learned english, on the way!) :lol: :hearts:

And that's why I challenge you to do this, too! :kiss:
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Re: keep calm - life goes on

Post by Awa »

I can't thank you enough for your time, your patience, your support and your warmth and gentleness :romance-heartspink: :romance-hearteyes: :romance-heart:
Having said this, you can't really "work" on feeling worthy! Intellectually grabbing the concept helps, but then it is all about allowing yourself to feel your emotions (the "bad" ones as well!!!!!!). Otherwise you don't understand the guidance. "Feeling bad means, source knows this to be different, here and now!" So, turn around and do what feels good, instead! Follow this guidance, and see what happens. Doing this WILL get you more ITV, and when you are more ITV, you- as a byproduct- FEEL MORE WORTHY.
As long as I'm reading here, I'm on fire and think I've understood it. As soon as I look around, I think again, oh, if only I didn't have to work anymore, I could do what I want. I went for a walk in the cemetery earlier. At times I felt like I was in the jungle, the lushness of the trees, bushes, plants, flowers, all the birds, the sun, the warm weather, the occasional sound of the lawnmower and then the silence again - that's pure nature. Simply breathtaking. At least I survived the famous 17 seconds and safely reached 68.
:lol: Bottom line, you do NOT expect it!!

This is ONLY because you have not yet trained otherwise!
You can't get out of this hole without TRAINING yourself into deciding on TRUST. Do it in small steps (not with scary stuff!!), but do it.
The "two big things", overshadow the little things. I don't know, which little things to start with. Seriously. The walk earlier was nice and I thought, please more of that. I'm writing to you and I like that too. Afterwards I make an iced coffee and enjoy the delicious drink on the terrace. That's nice too. No question, that brings good feelings. Okay, no more bargaining, along the lines of, if I do this, I want that. The good feelings have to be enough.
Because you don't train yourself to find it. We had this discussion several times, now: You enjoy the many many examples, but you don't demand of yourself to find ideas and possibilities how it could come- or to simply drop the topic (as it doesn't feel good). Doing this once, or watching someone doing it NEVER will cut it: Just like building muscles, you must do it a bit, EVERY day.
I am well aware of that. Thanks again :flowers: :in_love: :romance-heartbeating: I give up too easily.
Start to HONESTLY appreciate the very small stuff, because that FEELS SO GOOD! And, do that all the time!
-Don't worry, when you do that right, it WILL get bigger.
:hearts: :kiss:
There will be no other way, no shortcut either.
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Re: keep calm - life goes on

Post by Awa »

It is the belief and trust in the law of attraction that always brings me back to the beginning. Strengthening my belief is up to me alone, that is clear to me :flowdownstream: .
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Re: keep calm - life goes on

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 12:33 pm I can't thank you enough for your time, your patience, your support and your warmth and gentleness :romance-heartspink: :romance-hearteyes: :romance-heart:
SO my pleasure, dear heart! :hearts: :hugs:
As long as I'm reading here, I'm on fire and think I've understood it. As soon as I look around, I think again, oh, if only I didn't have to work anymore, I could do what I want. I went for a walk in the cemetery earlier. At times I felt like I was in the jungle, the lushness of the trees, bushes, plants, flowers, all the birds, the sun, the warm weather, the occasional sound of the lawnmower and then the silence again - that's pure nature. Simply breathtaking. At least I survived the famous 17 seconds and safely reached 68.
All of this is BIG. Seemingly small, "unimportant" bits, but in the result, they are big! :thumbup: :eusa-clap:
When I learned to know Abe I almost couldn't stop listening to the clips. But (all 4 kids where still living with us) it felt "lazy" to not work my a* off all day, scrub the house, care for the huge property, or AT LEAST produce some art!! Until I had a breakdown that killed all my fine motor skills, I barely could crawl to the toilette and feed myself what others had to prepare. No reading was possible (I got terrible headaches from it) no walking anymore, no handwriting, certainly no ability to drive a car (and I used to shuttle all our kids to their different schools, before...) not even holding a spoon with soup.

So, all what was left was listening. To Abe, on youtube, for HOURS, days without end. I loved it, it felt so good, I was hooked and thrilled. AND STILL SO IN SHAME about being lazy. It took me years to drop the shame, finally! ...But, who cares? It takes what it takes. I refuse to let anyone judge me, now, finally!

Immersing myself in this wonderful vibe of Abe healed me, slowly, day by day a bit more. You say, when you are reading here, you are on fire. Why not be here, more? *I* don't want to miss my daily 2-3 hours on Forum!

Others have healed themselves from being terminally ill by watching hilarious movies.
Or they found their peace of mind with animals ("petting your cat"). Or in gardening, working out, dancing, baking, painting, or making music. WHATEVER WORKS. Nothing that feels like relief or even really good is ever "silly", nothing is "unreasonable". It really is about: which topics do you give more airtime? -Those that feel good and uplift you? Or to those that make you cringe and feel ashamed and down (no matter how "noble", "important" or "reasonable" they seem to be!)?
The "two big things", overshadow the little things.
-Only when you let them!
I don't know, which little things to start with. Seriously. The walk earlier was nice and I thought, please more of that. I'm writing to you and I like that too. Afterwards I make an iced coffee and enjoy the delicious drink on the terrace. That's nice too. No question, that brings good feelings. Okay, no more bargaining, along the lines of, if I do this, I want that. The good feelings have to be enough.
-So, you DO know!! You know very very well! :hearts:
I am well aware of that. Thanks again :flowers: :in_love: :romance-heartbeating: I give up too easily.
Stop scolding you. :kiss: You have not given up, even once! Right?
You take breaks. You slip (as we all do). But I still see you here, being on it. And that is something to celebrate.

:vortex: :five: :woohoo: :flowers:
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Re: keep calm - life goes on

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 7:58 am
If you would want to transcribe it, you can click on the "reading the manuscript" that is an option that comes up in the end of the descriptional text of the clip, then delete the time-stamps in this transcript, and then copy this text into either a quote-reply-window of this Forum (that would be extra nice!!) or your own ways of dealing with text. You still need to format it and sometimes clean up small glitches... just enough to "get yourself into it".
I completed the first part.

Now I would have to translate part of the text using Google Translate and then put everything into the right form. That is a huge challenge. My respect for this work, PoE
:vortex-small: :flowdownstream: :in_love: :grouphug: :beating-the-drum: :woohoo: :flowers: :wizard: :balloons_wave: :cake: :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :romance-heart: :romance-heartsfade: :occasion-balloons: :romance-lovegoddess: :romance-heartstiny:

Receive your blessings

So quickly you've been listening to us for a while you were Source energy before you came into this body and the larger part of you still is Source energy part of you came into this body where you are sifting and sorting and observing and creating so as you're sifting through the data you are coming to personal conclusions about what you would prefer and those preferences those conclusions those desires matter so much because you are the Creator of your own reality so you're launching these Rockets of desire and the reason we call them Rockets of Desire is because you focus and we amplify but in most cases you are not
right now A vibrational match to what you just asked for but the larger part of you is so you really just have to decide how can I be more of a vibrational match to what I want and less of a vibrational match to what I don't want or how can I be more of a vibrational match to what's coming and less of a vibrational match to what is or how much of what is do I want to continue to be a vibrational match to and what that now is that I'm experiencing on a day-to-day basis to I want to cease being a vibrational match to and the answer to that is focus just focus and feel focus and feel focus and feel and most of all care about feeling good so one last thing we want to tell you and then we'll open it to talk with you about whatever you want to talk about when the cork Bobs on the surface of the water that's its natural buoyant State and in this analogy of vibration we want to say that's a high frequency there's no resistance the cork is bobbing on the surface where it naturally is and that's who you were when you were born that's who you will be when you make your transition to non-physical it's who you are when you are joyful it's who you are when you're appreciative it's who you are when you're happy it's who you are when you feel passionate it's who you are when you feel eager so that's naturally who you are and that's naturally where you will be unless you're doing something to hold the cork under the water it matters to know that because you don't have to run around trying to find things to feel good about just stop looking for things to feel bad about that really is the solution the good stuff is dominant the good stuff is abundant the good stuff is natural the good stuff is who you are it's natural for you to prosper it's natural for you to feel good you just got to stop doing that thing that causes you to hold yourself in the non-receptive mode in the mode where you can't find the clue where you can't feel your way on this winding fabulous adventurous path of least resistance so if we can convince you and words don't teach we'll point it out to you and then life will show it to you in a way that you will really know it to be if we can convince you that you know what you want you've been asking for it and that it exists in a vibrational State we've been calling that vibrational State your Vortex get in the vortex we said until you could hardly stand to listen to us anymore there's a vibrational reality that if you can sink up with it then all those things that you want want will come into your experience in a way that you can experience the full manifestation of them so we want to talk about what manifestations really are because you live in a physical world where you're used to looking around that stuff and you think that all of this stuff is manifestation and it certainly is but we want to point out to you that here is vibration and then there is thought and that thought is a manifestation of vibration because once you're having a thought about it you've turned the vibration into something perceivable into something understandable into something conceptual into something into something so there is vibration and then there is the manifestation of the thought and that's momentum and once there is a manifestation of a vibration into a thought then there can be a manifestation into a word language is a further manifestation isn't it the thoughts that occur to you are manifestations and it means that momentum is underway so there is vibration and then the manifestation of thought Big Time important and then the manifestation of word and then action and then all that stuff and what goes wrong for so many of you is that you want to go from the launching of the rocket which is the vibration all the way to the full manifestation of it and you're not willing to let the momentum the natural momentum of the laws of the universe how to activate your receiving mode have their gestation time you don't plant corn in the field and then that day demand that it show itself to you come out come out now dinner's in an hour and we need you now you understand that there is a process and it's a sure process and those who have watched it know what it is and there is a sure process for you too there's a sure process from you sifting through contrast and coming to desires that are not yet manifested in the full-blown see it hear it smell it taste it touch it fashion but it is a reality and if you don't stomp on it and kill it with your disgust at it not being everything that you need it to be right now all right corn then just stay there stay there and I will not water you I will not tend to you I will not like you anymore you disgust me because you will not be what I need you to be today if you accept that you have planted the seed in very fertile vibrational soil and that the energy that creates worlds is on it and that it is in the state of becoming and that the work is not its becoming because it is becoming look around you at all that has become you don't need to worry about this your Earth spins in its orbit in perfect proximity to other planets and it's not because it's on your to-do today list in other words there are forces there are energies there is consciousness there is well-being and it's all for you so this vibration is in good hands the question is how far from the receptive mode are you are you going to be the to receive the vibration into the thought and when you do are you going to Revel in the momentum of that manifestation so vibration and thought emotion emotion is a manifestation the way you feel the way you feel in fact emotion is the most important manifestation that you ever live and you can understand this clearly is because every single thing you want no matter what what it is an object of attention a relationship that lover you're looking for pile of money condition circumstance everything that you are looking for you are wanting it because you believe you will feel better in the having of it when all along the feeling was right there vibration thought feeling right there Stay on the receiving mode 24/7 right there right there so if we can get you hooked on the manifestation of the feeling If You Can Count Your success in the manifestation of the idea and the feeling of that and stop taking score about how long it's taking the corn to get out of the ground where you can eat it instead Revel in the momentum of this manifestation it won't be long before you will have maintained a steady vibrational pattern of positive expectation and the yield from that kind of vibrational crop is unspe speakable it will feel to others who watch you that you are indeed the blessed one most everybody you know will come to hate you it'll be hard for them to take how well your life goes with seemingly so little effort and when they say what have you done to deserve that and you try to explain to them well there's this vibration that manifests into a thought Repeat this daily to receive what you want and a feeling and I'm hooked on that that's all I care about holding myself in the receptive mode so I can hear the song that I want to hear and feel the joy that I feel when I hear the song they'll say you can hear him can't you that's a manifestation we're eager to talk to you about anythingthat you want to talk about nothing is off limits you will notice a perfect unfolding as we move along here there will be momentum it is our knowing that together we will take thought beyond that which it has been before and you will be right in the middle of that new found manifestation that we all find as vibration moves into a new place you're doing extremely well and we don't mean to imply in any way that you're not getting it right because you are but we are wanting to imply well we'll just say it bluntly you're not having nearly as much fun as you intended you're taking life way more seriously and it's because you're all tripped up on what's manifesting in terms of the stuff instead of what's manifesting in terms of the feeling and some sometimes when we say that our human friends worry that we're just trying to get you to feel good without the stuff and that isn't our plan at all we know that unless you feel good without the stuff the stuff that you want can't come you just got to get the vibration first and we want to insert the word Clarity here Clarity is the key word for you because that feeling of clarity is the most exhilarating experience that you ever have that
insightful bridging of who you are and what you know with who you really are and what you really know Clarity In This Moment seeing beyond the what is into the what is becoming that's what life is for all of us not one of us whether we are non-physically focused right now or as you are in your physical bodies is ever happy with regurgitation not ever didn't come just so repeat things over and over again it's the new that Rings your Bells every single time you know that that's why you're bored with the mundane with the same old that's why you want to keep expanding that's why you want new cameras and new equipment and exposure
to new meeting rooms that cause you to have new experiences Esther's More Alive about these gatherings than she has ever been because of the sequence of events that's taken place over the last few weeks so much Clarity coming Clarity equals expansion you see how about saying it's a thing rather than it's where I am in a sort of not so quick to to call it good or bad it's where I am and therefore it must be good because where I stand right now represents is the culmination of all that I have been doing oh the other day Esther was writing she does that a lot sits and contemplates and writes and she was thinking about things that have come before that make where she is so delicious like pool builders and gardeners and construction people just looking around her own properties and then she thought about the roadways to it and all that that entailed the engineering the execution the materials and then she thought about the technology of industry and how that has enhanced and she was just writing writing writing writing as she was feeling this big funnel of all of the experiences of mankind that all had led
to where she is right here and now in this perfect place in this perfect receptive place this place of being the beneficiary of everything that has come before not just the stuff but the thinkers not just the thinkers but the thoughts not just the thoughts but the contrast that produced the thoughts and so it made her feel more appreciation than she has ever felt in her life for where she stands but another thing happened to her she felt worthy it's like all of that for me for me for this moment in time for me to be here knowing what I know and then when she took it further all of the non-ph physicals all that which is Abraham all that which is Jerry all that Jerry lived before she even met him all that he came to that he brought to their relationship all that they discovered together all that you brought as these gatherings continue to expand in other words all of that and what's it all leading to right now right now where all of your power is right now where source with more eagerness than Esther can even find words to explain is focused with you knowing the potential of your ability to realize it now because potential isn't about what's possible because oh everything's possible all things are possible possible beyond your ability even stretch your mind to accept it but what we want to talk about is what you are in a position of realizing now.
Will you do the 2. part, and even post it in the quote-section? I'd love it... :romance-hearteyes:
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Re: keep calm - life goes on

Post by Awa »

I have used DeepL Write, to help me. Unfortunately without much success :think2: .
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Re: keep calm - life goes on

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Mon Jul 08, 2024 6:38 pm I have used DeepL Write, to help me. Unfortunately without much success :think2: .
Why do you think so?
The 5. paragraph has a doubled line in it's end, that is the only real fault I could find after a quick glance. But feeling the rhythms of the sentences and their meaning, setting the punctuation (which is not really done in the transcript, while it's possible to understand it...) is what -imo- makes us get the meaning ourselves. A program that "helps" you, will take this gift away from you. Do you understand what I mean? I think, one must do that themselves, to reap the benefit of it. A bit like... when you hire an actor to dance for you, you miss the joy of dancing...

Anyways, thank you! :hearts: :ta: :hearts:
I'd still ask you, to please add the name of the clip it's taken from, so that others can also find it!

....Did this work help you to understand the segment, to let it in deeper?
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Re: keep calm - life goes on

Post by Awa »

I'd still ask you, to please add the name of the clip it's taken from, so that others can also find it!
It was my pleasure :romance-heart:
..Did this work help you to understand the segment, to let it in deeper?
I don't really understand many quotes and workshops or understand them differently than they are intended.
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