Quotes on God, Source & Abraham

Introducing the Abe Quotation sub-forum We've been noticing more and more members enjoying and sharing Abraham's words of wisdom in many different forms. The momentum of such generous sharing has caught our attention so we've created a place here on the forum to assemble such gems "under one roof," so to speak.
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Post by spiritualcookie »

There is a current that runs through everything.
It exists throughout the Universe
and it exists throughout All That Is.
It is the basis of the Universe.

And as you begin to understand this basis of your world
and begin to feel for your awareness of this Source Energy that is the basis of all things,
you will then more clearly understand everything about your own experience
and the experiences of those around you.

- Abraham


The Energy that you are focusing
is the same Energy that creates worlds.
And it is, in this very moment, creating YOUR world.

Abraham Hicks


God, or All-That-Is, or that which is Non-physical
does not exist in a state of completion, now waiting for you to catch up,
but revels in all that you live.

For as you live,
as you think,
and as you feel,
you add unto All that Is.

You are physical counterparts of that which is Non-physical -
and together we are co-creators.

You offer a new perspective.

We offer our broader awareness.

- AH, 1991
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Post by spiritualcookie »

More Understanding about What Abraham Is

There are many of us gathered here*, working as co-authors upon this book. The words that you are now reading are being offered from a group of beings who are currently observing your physical dimension from our Non-physical dimension.

We are a group, perfectly blended, existing in absolute harmony.

We are together because our life experiences have brought us to the same conclusions, and from teat ever-evolving point of conclusiveness, we are currently at same perspective.

We are not only together because of our current and mutual intentions to write this boo, but we are joined by the natural laws of the Universe. These natural laws which provide a glorious and consistent format for life in the Non-physical dimension, also provide the format for life in your physical dimension.

And in the same way that we are harmoniously bonded with our Non-physical counterparts who are of like mind, we are also bonded with our physical counterparts, Jerry & Esther.

This bonding between Abraham and Jerry and Esther is not new to this physical time and space, but a long time bonding of old Non-physical friends. We have interacted together in countless life experiences and do so now with tremendous satisfaction felt by all who are involved, physical and Non-physical. Indeed, our joyful work extends far beyond the boundaries of one physical life span.


* "Many of us gathered here", in Non-physical dimension, cannot be literally translated into your physical perspective, because we are different than you are. We are not contained in bodies, and we are more flexible in our movement.

When we say "gathered together", we do not mean that we have gathered around in a comfortable old room to chat about our physical friends of the Earth plane. We are literally merging, one with another, as many smaller lights may join together to cast a brighter beam.

- Excerpt from A New Beginning II book, 1991, pg 33-34
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Abraham is Energy

Not long after Esther began speaking for Abraham, she said:
"Abraham I want to see you!" (...)

And so, as she lay in her bed, with her sleeping mate, in a very dark bedroom, we said, "Open your eyes, and see."

As she opened her eyes, she saw what she later described as fireflies.
Thousands of fireflies!
Small dots of light, darting about the room.
At one point, all of these tiny lights gathered together into one corner of the room, becoming a beam of light that was too bright for her physical eyes to look into, and then dispersing into seven or eight not so bright beams, and then again, into thousands of tiny dots of light.

Esther's visual experience gave her a clearer perspective of our Non-physical existence.

She concluded, "You are Energy", for she viewed us as light.
"You are very mobile, very flexible, very free," as she observed our ability to merge into one another, or to separate into many.

As Esther receives blocks of thought from Abraham, she receives us as one. One conclusive consensus of thought, coming powerfully and undeniably into her mind.

- AH, 1991
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Post by spiritualcookie »

We [Abraham] are free, joyous and growing beings -
putting emphasis upon our state of freedom,
for it is through our freedom to be, that we are able to choose joy and growth.

We are not different from you or any other being in the Universe, regarding freedom,
for we are all absolutely free, but most do not understand their freedom,
and therefore do not live it.

Freedom is not something that is earned or assigned, but something that is acknowledged.

- Abraham
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Our Co-Creation with the Source-part within us
(How Creation really works in us humans having step 1 moments, and source answering =step 2))

You are mixing it up with others, and as a result, you are coming to a NEW DESIRE, that you don't have control over. It's too new! It's like, the Baby learning to walk. Or somebody getting behind a powerful machine, and not understanding how to run the machine. Iow, you are vibrationally and emotionally a little bit out of control. You'r a lot out of control, here in your physical bodies. You are... sort of out of control. You ARE out of control! (laughter of the audience as Abe settle for phrasing it this way).

So, you are doing what you intended to do! You are observing, and you are experiencing, and weighing the pro's and the con's, and the pluses and the minuses. And you are coming to awarenesses of what you want! And EVERY TIME life causes you to prefer something, it really is THAT simple... "'I'd rather have people be nice to me, and I'd rather be nice to people than not"...

EVERY experience you have causes you to launch a rocket, or a request, of desire, that this nonphysical part of you FOLLOWS precisely!

The nonphysical you is able to sort out from what you've sorted out, what you want, and hold that thought steady. So, that there is a point of attraction. That there is an immediate BECOMING! Did you follow that? We wanna say that in a simple way. You've kinda got the "2 you's" in perspective, yah?

So, you say: "I want more money."
And your IB (=inner Being) hears: "We want more money. He (the hotseater), therefore I, want more prosperity. "
You say: "I want it, but I don't have it. I WANT it."
LoA (=Law of Attraction) responds to you: "I want it, but. I want it, but. I want it, but..." So, you don't have any movement.

Your IB says: "I want it! I want it. I want it."
So, LoA responds to THIS aspect of you, AND LoA responds to THIS (the other) aspect of you! Which gives you the sensation of a tug of war. Because half of you is moving... it's NOT half. The wayyy larger part of you is moving towards your desire, or is allowing the desire to formulate around you, while this (other) part of you may not be doing that.

So (...where you come from, your IB...) is INVOLVED from a vibrational point of attraction, a point of you, about EVERYTHING that matters to you!

from the youtube-clip
Abraham’s Insight Left Whole Crowd Speechless! 🎤 Abraham Hicks 2024
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Can Abraham See Everything We Do in our Physical World?

From our experience or perspective [in Non-physical], we direct out Energy or attention into your physical dimension.

As we observe your Earth, we are able to identify your cities, your homes, your individual life experiences, indeed every detail of your physical life is available to us. But we prefer to give our attention to your "state of being", for there is far more pertinent information contained three than in the physical trappings that surround you.

- AH


As teachers who seek growth, upliftment and joy,
we are literally drawn to those who seek that.

You are as powerful magnets,
attracting to you that which you seek or ask for or acknowledge or give you attention to.

We cannot seek you out and present ourselves to you if you do not seek that which we are.
For by virtue of the powerful Law of Attraction, only that which is like unto itself is drawn.

- AH


Is there a Heaven or a gatekeeper in non-physical to get to "the good place"?

As physical beings you readily identify boundaries and limits within your physical realm.
But from our perspective there are no boundaries or limits.
There is no guard at our gate of our glorious state of being, monitoring and evaluating and deciding who enters or leaves,
for the gathering is a natural process of like attracting like.
Those who are not currently wanting or seeking that which we are about - simply exist in another state of being.

- AH


Similarities between physical & non-physical beings

From our current non-physical perspective, we do not differ so much from you. (...)
We are all, physical and Non-physical, very much alive.
Whether physically or non-physically focused, we are, through our currently chosen format, seekers of experience, stimulation and growth.

- AH
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Has Abraham ever been Physical?

This idea of being physical AND Non-physical at the same time is often a difficult concept for [our physical friends] to accept. It is not uncommon for one of our physical friends who has interacted with us for many months to ask:
"Abraham, have you ever been physical?"
or "Abraham, why are you choosing not to be physical?",
still holding the belief that it must be one way or the other.

We are a group of Non-physical beings who are the Non-physical counterparts of many of you who are currently physical.

And all who are currently focused through physical bodies have a Non-physical counterpart who is infinitely, intricately aware of you, (...) your Inner Being.

- Abraham Hicks
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You have taken PURE POSITIVE ENERGY and turned it into a vengeful "God"!

Abraham Hicks
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Post by spiritualcookie »

Abraham's dominant intentions:

It is our dominant intent is

- to assist you in understanding who you are, and why you are here in this physical body, from your broadest perspective, and

- to assist you in recognizing and utilizing the processes and laws through which you may find joy, now. Now a fleeting future joy, but a tangible, ever-present, constant, continuing, blissful, growing experience.

- Abraham, 1991
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Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

You are as God as it gets!

Abraham Hicks
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