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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2024 4:34 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 2

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to live under glas. I want to see the sky and the natural light, the weather and the seasons allll the time... and I want to live besides plants and their energy, in their fragrances, their amazing beauty and in their wonderful shade!

...I can afford that! I can buy that! And that feels like BEING ME!
It feels as coming home. It feels as spreading out my soul, and unfolding who I really am. It feels as relaxing into who I really am!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to gaze into the stars in the night, in my bedroom!
-I want the lush shade of fragrant citrus-trees and mimosas, in my living room.
-I want to hear and see the rain drum on the roof.
-I want to see the snow swirl down on us, without making things cold, in Christmas time!
-I want to live between colorful fragrant beds filled with springflowers, in Easter time!
-I want to have huge bushes of herbs in natural beds, around my kitchen- all year around.
-I want to smell the Paradisic fragrances of Frangipani when I'm taking a bath!
-I want to really shower within a "jungle"...
-I want to pluck artisan strawberries and exotic fruit in my house.
-I want to enjoy heirloom-tomatoes and fresh ripe figs, when I want that!

...I can afford that! I can buy that! Ohhhh, wouldn't that be nice! Wouldn't that be PARADISE, indeed. It feels sooo cozy. It feels sooo perfect. It feels "close to the Gods"! It feels so wonderfully, wonderfully right and good.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says:
There you go. :hearts:

I say:
Thank you, so, so, so so MUCH!!!!

(thank you, spiritualcookie, for this awesome meme! SO appreciated!!)

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2024 3:42 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 3

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to spend a few years CRUISING.
Cruising on the oceans, cruising on the rivers, seeing the world as I float along and observe and AM THERE.

...I can afford that! I can buy that! And it feels so calm and full of peace. It feels so very very very satisfied! It feels incredibly comfortable. It feels wonderfully luxurious. It feels delightful. It feels relaxed. It feels wonderfully sumptuous. it feels SO relaxing!! It feels like healing. It feels like Paradise.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to learn to know the whole world. I want to experience all shipping companies that tickle my interest! I want to explore the world of large ships... I want to BE. I want to experience a time of pure bEINGNESS, but not without luxury and newness and exploration. I want to not do so much for some time. I want to peacefully BE and enjoy and adore and be stunned and thankful, and fill up with beauty and goodness!

...I can afford that! I can buy that!
And it feels perfect. It feels as the perfect fit- and match, to me!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: ...It IS the perfect match for you, here and now. for some years... 2, 3 or even 4. ENJOY this time fully and wholly! And see the new world become.

I say:
I'll do. Thank you so much!

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:07 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 3

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to feel fully and wholly as artist. I feel as artist, in regards to knowing my stuff and knowing my trade, and getting the results. But, I want to be PROUD of it. I want this to be a designation that I dare to use.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford it to allow this! My level of expertise is certainly so, that I can call me an artist. That feels terrifying, and also as... coming home. HAVING an earthly home. It feels stable. It feels anchored. It feels soothed. It feels embraced. It feels as belonging. It feels like something that I always have missed.

my art

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to look at my drawings and paintings and really ALL art that I do, (especially the writing, but also the photos, the interior-and garden-design, the whimsical ideas that I have all the time... and not diminish them. I want to be solely proud! I want to pull them on as a beautiful coat and hold my head high and say "THIS IS ME". This is (a part) of ME! This is a divine part of who I really am, and just because it flows to easily from me doesnt mean it wouldn't be precious!

The fact that art is super-easy for me makes it even MORE artful! Mastery doesn't need to be painful. Genius is a lot of focus-momentum and loving passion! And THAT is artistry!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can pull that on! This belongs to me! This is a designation, a label, a word that fully and wholly fits me. I am a teacher, also. I am a lover, also. But ALWAYS I am a CREATOR, a masterful artistic Creator: Passionate and absolutely clear in what she wants. I am an artist! I am an artist in so many ways. I am an artistic cook. I am an artistic craftswoman. I am an artist of LIFE! I am a passionate, intensely loving and researching artist. I am an artist, in almost all fields of my life. I AM AN ARTIST!

my artisanry

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: You always were.And you will be that so much more: STOP playing small! Move into the light and be showered with appreciation. BE AWARE. Celebrate who you really are! YOU CAME AS AN ARTIST! You will go as a very established, highly revered artist of even more fields than you can imagine, now.

I say:
THANK YOU....! Thank you!

my needlework

my cooking

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:03 pm
by spiritualcookie
Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 4:07 pm
my art
How beautiful! :in_love:
The unicorn is amazing!! I think people would pay good money for that if you ever put copies up for sale on posters/ canvases in places like FineArtAmerica or Zazzle!
I also LOVE your needlework, and your artisanry! (those floral chairs are incredibly beautiful! and the water bath fountain looks like something by the likes of Gaudi! so pretty!) and I adore how beautiful your dishes look when you decorate them and arrange them so artfully. I find it so feel-good to see, and inspiring too! :hearts:
just because it flows to easily from me doesnt mean it wouldn't be precious! The fact that art is super-easy for me makes it even MORE artful! Mastery doesn't need to be painful. Genius is a lot of focus-momentum and loving passion! And THAT is artistry!
On my journey of selling art and graphics, the funniest thing I discovered is that often those artworks that took me 10 minutes to make sell better than those that took me many hours or days to make :lol: Perhaps the ease and flow can be felt, and that is part of its attractive power!

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:31 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:03 pm How beautiful! :in_love:
The unicorn is amazing!! I think people would pay good money for that if you ever put copies up for sale on posters/ canvases in places like FineArtAmerica or Zazzle!
I also LOVE your needlework and I also adore how beautiful your dishes look when you decorate them and arrange them so artfully. I find it so feel-good to see, and inspiring too! :hearts:
just because it flows to easily from me doesnt mean it wouldn't be precious! The fact that art is super-easy for me makes it even MORE artful! Mastery doesn't need to be painful. Genius is a lot of focus-momentum and loving passion! And THAT is artistry!
On my journey of selling art and graphics, the funniest thing I discovered is that often those artworks that took me 10 minutes to make sell better than those that took me many hours or days to make :lol: Perhaps the ease and flow can be felt, and that is part of its attractive power!

:in_love: :in_love:
It means a LOT to me that you commented on this one!
I got the impulse to create this "picture-collections" and it was such joyful fun to do. And then I understood that my guidance wanted me to use it in the "challenge", today. And while I did, I realized how much I want to be an artist- and how resistant I am to call myself one! No no, I am not allowed to do that (for many incredibly stupid reasons...) It was cathartic to do this work, today! I was crying while I did and I can only guess that I found relief... I have no idea what I was digging up there. Your loving words helped me so much to open up even more...
THANK YOU- so much!

I am curious what will come, from this...

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 9:35 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2024 7:03 pm
On my journey of selling art and graphics, the funniest thing I discovered is that often those artworks that took me 10 minutes to make sell better than those that took me many hours or days to make :lol: Perhaps the ease and flow can be felt, and that is part of its attractive power!
This is so true!!
And I KNOW. But, it always was my argument that I am not "working hard enough, and so it's no art"... :naughty:

I finally want to completely drop this!! :vortex:

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 12:11 pm
by spiritualcookie
aw yeah, it's funny how we sometimes put all sorts of conditions or rules up for ourselves, and for no good reason! It's just old learned habits of thought. I'm familiar with this too in my own life. At least once we have the awareness that we're limiting ourselves, it's one step closer to dropping and releasing these limits. And once we drop them, it opens us up to all sorts of beautiful limitless possibilities 😊 :hearts:

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:01 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth
spiritualcookie wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 12:11 pm aw yeah, it's funny how we sometimes put all sorts of conditions or rules up for ourselves, and for no good reason! It's just old learned habits of thought. I'm familiar with this too in my own life. At least once we have the awareness that we're limiting ourselves, it's one step closer to dropping and releasing these limits. And once we drop them, it opens us up to all sorts of beautiful limitless possibilities 😊 :hearts:
Yes :hearts: :hugs: thank you for pointing this out to me explicidly :problem: I just needed that :hearts: :hearts:
I will use it in my work, now! :kiss:

Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 2:39 pm
by Paradise-on-Earth

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 4

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want complete TRUST that what I desire will unfold.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to trust. I MUST afford Trust. Relaxed, trusting attitude towards what I want, or I will not allow it to flow to me! I must be in VIBRATIONAL vicinity to what I desire!! As I was at Lake Garda (see picture below), when we came there before the season really began... and we only found a Hotel "by chance". Haha... I am certain, it was TRUST, not chance! A Hotel, from which this view is photographed... with wonderful dinner, and awesome fragrances of flowers in March!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want a fairy-tale life. I want the big money, and the big success for my career as an Artist (!!) :D I want to be healthy, slim and beautiful, in a way how I like it! I want my dreamcars. I want my dream-property, and I want it to be maintained by lovely people who know what they are doing! I want the awesome travel, all the time (no, MOST all the time!) :lol: I want to be revered and seen as who I really am. I want glamour and abundance and love and FUN!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can CAN AFFORD to trust this wonderful Paradise- dream. I CAN afford to relax into believing this. Hmmmm, this feels good!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: Youve got it, dear! That is right!

I say:
:D THANK YOU....! Thank you!


Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 10:14 am
by Paradise-on-Earth

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 5

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to live Paradise on Earth.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford that dream. I can afford to reach so high. I can afford to dream my hearts desire. I afford it. I won't play small anymore: I take off the bushel of my light. It feels like God in physical form, showing herself! It feels like being FREE. It feels like jumping into my fathers arms and TRUSTING I will be caught. It feels like trust. It feels like what is my birthright. It feels right. It feels inviting. It feels... necessary! It feels as the next right step.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to do what I want, when I want, with whom I want, when I want, in the way I want! I want to feel fully and wholly empowered. I want to KNOW freedom. I want to BE abundance! I want to be in Alignment with the divine part of me: In Alignment, in ENIGHTENMENT with my soul and my God-force.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can CAN AFFORD to line up fully with who-I-really-am! I can afford to allow me the very new game: BEING WHO I REALLY AM, shining my light, radiating my bliss, empowering others by my own example. YES, I can! And YES, I do!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: Hallelujah! :D :vortex:

I say:
:D THANK YOU....! Thank you!