keep calm - life goes on

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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Thu Mar 28, 2024 6:08 pm Your question is not only good, but exceptionally good. Unfortunately, I don't have an answer.
Thank you very much! :hearts:
But please forgive me, I disagree that you would not have an answer. Just like in your very first post on this thread- YOU GAVE THE ANSWER YOURSELF! ;)
I'd rather not work at all. it is. Tadaaa!

:D It's nice to catch someone else in doing this, but I am certain- we ALL do this, all the time. Because we are sooo accustomed to not seeing the answers, even if they bite us in the butt.
BUT... "it's not possible." "I am not worthy of it." "what would the others say?" Yadda yadda, yadda. I have no idea why YOU are working, but * I * did because I thought that this is just something a "good person" has to do. It was sooo ingrained in me. There was no question- I HAD TO WORK.

Maybe you really need the money (I thought so, too, but I didn't, in my case).
Then, your job would be to line up with money coming from somewhere else. There are tons of clips where Abe explain that we do not need to work, to be financially covered!

Maybe you think you do not want to come over as "lazy" and you would need to prove your right to live and eat.
Then, it is your job to line up with feeling precious even when you don't drag your body to work.

Maybe... maybe... in each and every time, it is your job TO FOLLOW YOUR TRUE DESIRE, and ALLOW -in babysteps, more and more relief. I don't say you should quit today (and then starve, because you have not yet lined up where money will come from). i say- stop living split energy. Either work and be happy with it, or don't work and be happy with it. But don't work and be unhappy, while not following your dream to not work in tiny bits and pieces- and not building a path to not needing to work, anymore! :hearts:
I wouldn't be bored. But as long as I'm not in this state, I want to feel good about what I'm doing. But somehow I'm always stressed.

Abe would say (teasingly): Then stop it.
Really, stop telling this story. Say instead, you are on your way to feel less and less stressed. And notice (!!) and celebrate (I mean it!) when you are relaxed. Believe me, this moments exist! Milk them, and they will become more!
It's completely different at home. Even at a friend's house where I'm spending Easter.
So, you obviously are good at it, already! Now simply apply what you do right at home, to when you are at work!
PoE I want to think about your suggestions and I want things to be different at work: better, easier, more relaxed, nicer, more peaceful, more fun. It's often like that at the weekends, but during the week it's sometimes annoying. At least for me.
We got it! :hearts: Now you don't need to tell this unhelpful second part of the story ever again. While I applaud that you have put a "sometimes" in there! That is BETTER than "always"!!
I wish you and everyone else a happy Easter. See you again soon.
You, too! Have wonderful days!
I look forwards to more talks with you! :dancing: :romance-heartstiny:
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Awa »

It is a great pleasure to apply the Abe teachings with you ;) .

True. I would prefer not to work at all and still have enough money to live the way I want :dance: .

BUT... "it's not possible." "I am not worthy of it." "what would the others say?" Yadda yadda, yadda. I have no idea why YOU are working, but * I * did because I thought that this is just something a "good person" has to do. It was sooo ingrained in me. There was no question- I HAD TO WORK.
Oh yes, I understand you very well.

Maybe you really need the money (I thought so, too, but I didn't, in my case).
Then, your job would be to line up with money coming from somewhere else. There are tons of clips where Abe explain that we do not need to work, to be financially covered!

Maybe you think you do not want to come over as "lazy" and you would need to prove your right to live and eat.
Then, it is your job to line up with feeling precious even when you don't drag your body to work.

What I can say for sure is that I'm not very interested in what other people think of me. I've never defined myself by my profession either. That's spooky :mrgreen: .
My problem is rather that I don't know where the money is supposed to come from without work. Lottery? An acquaintance of mine has been playing for over 35 years and he only pays into this system. Marry rich? Well, why not? Inherit? That always depends. Maybe I could find a job that suits me and pays well. Here in Germany, you need an education for everything. Who knows, maybe there are many other possibilities that I just don't know about, dear PoE :whistle: .
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

:hearts: :hearts: :wave:
Awa wrote: Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:37 am
My problem is rather that I don't know where the money is supposed to come from without work. Lottery? An acquaintance of mine has been playing for over 35 years and he only pays into this system. Marry rich? Well, why not? Inherit? That always depends. Maybe I could find a job that suits me and pays well. Who knows, maybe there are many other possibilities that I just don't know about, dear PoE :whistle: .
Abe always say: "the HOW is NOT YOUR JOB."
I know it's a tough thing to overcome this hurdle :lol: But relaxation (and therefore allowing) really begins, where you stop micro-managing. So, drop this "How". To do so, embrace that really there are soooo many opportunities!

Just a few of them that paid out for me- that I personally didn't think about at all, have been:
-My father (who was untraceable and so, "lost" to me almost all of my life, after he had broken up contact) passed down to me a really big chunk of money. I had no idea!

-My father in law (not fond of us at all, seemingly) gave pretty nice amounts of money to us as a gift "out of the blue" where I would have bet that he would prefer to chop off his hand instead...

-When we bought our property, we really wanted to terrace the big slope that it was in, and mold ponds into it. But we knew, that would have cost about 50.000E, and we were happy to have food on the table. Nevertheless, I kept dreaming of,- and planning the exact shape and form I wanted our property landscaped into, and then came the sewer-duct-construction to our small village. They also built the village-street new, and had more than 100 truckloads of dirt to dispose. I followed my impulse and asked if they would want to dispose it on our land (no need to drive far, and no tolls- very different than the official disposal would handle it). They were in awe, and in return they landscaped our property completely FOR FREE.

-When money at one time REALLLLY got tight, and the factory where DH worked was starting to lay off big times, I was faced with NEEDING to go to work as well (which we both didn't want). I looked for work, and each time I applied, it somehow "magically" lead nowhere. And then, one day, DH came home and reported he would have not only been given a really big rise, but he also had been promoted. No need to work for me, anymore!

-The most jaw-dropping thing happened money-wise to us, was when we found out that we had a saving account filled with a nice high 5-figures of saving. It NEVER before occurred to us!

Abe tell stories that HS's had shared, as finding a big Diamond-Earring in the dirt, or getting the inheritance of an almost forgotten brother in law.
As Abe say: There are endless "heavenly closets" where money can come from, if only you allow it.
Here in Germany, you need an education for everything.
But I (German) wrote a book about environmentally friendly construction- home-automation and -interiordesign. The book never got published (40 years ago the topic was "much too strange", 10 years further it was THE hype...) but I got asked to build a school for Ecological Building, from the ground up. I just had started building a family, so this wasn't convenient to me and so I passed. But theoretically- this things happen!

My husband is a trained toolmaker, and he was building follow-on-composit-tools which really is an ambitious handicraft, but- just a handicraft. He wanted to become a self-employed artist, and when his boss learned about it, he asked, if DH wouldn't be interested to earn some extra money by designing follow-on-composit-tools, which is one of the most challenging engineer- sections. DH- not having had any training in University, said yes, learned as he went, and 6 month later, the designers that were officially trained gave him compliments that his work would be flawless.

Today, 35 years later, he is Head of Engineering in an internationally operating aerospace- business. No further training!

My son wanted to become a coachmaker, to be able to restore the iconic classic cars of the world (which are often several millions of worth). It was told to him that this would be close to impossible, as almost no shop does this handicraft anymore, and the rare ones rarely train. The normal shops who train just change ready-built parts. By "accident", my son found out, that 10 km further WAS such an Europe-wide famous manufacturer, that- very hidden- did this exact repairs and restaurations, and while they were not able to train him officially, because they lacked a master works-man (which is needed to train officially in Germany), they still showed him all tricks of the trait, and would have loved to keep him. So, he COULD have worked in this very rare dream-job with no education to begin with. But my son wanted to get some certificates, and so, a year later he randomly applied at the most known classic-car restorer in Germany. He immediately got the job- that got up to 1000 applications per year- because he almost knew everything, what was necessary to finish the exam, already, due to his own passionate research and by what he had learned "inofficially". But, as he started to work there, he very disliked the energy of the shop, and looked for a shop with higher energy, after 6 month, instead. It was told to him that this would be impossible- to find another shop with such expertise- and to change in the midst of apprenticeship!

His teachers in training school backed him up, and so he COULD switch, AND he found a perfect new shop, that was in all ways much more convenient for him (and is happily ever after). Besides, he got the invitation to work as teacher at this school and getting the necessary licenses to do so, as he goes- even he has no training to be a teacher, whatsoever to begin with.

I could go on with such stories of "impossible". :lol: NEVER MIND!
Just go ahead and do what you love without caring for the "how", the "who" or the "when", and trust that paths will open up. They will. Even in Germany! ;)
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Awa »

Abe always say: "the HOW is NOT YOUR JOB."
I know it's a tough thing to overcome this hurdle :lol: But relaxation (and therefore allowing) really begins, where you stop micro-managing. So, drop this "How". To do so, embrace that really there are soooo many opportunities!

I've read this so many times from Abe. Relax, feel a little better than before. That's it. You don't need anything else right now. Because this constant thinking and pondering has no result and does not lead to a solution. You just go around in circles. Stop.

Thank you for your wonderful examples, which are encouraging and so uplifting. You could write a colorful guide for hungry Abe lovers :eusa-clap: ;) . You have great talent.
When you stop running on the hamster wheel, things fall into place like magic. Sometimes I feel like a little child and want everything right now, right now. I can say that I was a very patient person, I'm not that anymore.

I could go on with such stories of "impossible". :lol:
I also have a little story that started after Corona. This situation worked out quite well for me. For the job I'm currently doing, I only have 3 months of training and I earn quite well. The contract is permanent. This is important and right for me. I keep asking myself why should I leave this nest I just built and start over? Besides, there is nothing that interests me or that I would like to work on. And as I've written before, it would be good to find a way to find joy in my job, especially because I spend so many hours there.

Just go ahead and do what you love without caring for the "how", the "who" or the "when", and trust that paths will open up. They will. Even in Germany! ;)
I'm trying to figure out what I love, what I would like to do. There are definitely a few things I can't make money from: listening to music, going for a walk, reading every now and then, sleeping, sitting in the sun, doing nothing. That will be funny :whistle: .
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I love your awareness of what is already working, your confidence, great humor and interest in finding what fits you well! :hearts: (and, :ta: very much, your compliments are very appreciated!) :romance-heartstiny:

yes, exactly! And I want to add a segment that resonates sooo much * with me *. It really is about starting to see the magic in EVERY moment. Because, it's there. When we are not used to it it feels annoying (because it's often somehow hidden to the untrained eye). But, you get better and better at realizing (!) the WORLDS of beauty in the very second. It doesn't stop giving, so to speak.

Let what is being revealed to you, that you are now realizing-
let it be that Expanded, that never-before-Realized in all of the universe.

THAT'S the climatic moments that you're reaching for.
When you take all-that-you-are into a new realization,
THAT'S what you're reaching for!
THAT'S what creation is!!

from the youtube clip "Best of Abraham Hicks 💜 Rampage of Feeling Sexy | Spiritual Journey"
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Awa »

I love your awareness of what is already working, your confidence, great humor and interest in finding what fits you well! :hearts: (and, :ta: very much, your compliments are very appreciated!) :romance-heartstiny:
Thank you very much. Compliments are wonderful :romance-cloud9: and your smilies are sweet as sugar :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :romance-wub:

yes, exactly! And I want to add a segment that resonates sooo much * with me *. It really is about starting to see the magic in EVERY moment. Because, it's there. When we are not used to it it feels annoying (because it's often somehow hidden to the untrained eye). But, you get better and better at realizing (!) the WORLDS of beauty in the very second. It doesn't stop giving, so to speak.
I keep hitting the same drum and am surprised that nothing happens. Ohhhh and then I indulge in my favorite pastime and complain to God about my fate. Insight or self-knowledge is the first path to improvement. I am on the way ... :animals-cow: :angelic-whiteflying:
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 5:49 pm I love your awareness of what is already working, your confidence, great humor and interest in finding what fits you well! :hearts: (and, :ta: very much, your compliments are very appreciated!) :romance-heartstiny:
Thank you very much. Compliments are wonderful :romance-cloud9: and your smilies are sweet as sugar :happy-cheerleadersmileygirl: :romance-wub:

yes, exactly! And I want to add a segment that resonates sooo much * with me *. It really is about starting to see the magic in EVERY moment. Because, it's there. When we are not used to it it feels annoying (because it's often somehow hidden to the untrained eye). But, you get better and better at realizing (!) the WORLDS of beauty in the very second. It doesn't stop giving, so to speak.
I keep hitting the same drum and am surprised that nothing happens. Ohhhh and then I indulge in my favorite pastime and complain to God about my fate. Insight or self-knowledge is the first path to improvement. I am on the way ... :animals-cow: :angelic-whiteflying:
:lol: :lol: Sounds awesome! And as a sure success, to me! Have FUN!! :hearts:
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Awa »

Thank you very much :vortex-small:
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Awa »

I watch the Geissens - a terribly glamorous family. It's interesting to see how naturally the two daughters deal with wealth. They take it for granted to jet around the world, look beautiful, be present in the media, spend a lot of money, stay in the best hotels, etc. I think this way of life must be a cornerstone of life. And if that's the case, things will fall into place by themselves - at the right time. I can't imagine them making lists or practicing appreciation. They once went on vacation to the Maldives, and one of the daughters referred to the house they were staying in as a doghouse. The rich and famous, complain too, just on a whole different level, and still get richer. These people are definitely very enterprising.

:vortex-small: The other thing is certainly that they think very, very big :vortex: .
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Re: It doesn't go any further ..

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

Awa wrote: Sat Apr 06, 2024 9:12 am I watch the Geissens - a terribly glamorous family. It's interesting to see how naturally the two daughters deal with wealth. They take it for granted to jet around the world, look beautiful, be present in the media, spend a lot of money, stay in the best hotels, etc. I think this way of life must be a cornerstone of life. And if that's the case, things will fall into place by themselves - at the right time. I can't imagine them making lists or practicing appreciation. They once went on vacation to the Maldives, and one of the daughters referred to the house they were staying in as a doghouse. The rich and famous, complain too, just on a whole different level, and still get richer. These people are definitely very enterprising.

:vortex-small: The other thing is certainly that they think very, very big :vortex: .
I love the thoughts that you ponder, and I agree!
It is fascinating to see that life is not "one cut and dry" truth. It is true, from so many angles. Just as you cannot fathom the "truth" of an elefant, when you stand on it's leg and touch that, or stand at it's trunk and touch that, or stand on it's tail and touch that... each time declaring you would "now know the truth" about the whole elephant. It is all true- and still, the thing will be even more than the sum of it's part. I like to be humble in this respect that I declare that I CAN NOT KNOW about others, ever!

While others can inspire me to-, or appall me from certain specifics, and that is a good thing.

I am very interested to listen to interviews of fascinating people and I listened to so many of very rich people (who normally have some really good ITV- mojo going, especially if they had been rich for a long time! But as always, there are exceptions :lol: ). And especially interesting are interviews with those that work for- or with this super-rich people. I read one interview of a Stewart on a big sail-yacht that people can use to book into, as a very expensive, exquisite cruise-ship. She said, there would be 3 different categories of people who can (and do) afford to sail with them:

1. Those with "old money", who either inherited their wealth or own it since several decades.
According to her, these people are normally VERY decent. They have their desires and expect them to be fulfilled, but they go about it very respectfully and low-key. They are highly interested in the world and in other interesting people and have fascinating stories to share, if they get asked. They treat staff exceptionally well, with authentic respect. They seem to be thoroughly- and stable- happy, in their own expression, mostly pretty understated (you would probably not notice their wealth at their clothes, per example). But sometimes they are very unique in even eccentric, but always confident and joyful ways.

2. Those who got their money recently, and are not yet really used to being rich. They tend to act in this flashy, loud, often disrespectful ways that we tend see in Instagram. They seem to think that everybody would only exist to serve them, while they also exude a high level of insecurity, really. When they meet up with the old money, it can go either way: The confident ones can pull them into a stance of true passion about a theme that they both love. Or the "new money" starts to brag, and the confident ones pull back, out of that, and do their own thing, in peace.

3. Those who are not really rich, but have saved for such a journey very, very long. Those would often be those who are most difficult to deal with. They are cheap, often disrespectful, and want to get a dollar out of every cent they spend, so to speak. They are those who write mean reviews and who are hard to satisfy. It seems to the staff, as if this people would have a battle within themselves, where they feel an urge to defend why they are not better off- and where they try to get those "down" that they think would be above them.

I found that fascinating. I am sure that there are exceptions, not all eggs belong into 1 basket. But it is a tendency I had observed when I still sat on the dinner table with CEO'S, the Press, and with Entrepreurs of all colors, at my Grandparents house. Or when I worked in a VERY expensive Boutique. My sons who either work in a shop that restores very expensive classic cars, and the other, who was a mechanic for classic private race-cars, share the same observation:

There are some long-time, very rich people, who are really incredibly nice. They are passionate about what they love, really generous, and always deeply respectful. And, MOSTLY, quite humorous. Which all are traits that define people that are stable ITV. And it makes so much sense, doesn't it!?
-I find that very uplifting, and that is where I want to get, myself!

:lol: I rambled on the inspiration you gave me. I hope it didn't distract where YOU wanted to go with this! :hearts:
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