Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 6

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want To fly high with my beloved mate! I want to look at what I love and need and want. REGARDLESS. I want us BOTH to soar high, and I want to be the woman he needs- and him to be the man that I need!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to focus on what he may need, BECAUSE I LOVE HIM. I looked for someone who makes it- generally very very easy, and who took all the risks. I can do more of being the woman he needs. I can become a better match! I can afford that.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?

-I want to see him COMPLETELY as a gift of the Universe! I want to see him in all his wonderful ways and facets. I want to be open for all the greatness that he really is! I want to look solely in love. I want to be aware of what he needs. I want to become the woman that jives with him INSIDE the Vortex!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can CAN AFFORD going ITV about him, unconditionally! I can afford to stop needing to be right. I ca afford to drop all my pettiness. I can afford to let go of the unwanted. I can afford to no longer be entitled to what makes me unhappy!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: Wouldn't that be nice!!? :lol: :hearts:

I say: Yeah, that would be something, huh? :D :vortex:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »

I speak my dreams into existence!

Day 6

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to EXPECT a super abundant life! I expect to own expensive stuff! I expect super expensive experiences to be manyfold in my life! I expect to be a super rich woman!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to go into this dream, fully, without holding back. I can afford this desires, to be true: THEY ARE WHO I REALLY AM. I can't afford to not dream it! :lol: It feels sensuous and delicious and fascinating and wide, and lovely and happy, and natural, and new and fresh and ALIVE!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?[/b]
-I want to ride horseback in the most wonderful ways! I want to drive the most beautiful, interesting cars! I want to fly in awesome jets, and travel in wonderful yachts. I want to live what I desire to live! I want to LIVE IT ALL!! I want to eat in all the restaurants where mastery resides. I want to travel for months without end... in the beautiful ways I can only dream up, and have the best expert advisors of where to go, how and when and with whom. I want to have child-care for my daughter and travel with her! I want to be rich and full and whole in all my desires! I want to decorate my house exactly as I want!! I want to have the house that I want!! :lol: I want to celebrate with the people I love... often. All the time! I want to be HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can CAN AFFORD each bit of it. I FEEL it is all "done", complete and growing and finetuning in ways beyond my imagination. I AFFORD IT. I trust it. I believe it. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE ME.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: Yes, and so it is!

I say: Please, guide me the way. I believe you. I give in. I give myself into sources arms. I give in.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 7

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to give ALL the how and who and when to source, and solely care for my vibration. I DO MY JOB, and expect source to do theirs!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to UNCONDITIONALLY be happy and free, NO MATTER WHAT. I can do that. I know how this works. I WANT to do that.
It feels easy. It feels calling. It feels free, and it feels happy! :lol: It feels as an awesome job, probably the best job I ever had. It feels challenging, and I know, I am ready and I am capable. No problem, at all!!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to master love. I want to be love. I want to live love!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can dive into this, FULLY. I can do that. I can master that. It feels like the thing, I want to do in this 30 days. I want to master this, in this month.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: You can, and you will!

I say: Amen.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 7

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to be in the mood of love. Love, love, love love!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to drop EVERYTHING else! I CAN afford to let go of all other. As, when I'm in the mood of LOVE, all is cared for. I just may love. And it feels free, empowered, full of joy, absolutely clear: Love contains all of it, and gives me all solutions. LOVE.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to master love. I want to be love. I want to live love! Today, I love my body. I love allthe sweet wonderful, YOUNG cells of my body, that- as young and frisky they are, are totally wise, and brilliant. I LOVE my physical body-cells! I love my cells of my organs, and my flesh, and my blood and my brains and my bones and my hair.... I LOVE MY CELLS. I feel such deep appreciation and thankfulness and LOVE for them! WE. We, together. We are one. We are in this together! Lets have fun, lets be close, lets trust each other. Thank you, thank you body-cells! Do your best, and have the best time! THANK YOU FOR BEING!! It feels fresh and tingling and full of light and loving joy! I am LOVE! I am love. I am glowing, happy, open, trusting, adoring LOVE.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to that, in pure true, wide, blissful love!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: ALLOW!

I say: I do! :hearts: :vortex:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 8

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to be in the mood of love.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to praise, rather than blame.
I can afford to look at the wanted side, rather than the unwanted. This is a DECISION. This is a willingness, to choose happiness, instead of being right. And it feels SO MUCH BETTER! Certainly, I deserve this! I CAN AFFORD it to feel better, period! And in that feeling better, I get the clarity how it really is- and that means, I know what is right. And Love is always right. I am eager for this. I am willing to research it. I want it. And I can afford to do what it takes to get there.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to master love, in not choosing what feels bad. I want to look at the beauty. I want to look at the happy. I want to look at the what-they-can do, and do-do-well!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to start something very new, something challenging, something with not so much momentum: It feels as a new ära of being me. It really does. It feels fresh and very promising. It feels intense. It feels very very calling. It feels adventurous.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: You really really can -and will!- do it!

I say: I will.

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 9

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to be in the mood of love. When I am in love, I am no longer a problem. I am no longer part of any problem- I am part of the solutions. I WANT THAT.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to be "selfishly" happy, and in doing so, add to the joy and goodness and clarity of this world. It is SO EASY!!!! :lol: Now the only thing to do is turn around long trained bad habits. :lol: But, I can do that, eventually! And doing so feels soooo much better than misery! :hearts:

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to love myself. Or, as Abe say: Be happy with me unconditionally, no matter what. I want to love my body. I want to love my personality. I want to love me, doing mistakes from time to time :roll: I want to love me, being sick. I want to love me. Period.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to allow me! I can allow me, and appreciate me and LOVE ME. Each time I stated something, the world felt larger around me. I want to love so fully and wholly that everything less would be an anomaly. It feels healed. It feel whole. It feels delightful and fresh, while complete and long done, really. This is who I really am- and so, it feels like coming home!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: We will all help you! You'll get reminded and waked up, and nudged, and CALLED. It will be obvious!

I say: Thank you so much! This feels even better. THANK YOU!

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 10

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE. I want to focus on the opportunity to love what is there, what is the Given around me, who I am in the moment...

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to focus in love! I can open my heart in the middle of a crazy heatwave, and LOVE the summer! I can afford to interact with a person who is a pain in the a**, and focus on the opportunity to train unconditional joy and even, maybe, unconditional love! I can afford to look at my empty bank-account and be PROUD that I made all this beautiful, costly choices, that brought so much joy, and love my generousity, and love my trust that things will balance out fast, and maybe even bring so much more money! I CAN afford to always look at the wanted sides.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to feel always as in Paradise, because I always look at the wanted- which is "the highest form of Love"!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to be happy! :lol: It is not crazy, but LOVING! Feeling good is the highest form of Love. Man, it helps so much to say it 10 times: Feeling joyful is the highest form of Love. When I don't feel good, I am no where near true love! All less than feeling good is BS! IT IS NOT LOVE. Love ranks on the highest place in the EGS, and that is where I feel like source: GOOD. Divine. Awesome. Clear in my total KNOWING, POWER, FREEDOM and LOVE.

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: Get it deeper than ever, that Good FEELS good! Good is good. When you don't feel good, you've got it wrong, then turn around. YOU GET THAT!

I say: I do. Thank you, thank you, loving "dear" God, Lieber Gott, joyful God, loving happy friendly, benevolent Universe! THIS IS A PARADISE! And when I want to be in Paradise, I've gotta SEE it where it is: ALL AROUND ME!
spiritualcookie wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 12:11 pm
once more, THANK YOU, Cookie! Your creation is beautiful and so helpful :hearts:
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by spiritualcookie »

Paradise-on-Earth wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 12:18 pm once more, THANK YOU, Cookie! Your creation is beautiful and so helpful :hearts:
:hearts: :wave:
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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 11

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE. I want to let go of all resistances. I want to embrace what I want, and what is so easy to love, but also, I want to embrace what I fear. I want to embrace ALL of it. It all belongs to me, in this moment, when I am aware of it.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to LOVE fully and wholly! Love is what makes me be safe. Love is what makes me see. Love is the ultimate thing that I truly want.

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want the ABUNDANCE of love, the unhindered, unresisted, awesome, bountiful WELLBEING that comes with love. I want to live Paradise on Earth, fully, wholly, unhindered, aware and deliberate!

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to open my heart, open my arms to embrace, open my floodgates, let it all come and deeply, totally, fully TRUST it! I am worthy! I am a child of God.I am God in physical form. I AM ME! And that feels like who I truly am!!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: You got this! You got this. ALL IS WELL!!!

I say: I relax into my resistances. I relax into what I fear. I relax into what I love. I relax into what is not yet complete- as this is ME, this is LIFE! And I want to live fully, within things being incomplete!!! :lol:

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Re: Being a match to outrageous Abundance!

Post by Paradise-on-Earth »


Day 12

What is it generally that I want to have? How would that feel?
-I want to LOVE. I want nothing less than this FEELING, this wonderful whole, full, satisfied emotion of me, LOVING.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to only LOVE! Nothing else is so full, so whole, so sweet, so healing, so good. Nothing else answers all questions, heals all wounds, completely unconditionally. I LOVE.I LOVE.And whenever I do- I am ok in an instant! It feeeeels soooooo goooood!!!

What is it specifically that I want, now, and how does that feel?
-I want to have love as the answer for everything! I want to live, enjoy, be, love. All the time. All the time.

...I can afford that! (I can buy that!) I can afford to not care for anything less! I want to train love.I want to be love. It feels soooo good, whenever I do. I solves all what is less!

What does source say to me, about this?
Source says: We will help you, on every step! Your intention has been heard. You can trust, we will nudge you! ;)

I say: THANK YOU!! That is what I need and want!

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