There is NO list of "what you ought to do"! It is all for the JOY of it!
Your contribution cannot be appreciated fully enough through words!
We just cannot tell you how valuable it is, that you're here, sifting and sorting and deciding.
All-that-is is expanding dramatically, as a result of that which you are doing!
But you know what every bit has, every bit of every bit of all of that exists-
for only one reason in all of the creation, of all of eternity.
And that is for the thrill you get, as you come into alignment with that which you've created!
There's not this long list of stuff written out there in the heaven somewhere, by who knows who that is, defining what needs to be done in this creation of life! Not one of you came forth, because it needs to be done. We're not here because you need to know how to do it!
In other words, this creative dance is only about the joy in the dance, you see!
It's time to stop worrying about what you're getting done. And what you're not getting done. And just to make an unequivocal determination set forth, your intention to get in that vortex, and live as you intended to live! Because when you get in there, and you experience the juicy delicious tactile sensual fragrant wonderful exposure to life, that you have from inside the vortex- then you'll start to get it.
You'll say: "I am good! Otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And I am valuable! Otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And I am a value, otherwise I couldn't feel this way. And people wouldn't be responding to me in this way! And, well-being does abound- otherwise I couldn't feel this way."
-And all of that stuff that's outside the vortex that has formerly worried you or annoyed you, becomes this blessed contrast that you knew it would be, when you made the decision to come forth!
-And then enemies become valued partners!
-And contradictions become reasons for expansion,
-and negative emotion becomes guidance and clarity.
And people- you love easily! You love more than you ever thought was possible. And then the world that you are creating- there will always be those who aren't ready to hear. But as more of you know it, and more of you live it, and more of you aren't bothered by those who don't hear it, and who aren't living it-
before long, you can have that Heaven on Earth that you've been talking about!
Where you can be physically focused, and in the vortex with contrast subsiding, being more refined.
Where your planet has less suffering, less sickness, less confusion, less poverty-
more abundance, more clarity, more well-being, and more understanding because it is right that you feel good, you see!
You are supposed to feel good. Life is supposed to be fun!
You didn't come to get it done! You came for the thrill of doing it.
You didn't come to get there- you came for the thrill of going there!
You didn't come to fix something that is broken.
You came for the new idea that was born out of the idea, that it could be better.
from the youtube-clip Heaven On Earth