Quotes on Allowing & Receiving

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

Believe it before you see it

If you say, but I need to see it before I can believe it,
we say then it cannot come for you.
You've got to figure out how to believe it before you see it.

You've got to figure out how to believe in the vibrational version of it,
and feel so good in focusing on the vibrational version,
that you train your frequency into the alignment with the vibrational version of it.

And when there's no gap between what you think and what you want,
it'll manifest all over the place...
people watching will say,
what magic button did you push?
And you'll say, I pushed the button of belief.
I got into the vortex.

And they'll say, how did you do it, how did you come to believe something
that wasn't already evident in our experience?

-Well, I looked at things that were in my experience and I convinced myself
that this too could be.
or - I looked at others who I knew at one time weren't experiencing it (and know that) now that are,
and I convinced myself that this too could be for me.

I practiced an optimistic thought.
I practiced a better feeling thought.

I trained myself into the frequency of having it,
rather than the frequency of not having it.

I practiced the frequency of belief,
and in doing so I left the frequency of doubt behind."

Chicago 6/12/2010


Dreaming Big requires Believing Big!

One of my great gifts is, that I dream big.
Big projects. Big possibilities. Lots of them!
And my greatest fear is unfulfilled potential.

(...) Dreaming big requires believing big!

from the clip
New Abraham Hicks (2018 Big Dreams... Is That OKAY? Law of Attraction Denver CO May 26


Anything that you believe is to your advantage,
...if you´d believe, that carrying around crust-jellybeans in your pocket
-we considered talking about various animal-parts- (laughter)
...carrying around crust-jellybeans in your pockets is of advantage to you-
and you do it religiously, there it is: RELIGIOUSLY!- then
it can be to your advantage!

Take your alignment however you can get it.

from the clip
Abraham Hicks. Questions about the energy and orientation of reside

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

you have to line up with the realm of thought by
- releasing resistance,
- believing it can come,
- knowing it is coming,
- trusting it is coming
until it comes



When you come up against a block,
delegate it to your Manager,
[trust the Universe to sort it out]
and get out of the way!


Delegate it to the manager.
You have this really good staff that will take care of everything for you.
You just have to delegate it — and trust it.

Excerpted from St. Louis, MO on 7/18/00

["the Manager" is an early word of Abe for "the powers that create worlds", "the Universe", aka Source-energy]



"Really what we're asking you to do, and it's an annoying word,
but it has such powerful resonance at the very core of your being,

is to TRUST the process,
to trust your Inner Being,
to trust that where you are is fine,

to acknowledge that there is no wrongdoing on your part,
that there is no misunderstanding or misapplication of the the process,
there is no recovery from something that is amiss.

There is just you, in this moment, harmonizing with the resonating,
blending with the Energy of who you are,
softly acknowledging that it's a BIG CAPACITY.

And in acknowledging the BIG CAPACITY of this Energy,
being pleased with where you are touching it,
and what it is achieving."

~Abraham, Panama Canal Cruise, March 2011

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

When it feels like it´s not unfolding fast enough
a very good thing to say to you is:

"I have created such a magnificent template of or pattern in vibrational escrow
of what I´m looking for, that the Universe can´t give that to me,
until I´m REALLY a vibrational match to it!


in the noticing that it hasn´t happened yet or that it´s taking too long-
you´re slowing the whole thing down.


Everytime you (feel critical as you) notice that it takes too long,
you tune yourself away from the vision. (because criticism & complaints = lack of alignment)

So, (what can help is soothing yourself,) saying things like:
"It´s worth waiting for" and
"it doesn´t have to manifest this red hot minute" and
"things ARE unfolding. And
"I KNOW I´m doing good." And
"because I feel so good so much of the time, I know I´m on track." And
"I don´t mind a little contrast, and the contrast is helping me to build it even MORE." And
"maybe in this not-manifesting right now, I´m still collecting more data and make my escrow even better." And
"maybe I´m still in the process of building it really as I want it to be."
"I´m dreaming big, and big dreams- from my point of view, sometimes take a little longer." (...)
"my intentions are getting stronger in every day-
and EVERY particle of discomfort that I feel is me-
launching another rocket to get my stream going faster."

And maybe I´m just holding out for a really fast moving stream.
And when I come in alignment with it, there will be an EXPLOSION.

-That´s what I´v always been saying!
Wanna make a big splash!
Don´t wanna just sort of dribble it out!
I wanna REALLY get it going!"
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »


There is an element of trust, of faith,
that you have to GIVE OVER to,
when things are not going exactly as you think
you want them to go.

Everyone has that "test of faith", every now and again,
where it just feels like "I did all the right things,
why am I not getting all the right results?"

And we say: You ARE getting the right results.
You are just not giving yourself time enough,
to tune in, to the right results.
It´s a little bit like stomping at the garden,
where the tomato-seeds are planted and demand
the tomatoes show itself, to you, NOW- in all of it´s
fullness and ripeness,
when there is a PROCESS that is involved.

And that tomato,
IF it is nurtured, it WILL show itself to you!
And it will be delicious.
But if you get impatient, if you get discouraged,
if you stop tending to your garden-
then it doesn´t come.

San Diego CA, 2015-08-15

What we first want to say to you is, that it should not take very long
from that receiving of that idea—being in the receptive mode and receiving the idea—
until there is a manifestation of it that follows.
In other words, that should not be a long period of time.

And if it’s taking a long period of time, then that means
that you’re not in the receiving mode that you think that you’re in.
You’re maybe in a compensating mode where you’re trying to make yourself feel better
with visions to compensate for what’s actually going on.


What you're reaching for are good-feeling moments.

You know those moments when your heart is just singing so strong and you just think I wish I could stay here forever!?

Does that usually happen to you when you're outdoors or indoors?
If it's more often outdoors then pick a scene that's outside.
If it's more often indoors then pick a scene that's indoors.
So you set the place and the time of year and the time of day and then you talk to yourself about how it smells and looks and feels.
You're sort of bring yourself along little by little into this higher higher better better good good feeling place.


If you are only looking at what is,
you will never create beyond it.
But if you are imagining what is,
and able to maintain the frequency of what you are imagining,
the time/space reality will fill in the pixels for you.

Seattle 2012



"Abraham, I want some rain. I want some rain.
And we said, Why?
And Esther said, Because the trees are clearly thirsty
and the grass is really brown
and the earth is hard and cracked.
It really needs relief.

And we said, Well now you've explained to us why you don't want it not to rain
but you haven't explained to us why you want the rain.

And Esther said, Well, I want the rain because it's so refreshing.
I want the rain because of the way it smells and feels.
I want the rain because I want the feeling of it in the air.
I want the relief of it on the trees.
I want it on the ground.
I want the rain because it is so delicious when it rains.

And then it began to rain.
Then it began to rain.
Not 5 minutes later.
Not 10 minutes later.
Then it began to rain from what seemed like a clear blue sky.
It seemed impossible but it was raining. It was raining.
It was clearly raining."

Seattle, Aug. 2012
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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »


All that visualizing is not making something happen.
It's letting something that's 'already happened' in.
That's such an important distinction.
You're not creating with your affirmations,
you're not creating with your visualizations;
You are practicing a vibration, that lets it in.

So, the more practicing you do,
the more you set a tone that lets more in.


So what happens is, the more you play in these virtual realities, the more you begin to accept that ambience, the more you are that being. And the Universe already knows it and is offering to you but you softly then open vibrationally and let it in.

And amazing things begin happening even as soon as today.
Amazing things begin happening that let you know that you found a little more allowing,
And a little more allowing, and a little more allowing, and a little more allowing,
until before you know it, it begins to feel like the enitre world is catering to you.

It's like everything seems to exist for the enhancement of your experience.
Everywhere you go there are people, and circumstances, and events just lined up to accomodate you,
because you after all, are vibrationally there, you see.

Feb 23, 2002 Kansas City



There’s a tendency to get involved in the action,
rather than the receptive mode.
So, the function of writing or scripting or dreaming becomes an action,
that seems like it’s dominant rather than a vibrational place
from which you’re doing it which is dominant.
You get what we’re talking about?


Step 3 is – You have to find some way of getting in the vibrational vicinity [of your desires]
so that vibration can begin to be realized by you.
That’s how the vibration turns to the thoughts and the emotions and that turns to the things.
That’s what the process is.
That’s what the evolutionary process is.

–Abraham, 8/29/2015, Session 1~ 22:49


Allowing happens when you find yourself a vibrational match to what the Vortex is.
So there’s no gap between your vibration and the vibration of the [Vortex*].

–Abraham, 8/29/2015, Session 3 ~9:21

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »


we present this path of much less resistance.

We want you to breathe rather than try,
to relax rather than offer effort,
to smile rather than struggle,
to be rather than do.

For your true power is experienced only from inside the Vortex.



When you are already consciously following the path of least resistance,
which is the same thing as following your feeling of alignment,
you really can tell it.
In other words, it is very easy to distinguish (what's upstream or downstream)
when you are consciously aware as it is happening.
After the fact it is a little harder to sort out.

These are the questions that we would be asking if we were standing in your physical shoes:

Did this opportunity come out of my continual statement of appreciation of how happy I am where I am? (ie was it downstream?)
Did this opportunity arise because I was looking for (/efforting) some improvement and complaining (pointed opposite teo what you want) about some of the things that weren’t as I want them to be? (ie was I pointed upstream?)



The thing that we want you to understand is, through all this sorting and sifting, you have done all the asking.
You have made all the decisions, one at a time,
and they're all in your vortex and they're all queued up.

You've done the work.

Now your work is to play on the beach.
Your work is to release resistance.
Your work is to appreciate and bask and find clarity and look for delicious ease and flow.

In other words, your work is to look for feelings that feel good.
Your work is non-work.
Your work is to relax and release.
Relax and Release, relax and release.
And it is our promise to you that you will find all of those answers. They are all queued up.
You just gotta get in the Vortex!


You've gotta stop clinging to what's out of the Vortex.
You gotta loosen your grip on what's outside the Vortex.
You gotta play more.
You gotta laugh.
You gotta release more.
You gotta have more fun.
You gotta think less
and you gotta meditate more.
You gotta bask more.

Don't make it a thinking game, let it be a feeling game.

Then watch what happens. So much there for you!!!

Boca Raton 3/24/10

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »


We know.... just try it! Just try it.
Just decide that nothing is more important, than you have fun.
Just give it a week. or two, or three. Just have fun.
Just decide that you´re gonna have fun, no matter what. Fun, fun, fun, fun!


It´s a MENTAL route.
We don´t want you to control your environment to have the fun.
We want you to decide, that you are LOOKING for it.
And when you decide that you are looking for fun,

SF, February ´12



when we talk about being in the receptive mode, (from) where you hear (your IB's guidance),
or you get an impulse-
that´s just the impulse, that you´re MOST READY to hear at any given time,
given the resistance that you hold.

your IB is completely content just to call you over there (to where you're ready at first),
so it can (then) call you over there (to where you're ready to go to next),
so it can (then) call you over there (to an even further point along the path) (...),
so it can FINALLY call you OVER THERE!!!

You see. And along the way, every impulse, every feeling is as much as you can get,
and as much as you are ABLE to decipher, given the resistance, that you hold!
And every time, it´s ENOUGH!
Every time, it´s JUST RIGHT. (...)

One thing leads to another, leads to another.

You IB is always guiding you through the path of least resistance.
And it´s YOUR path, and it is YOUR resistance.

And we really want you to hear us, when we say:
Your IB holds no judgement, about the resistance that is on your path.
Just understands it, and guides you, over and under and around, and through it.

What difference does it make? Aren´t interesting journeys interesting?

Seattle, WA, 2016-07-09 from the clip
Abraham Hicks 2016 - Wishing for something but receiving better (new)



The key is to just be as happy as you can be, as often as you can be happy,
and therefore in a state of least resistance as possible,
And then follow your impulses.
That takes a little practice, to trust yourself to do that, doesn´t it!

Seattle, WA, 2016-07-09 from the clip
Abraham Hicks 2016 - Wishing for something but receiving better (new)


Inspired action feels like- something is moving me.

That´s exactly how it works.

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »


The impulse IS an impulse!
And when you can not judge the power of an impulse,
or not judge the importance of the impulse-
and just get in a habit of NO MATTER WHAT- following the impulse.

And not demanding that the impulse show you the goods, right here and now.
Just let the impulse and the following of it be the rhythm of life that you will follow!
THAT will lead you to things.


In varying degrees, you are ready for the attraction to show itself to you, in meaningful ways.

Does every single moment have to be a meangingful one?
For example- when you get into your vehicle, and you´re moving down the highway, and you get an impulse to change lanes. Do you demand that the Universe yields to you an explanation of why this impulse came?

HS: No!

Abe: "I was in a perfectly good lane! I was happy in the lane that I was in- and now, you have inspired me to be over here in another lane. And I demand to know, WHY I am here." -Do you do that?? -Not if you´re wise!

That impulse was enough! Because if you spend too much time (trying) to trace back and to figure out "what it was for", the impulse to be there, now you are tangled up in thoughts. Now you have the probability of introducing more entanglement of vibration- and beliefs you hold. And you are missing future opportunities to just keep moving!

from the clip
Abraham Hicks 2017 Why the Hesitation? Law of Attraction French Riviera Mediterranean Cruise Sept




(Let it be an energy game, but...) that doesn´t mean, you should stop your action!
Go to work! Do whatever you need to do.
Let the money come in in the little, pitiful, mediocre ways, that it flows into your experience, iow- you don´t wanna pinch that off!

Let it come. But while it´s coming,
APPRECIATE it, while it´s coming!!

Look forwards to it, while it´s coming.
Compliment yourself, and compliment the others.

Iow, let it be an energy-game, while you live the action-game.
Because you can do both!
It doesn´t have to be one or the other.

from the clip
Abraham-Hicks: To manifest abundant money



Every time you praise something,
every time you appreciate something,
every time you feel good about something,
you are telling the Universe:
“More of this, please. More of this, please.”

You need never again make another verbal statement of this intent,
and if you were allowing your cork to float, all good things would flow to you.

Excerpted from Silver Spring, MD on 4/19/97



And I said:
Thank you for this planet.
Thank you for this earth.
Thank you for my body.
Thank you for my fingers.
Thank you for this stomach.
Thank you for this digestive system.
Thank you for this oxygen that I am breathing.
Thank you for this hotel.
Thank you for this light.
Thank you for the… thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you…

-I just got in this mindset of appreciation of all the magnificent things
that *are* working for me. And when I activated that, then everything
started working for me.



Every time you say,
"I appreciate that. I really like that. I applaud that. I acknowledge the value in that."
-Every time you do that, you spend some of your Energy.
And it is the spending of the Energy that creates a vacuum (cleaner effect), so to speak,
(sucking more of the same into it - like a vacuum cleaner)
or an attraction so to speak,
that draws more (things to appreciate / more things that you like / more things of value / more things to applaud) and more and more and more.

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

TUNE INTO THE VIBRATION OF SOURCE & Source's feelings about you

we can promise you, that every step along of your journey, we will be there, WITH YOU,
proud of you, and sure with you,

And if you feel just a little bit,
you will begin to FEEL the worthiness that is natural,

And once you hook into that feeling of self-pride and worthiness,
right-place-right-time-ness, -which is what WE feel about you all the time!-
then, WHEREVER you are
will yield to you ALL THAT YOU WANT it to.

Seattle, July 2015




You´ve gotta be THANKFUL for this day.
And thankful for this chair,
and thankful for this opportunity,
and thankful for this conversation,
and thankful for the sunshine,
and for those highways,
thankful for this, appreciative of that.
Thankful for the quieted mind!
Thankful for the insight.
Thankful for the enthusiasm!
Thankful for the love in my heart!
Thankful for this precious face,
thankful for that person I´ve never met in my life -and on the elevator, had such a nice exchange with not even words, because there was a language barrier, but OMG, how good it was to meet you!!!

Thankful, thankful, thankful, thankful.
Thankful, thankful, thankful, thankful, thankful thankful!

Thankful just brings more and more and more and more. And more.

from the clip
Abraham Hicks , Are You Ready to be Filthy Rich - try that



That´s the state of being we would like you to be CHRONICALLY in:

The state of being looking FORWARD, looking forward, looking forward.
Anticipation is SUCH a wonderful emotion!
Because, when you are in happy anticipation, that means you are NOT blocking the unfolding in any way.

You are ALLOWING it, through your positive expectation!

from the clip
Abraham Hicks 2018 - How to Speed up Abundance into My Life


[When you allow, align, and get] up to speed with it!
And then, ohhhhhhhhh.... the pay off comes!

Clarity happens in your mind.
A good idea happens in your mind.
You feel exhilarated about something.

but (when you're aligned) you´re feeling better anyway,
you are UNCONDITIONALLY feeling better-
and now, you are in charge of your world.

Now, you are the creator of your own reality.
Now, you are the conscious, DELIBERATE creator of your own reality.

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Re: Quotes on Allowing

Post by spiritualcookie »

For every single thing you want,
there are 20 or 30 or 40 available avenues to open right now.
Right now, to lead you closer to what you want.
Right now, they’re there, ready to pop with you, just turning downstream.

But the problem with being turned upstream, is you have got the upstream habit,
and you have gotta develop the downstream habit!

And when you start developing the downstream habit,
people are going to say
"What have you done? It’s like all that stuff was lined up, outside your door.
How’d you get the door open?
Avalanches of things you’ve been wanting,
just begin coming into your experience."

And you say:
"Well, I just stopped worrying about it not happening
and it started happening.
I just started playing the positive what-if game, instead of the negative what-if game.
I just started feeling more optimistic and not so pessimistic.
I praised more and criticized less.
I stopped beating up on myself and loved myself more.
I looked for reasons to feel good. I breathed deeply and took walks.
And I said:
Thank you for this planet.
Thank you for this earth.
Thank you for my body.
Thank you for my fingers.
Thank you for this stomach.
Thank you for this digestive system.
Thank you for this oxygen that I am breathing.
Thank you for this hotel.
Thank you for this light.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you…

I just got in this mindset of appreciation of all the magnificent things
that *are* working for me. And when I activated that, then everything
started working for me."

The majority of what’s going on in all of your lives is working so well
and yet you find the one thing that isn’t working and give it your
undivided attention and let *it* be the basis of your vibration.
You gotta get happy before the solution comes,
and then the solution will come.


Life Will Always Be Working Out for Me.
It is fun to know that things are always working out for me, and as I watch for the evidence of that, I see more evidence of that every day.



it is our promise to you, if you go to bed at night tonight and say:
“in the morning I am to wake up, it will be a fresh start
and while I slept the momentum has stopped
and I can start the momentum any way I want to,
and I choose to start it in this attitude of appreciation”,

and you do it and you may not make it far into the day,
the next day you do it again and you may not make it far into the day,
but you do it and you do it and you do it and you do it and you do it
-and it is our promise to you that in 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 days,
you will be standing in a place of knowing what we know.


...you have to practice yourself there.
That´s why we call it an art, not an accident!

(Abe, Seattle Aug. 2012)


WHAT IF you could recognize a desire and no- it hasn´t manifested!
But it´s in the process of becoming.
And what if, you could start looking for the juice of it, NOW!

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