Quotes on "I Feel Stuck in Life" - How to Get Unstuck in Life

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Post by spiritualcookie »

If you were sculpting clay, you wouldn´t take a big wad of it
and slap it down on the table, and then complain:
"Well, that doesn´t look so good!"

It wouldn´t be good the second time, or the third time!
You´re gonna mess with that quite a bit!
You´re gonna figure out how your gonna make it do,
what you wanna do!

You´ve got an image in your mind- and you´ve got to translate that
image in your mind to the image in your hands, it takes some PRACTICE,
to do that.

And molding that energy of life,
takes some practice, too!

from the clip Abraham Hicks - Can you "Miss" an opportunity?
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Post by spiritualcookie »

As you decide what it is that you are wanting
the entire Universe gets to work upon making that a reality within your physical experience.

[If] you make no decisions about what is important,
then you are not a Selective Sifter
but a receiver of ALL things,
and that is the reason for [feelings of] confusion.

Therefore, the more decisions that you make in any day
the more selective sifting you will do,
and the less confusion,
and the more satisfaction you will feel.

- Abraham, 1987
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Post by spiritualcookie »

At any point in time within your physical experience
there are many intentions present
and as they are harmonious, there is forward motion.
And as they are not harmonious, there is slower forward motion or no forward motion at all,
depending upon the degree of disharmony.


Your thoughts are drawn to your dominant intention within any moment
and as you are focused upon that intention
you are creating.



When you have not identified what your dominant intention is,
your creative power is diffused
because you create in many directions -
sometimes in many conflicting directions -
thus the feeling of standing still.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 4:30 pm Life is always in motion, so you cannot be stuck.

— Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »


If you find that you are not moved to action,
if you find yourself running circles, not knowing what to do,
then you have not yet formed your picture of what you want.
For when your image of what you want is clear,
then the action which will enhance that always comes very easily.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

You are always doing something
and if you haven't identified your dominant intention,
then your action and your words are following your habit
or your influence from others.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Most of your lifetime is stagnation.
More is, than is not.
And the reason for it is because of the influence of others.

As you are born into this physical experience you are much more clearly focused in your inner perspective than you are your conscious physical perspective.

As that infant, you are not physically focused at all.
You are remembering very much why you are here
and you are feeling invincible.
THere is nothing that you have intended that you do not believe that you will accomplish.

But as you are here longer and longer
you begin to hear the words
and see the life experience of those who surround you
and through a process of absorption
- it is not really, for you are receiving and creating within your own life experience, the beleifs -
but you begin to absorb, literally, the beliefs of those who surround you,
and as you absorb their beliefs,
you do not create anything that has not already been experienced.

You talk about the same things that have already ben talked about.
You regurgitate beleifs, over and over again, not reaching for the new.
And if you should try to reach for the new,
they usually grab you and drag you back,
for they are not wanting you to express or experience something that is new,
for they are seeking the comfort of sameness, for the most part, becauase for the most part, they do not understand the Creative Process, or the intent or even the existence of the broader being.

- Abraham
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Your motion forward is inevitable;
it must be.
You cannot help but move forward.

But you are not here on a quest to move forward.
You are here to experience outrageous joy.
That is why you are here.

- Abraham


Stop using the word "struggle".
Use a less strugglesome word,
like, "I'm sifting"

- Abraham Hicks

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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You don't have to go after anything.
Everything you want is coming to you!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

To get unstuck, just focus on improving your emotional point in a very general way

You will notice that in this state of improved emotion, you will find an appealing idea and then another.
You will begin to find a sort of rolling out of a continuous path of good-feeling new ideas.
You will begin to feel carried along by those new ideas rather than struggling to find them.
And before long, you will begin to see physical results.

- Abraham Hicks


Whenever you find yourself beating the same old drum about your [desire or your current unwanted situation],
if you would make an effort to turn your thoughts downstream,
and stay focused upon the subject until you feel a slight turn,
in a very short period of time you will improve the vibrational relationship between where you are
and what you want.
And you will be amazed at the leverage this improved vibration will give to your process.

- Abe


When your desired manifestation is not expressed

Why do so few realize the benefit of this inner, seemingly hidden potential?

The blockage that stops most from Allowing the magnificent of their inner potential to shine forth
is lack of appreciation of self.

It is the very same blockage that stops most from getting or achieving anything that is wanted.
It is the very same thing that holds so many of our physical friends in a place of frustration, or non-accomplishment, when what they yearn for is motion forward.

- AH
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