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Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 3:52 am
by Jenny Lee
A wonderful conversation about abundance.


Abe: Give us an example of something that you have been writing or something that you've been wanting if you want to. Give us an example of it in the way that you've been offering it in the way that's sort of making you feel tired of it.

HS: Well, like I mean anything I would say maybe

Abe: Like you's the most, yes?

HS: Maybe financially like stuff, you know, once I graduate from college, I have a year left in.

Abe: So what kinds of things are you trying to script or write about or visualize?

HS: To really never worry about money, money being an issue and say money or say

Abe: Give us the words in the process in the way you were describing it that feels a little problematic to you.

HS: I would say, you know, I like, I am, so I would say, I am, you know, I am a millionaire,or I am

Abe: Alright, so when you say I am a millionaire, but you don't believe that you are. You're introducing resistance into the equation right there, so you're being specific, more specific than your current vibration is able to sustain. So whenever you feel that tension, just back away from the specifics and say something that is more general, such as:

I have the potential for anything that I want. There will be no resistance in that.

I'm getting better and better at this. There will be no resistance in that.

Already I can feel improvement. There be no resistance in that.

I know that this universe is abundant.

I know that others who are now billionaires were one time standing right where I'm standing.

I know that these processes work. I know that I'm coming closer into alignment with what I want.

I like the idea of abundance. I like to look for the abundance in my own life experience, not just the financial but the clarity abundance and the wellbeing abundance and the physical energy abundance and the beautiful in the world abundance. I'm doing really well in this.

I'm looking forward to the universe yielding to me a steady path. I understand that all of my abundance won't come all at once; that's all right. I like the steady stream of abundance that will be flowing to me, that is flowing to me.

I love knowing that I'm the creator of my own reality. I love knowing that I can dream big. I love understanding how big what I’ve put into my vortex is, and I love knowing the energy that creates worlds and my own Inner Being, (and cooperative) everyone have gathered to assist me in that.

I can feel that my work is just to relax and allow it. I don't want it to all come at once. I want to savor it as ideas and pieces of it come. I like the idea of having my own hands in my own clay as I'm processing all this. I like watching the abundance squirt into my experience in different ways. I like knowing that it will always be good for me.

I like feeling my power of understanding. I like understanding laws of the universe. I'm crazy about my own guidance system. I like knowing by this calm that I'm feeling right now that I'm right on track with what I'm wanting. It feels good to me to know that I can be or do or have anything that I choose. I like knowing that i can massage the energy. I like knowing that when I'm really sure of something, I can really lay on the specifics of it and really get the momentum going because I love that fast ride.

And I love knowing that when it feels a little halting to me, that that's the time, it's all right for me to just slow down and catch my balance and be more general. I know that this is a sure thing. I know that now this idea has occurred to me about something that I want, that it must be. I can feel how long the journey has been even for me to get into the receiving mode and receive that idea. I understand that having received that idea means that I'm well along the way.

I'm so looking forward to the details of how that will play out. I'm thrilled with the idea of the entrepreneurship that's flowing to me. It is exciting to me to think about those that I will meet, and it's exciting to me to know that I will know them when I see them.

It's exciting to me to know that I can't miss in this, and that there will be so many avenues through which things will flow. I love the power of my fascinating mind. I love the interest I have on so many different subjects. I love knowing the freedom I have to choose lots of different arenas at the same time.

I can feel the cooperative universe surrounding me and participating with me. I look forward to each and every idea as it comes. I don't have to look out into the future and figure it out all at once anymore than I have to plan a trip across the country and know every turn I'm going to take along the way. I know that I've got my feet under me and (I know) my stability and I know that I will intuitively know which way to turn and which way to go and when to put on the gas and when to slow down a little bit.

I love knowing that I am the creator of my own reality. There's nothing about this that I don't like; there's nothing about this that I don't know.

Can you feel how productive that conversation was, and can you feel how easy it was just to step back from it and not try to cram it, not try to force it, not try to figure it out? Just acknowledge the things that you can acknowledge and feel the vibrational frequency that you accomplished in that, feel how your cork is floating. Don't all things feel possible right now? Doesn't it just seem perfectly logical that when you're riding the rhythm of that vibrational frequency that an idea will come and that you'll know it when you see it and that it will be good and that it will, hear this, and that it will feed your appetite, your realization appetite as you go. You don't want to eat all the food that you're going to eat in the rest of your life time today. You think you do, but you really don't want to. it's nice when it keeps showing up and it keeps evolving given the different tastes that you have. Do you remember the things that you used to like to eat compared to the things that you now like to eat? Are you recognizing that your palate is becoming more sophisticated and your creative palate is too you see.

And so your Inner Being knows everything that you've created, your Inner Being knows, not just the potential but the Vibrational Reality (that) is for you and your Inner Being also knows where you stand in relationship to that and what resistance is on your trail and how to call you over and under and around and through this resistance, not because you have to get past that resistance in order to get to the ending place that you want, but because that's the fun of the journey. So just being flexible and going and knowing and feeling sure. Don't you feel sure right now? Don't you feel sure for him right now? In other words, yeah. But to say I can do this and I'm really good at this. and by the end of this month, I'll have this much money, and by the end of this month, I'll have this much money, and these are the specific things that I... In other words, sometimes you work against yourself

HS: That's the good idea of what I do.

Abe: yeah, you got this.

HS: That's it, thank you.

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 7:43 am
by Jenny Lee
About abundance and adventure


Hs: About a year ago, I was introduced to Ask and It Is Given and life shifted in a great way particular on finance. We paid off all of our personal debt; things are moving beautifully. And a few weeks ago a client contract went away. And my first response was to take the windshield, to use the earlier analogy, out of the front of the car, stick it in the floor board, look straight down and think, you know, well, now I have to make x amount of money happen in x amount of time. And it's not a good feeling place and I heard

Abe: Making a lot of money faster doesn't feel good to you?

HS: WOW. Making a lot of money fast feels great to me.

Abe: If you believe it.

HS: Yeah.

Abe: So what you're saying to us is not believing that you can make a lot of money fast doesn’t feel good? So stop thinking that. Next.

HS: Ha. It's so easy.

Abe: Well, the thing, the thing, the thing that we know, that you're yet to know. and it's coming to you soon, is that if, the Vortex trumps everything. So in the face of evidence that defies what you want, if you look at the evidence that defies what you want, you're always going to feel fear. But when you know what you know, you've come so far, you know so much you. If you can hear us when we say the vortex trumps everything and you can, you might not be able to conjure another contract just out of the ethers instantly and you might not be able to see an immediate path to that money that you want or need, but you do know that you can get into the Vortex in the next five minutes if you really want to and if we can convince you that getting into the Vortex in the next five minutes because you really want to is all that you need to do and then the vortex will take care of everything else. If we can convince you of that, then you're done. But you got to believe it enough to get into the Vortex, and that's the thing--what is is sometimes so compelling that it keeps you out of the Vortex, because you keep wanting to explain the injustice of the client bailing out of you, you want to explain how it shouldn't have happened in that defensiveness or in that sheer examination of what is. Which you just gotta let go of what is because you can't move to where you want to be while you're looking at what is. They are two different vibrations. They are two different vantage points. They are different.

HS: Or just to be able to. I think where I get tripped is not seeing the path forward, not even so much the injustice would change

Abe: Alright. So lets go back to what we were saying earlier, so not seeing the path, not being able to be in the vortex, not being able to appreciate something that (is) sucky that happened.

HS: Right

Abe: So nothing wrong with that; everybody understands that. So what did we just offer earlier: appreciate if you can, and if you cant, do what?

HS: Go general.

Abe: Go general. So now lets take this specific subject of this client that contract that was and and, be specific if you want to begin with, but go general and negative.

HS: Sure. Everything is moving perfectly and it feels really lousy to have somebody that you trusted

Abe: I was doing my part,

HS: I did my part, I over delivered, I gave, added value and then to have the contract go away. It does feel unjust.

Abe: It feels like a betrayal.

HS: Yes.

Abe: So now so we’ve all added to the specifics of that. Now let it be negative because you can’t help it, but make it more general in the negative:

It’s just business. People are always looking to, They’re looking for the best advantage they can find. It really was not as personal as I wanted it to be. Really I think business should be more business and not so personal. It’s never a good idea to put a lot of eggs in one basket, and it’s the point of having a lot of contracts and it’s sharpening my awareness of all of that. I still have all of the knowledge that I held. I’m still willing to do as much service as I was ever doing. I know that there are other people out there just as these people came to us, there are others that are still looking for us now

HS: And that’s shifting into the general positive that I know there are others that are out there.

Abe: Did you feel that?

HS: Yeah.

Abe: It did shift and you could get there pretty easily from there and now if that shifts. If you don’t make that shift, its all right to stay in the general negative for a while, because it’s movement from where you are, and in shifting to the more general, that the more positive called you. In other words, this is the thing that we want you to understand, the Vortex with all its solutions is calling you, you just can’t hear it because you’re beating the drum of the specific problem, but when you beat the drum of a less specific problem, you had a better chance to hear the Vortex. When you really get general, the Vortex is calling you right into that general place, that general, and as you hang around there, before you know it, the solution just lights right up, from one day to the next, it can light up. You can find yourself saying, I see why that contract which was not nearly as good as this one that came had to go away in order to break loose the time and the personnel in order for us to service this other potentially much greater (project/contract.) You see what we're getting?

HS: Yeah. Big time.

Abe: Now, now you can feel that now that doesn't and it doesn't even feel like something that is hopeful, it feels like something that is certain, doesn't it? Yeah, it feels certain to us.

HS: Yeah. In a natural progression.

Abe: And so so now, if you want to play with it a little bit, you can go back to the general negative and say: I am looking forward to having a conversation where I actually thank them for all we learned together. (HS: Right.) All that we became because of them. The expansion that I know would not have been there if it had not been for that, the preparation that they helped me with and even the impetus for this new multiple contracts that were not available to me before that happened.

HS: Right.

Abe: Because it's an adventure, isn't it?

HS: Yes.

Abe: Isn't it an adventure? Aren't you always at the beginning of the journey. And so now lets talk about this. We were talking about it earlier, about the familiar.

HS: Right.

Abe: So let's say, so you're familiar with home. You're familiar with the foods you eat. You're familiar with the work that you're doing. It's familiar. It's familiar, but doesn't, doesn't the road call you? Doesn’t a vacation call you? Doesn’t traveling the world call you? Doesn’t interfacing with other business concepts call you? Doesn’t expansion call you? Doesn't it all call you and isn't familiar and same the opposite of being called? Isn't the adventure always calling you and isn't change always a wonderful thing? And we're putting this to you from our absolute point of knowing, and we want to evoke our knowing right through you. Are not things always working out for you? Aren't they?

HS: Yes.

Abe: Yes, things are always working out for you. It doesn't matter how it looks. Things are working out for you. This is a blessing in disguises; this is a good thing that's happened, not a bad thing that's happened because bad things don't happen when things are always working out for you. Can you hear it?

HS: Yes.

Abe: Can you feel the faith of it? Are you starting to know it a little bit, you see? When you get there, you'll never be in a bad place very long, because you'll catch your balance quick and then where you go from that place that felt bad, will feel better than anything you've ever, ever, ever done. Have you ever eaten a meal after you've been hungry, wasn't it way good?

HS: One other question about change. My life partner of 18 years has been talking about a business for the past year or so and I have been peripherally assisting him and I have been getting more and more turned on and excited by what he is up to and what he is doing and things are just flowing beautifully into his business and I am having a great time with it, but it’s nothing I anticipated doing it myself and yet the more time I spend with him working together with him, the closer we’ve become

Abe: Are you telling us that the vortex is revealing more and more to you

HS: Complete different from

Abe: Are you telling us that you are surprised that from outside the Vortex you couldn't see everything in it and that you had to get in it before you could see it.

HS: That's exactly what I'm saying.

Abe: Get out.

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2024 1:18 pm
by Jenny Lee
Just explore...

My little niece just follows her intuition. And now she has been learning to stand up and she is doing so by at first holding to the headboard. She would do it again and again. She is actually called to do this again and again, rarely feeling tired or bored. I could see how she is mostly in alignment, rarely worrying or doubting. And so there is nearly no resistance in her physical body, and therefore her physical state can be said as perfect. Her skin is perfect; she doesn't need to apply any skin products or massaging to keep it in a good state. Her skin is just clear, smooth and glowing every day, every month, every year. And I remember that Abe said our bodily state can be as perfect as when we were little, if we don't have the resistance we learned as we grew.

So, when I am still applying skin products and do some massaging onto my face, I would remind myself that these are temporary, and my skin is not weak or so fragile that it needs more and more care. Products and certain exercises could enhance my present skin state in a quicker way, while my main focus is to remember and cultivate my belief in the natural wonderful state of my skin. And when it gets better and better, my Inner Being would let me know that maybe I could just care my skin in a very simple way. My skin is extremely resilient. My skin can easily recover and improve. All positive things are possible for my skin.

When I look at my nephew and nieces, I would sorta stand in their physical shoes, and think: Isn't it amazing that they wake up every morning, their hair is sleek and their skin is clear and glowing, day by day, month by month, year by year. They rarely think about them. They may quickly and randomly wash the face and if their parents don't remind them, they would not put on cream. And on and on, their bodies are healthy, robust and beautiful. Isn't that kind of mental state and physical state beautiful?

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2024 1:30 pm
by Jenny Lee
Just explore...

Recently, I would remind myself many times every day: Every time I eat and drink, my body and my metabolism would immediately work extremely diligently to keep me both healthy and fit/slender.

I did so in the past few days when I was eating the abundant breakfast in a local diner. I love its small wotons and steamed chicken dumplings of the rattan pepper flavor. I just tried its spring rolls, it's alright, but not a good idea as breakfast.

I like exploring new foods. I ate lunch and supper at home. And so I explore the breakfast and the so-called night snacks though they could be just normal meals. This evening, I tried spicy shredded chicken noodles in a newly found shopping mall. It would be wonderful when I feel a little hungry. So I may eat it again but at the lunch time or supper time.

I love hotpot when I get my favorite dipping source which consists of peanut butter, sesame paste, mushroom sauce, beef paste, coriander and mashed garlic. Add a little hot soup into the bowl of dipping source, then all food materials become extra delicious.

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2024 2:24 pm
by Jenny Lee
Beneficial thoughts about abundance:

When I mainly focus upon even just one good-feeling subject (and feel good), all subjects, including my finances, in my life would start getting well. So, use this opportunity to focus upon good-feeling subjects here and now: My brother, my sister-in-law and my nephew is a funny trio. Yesterday, the mother and the son teased my brother because he used vulgar language and was immediately caught by his son. I received money in a very delightfully surprising way the day before yesterday and this experience immediately ignited my passion of learning more about the subject of financial abundance. So I listened to many Abe clips and pondered and learned a lot of useful new thoughts. I love watching stories, mainly in the form of TV series. I've got abundant electronic products on which I could enjoy the stories. And last night, I was inspired to take out my projector and then bought the vip of a specific app which allows me to watch anything on my smartphone projected to the big wall. I've got more and more ways to enjoy interesting stories...

Abundance flows to me easily and abundantly. Money flows to me easily and abundantly through all kinds of aligned ways. Money is totally safe in my bank accounts. I know how to manage my money based upon priorities and emotions. I am good at making budgets. I am glad that I've already put a lot of money into my Vortex. I appreciate money. I appreciate money for buying me all kinds of wonderful products and services. I appreciate money for allowing me to take abundant immediate desired actions if I want to...

Looking back, actually I had established a calm state that believed things are always working out for me, even when I rarely had money in my bank cards. I like this state. It is more unconditional. I like using it to remind myself not to feel guarded when I get more money, because I sensed the trend. I like reminding myself that: I don't need to have much money to live a satisfying life. Because I have been so for a long time. The ins and outs of abundance and money are continually in great balance in my life. And as life goes on, my Inner Being would only call me to become more and more uncontional instead of feeling guarded. I like feeling unconditionally lighthearted weather I have money or not. I like knowing that things are always working out for me, NO MATTER WHAT. In most cases, I just feel satisfied and know what I need and desire would come at good timings, even when I have little money at the present. So when I spend money, I can remind myself as follows: Just spend joyously. Remember and know that life goes smoothly even when I have little money. On and on, what I desire and need would come to me at wonderful timings, and so now that I can easily have extra money in the bank cards, what to fear? Why should I feel guarded and tighten my spending unnecessarily when the general financial state actually is better? I would like to remind myself that: I could put some money as the savings and don't use them for some time if that enhances my feeling of security. And then I can creatively use the left money, fully open without any guardedness. I would deliberately remind myself: Abundance of all kinds can come to me at any time. Money can come to me at any time through aligned ways. No need to worry. But instead, think more about why I want money. Imagine being abundant and having lovely experiences of spending money and getting what I desire...

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:21 pm
by Jenny Lee
I am obessed with stories.

I noticed a long time ago I actually didn't feel that interested in traveling. When I was in Hengdian with my mom, most of my attention was on a TV series I could watch at night and when I got to the hotel room, I started watching it on my tablet and this was the most satisfying moment during the trip.

Things would change, so I don't know my future attitudes, but for now, my favorites are watching and writing stories. And in the recent dramas I have watched, I could clearly feel that most of the characters the screenwriters depict are kind and loving in their hearts though they may look cold or speak rudely. There may be one or two characters stay the same or even get worse in terms of treating others badly like bullying others. But there are always those multi-faceted and gradually maturing lovely characters leaving a deep impression upon me.

I especially like those understanding and trusting adults who would try their best to support those so-called naive or bad-tempered ones, even under harsh conditions. When I open bullet screen, I could ofen see people who just want to punish those who don't behave they like. They just can't see the maturing and evolving of the characters and they immediately respond to what-is. They would assume "bad people" would always be bad. They would assume there would be some people who are born to be evil. I am glad that now these thoughts just don't feel normal to me. I am glad that many directors and screenwriters choose to emphasize the growth and aligned maturation of the chracters. They understand why certain characters behave like that and there are always some other characters understand that too. They highlight the humanity and the beautiful parts of human relationships.

I am glad that I live in a big country with a long history. When the geographical conditoins play an important role in the stories, they become uniquely meaningful or attractive. Recently, I have been watching dramas set in the northern part, and it would extremely cold in the winter. People there sleep in the heatable brick bed/炕. And actually this kind of bed is multi-functional. People treat guest there. They eat there. They sleep there. I like it though I never met one or slept on one. I just put it in one of my novel. And in those harsh environments, some people may make simple, crude and cheap houses mostly underground and they could be called 地窝子 in deserts, and 地窨子 in north-eastern part. Often, both have the heatable brick beds because both parts could be extremely cold in the winter.


Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:34 pm
by Jenny Lee
My abundance:

Last night, I sent my mom a red envelope as her birthday gift through wechat.

I heard them say last night sometimes it's hard to cook some new and delicious breakfast. This morning, I got them fried noodles and soup dumplings from a famous diner through a delivery app and they enjoyed them.

Knowing what I love--I love music, and watching stories mostly in the form of TV series, I've already got the vips of iqiyi, youku and wetv. I bought a seasonly vip card of Netease Cloud Music app. This evening, I checked the music app, it suggested I update it to svip for a week which allows me to enjoy music with higher-quality sound effects. And it then gave me another 20-day vip usage. I must be inspired to sorta randomly check it. Of course all of them were freely offered to me. Great!

After walking one hour in the neat and bright street, I went to the Cotti for hot Americano. As I decided to pay for the coffee, the bank app said I only needed to pay the cafe 0.01yuan. Whoa! Meaning I just get a free coffee without doing anything.


Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:40 pm
by Jenny Lee
A lovely character died in saving his colleague. Tears just rolled down my cheeks and even after I thought about him when I was walking outdoors at night, I still wanted to cry.

Immediately I couldn't figure out what were my emotions. I would not say it's a bad experience. I was deeply moved. I might have the feeling of sorry, thinking it would be much nicer if this kind, loving person could live long. Not talking about the vibrational accuracy, would I want to meet this kind of characters in stories again next time? I think so.

He is such a mutlti-faceted support character and when his part ended, I decided to rewatch the drama sorta from his point of view. At first the auidence may want to beat him because he is too extreme about what he believes when he talks and he likes representing others. The audience would think he is just doing the lip service. He might be the evil one, the villain. But he is not. He does what he believes and says. He is passionate. He wants people to unite together, not respecting the differences. He is stubborn in persuading others to do what he sees as good. But when his colleagues are in danger, he would just jump to save them, even that means his own death. And he did die because of this. He is born to be, or raised to be an uplifter or someone who loves helping; however, he is always too quick to act and often acts out of misalignment, putting himself and people around him in danger... He is a complicated character with many positive aspects and many flaws with a suprising but logical early death.

I appreciate the abundant vivid characters I see in stories--mainly TV series. I have my preferences. The main character who was saved twice by the above character was born in a depressing family and was living under harsh conditions. I totally understand why he was rarely happy, keeping all kinds of things to himself. He met his new colleague who was so different, who was reckless, passionate, talkative, and stubborn. The latter stubbornly wanted to understand him and make friends with him and pull him into being a cooperative component of the group. And he did influence him in a positive way. He influenced him to be more alive and more eager about things he could contribute to the community...

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2024 1:15 am
by Jenny Lee
A belief is a thought I keep thinking.

I like behaving like my Inner Being. I do not jump to the past to dig the root. I do not imagine a worse future with the present worrisome or fearful thought. I ONLY focus upon the Vortex version. Or I shift my focus to other better feeling subjects. And now I choose the latter: I shift my focus to other good-feeling subjects.

~ I appreciate that I can easily get a cup of hot coffee with some sugar and milk. I just got it, thanks to the delivery person. I pour it to my thermos so that it can keep the satisfying temperature longer.

~ I had a good sleep last night and before I got up, I spent thirty minutes doing rampage of appreciation on my mind. So I started my day, feeling good.

~I can easily find lovely songs to loop and enjoy. Sometimes, I would let go of any other thought, just walking with the company of beautiful rhythms. My eyes observe beauty. My ears are immersed in beauty. In the past two days, I have been looping 诸葛抚琴 and 日落色.

~ I appreciate my little niece. She brings so much fun, joy and pleasure to not only her family, but also those who see her often in this community. She is so cute, beautiful, happy and naughty. She is an adventurer who always wants to go outdoors. She asks for milk with cute repeated syllables.

~ I am a story lover. Now I enjoy watching TV series, a very vivid form of stories. I watch them on my computer, laptops, tablet, smartphones or wall through the projector. I know what are important to me, and so I bought the vips of three mainstream platfroms producing movies and dramas. I enjoy waching refreshing, unique physical environments and how people live there. How do they warmselves in such cold weather? Is cleaning water abundant there? Are they really threatened by wolfs? What do they eat? How about the local economy?...

~ I appreciate my body. I feel comfortable from head to toe. I am clear-minded. I am flexible and resilient. My fingers are extremely efficient. I move freely and can walk fast and long with my legs and feet. I see clearly. I hear clearly. I speak clearly. I can freely explore unlimited flavors of food and beverages. My body processes food and drinks amazingly. My mind and brains work more and more efficiently for me every day. My body is extremely cooperative. All things are possible for my body. A perfect body is FOREVER strongly calling me and I just need to line up with it by feeling good as much as I can.

~I always have abundant free time to do what ring my bells. I always stay in lovely physical spaces both inside and outside. I live in a safe, beautiful, neat, robust, convenient, abundant, continually developing city. In my solitude, I like doing vibrational work in the form of thinking and writing. I like visualizing. I like writing articles and novels. I like watching stories. I like listening to Abe and exploring their teachings.

~ I appreciate my laughter because of different reasons. When I hold my niece with my arms, letting her head rest upon my neck, I often couldn't help laughing. I am ticklish when she positions herself like that. I can laugh again and again because of the same scene happening in a drama...

~ I appreciate my father because he continually lives his life as fully as he can. He likes taking care of his granddaughter. He cares about the vegetables he grows. He goes to the field and sows and harvests. He makes the house clean and function well. He enjoys listening to audio stories.

~ I appreciate my mother because he continually lives her life as fully as she can. She is a loving and funny grandmother. She knows how to soothe her granddaughter to sleep. She teases her and makes her giggle. She is good with her hands. She is a marvelous cook. She likes cooking and making snacks and then sharing them with her family and friends. She likes sharing. She likes helping people in need. She likes sewing...

Re: Appreciation of My Life

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2024 2:13 am
by Jenny Lee
Just explore...

I like knowing that no matter how big or difficult or rare something seems to be from human perspectives, it's a piece of cafe for Who I Really Am. It's extremelly easily. It immediately exists the moment I desire it. In my Vortex, I already have it and ENJOY it--maybe I feel satisfied or contented, maybe I feel love, maybe I feel happy, or maybe I feel stronger--I feel excited/joyful. These positive emotions are pure without any disbelief or fear of loss.

Find these feelings now by ways like focusing upon the easy existing good-feeling matches:

I feel satisfied. The hot coffee is on my left. I sit comfortably on my sofa chair before my computer. I am clear-minded and eager. I am eager to explore interesting thoughts. And I do. My fingers move fast on the keyboard as thoughts flow out on the screen one by one. I like doing the vibrational work and enhancing my states of being, accompanied by music and coffee.

I feel proud of myself. I remember that years ago, almost every time I thought about money, I felt bad. Lots of limited thoughts would surge. But now, because I stubbornly and persistently shifted and shift my thoughts about money and finances, I can easily feel good about money. I feel good receiving money from different aligned sources. I feel good spending money and get desired products and services. I like taking care of my finances. I get better and better at making budgets. I feel good imagining about having more money and spending it the way I like. I appreciate the abundance my family members own. I manage and spend money based upon my own unique preferences and moods. I keep on cultivating new beneficial thoughts about this subject. I say to myself: I am always safe on every life subject. Source is in on every subject in my life. I am always loved, supported and guided every step along my life journey. I never need to feel guarded or fear of loss, because at every moment, everything I desire is already in my Reality and eager to manifest for me anytime. The more I relax and chill, the quicker they come into being. Everything information I need or desire is at my fingertip. The only job I need to care about is TO FEEL GOOD AS MUCH AS I CAN. It's simple.

I feel love. I love music. I love its beauty. I love its abundant unique atmosphere--mysterius, ethereal, otherworldly, romantic, sharp and powerful, healing, moving, frisky, robust and enlivening... Inspiring--easily causing vivid images and/or stories in one's mind...