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Post by spiritualcookie »

Famous Momentum Analogy of Car Gaining Momentum on the Hills of San Francisco

Esther remembers being in San Francisco for the first time and seeing those Hills that people were actually driving on she couldn't get it out of her mind she couldn't believe that she was going to drive up that hill and she couldn't believe she was going to drive down that Hill. it was unlike anything she ever thought anybody should be driving on.

And so we said imagine being stopped at the top of the hill - you can see the bay way down there way down there.

So take your car out of gear take the parking brake off put it in neutral in other words get behind it and just bump it and see what happens - just for fun - so see what knocking your car forward a few feet will accomplish.
Well it's pretty clear what would happen but maybe you come to your senses and you think "woah woah woah!" so before it really gets rolling you just stand out in front of it you let it bump you but it stops because there was so little momentum it took very little to stop it.

But you wouldn't want to be down there at the bottom at the bay trying to stop that car right before it went in because it would take you in with it.

So momentum is an obvious conversation.
But most people don't think about momentum of thoughts.
[Of] Thoughts - everything-
Law of Attraction causes momentum in everything.

Because if you hold a thought for as little (...) as 16-17 seconds - if you're holding the thought for that long - another thought like him we'll join it.
And if you now hold that thought another thought like it will join it.
Until once you get over a little over a minute of that kind of momentum now - now there's enough momentum in law of attraction to affect something that you will notice with your physical senses .

It doesn't take much.

- Abraham
from the youtube clip: How To Deactivate Something Unwanted, Abraham Hicks
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