Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 9

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to be limited.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to live LUXURY. I want to feel ABUNDANT, every moment, no matter what. It feels wide. It feels able. It feels in my power. It feels loyal to my dreams. It feels IN ALIGNMENT with who I really am. It feels true to me. It feels delightful. It feels right. It feels divine.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to ask specialists for their opinion, guidance and input for projects in my life- finances, garden- and interior-design, travel. Workout, clothing.
I want to hear their expertise, and feel their joy. I want to be carried to MORE! I want them to "dance" with me, and find the best of all solutions.
I want to allow help from those that know, and are passionate. I want to co-create!

It feels inspired! It feels elated. It feels thankful, and it feels in awe. It feels EASY. It feels so light. It feels wonderful! It feels pampered. It feels reasonable! It feels stunned by the MORE that I couldn't think up on my own. It feels loving. It feels enhanced. It feels helped. It feels exquisite. It feels as really really APPRECIATING them- and myself. What a wonderful dance!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: YES! YES, you feel how we are with you!

I say:
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Please guide me!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 10

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to WAIT for this very big dream any longer. It feels wrong. It feels as if I would do something wrong- or not right enough.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to clearly KNOW what I have to do from moment to moment! I want to wholly fully KNOW my guidance. It feels easy. It feels certain. It feels wonderful and eager.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to build our dream- "village". Maybe it is an old villa with gatehouse and factory-buildings, and the opportunity to build your own, too. Maybe it is something else. It has room for all our family, and all our friends, and those that are in on the project. LOTS of room for workshops of all sorts. Awesome study-field for new, environmentally friendly techniques. Lots of room for all our assembled classic cars! Lots of room for horses and dogs and chicken and ducks... organic gardens and awesome orchards! And, as in Paradise, wild flowers all over the place, in stunning beauty... butterflies and singing birds, in the forests and meadows and beautiful space for the kids to explore and get lost in. A beautiful lake, with a creek. The perfect place for the boys to have their business. Maybe a Café with amazing pastry and small delicious meals, and some books and some handcrafted gifts and -postcards.

Our "nest", where the dogs can run free, and we all meet in the central garden to have BBQ's and feasts! Huge gathering rooms where passionate friends from all over the world can gather and even work together, and you can step easily into the courts or gardens. 2 or 3 boats in the boathouse. Guesthouses in the gardens, covered with roses. Lots of "natural" babysitters for when the parents want to take off! Uncles and aunts, friends and grandparents, cousins and siblings all together... The perfect mix of old and young, art and creativity, nature and work and leisure, calling and fun, coming together and being on your own. YES. I WANT THAT! It feels as clicked. It feels as ME:

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: So be it. It is done since long! And, you are right on track. It is coming in perfect timing, and you boldly and powerfully are attracting it for all of you, who DO have the same dream. But you are the most clear and bold one. You do that, as your project, and so it shall be.

I say:
Thank you!! Thank you, Source! Thank you LIfe! THANK YOU, I am so eager!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 11

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like disappointment. I don't like the frustration. It feels like slowly dying.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to feel refreshed and eager and in full, whole deep wonderful rejuvenating TRUST! It feels like huge, huge RELIEF. It feels soothing, and refreshing and healing. It feels awesome. It feels like life itself. It feels ...DIVINE.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to live my life FULLY, I want to feel and know and exercise my POWER. I want to KNOW my Power. KNOW my power! KNOW who I really am.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: ALLOW.

I say:

I am Willing! I want the RELIEF. I want the emotion of being carried by a loving Source and a loving, wholly capable UNIVERSE.
I GIVE UP all my tenseness. I GIVE UP my resistance. I give in and fall into what-is, in whole, full TRUST of God.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 12

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to not "close in". I don't like to feel stuck, in so many ways.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want FLOW. Energy flowing, and expanding, and becoming what I desire!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to fulfill my dreams, again and again. Iwant to be satisfied- fully and wholly, while I am on my way to MORE.
I want to"point" at what I want, as Abe put it, and see how the Universe delivers. I want it to happen in a comfortable, joyful, very recognizable speed. I want to flow, while I enjoy the very moment. I want to live some joyfu, lined up, wonderful speed of unfolding. I want to be wowed! I want to be delightfully swept off my feet!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: You can have ALL of it! This is yours to be had. TRUST.

I say:
I am going to line up with this! I can have it. I want to allow it! Please, help me!

meh... I want much MORE!!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 13

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like the idea of poverty and traumatic events unfolding on Earth, ahead. It feels so wrong! It feels ...simply wrong, and terrible. Source is not there, with it!

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want an awesome, easy, divine, magic unfolding into the collective dream of Abundance and Joy! It feels possible. It feels so much more right and probable. We are going into Paradise on Earth. According to Abraham, we must allow us a HAPPY journey, when we want to be HAPPY at the destination!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want AWE. I want it to be easy and certain and carried, for ALL OF US! I want it to be a wonderful, certain, sure, swift ride. I want it to feel awesome and thrilled and delighted. It feels as surprising delight. It feels as awe. It feels as magical delicious unfolding, all on it's self, as it is so much bigger and bolder and wonderful as we can fathom. It is TAKING us. It is as a hug wave that is carrying us. It is easy. It is delightful. It is clear. It is loving. It is wonderful. It is better than all dreams we might have had. It feels elating. It feels uplifted. It feels on top of the world, in love and unquestioned clarity- and, we are all in this, together! It feels as huge appreciation of all of us! It feels as a huge co-creation. It feels as one, having understood us in uniqueness, and sharing in unity. It is wonderful. It is paradisy. It is the dream, coming true!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: So it is.

I say:
THANK YOU!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! :vortex:

Zørion of Sirius about the Financial-Systems-Shift that is ahead of us

I am Zørion of Sirius, and I am delighted to be with you today.
My dear friends, many of you have been asking about changes to your world, and specifically the financial systems. We say to you this: When something is in your mass consciousness, it will materialize, at some point, into your physical realm. When more of you draw your resources and supply from Prime Creator, the financial systems will shift. And when we say shift, know that it will blow your minds!

The good news is, you are approaching this shift rapidly, as enough truthful thoughts are being sown into the carnal- or mass mind, so you see the coming Financial system changes are not just economic events. They are deeply intertwined with your spiritual evolution, and the collective ascension of humanity. You might look at this as a reset, so we will call it this; so you may understand it. But we would encourage you to look at it as a progression.

This reset is a divine chapter indeed!
Designed, to align the physical manifestations of your world with the higher vibrations of Love, Equality and Abundance that emanate from the Creator.

We in the galactic realms request that you come together and visualize this Quantum Financial System being activated, transforming humanity into an era of prosperity for all. The more you do this, the more likely you are to anchor in the christic quantum-reset timeline, versus the negative version. When you have finished this transmission, share it with as many light workers as you can! The power of collective manifestation is your most most powerful tool.

Many of you have sensed a disparity in your world, a misalignment where wealth and resources are unevenly distributed. The upcoming quantum-reset is an opportunity to correct these imbalances, to create a system that supports the well-being of ALL rather than a select few. However, understand that this shift begins within each of you!

It is your personal transformation.
Your alignment with divine truth and abundance, that will reflect and manifest in the outer world!

Tune into the omnipresent energies of the creator, that are flowing through the universe, reaching your planet to support this monumental shift. These energies carry the frequencies of balance, fairness and prosperity for all. As you open your hearts and align with these divine qualities, you become conduits for these energies, helping to anchor them into your reality.

During this time, it is vital to maintain a state of trust and inner peace.

Fear and anxiety about material needs can create blockages, preventing the flow of universal abundance into your life!
Remember, you are not mere physical beings, limited by material constraints. You are powerful Spiritual Beings, capable of creating and experiencing abundance in all forms. As these shifts unfold, stay grounded and connected to your inner wisdom. The changes may be rapid and unexpected. But with your heart centered in love and trust, you will navigate this period with grace and ease.

Connect with the energy of Mother Earth to maintain your balance! And remember that you are supported by the angelic realms at every step this is a time of great potential and opportunity. Embrace it with an open heart and a clear mind. Know that the changes are leading you towards a more equitable and prosperous world for al!l My brave ones, this sacred resurgence is a deep, cosmic re-calibration of the fundamental energies, composing your reality- the heart of humanity, once constrained, now expands with an unprecedented in-pouring of love and compassion, signaling a shift in consciousness that elevates all the connections to the cosmic heart, through the radiant energies of Venus and Andromeda have been strengthened, and are being opened wide even as we record this transmission.

These Celestial currents amplify the heart's opening on Earth. Building a platform of new light, that will soon connect you, not only to each others, but to the divine loving consciousness of the cosmos. We are the Syrian High Council, and we walk with you- hand in hand, heart in heart, as you step into this radiant new chapter of your collective journey! Together we create a world where love reigns supreme, and the divine dance of balance and unity shapes the destiny of all.

In infinite love and light we are with you now, and always. That is all for now. I am Zørion of Sirius.

from the youtube-clip "***SHARE THIS WITH AS MANY AS YOU CAN!*** | Zørion - The Sirian High Council 2024"
channeled by Dave Akira

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 15 (I corrected a mistake that happened several days ago)

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to feel shame about what I do or don't do. It feels weird. It doesn't feel right. It feels not aligned at all.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to solely look for what feels GOOD to me. Not for what would be "right" or "lazy" or "not enough" ans so. But only for what my EGS says FEELS GOOD, in the very moment!
That feels authentic. It feels real. That feels open to source. It feels in reach to Alignment.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to ONLY care about Sources opinion! I want to drop everything else. I want to be in Alignment, period, and drop all resistances. I want to fully wholly give in to source. It feels pure. It feels whole. It feels not poisoned anymore. It feels free, and fresh and HAPPY. It feels light. It feels elated. It feels rich! It feels open. It feels expectant of wonderful things. It feels unstoppable. It feels delightful. It feels lovely. Sweet, easy, happy, funny, curious, delighted!

It also feels physically pure and like relief, relief, relief! It feels like shedding my resistances and pain. It feels like the cells getting freedom and fresh life. It feels LIVELY. It feels delighted and eager for more! It feels flexible and beautiful and eager and cheeky and happy and GOOD!!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: EXACTLY! THAT'S the way to go!!! :lol: :hearts:

I say:
Let's have more of this!!! :vortex:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 16 (I corrected a mistake that happened several days ago)

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to feel bogged down, EVER. I don't like to not have deep trust. I don't like to feel miserable, when I KNOW I could be on top of the world completely unconditionally, if only I chose. It feels as madness. It feels so sick and silly! It feels ANGRY at myself.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to LOVE. I want to TRUST the magic and my desire and the setup. I feel I can trust it, I KNOW it is all there, and I want to fully wholly give in to that! That feels happy! It feels as the relief I am looking for. It feels as MY POWER. It feels as what I can always do, no matter what: BE HAPPY, REGARDLESS.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to dance and sparkle and love and enjoy and sing and be WHO I REALLY AM. NO MATTER WHAT. That feels magic. That feels invincible. That feels powerful beyond all odds. That feels elating! That feels as the answer!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: IT IS!!

I say:
I KNOW!!! :lol: :lol: :vortex:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

spiritualcookie wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:23 am Hopefully it will still have that sense of crispy satisfaction to it!
Cookie inspired me AGAIN. :ta: :hearts: :wave:

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 17

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to feel conditional. I don't like to give stuff or circumstances power over my life! It feels like bondage. It doesn't feel right. It feels less than true. It feels bad.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to see UNCONDITIONALLY what I want. I want to feel FREE. I want to feel fully and wholly in my power, when I follow my emotional guidance! I want to create from inside out, not bow to conditions. I want to flow my creative power and EXPECT awesome results. It feels elated! It feels FREE! It feels powerful. It feels RIGHT. It feels wonderful!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to have my cake and EAT and savor it, too! I WANT IT ALL! I want to behave like it feels wonderful. I want to eat what I love. I want to work out for fun, not for results. I want to be like a sourcer, and POINT AT WHAT I WANT and it becomes. No matter the calories I take in!
:lol: :vortex: It feels divine. It feels as stepping in my power, finally! It feels BIG. It feels so satisfying to ponder this! It feels awesomely clear. It feels so so so good!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: Hell yes!! Finally, you got that!!

I say:
:lol: :dance: :dance: :dance: YES!!! I love it!!

The key is:
"How do I look at a wrinkled face and feel appreciation?
How do I feel prosperous, when my checks are bouncing?
How do I feel well when they tell me I have cancer?"
and we say, you must not put so much credence upon the
current condition. And you should let your vision be dominant.

And when you're able to look, and see what you are
wanting to see, rather than what everybody else sees-
then you have the true vision of energy flow.
And that's when you begin to create miracles.
And we're not kidding you about it!

from the youtube clip
Abraham Hicks - Reverse Aging - Grey Hair Wrinkles
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 18

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to feel unclear, not understanding. It feels powerless. It feels stale. It feels bad.

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to feel in charge. I want to be in Alignment with ME. I want to "ascend" into this natural, "normal" ease in which I KNOW what is up, and where I am resistant. It feels clear. It feels in charge, it feels powerful. It feels POWERFUL- as being a sportscar that is totally capable! It feels wonderful.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to "point", and know that I am in charge. I want to be fully in my power. I want to KNOW, and hold my head high because I AM. It is this natural authority. Straight, clear, bold, intense, wonderful, normal, totally easy, effortless! RICH, ABUNDANT, FREE, totally in my POWER!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: THAT IS IT! It will become more, now, all on it's own. That is "all you can do- and it is ENOUGH! :lol: :hearts: :vortex:

I say: Yes!!! :hearts: :hearts: It is! I relax and KNOW!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 19

What is it -generally- that I don't like to have? And, how does that feel?
-I don't like to doubt. It feels half-ass ;) It feels empty. It feels powerless. It feels illoyal. It IS without the wholeness of what I dreamed into existence!

What is it generally that I want to have, instead? How would that feel?
-Instead, I want to live CERTAINTY. Trust. Powerful KNOWING. It feels filled unconditionally! It feels proud. It feels bold. It feels WHOLE.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
I want to trust in my paradisy dreams of living WHOLLY. Of being a pointer- and it all becomes. It feels as KNOWING. It feels empowered.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: Literally say what is on your theme: "I can have it! I will afford it! I will get it. I know, this is my future. This is what REALLY is."

I say:
This is what REALLY is! This is who I really am. I can have it. I already HAVE it! And now I realize. Now, I perceive it. THANK YOU, GOD!

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