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Re: Quotes on Fun & Abraham Hicks Jokes

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:27 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
...That's me and my family, too... :D

Give in to the Well Being, that is hammering at your door!

Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Fun & Abraham Hicks Jokes

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:31 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
...and this photo got taken by me in my neigborhood :D ... (we need a bragging- emoticon.)

Have we convinced you, that feeling good IS an advantage??


Re: Quotes on Fun & Abraham Hicks Jokes

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:39 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
:lol: :lol: and finally, this is on my property. :D

Only act when your heart sings about it!

We would never do anything, that wouldn't make our heart sing!

And you say, "This choice doesn't seem to be here.
There is a choice that doesn't make my heart sing,
and sort of staying where I am. What should I do?"

And we say: We'd hang around and wait for something
that makes our heart sing- and then,

we would jump in with all four feet.

Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Fun & Abraham Hicks Jokes

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:10 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

Be easy about all of this!
You tend to take life so seriously.

Life is supposed to be FUN, you know?


Re: Quotes on Fun & Abraham Hicks Jokes

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 6:43 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

Life is supposed to be FUN!


(I like that Abe said "Hell yes!!" sooo often. But maybe it's not really a quote...) :lol: :lol:

Re: Quotes on Fun & Abraham Hicks Jokes

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 6:16 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

I just focus on the things in my life, that feel really good to me!

Abraham Hicks

Life is supposed to be really really really really fun for you!!
And until you are in the drivers seat of your own life, it isn't.

Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Fun & Abraham Hicks Jokes

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:19 am
by spiritualcookie
If you’ll just sit and pet your cat -
or somebody’s cat -
Find a cat, for God’s sake!
Find a cat - or anything furry!

and let it train you into a frequency,
that will cause you to allow enlightenment.

Abe, North LA, July 2012


HS is mixed up about whether to marry his mate or not.

You are doing what almost everybody is doing.
You are looking for somebody who makes you go (ITV) easily.
Which means, most of you should marry your dog.

from the clip
Abraham Hicks - How Selfish would wife Consider too Selfish

Re: Quotes on Fun & Abraham Hicks Jokes

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 7:33 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Abe and a HS, teasing each other...

You said that the Earth has been populated more than it is today, and I was wondering- was that with humans or did you mean like, with Dinosaurs or something?

Your planet is much much much much older than any of your geological discoveries have indicated. And you had far exceeded the population that is here, now, on many occasions. Your population is always in flux!

Was that a human population?

Yes! yes!

Really? ...So...

...You are pumping each other into your gas tanks, even as we speak!

So... so it goes back so... it's... it's tough, being on stage with a comedian.

Every good one needs a straight man, however!

I'm always available.
Um, and... and you also said that there have been more technologically advanced societies. Is there any evidence of that? Or, if they've just been so swallowed up into the oil...?

The evidence of it... the evidence... very good statement. We'll do the funny ones!

Re: Quotes on Fun & Abraham Hicks Jokes

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:22 am
by Paradise-on-Earth
Abe are about "zapping", not "slapping"! :D

We won't spend a lot of time with you in the justifying why you want what you want, in fact we'd just like to zap you... we started to say slap you, but that was a mistake on Esther's tongue!!!

-We want to zap you with a feeling of understanding, that you can be or do or have whatever you want. And that there's nothing off limits, and that life is supposed to be good for you!

Abraham Hicks

Re: Quotes on Fun & Abraham Hicks Jokes

Posted: Tue May 07, 2024 3:01 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
Abraham mentioned that Esther and Jerry LOVED that this video got created- and so, they took it into their official youtube channel. Of course it's Abe-material, but the hilarious cut, together with music, was created by Vickie B., on her youtube-channel "ImVickieB"

"Get Happy!!"

...Have we made our explanation too complicated? ...(very negative voice) "I've been studying your work since 1993. I'm trying really hard to remember your words." and so we want to give them to you in an easier to remember format:

Get happy, in any way!

If you have to run away from home- do it.
If you have to go to the beach every day- do it.
Do anything that you can do, to get happy.

In most cases, it does not involve action. Because in most cases if you take action, in your effort to get happy- some boom drops on you. Like, you get fired, and then you don't have any money, or something like that.

Get happy in your MIND!
Find a way to make such peace with where you are, that you allow your gap to close:
THAT's what getting happy is. It's making peace with where you are!

Because, if you make peace with where you are, this vortex that is spinning will suck you right in, to the perfection of all of it. Get happy. Simplistic, we know! That's why we write so many books. But then, all of those books... you say: (nagging, negative voice) "ooouuooh there's so much to learn. Look at all these pages! This soooo much to learn. (Audience hilarious!) All of these emotions that I didn't even know that I had... all of these laws. All of these laws. Look at all of these laws!! Universal laws?? What the hell is vibration anyway? I don't understand. Ask and it is given? That's Bullshit! Where's my stuff? Where's my stuff?? I've been asking. Where's my stuff???"

-So we give you all of the words, and you say: "Waaay too many words!"
And we say: GET HAPPY! And you say: "Ooohhoo!! Too simplistic!" And we say: Really. REALLY all you got to do, is just find a reason to feel good!!

In other words, that conversation we just had- that was better than the whole seminar put together. You laughed, you know it's true! There isn't anything that is written here, that you didn't know the day you were born. We're just reminding you of it! You can tell every time you enter into a conversation, that you know isn't going well for you: You can feel it.

You can feel when you're defeating yourself.
You can feel when you're bolstering yourself.
You can feel when you're up lifting another!
You can feel when you're deflating to another.

You KNOW this stuff!! You know this stuff- you have just, over time, lowered your standards about how you're willing to feel.

You've gotten used to being ornery, you're not deliberate about feeling good, because you don't understand the power of feeling good, you see! We're not talking about laughing hee-haw off the wall.

We're talking about feeling interested in things!
We're talking about waking up and being glad that you're awake, and glad that you're alive: "I'm looking out across the landscape, and am wanting to see what's there!"
We're talking about seeing things and feeling interested in them!
We're talking about having a conversation with someone across the table, and devouring every word, and loving the conversation that you're having!
We're talking about looking into the eyes of children and babies and animals and lovers- and feeling the fullness of who you are!

We're talking about getting tuned in tapped in turned on, and seeing the world through the eyes of your total self, rather than this fragmented one, you see. Just chill out!!

from the official youtube-clip Abraham-Hicks - "Get Happy"
Abraham-Hicks Workshop, Los Angeles, California 8/17/08